Bybit報告顯示機構投資者和散戶投資者的穩定幣持有量減少Indonesia - BahasaUSA - espa?olBRAZIL - PortugueseAPAC - EnglishUSA - E
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:67 评论:0數據還顯示,所有用戶持有的穩定幣呈下降趨勢,從去年12月的50.2%降至5月的42.8%。除去穩定幣,61%的用戶加密投資分配給了比特幣和以太坊(ETH)。
The data also show a downward trend in the steady currency holdings of all users, from 50.2 per cent in December to 42.8 per cent in May last year, with the elimination of the stable currency, with 61 per cent of the user-encrypted investment allocated to Bitcoins and Ether (ETH).
與機構類似,盡管ETH Spot ETF再次被看好,但散戶交易者仍然偏好比特幣而非以太坊。不過,與散戶交易者相比,機構在比特幣和以太坊上的持倉變得更加集中,截至5月份,機構持倉分別占39.4%和20.9%。
As with institutions, even though ETH Spot ETF is once again regarded, bulk traders still prefer bitcoins rather than Etheria. However, the organization’s holdings on bitcoins and Etheria have become more concentrated than those of bulk traders, with a difference of 39.4 per cent and 20.9 per cent as of May.
Bybit機構負責人Eugene Cheung表示:「作為業內領先的加密貨幣交易所,Bybit不斷鞏固其作為尋求可靠、穩健交易平台的機構首選合作伙伴的地位。我們致力於提供充足流動性,確保資產安全,並提供高資本效益的賬戶結構,這使我們與眾不同。我們將一如既往地致力於提供優質的服務和支持,幫助機構在充滿活力的數字資產世界中茁壯成長。」
Eugene Cheung, head of the Bybit institution, said, "As an industry-led and encrypted currency exchange, Bybit continues to assert its position as the first partner of an institution seeking a reliable and stable trading platform. We are committed to providing sufficient liquidity, ensuring security of assets, and providing a high-valued account structure, which makes us different. As always, we will work to provide high-quality services and support to enable the institution to flourish in a vibrant digital world."
The report also provides an in-depth analysis of institutional and dispersed traders holding altcoin. Click .
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