详解Merlin Chain的M-Token玩法,35亿美金的流动性争夺战拉开帷幕

资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:112 评论:0



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3 月 19 日,比特币二层网络 Merlin Chain 宣布 M-Token 上线,并开启 M-BTC 的释放。截止撰稿为止,已有 3,406 枚 M-BTC (价值约 2.2 亿美元) 通过跨链涌入 Merlin Chain,空前火爆一度导致比特币网络拥堵。

On March 19, Merlin Chain declared M-Token online and opened the release of M-BTC. At the time of writing, 3,406 M-BTCs (valued at approximately $220 million) had entered Merlin Chain through the chain, causing an unprecedented burst of fire in Bitcoin.

随着 M-Token 上线,梅林的各个生态项目也紧随其后陆续发布重大更新。Merlin 首个 Runes 符文资产 $RUFI 即将开启公平发射,王牌链游 Dragonverse Neo 发布白皮书,并宣布即将发射原生代币 $MDBL,MerlinSwap 宣布即将开启治理代币 $MP 的 IDO,同时 Influpia、MerlinSwap、Unicross 等生态应用先后上线。至此,35 亿美金的流动性争夺战正式拉开帷幕。

With M-Token on the line, various eco-projects in Merlin will be followed by major updates. Merlin’s first Runes symbolic asset, $RUFI, is about to open a fair launch. Dragonverse Neo, the Ace, is about to launch a white paper and announces the launch of the original coin, $MDBL, MerlinSwap, is about to open an IDO to govern MP, and the ecological applications of Influpia, MerlinSwap, Unicross, etc.

本文将解析 M-Token 是什么?怎么玩?以及最重要的问题:冲什么?如果你要参与梅林的二层交互,推荐阅读本文作为入门教程。

This paper will explain what M-Token is. How do you play it? And the most important question is: What do you want to do? If you want to be involved in Merlyn's second-tier interaction, you are recommended to read it as an introductory lesson.

详解Merlin Chain的M-Token玩法,35亿美金的流动性争夺战拉开帷幕  第1张

2 月 7 日,Merlin Chain 开启主网质押活动 Merlin』s Seal,通过质押各类资产获得积分,积分用于在未来换取代币 MERL 的空投(总量的 20%)。质押的一层资产会在 Merlin 二层生成 1:1 的映射资产,这个映射资产就是 M-Token。

On February 7, Merlin Chain opened the main net pledge activity Merlin's Seal, which received credits by pledging various types of assets for a future exchange of airdrops (20% of the total amount of MERL). One layer of pledged assets produces a map of 1:1 on the second floor of Merlin, which is M-Token.

M-Token 的用处有两个:

The use of M-Token is twofold:


1) proof of how many layers of assets have been pledged by the user;

2)参与 Merlin Chain 二层上的交互。

2) Participation in the interaction on the 2nd floor of Merlin Chain.

质押的原始资产将在今年 4 月解锁,用户需销毁对应的 M-Token 来解锁原始资产。

The pledged original assets will be unlocked in April of this year, and users will have to destroy the corresponding M-Token to unlock the original assets.


, for example:

· 2 月份 Alice 在梅林质押了 1 个 BTC。

• In February, Alice pledged a BTC at Merlyn.

· 3 月份 M-Token 上线,Alice 可以去梅林二层领取 1 个 M-BTC。

March M-Token on line, Alice can pick up one M-BTC on the 2nd floor of Merlin.

· 之后 Alice 可以用这 1 个 M-BTC 在二层参与梅林的各种生态项目,赚取收益。例如借贷、质押生息等各种 DeFi 玩法、交互撸毛、参与即将上线的各种资产发射等。当然,Alice 也可以将 M-BTC 卖给别人。

• Alice could then use one of these M-BTCs to engage in various eco-projects in Merlin on the second floor and to earn a profit. Various deFi games, such as borrowing, pledge interest, cross hair, participation in the launch of assets that are about to come online, etc. Alice could also sell the M-BTC to someone else.

· 在这个过程当中,Alice 消耗了 0.5 个 M-BTC。但依然可全程以 1 个 BTC 的质押额度参与梅林积分的挖矿。

• Alice consumes 0.5 M-BTCs in this process. However, one BTC pledge is still available to participate in the mining of Merlin integrals.

