区块链技术交易服务平台前十名分别为:OKEX、B网、ZB、库币(KuCoin)、火币网(Huobi)、gate.io、BiKi、Coinbase Pro、Binance和MXC,那也是全球十大区块链交易服务平台,用户依据排行榜能够有一个清楚的排行了解。
The top ten of the block chain technical trading service platforms are: OKEX, B Network, ZB, Kucoin, Huobi, Gate.io, Biki, Coinbase Pro, Binance and MXC, which are also global 10 block chain trading service platforms with a clear ranking of users.

The assets of OKEX amount to $35,351.06 million, with a total of 523 transactions and a total of $7,892 million in 24 hours.
OKEX是全球有名的数字资产阿里国际站之一,主要是为全球用户给予BTC、比特币、以太坊等数字资产的现货交易和衍生产品交易服务项目,归属于OKEX Technology Company Limited。 OKEX开创时,赢得了世界知名投资者Tim Draper参加成立的创业工场百万美金的天使投资人,Tim Draper老先生同时又是Hotmail、百度搜索、特斯拉汽车等世界知名公司的投资者。
OKEX, one of the world’s well-known digital assets, is one of the international stations Ali, which provides global users with spot trading and derivative trading services for digital assets such as BTC, Bitcoin, Ether, etc., under the umbrella of OKEX Technology Company Limited. When it was launched, OKEX won a million-dollar angel investor from a world-renowned investor, Tim Draper, who was also an investor in world-renowned companies such as Hotmail, 100-degree search, Tesla, etc.
A total of 448 transactions, worth $779 million, were processed in 24 hours, amounting to $48,74.29 million.
Bittrex别名B网,给予币币、美金与币的服务项目,申请注册比较简单。Bittrex建立于2015年,是美国的BTC阿里国际站,适用200好几个交易对,每日的交易量达数十亿rmb。 Bitterex团队组员来源于微软公司、亚马逊平台、Qualys和黑莓等众多企业,在服务方面已经拥有超过50年以上专业安全与项目经验。
Bittrex has been established in 2015 at the BTC Ali International Station in the United States for more than 200 transactions, amounting to billions of rmbs per day. Bitterex’s team members come from a large number of companies such as Microsoft, Amazon Platform, Qualys, and BlackBerry, with more than 50 years of professional security and project experience in service.
The Chinese currency trading platform has $300 million in assets, and there are 160 transactions, with $624 million in 24 hours.
中币(ZB)是全球领先的数字资产交易综合服务平台,2013年成立以来,为全球超出1000万用户给予数字资产交易服务项目,早已稳定经营了7年的时间,日均交易额30亿美元以上,BTC、ZB、EOS、XRP 流行货币交易量市场份额长期性遥遥领先。 提供帮助:币币交易、货币交易、金融杠杆交易、抵押贷款、存币挖币。
The Chinese currency (ZB) is the world’s leading platform for integrated digital asset trading services. Since its establishment in 2013, it has been stable for more than 10 million users worldwide for more than seven years, with an average of more than $3 billion a day, with BTC, ZB, EOS, and XRP’s market share of popular currency transactions long ahead.
全篇前言 在解决这个问题以前,币圈子我先和大家聊聊BTC,BTC发售与2009年,近些年迅猛发展,变成了虚拟货币中币王,导致投资比特币的投资人愈来愈多,掌握完BTC,返回主题,大家都知道,一个货币的总市值是体现该货币是否有升值空间
Before I solve this problem, I would like to talk to you about the BTC, BTC sales and 2009, which have grown rapidly in recent years into virtual currency kings, leading to a growing number of investors investing in bitcoins, mastering the BTC, returning to the subject matter, and everyone knows that the total market value of a currency is a reflection of whether there is room for appreciation of that currency.
4, Kucoin
A total of 301 transactions were carried out, amounting to $123 million in 24 hours.
Coin (KuCoin) is a well-known global platform for integrated virtual currency transactions, offering multi-digital asset transactions. Founded in September 2017, the Coco has developed into one of the most popular platforms for integrated virtual currency transactions, currently offering one-stop services, such as currency, currency, contracts, Pool-X, and borrowing, to 5 million users in 207 countries and territories around the world. In November 2018, the Coco was financed by IDG capital and 20 million United States dollars of A-share equity investments at the same time as in Seoul, Japan, Italy, Spain, Viet Nam, Turkey, Russia and India.

A total of 662 transactions, worth $5,074 million, were traded in 24 hours, amounting to $14,946 million.
