On October 28, local time, Facebook founder Zuckerberg announced that his company’s overall brand name would be “ Meta” and that social media Facebook operations would be downgraded to one of its subsidiaries, along with other social media outlets such as Instagram and WhatsApp.
The new name with the sci-fi is & ldquao; the meta-cosmos & & rdquao;. Zuckerberg says that changing the name means that his company will invest in a new virtual Internet platform.
That afternoon, former & ldquao; thumb & rdquao; company logos were removed and replaced with a new blue symbol like unlimited symbols. But, according to the outside world, simply changing the name does not solve the public opinion crisis that Facebook is currently facing.
What did Zuckerberg say?
在当天的Facebook Connect大会上,扎克伯格对改名给出的解释是,新品牌“Meta”可以更好地涵盖其公司正在做的事情,即该公司不只是专注于社交媒体,还要扩展到虚拟现实(VR)等领域,打造一个新型虚实相融互联网平台。
At the Facebook Connect Congress on the same day, Zuckerberg explained the name change as the new brand & ldquo; Meta” it could better cover what its company was doing, namely, it was not only focusing on social media, but also extending to areas such as virtual reality (VR) to create a new virtual Internet platform.
The new name & & ldquo; Meta” from Greek, meaning & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; also representing & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & ; ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; ) ) & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & & & ). & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& ldquo; meta-cosmos & rdquao; described as a virtual reality in 3D form: people can move away from computers, mobile phones, etc., to virtual digital environments using virtual reality devices (VR glasses, headphones, etc.) to work, entertain, socialize and shop. & ldquo; you really feel like you're with someone else. & rdquao; Zuckerberg says.
科技新闻网站The Verge报道称,“元宇宙”这一概念来自科幻小说作家尼尔·斯蒂芬森(Neal Stephenson)1992年的作品《雪崩》。其指代的是一个独立、平行于现实世界之外,基于虚拟现实、增强现实、共享技术等科技而存在的3D在线虚拟空间。目前市面上已有多款含有虚拟世界、用户自建属性的游戏,也被认为隐含着“元宇宙”的元素。
The Science and Technology News website The Verge reports that & ldquo; the dollar universe & rdquo; this concept from science fiction writer Neil & Middot; and Neal Stephenson's 1992 " Avalanche ". It refers to an independent, parallel virtual 3D space that exists outside the real world, based on technology such as virtual reality, enhanced reality, shared technology, etc. There are many games on the market that contain virtual worlds, user-built attributes, and are also considered to imply & ldquao; elements of the metaspace & rdquao;
▲Facebook“元宇宙”概念视频。图/IC photo
Facebook also published a series of conceptual videos on “ the meta-cosmos & rdquo; for example, users can send their holograms to their friends when they are unable to participate realistically in them, in a virtual way; and when they participate remotely in a meeting of colleagues, they bring their virtual image to the table.
该公司目前也已经推出一款基于“元宇宙”概念的会议软件,当用户使用该公司的Oculus VR耳机时,就可以通过这一款软件进入虚拟办公室参与会议。
The company has also now introduced a conference software based on “ the meta-cosmos & rdquo; and a concept that allows users to enter the virtual office to participate in the meeting when they use the company's Oculus VR headphone.
但对于“元宇宙”何时能完全建成,Facebook全球政策与传播副总裁尼古拉斯·克莱格 (Nicholas Clegg)在一次采访中表示,这可能需要10年到15年。
But for & ldquo; the meta-cosmos & rdquao; when will it be fully built, Nicholas & Middot, Vice-President of Global Policy and Communications on Facebook, and Nicholas Clegg, in an interview, said that this could take 10 to 15 years.
Zuckerberg stated that the change of name also meant that future users would not need to use the company's other services with a Facebook account.
& ldquo; we are today seen as a social media company, and the Woncos are the next frontier, just like when our company started, social networking was seen as an important area for future development. ” Zuckerberg says.
The critics do not buy the accounts for these explanations. According to the outside world, the move was a brand re-branding to save the reputation of Facebook.
这一改名被认为只是“装饰性质的”,因为除了名字换了,其公司结构没有太大变化,高级领导层也没有任何人事变动。只是扎克伯格的个人Facebook主页上,简介改成了“Meta的创始人兼 CEO”。另外,自12月1日起,其公司的股票代码更改为“MVRS”。
This change of name is considered to be only “ decorative & rdquo; because, apart from the change of name, its corporate structure has not changed much, nor has there been any change in the senior leadership. Only on Zuckerberg's personal Facebook page, the profile was changed to “ Meta's founder and CEO” and since 1 December, its stock code was changed to “ MVRS”
Facebook has long been entangled in negative stories about data privacy, content review, etc. The platform has been criticized for being full of false information and has a negative impact on the mental health of youth users.
上个月,其内部员工弗朗西斯·豪根(Frances Haugen)的爆料更是把Facebook推向一场更大的舆论风暴,也使该公司面临一系列国会听证会和监管审查。
Last month, its internal employee, Francis & Middot; and the blast by Frances Haugen, pushed Facebook into a larger public opinion storm, also exposing the company to a series of parliamentary hearings and regulatory reviews.
