比特币价格突破 3 万美元 可能为 SOL等开启上涨通道|美元|USDT|比特币

资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:87 评论:0



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  作者:Rakesh Upadhyay,Cointelegraph;编译:松雪,金色财经

: Rakesh Upadhyay, Cointelegraph; ed. ,

  比特币度过了美好的一周,价格上涨约 10%,达到 30,000 美元的重要心理水平。 反弹之后,困扰投资者的问题是:上涨趋势是否会持续,还是会发生逆转。

After a wonderful week with a price increase of about 10%, reaching an important psychological level of $30,000, the question for investors after the rebound is whether the upward trend will be sustained or reversed.

  交易团队Stockmoney Lizards最近表示,比特币可能很快就会突破其上方阻力位并开始大幅反弹。 他们认为,该 ETF 的批准将推动大规模采用,并在 2024 年 4 月减半之前引发反弹。

The trading team StockMoney Lizards recently indicated that Bitcoin might soon break through its upper resistance position and start a major rebound. , in their view, approval of the ETF would promote large-scale adoption and trigger a rebound by half by April 2024.


  加密货币市场数据。 来源:Coin360

Encrypted currency market data. Source: Coin360

  本周的一个积极进展是,比特币的强势影响到了几种山寨币,这些山寨币飙升至各自的上方阻力位之上。 这表明市场情绪正在逐渐转为积极,也许是时候考虑选择性购买了。

One of the positive developments this week is that Bitcoin's strength has affected a number of mountain coins, which soar above each other's upper resistance. This suggests that market sentiment is gradually turning positive, and perhaps it is time to consider selective purchases.


usually, the encrypted currency that leads the market up is doing well. The encrypted currency that lags behind is usually good at the end.

  让我们看一下近期可能跑赢大盘的前 5 名加密货币的图表。

Let's look at the chart of the top five encrypted currencies that may win in the near future.


bitcoin price analysis >/strang

  比特币在 30,000 美元大关附近见证了多头和空头之间的激烈战斗,但一个积极的迹象是买家并没有放弃太多阵地。


  BTC/USDT 日线图。 来源:TradingView

BT/USDT Sunline. Source: TradingView

  当前水平附近的盘整表明,多头并不急于获利了结,因为他们预计还会进一步走高。 这可能会将价格推升至 31,000 美元至 32,400 美元之间的上方阻力区。

The panning near the current level of indicates that many of them are not in a hurry to settle because they expect further upswings, which could push prices up to the upper resistance zone between US$ 31,000 and US$ 32,400.

  相反,如果价格从 31,000 美元下跌,BTC/USDT 交易对可能会跌至 20 天指数移动平均线(28,160 美元)。 如果价格从该水平回升,多头将再次尝试清除上方障碍。

Conversely, if the price falls from $31,000, the BTC/USDT transaction may fall to the 20-day moving average of the index ($28,160). If the price rises from that level, multiple attempts will be made to remove the above barrier.

  如果跌破 20 日均线,积极情绪将被抵消。 这可能会使该交易对在一段时间内保持在 31,000 美元至 24,800 美元的区间内。

If the 20-day average falls, the positive mood will be offset, which may keep the transaction within the range of $31,000 to $24,800 over a period of time.


  BTC/USDT 4 小时图。 来源:TradingView

BT/USDT 4-hour map. Source: TradingView

  从 4 小时图来看,该交易对处于上升趋势。 通常,在上涨过程中,交易者会在 20 日均线逢低买入?。 如果发生这种情况,这将表明市场情绪仍然看涨,并且每次小幅下跌都会被买入。 随后,该交易对可能会继续上涨至 32,400 美元。

shows that the transaction is on the upward trend from a four-hour map. Usually, in the process of rising, traders buy lows at the 20-day average?

  相反,如果价格跌破20日均线,则表明交易者可能会匆忙平仓。 这可能为进一步下跌至重要支撑位 28,143 美元打开大门。

, on the other hand, if the price falls off the 20-day average, it may indicate that the traders may rush down, which may open the door for a further drop to an important support position of $28,143.


Solana's price analysis /font >

  Solsna 于 10 月 19 日突破颈线,完成看涨的反向头肩形态。 此设置的目标为 32.81 美元。

On October 19, solsna broke the neckline and completed the upward-looking inverted shoulder form. The target set is $32.81.