火币网是通过北京市火币网天底下网络技术有限公司经营,2013年9月发布,是全球领先的BTC交易平台之一。 2014年3月4日,火币网日交易量超过26万只,交易金额达10亿元人民币,造就了全球BTC交易服务平台中的最高纪录,是当前全球交易量最大的一个BTC交易平台之一。2014年03月19日,火币网发布比特币现货交易交易。
It was launched in September 2013 as one of the world’s leading BTC trading platforms. On 4 March 2014, it traded more than 260,000 dollars a day, amounting to RMB 1 billion, creating the highest record in the global BTC trading service platform, one of the largest global trading platforms in the world.
A total of 440 transactions, valued at $143 million in 24 hours, represent $204 million in the assets of the trading services platform.
2020年7月22日,Gate.io知名品牌全新升级,中文名字“芝麻开门”正式启用。 gate.io 大门口阿里国际站,是一家有立场的全球区块链资产阿里国际站。从13年创办迄今,已经为来源于全球超出130个国家和地区上百万用户,带来了近千种高品质区块链资产品类交易和投资金融。gate.io专注于做一家信得过的安全性、平稳、有信誉度的区块链资产阿里国际站,既为用户提供优质、方便快捷、公平公正的区块链资产交易服务项目,与此同时充分保障用户的交易网络信息安全和资金安全。
Since its inception in 13 years, millions of users from more than 130 countries and regions around the world have generated nearly 1,000 high-quality chain asset-type transactions and investment finance. Gate.io focuses on a secure, stable, and credible regional chain asset International site that provides users with high-quality, fast, fair and equitable chain-based asset-trading services, while at the same time providing adequate security and financial security for their trading networks.
The BiKi trading service platform had assets of US$ 12.880 million, a total of 300 transactions and a total of US$ 807 million in 24 hours.
Founded in 2018 and based in Malaysia, the BiKi Group is a global technology chain digital asset trading service provider. Business processes under this phase include spot trading, derivatives trading, digital banking, block chain industry project investment, etc. The domestic market already has over 40 per cent of the small currency's newly increased market share, with marketing centres in seven countries, including Singapore, my country, Korea, Viet Nam, Japan, Russia and Mexico.
8、Coinbase Pro
Coinbase Pro交易服务平台财产22.17亿美金,一共有74个交易对,24钟头成交量3.61亿美金。
Coinbase Pro trading service platform property of $2,217 million, with 74 transactions in total and 361 million in 24 hours.
Coinbase Pro总公司开设在国外,为用户提供优质的渠道,便捷用户进行相应的数字资产项目投资。Coinbase Pro服务平台页面简约实用,包含即时订单号查询、图表工具、交易历史数据和简单订单流程。
Coinbase Pro operates abroad to provide a high-quality channel for users to invest in the corresponding digital asset items. Coinbase Pro service platform pages are user-friendly and include instant orders number queries, graphic tools, transaction history data and simple order processes.
(Note: Chinese users only support email applications at this stage!) Property of $2.279 billion, 677 transactions equal to $10.811 billion in 24 hours.
A group of digital-assembly friends, led by CZ, the founder of out-of-country Kokcoin, formed into a trading service platform focused on block-chain assets. The founder, Zhao Chang Poon, continued to disagree with the former boss, Okcoin, but later found that the service platform was largely well-placed.
The MXC trading services platform has $50 million in property, with 405 transactions in total and $545 million in 24 hours.
MXC Ali International is a service platform dedicated to the communication and exchange of block chain assets, created by the elite team of outstanding block chain technology practitioners on Wall Street in the United States and in the European region of Japan, based on block chain technology. MXC also provides users with a more secure, fast, intelligent commodity-flowing service for block chain assets, bringing together global high-quality block chain assets, combining the world’s top technology for safe production, and investing in the world’s top block chain asset, Ali International.
(1)指导价交易方式详细介绍: 指导价买进/售出就是指用户设置一个买进/售出币价格和总数,形成委托书,系统自动商谈市场中的付钱和卖盘,一旦做到用户设定的价钱便依照价高者得时长优先等级全自动交易量。
(1) A detailed description of the manner in which price transactions are conducted: Guidance on purchase/sale is the establishment by the user of a purchase/sale price and total amount of money, the formation of a power of attorney, the system automatically negotiates payments and pallets in the market, and once the price set by the user is met, the full volume of automatic transactions is given in accordance with the priority ranking of time and time for those with high prices.