▲当地时间2021年10月25日,英国伦敦,前Facebook数据科学家、后来成为“吹哨人”的弗朗西丝·豪根出席听证会,声称Facebook公司正在加剧网上仇恨和极端主义。图/IC photo
豪根向美媒和美国证监会披露了该公司数万份内部文件,指控脸书将“公司利益置于公关安全之上”。之后,《华尔街日报》、美联社等17家美媒开展合作,推出围绕这些“脸书档案”(Facebook Files)的系列调查报道。
Haogen revealed tens of thousands of company internal documents to the US media and the US SEC, accusing Facebook of putting &ldquao; corporate interests above public relations security & & & rdquao; followed by 17 media outlets, such as the Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, working together to launch a series of investigative reports around these & & ldquao; Facebook files & & rdquao; and Facebook Files.
The findings of these surveys point to the fact that this social platform has failed to manage bad content such as hate speech, false information, and has exacerbated the real harm to the real world.
Within its own company, including CEO Zuckerberg himself, it is well aware that its social media platforms are full of bad information, as well as of its negative effects. Despite previous media exposures and criticisms, and parliamentary hearings on these issues, the company has not chosen to address them.
When their insiders try to solve these problems, their leaders see this as an impediment to the growth of corporate interests and therefore set aside or negate solutions.
This series of internal documentation investigations also pointed out that Facebook had an inescapable responsibility in the United States & ldquao; 1· 6&rdquao; and riots in the congressional building.
The analysts point out that, while it may be said that hate speech and violence in the United States are not caused by Facebook, this social platform does play the role of &ldquao; amplifier & & rdquao; and that the company has failed in its censorship and control in the event of massive violations of the prohibition of incitement to violence.
A Associated Press investigation reported that & ldquo; Facebook watched Trump ignite hatred in the United States & & rdquao; and that it was only after the riots in the House of Congress that Facebook announced that Trump would not speak until 2023.
In response, BBC noted that the change of name on Facebook was only a public relations attempt to divert attention from its negative news.
Does it work?
When Facebook announced a change of name, the response from the outside world was not too good.
Critics argue that & ldquao; the meta-cosmos & & rdquao; it does not exist, it is just a theoretical concept. It may take a long time to really build this virtual reality platform. Zuckerberg himself stressed that it is a long-term product.
The Associated Press, which followed up on Facebook internal documents, also noted that rebranding of business brands is unlikely to resolve the current crisis facing Facebook or to appease persistent criticism from the outside world.
In the face of a series of public opinion and trust crises, Zuckerberg stated in his speech the same day that & ldquo; I and my company have been ashamed in many ways in the last few years. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, in an article released on the same day & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &,, & & & & &,, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & &
In response to an outside question about the company’s name change, he said that he had changed his name in order to avoid public opinion controversy & ldquo; ridiculous & rdquao; and that since the acquisition of Instagram and WhatsApp in 2014, he had come up with the idea of reshaping the company’s brand, and by early this year he believed that the time had come for change.
In addition, some companies have previously chosen brand remodeling after a scandal or investigation, so many American media have associated this move with these & & ldquo; precedent & & & rdquo; for example, the manufacturer of Marlboro cigarettes, the tobacco giant Philip & Middot; and Morris decided to change its name to Ozea after reputational damage.
对此,Facebook全球政策与传播副总裁尼古拉斯·克莱格 (Nicholas Clegg)表示,媒体的这种类比是不当的,称其“极具误导性”。
In response, Nicholas & Middot, Vice-President of Global Policy and Communication on Facebook; Nicholas Clegg, stated that the media analogy was incorrect and called it &ldquao; it was extremely misleading & rdquao;
Google, also a technology giant, was retitled. In 2015, Google announced the creation of a new parent company, Alphabet.
Google said that the rebranding and renaming were due to the fact that its scope was much greater than the original Google search engine, including new unmanned cars, smart homes, etc. But Google’s brand rebranding attempts were less successful, and the public was more familiar with the name & ldquo; Google & rdquo.
对于Facebook此次的改名,一家品牌设计机构的负责人菲尔·戴维斯(Phil Davis)对《华尔街日报》表示,这种从专注最初产品转型为提供更广泛服务,从而更改品牌名称的情况是相当典型的,对于一些大型公司而言,确实需要这么做。
For the change of name on Facebook, Phil·, the head of a brand design agency; and Phil Davis, for the Wall Street Journal, stated that this shift from focusing on the initial product to providing a wider range of services, and hence changing brand names, was quite typical and indeed needed for some large companies.
▲当地时间2021年10月28日,美国加州门洛帕克,Facebook将更名为“Meta”,来源于“元宇宙”(Metaverse),其总部新logo已公开亮相。图/IC photo
但他也指出,仅凭换一个新名字是不够的,公司转型需要实际的转变。一家名为Radio Shack的电子产品零售商曾为阻止销量下滑而改名为The Shack,但最终还是在6年后破产。
But he also pointed out that it was not enough to change a new name, and that the transformation of the company would require a real transformation. One electronic retailer, Radio Shack, changed its name to The Shack to stop the decline in sales, but eventually went bankrupt six years later.
宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院市场营销系教授帕蒂·威廉姆斯(Patti Williams) 则表示,目前Facebook无论在社交媒体产品层面,还是在总品牌层面,都面临很多负面评价,因此他们想要推出这一新的战略方向,以表明他们不仅仅是Facebook这一社交媒体。
Patti & Middot, Professor, Department of Marketing, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania; Patti Williams, for his part, said that Facebook now faces many negative comments, both at the social media product level and at the overall brand level, and that they want to launch this new strategic direction to show that they are not just Facebook as a social media.
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