  SOL/USDT 日线图。 来源:TradingView

SOL/USDT Sunline Chart. Source: TradingView

  相对强度指数(RSI)的超买水平表明可能会出现修正。 下行方面值得关注的重要支撑位是 27.12 美元。 从该水平强劲反弹将表明多头已将该水平转变为支撑位。 这将改善上涨趋势持续的前景。 高于 32.81 美元,反弹可能触及 39 美元。

The overpurchase level of the relative strength index (RSI) suggests that there may be a possibility of correction. The important bottom-up support is US$ 27.12. A strong rebound from this level would indicate that many of the levels have been transformed into support positions. This would improve the prospects for a sustained upward trend.

  留给熊市的时间已经不多了。 如果他们想停止上涨,就必须将价格拉回 27.12 美元以下。 随后 SOL/USDT 交易对可能会跌至颈线。 这仍然是值得关注的关键水平,因为跌破该水平将表明突破 27.12 美元可能是假象。

If they want to stop the rise, they will have to pull the price back below US$ 27.12.SOL/USDT transactions may then fall to the neck line. This remains a critical level of concern, because a break in that level would suggest a breakthrough of US$ 27.12 might be false.


  SOL/USDT 4 小时图。 来源:TradingView

SOL/USDT 4-hour map. Source: TradingView

  4小时图显示,多头面临30美元附近的强劲阻力。 这可能会开始回调,并可能达到 27.12 美元的突破水平。 预计买家将大力捍卫这一水平。 该水平强劲反弹可能表明上涨趋势将恢复。

The four-hour map of shows strong resistance around $30, which may begin to bounce back and possibly reach a breakout level of $27.12. Buyers are expected to defend this level vigorously. A strong rebound at this level may indicate a return to the upward trend.

  相反,如果价格下跌并跌破 27.12 美元,则将表明空头在更高水平上积极抛售。 随后该交易对可能会跌至 24.50 美元附近的颈线。 该水平可能会再次见证多头的强劲买盘。

, on the other hand, if prices fall and fall by $27.12, this would indicate a positive selling of the empty at a higher level, which could then fall to the neck line near $24.50, which might once again witness a strong multi-headed buyout.


Chainlink price analysis

  自 2022 年 5 月以来,Chainlink 一直在 5.50 美元至 9.50 美元之间的窄幅区间内交易,表明供需平衡。


  LINK/USDT 日线图。 来源:TradingView

LINK/USDT Sunline. Source: TradingView

  多头试图通过 10 月 22 日突破该区间来解决上行的不确定性,但蜡烛图上的长影线表明空头不愿意放松。 如果多头在当前水平上不放弃太多阵地,则将增强反弹至 9.50 美元上方的前景。

  然后,LINK/USDT 交易对可能开始向 13.50 美元的形态目标移动。 通常,长期盘整的突破会导致大幅反弹。 在这种情况下,上涨趋势可能会延伸至 15 美元,然后延伸至 18 美元。

then, the LINK/USDT transaction may start moving towards a target of $13.50. Normally, a long-term clean-up break could lead to a significant rebound. In this case, the upward trend may extend to $15 and then to $18.

  下行的第一个支撑位是 8.50 美元。 如果空头将价格拉低至该水平以下,则表明区间波动可能会持续一段时间。

The first supporting position under is $8.50. If the empty head lowers the price below that level, it indicates that inter-zone fluctuations may continue for some time.


  LINK/USDT 4 小时图。 来源:TradingView

LINK/USDT 4-hour map. Source: TradingView

  该交易对从 7.50 美元大幅上涨,推动 RSI 在 4 小时图上深入超买区域。 这表明近期反弹过度,可能导致回调或盘整。

the transaction rose significantly from $7.50, pushing RSI to go deep into the overpurchase area on a 4-hour map, indicating a recent rebound that could lead to rewinding or consolidation.

  下行的坚实支撑位是 8.75 美元,然后是 8.50 美元。 从该区域的强劲反弹将表明市场情绪依然乐观,交易者逢低买入。 这将增加重新测试 9.75 美元的可能性。

A strong rebound from the region would indicate that market sentiment remains optimistic and traders buy low. This would increase the possibility of retesting $9.75.

  相反,跌破 20 日均线将表明空头重新卷土重来。 然后该交易对可能会达到 7 美元。

, on the contrary, a break in the 20th mean line would indicate a return of the void, and then the deal might reach $7.