· 4 月份质押解锁,Alice 将手头剩余的 0.5 个 M-BTC 进行销毁,然后在一层领回 0.5 个 BTC 以及 1 个 BTC 对应的质押积分。

• In April, Alice unlocked the remaining 0.5 M-BTCs on hand and then returned 0.5 BTCs and 1 BTC equivalent pledge credits on the ground floor.

如果没有参与过主网质押活动,也可以通过跨链等方式获得 M-BTC。

M-BTC may also be obtained, for example, through cross-chaining, if not involved in the main net pledge.


: What is your situation:

情况一,参与过 Merlin 主网的质押活动:通过 Merlin's Seal 领取 M-BTC

Case one, participation in Merlin main network pledge: receiving M-BTC via Merlin's Seal

情况二,未参与质押活动,只有 BTC:通过 Merlin Bridge 跨链获得 M-BTC

Case two, not involved in pledge activity, only BTC: obtained M-BTC via Merlin Bridge cross-link

情况三,没有 BTC 也没有 M-BTC :跨链获得 BTC, 再跨链到 Merlin 获得 M-BTC

Case three, no BTC and no M-BTC: Cross-chain get BTC, then cross-chain to Merlin get M-BTC

M-Token 需要手动点击申请领取才能收到。领取步骤十分简单,且不需要花费 Gas,完全免费。

M-Token needs to click manually to get it.

前往: https://merlinchain.io/mtoken

Goes to:

点击 Apply, 确认。

Click Apple, confirm.


There are a few points that need attention:

NFT 类的 M-Token:如果你质押的是 NFT 类资产,通常在二层 M-Token 的 Metadata 里可以找到对应一层的编号、ID 等信息,方便进行对应。如果你质押的一层 NFT 是不想卖掉的,比如用来做头像的铭文,那么一定要看清楚对应的 M-Token 是哪一个,一旦误操作卖掉,将无法从一层取回。

M-Token: If you pledge NFT-type assets, you can usually find the corresponding level of numbers, IDs, etc. in the Metadata on the second floor of M-Token to facilitate matching. If you pledge a layer of NFT that you don't want to sell, for example, the inscription used to make a head image, you must see which of the corresponding categories is M-Token, and if you mishandle it, you will not be able to retrieve it from the layer.

M-Token 只与一层质押资产绑定,但不与积分绑定。如果 Alice 质押了一个蓝盒子在一层,将 M-蓝盒子卖给了 Bob,那么 Alice 仍可以继续获得蓝盒子的质押积分(到质押结束前的全部积分),而 Bob 可以在解除质押后,凭 M-蓝盒子去换到一层的蓝盒子。

M-Token is bound only to a layer of pledged assets, but not to a fraction. If Alice pledges a blue box in one layer and sells the M-Blue box to Bob, Alice can continue to receive the blue box pledge credits (full credits until the pledge is over), and Bob can replace the M-Blue box with a blue box after the pledge is released.

开通 M-Token 只需操作一次。只要点击了申请,后续的 M-Token 都将自动释放。当进行新的质押时,也会自动给发放 M-Token。

opens M-Token only once. clicks on the application and the subsequent M-Token is automatically released. When a new pledge is made, it is also automatically released to M-Token.

1. 前往 https://merlinchain.io/bridge

1. Go to   https://merlinswap.org/trade/swap,连接 EVM 钱包

5. Go to   , connect EVM wallet

6. 选择 BTC - MBTC 交易对, 签名,确认 Swap,然后就成功获得 M-BTC 了

6. Select BTC-MBTC transaction pair, sign, confirm Swap, and then successfully obtain M-BTC

前往 https://meson.fi/

Go to   参与 Merlin 生态前有哪些准备工作

3. Received M-Token, the rest of which are routine operations such as wallet interaction. See:

详解Merlin Chain的M-Token玩法,35亿美金的流动性争夺战拉开帷幕  第2张

3 月 21 日,龙珠项目方、币安链游龙头 MOBOX 出品的游戏 Dragonverse Neo 公布白皮书,包括玩法、经济模型、路线图,涵盖了从 3A 游戏到自研游戏链的全套解决方案,并宣布即将在 Merlin 公平发射游戏原生代币 $MDBL。$MDBL 作为生态金铲子,覆盖以下几方面用途:

On March 21, Dragonverse Neo published a white paper covering the full range of solutions from 3A games to self-researching the play chain, and announced the imminent launch of the original MoBL in Merlin. $MDBL, as an eco-gold shovel, covered the following uses:

1. 参与流动性挖矿,可以挖的金矿包括游戏代币、梅林币、以及各种进一步增加收益的资产。

1. Participating in mobile mining, the gold mine that can be excavated includes game tokens, Melinco, and various assets that further increase revenue.