(2)市场价交易方式详细介绍: 市场价买就是指用户设置一个总额,形成委托书,从卖一开始商谈直至总额交易量进行。市场价卖就是指用户设定要售卖的总币数,形成委托书,从买一开始商谈直至总币数交易进行。
Market price is a total amount set by the user to form a power of attorney, from the outset of the sale to the total amount of the transaction. Market price is a total amount set by the user to be sold to form a power of attorney, from the outset of the purchase to the total amount of the transaction.
(3)币币交易方式详细介绍: 币币交易主要用于虚似数字资产和虚拟数字资产间的交易,以其中一种币做为计价单位来购买别的货币,币币交易标准同是依照价高者得时长优先等级进行商谈交易。
(3) The manner in which currency transactions are carried out is described in detail: currency transactions are mainly transactions between virtual and virtual digital assets, one of which is used as a denominated unit for the purpose of purchasing other currencies, and currency transactions are conducted on the same basis that transactions are negotiated on the basis of the time and priority given to those with higher prices.
(4)C2C交易方式详细介绍: 交易彼此根据自己的需求在C2C交易软件上公布买币或卖币的交易信息内容。交易双方依据合同约定的支付方式,线下推广进行交易,服务平台做为中介人从交易成功每一笔交易中扣除一定比例的服务费。
(4) The C2C transaction is described in detail: The transaction is published on the C2C transaction software according to each other’s needs.
(5)OTC场内外交易方式详细介绍: 是一套不同于交易所以外线下推广选购虚拟货币的渠道,店家还可以在该网站上发表选购/售卖广告宣传,选购/售卖用户根据线下推广转帐的形式进行选购/售卖,转帐结束后服务平台会把冻洁的虚拟货币转至购方。
(5) Detailed information on intra- and off-site OTC transactions: It is a channel for the promotion of the purchase of virtual currencies outside the exchange, where shopkeepers can also publish an advertisement for the purchase/sale, and purchase/sales users can buy/sale in the form of a wire transfer, which will result in the transfer of frozen virtual money to the buyer by the service platform.
(6)交易挖币方式详细介绍: 交易所服务平台取出一定比例的手续费收入来退还给服务平台用户,退还的是平台币,交易所服务平台依照比例标准,取出一定比例做为挖币奖赏,挖币就是指在互联网上开展交易,来慢慢开启平台币,直到平台币所有意见反馈进行。
(6) A detailed description of the trade-digging method: Exchange service platforms take out a percentage of the fee revenue to be returned to the users of the platform; they return the money of the platform; the exchange service platforms take out a percentage, according to the proportionality criteria, as a reward for the decoupling of currency, which means conducting transactions on the Internet, slowly opening the platform currency until all feedback of the platform's currency is received.
(7)期货交易/合-约交易方式详细介绍: 股指期货合约是买家允许在一段特定时间后按相应价钱接受某类财产,卖家允许在一段特定时间后按相应价钱交货某类资产协议书。协商一致未来交易中使用的价钱称之为期货行情。彼此未来一定要进行交易的特定R期称作清算日或交收日。协商一致互换的财产称之为“标底”。
(7) Futures transaction/contracting-contracting modalities are described in detail: The equity contract is that the buyer allows a particular type of property to be accepted at the appropriate price after a specified period of time, and the seller allows a particular type of asset agreement to be delivered at the appropriate price after a specified period of time. The price to be used in consensus future transactions is referred to as futures. The specific R period for which the transaction must be made in the future is referred to as the liquidation or collection date.
(8)不断合-约交易方式详细介100绍: 永续合约是一种新型与众不同的合同,合约的目标为允许高杠杆的情形下拷贝现货交易市场的市情。该合同不容易交收,并可以通过各种各样体制紧随参照物价指数。该合同从传统的股指期货合约的交易演化来,但永续合约相较传统式股指期货合约拥有更很大的优势和更多的风险性,适用多头空头双重交易、设立是指一百倍很不错、可 持股,可股权溢价等。
(8) The continuing contract is a new and unique type of contract, with the objective of copying the market for spot trading under conditions that allow high leverage. The contract is not easy to accept, and can be followed closely by reference price indices through a variety of institutions. The contract evolves from a trade in traditional stock-based futures contracts, but the permanent contract has greater advantages and risks than traditional stock-based futures contracts, applies multiple empty double transactions, is 100 times good, can hold shares, can offer equity premiums, etc.
(9) Currency transactions: i.e. currency transactions against virtual currencies, where currencies are based on different countries, such as United States dollars, yen, etc. The advantage is to be able to quickly convert virtual currencies into currencies, and in fact to be quickly realized.
(10) Negotiation of transactions: This is generally common in currency transactions where service platforms negotiate transactions with purchase and sale orders.
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