Aave price analysis/font>

  10 月 21 日,Aave 升至下降趋势线上方,使看跌下降三角形结构失效。 一般来说,负面设置的失败会引发看涨走势。

On October 21st, Aave rose above the downward trend line, rendering the drop-down triangle ineffective. Generally speaking, the failure of negative settings triggers a upward trend.


  AAVE/USDT 日线图。 来源:TradingView

AAVE/USDT Sunline. Source: TradingView

  两条移动平均线均已开始上升,RSI 处于超买区域,表明多头处于优势。 如果价格维持在下降趋势线上方,AAVE/USDT 交易对可能会首先飙升至 88 美元,然后升至 95 美元。

The two moving average lines have started to rise, and RSI is in an over-buying area, indicating a multi-faceted advantage. If prices remain above the downward trend line, AAVE/USDT transactions may rise first to $88 and then to $95.

  如果空头想要阻止这种上涨,他们将不得不迅速将价格拉回下降趋势线下方。 这可能会让一些激进的多头措手不及,并开始对移动平均线进行修正。 跌破 50 日简单移动平均线(62 美元)将使空头重新占据主导地位。

If you want to stop the rise, they will have to quickly pull back the price below the downward trend line. This may surprise some radical crowds and begin to fix the moving average.


  AAVE/USDT 4 小时图。 来源:TradingView

AAVE/USDT 4-hour map. Source: TradingView

  4小时图显示,空头试图阻止下行趋势线的反弹,但多头并未放弃太多阵地。 势头增强,该交易对正在向 88 美元走高。

4-hour map shows that the empty head tried to prevent a backlash from the downward trend line, but many of them did not abandon too many positions. Momentum is gaining, the deal is going up to $88.

  短期内的一个小问题是 RSI 飙升至超买区域,表明可能出现盘整或修正。 下跌过程中,第一个支撑位为 72 美元。 空头必须将价格拉至下降趋势线以下才能困住多头。

A small problem in the short term for is that RSI skyrocketed to the overbuying area, suggesting that there could be a whole or a fix. During the fall, the first support position was $72. The empty head had to be pulled below the downward trend line in order to trap the head.


Stacks price analysis



  STX/USDT 日线图。 来源:TradingView

STX/USDT Sunline. Source: TradingView

  移动平均线的看涨交叉表明多头具有优势。 短期内,RSI 的超买水平表明可能会出现小幅调整或盘整。 下行的第一个支撑位是 20 日均线(0.54 美元)。

In the short term, the overpurchase level of RSI suggests the possibility of minor adjustments or pans. The first support position for the lower line is the 20-day mean line ($0.54).

  如果价格从该水平反弹,则将表明情绪从逢高卖出转为逢低买入。 这将增加继续上涨的可能性。 STX/USDT 交易对可能首先升至 0.80 美元,随后升至 0.90 美元。

If the price rebounds from that level, it will indicate a shift in emotions from high sales to low purchases, which will increase the likelihood of continued increases. STX/USDT deals may rise first to $0.80 and then to $0.90.

  如果价格下跌并跌破 20 日均线,这种积极观点将在短期内失效。

This positive view will expire in the short term if prices fall and fall off the 20-day average.


  STX/USDT 4 小时图。 来源:TradingView

STX/USDT 4-hour map. Source: TradingView

  从 4 小时图上可以看出,价格一直在 0.61 美元至 0.65 美元之间的窄幅区间内盘整。 这是一个积极的信号,因为它表明多头并没有急于退出,因为他们预计还会上涨。 如果买家将价格推高至 0.65 美元以上,该交易对将尝试反弹至 0.68 美元,然后升至 0.75 美元。

shows, from a four-hour map, that prices have been rounded up between $0.61 and $0.65. This is a positive sign because it shows that many are not in a hurry to exit, as they are expected to rise. If the buyer pushes the price up to over $0.65, the transaction will try to rebound to $0.68 and then rise to $0.75.

  与这一假设相反,如果价格下跌并跌破 20 均线,则表明短期交易者获利了结。 随后该交易对可能会跌至 50 移动平均线。

, contrary to this assumption, if the price falls and falls into the 20th mean line, it means that the short-term traders are profitable. The transaction may then fall to the 50th moving average.




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