2. 参与游戏打金,游戏的平行世界中存在各种不同机制的游戏,持有 $MDBL 即可进入赚取奖励。

2. Participation in a game of gold, where different mechanisms exist in a parallel world, allows the holding of $MDBL to gain an incentive.

3. MOBOX 将在梅林构建游戏 L3,持有 $MDBL 可参与包括节点、私人服务器等一系列躺赚玩法。

MOBOX will build a game L3 in Merlin, with $MDBL available for participation in a range of nodes, private servers, etc.

$MDBL 全部分配给社区,团队并无预留份额。其中 69% 将在 Merlin 二层采用 LBP (Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool) 的方式公平发射,需准备好 M-BTC 购买;31% 作为生态奖励,后续在用户参与打金过程中释放。此前发行的 Dragon Ball、MODragon 等资产也将作为金钥匙,为社区持续增加打金收益。

The $MDBL is distributed to the community and the team does not reserve a share. Of this, 69% will be launched fairly on the Merlin 2nd floor using LBP (Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool) and will need to be ready for M-BTC purchases; 31% will be released as an ecological incentive for subsequent user participation in the gold collection process. Assets such as Dragon Ball and MODRAGon, which were previously issued, will also be used as gold keys to continuously increase the value of the gold for the community.

详解Merlin Chain的M-Token玩法,35亿美金的流动性争夺战拉开帷幕  第3张

3 月 25 日,梅林头部 DEX MerlinSwap 将在 Merlin Starter 开启 IDO,为 BTC, M-BTC, HUHU, VOYA 持有者提供共 12.6 亿枚治理代币 $MP。

On March 25, Merlin MerlinSwap will open IDOs for BTC, M-BTC, HUHUHU, VEYA owners at Merlin Starter for a total of $1.26 billion in MPs.

1. $MP 总量是 210 亿,IDO 将发射 6% 一共 12.6 亿枚,打新价格 0.001U,FDV 初始市值是 2100 万

1. Total MPs are $21 billion and IDOs are going to launch 6% Total 1.26 billion at a new price 0.001U, FDV initial market value is 21 million

2. 时间:3 月 25 日 11 点 (UTC+8) - 3 月 27 日 11 点 (UTC+8)

Time: March 25, 11 (UTC+8) - March 27, 11 (UTC+8)

3. 对所有人开放,可使用 BTC, M-BTC, HUHU, VOYA 进行支付,根据账号资金按比例分配份额,参与时注意重点关注不同池子的参与比例。

3. Open to all, BTC, M-BTC, HUHUHU, VOYA may be used to make payments, prorated according to account number funds, and participation shall focus on the proportion of participation of different pools.

4. 3 月 27 日上午 11 点领取退回的资金,下午 2 点就可以领取代币。

4. Refunds will be collected at 11 a.m. on March 27th and at 2 p.m.

详解Merlin Chain的M-Token玩法,35亿美金的流动性争夺战拉开帷幕  第4张

以上项目可作为接下来一周的重点关注对象。除此之外 Merlin 生态还有大大小小 200 多个 Dapp 即将上线,为了避免盲目冲造成损失,前期做好调研非常重要,建议从以下几个方面进行初步判断:

These projects can be the focus of attention for the next week. In addition to Merlin Ecology, where more than 200 Dapps are about to be online, it is important to carry out a preliminary study in order to avoid the loss of blindness, and it is recommended that a preliminary diagnosis be made in the following areas:

1. 是否获得过 Merlin 官方的互动

1. Whether official interaction with Merlin has been obtained

2. 基本面:团队,融资,产品能力

Basics: Teams, Financing, Product Capability

3. 此前的资产表现,是否具备社区基础

3. Previous asset performance, community base

以上便是本文的全部了。望大家备好 M-Token,注意保护二层的资产安全,做好调研,理性参与。

This is all you have to say. Please prepare M-Token, take care of the security of second-tier assets, research, and engage rationally.




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