作为一个吃瓜群众,你可能没有具体研究过比特币,但你肯定听过比特币。比特币价格的大起大落,让无数人趋之若鹜,毕竟躺在家里看着电脑就可以半个月赚一套房,一年变成亿万富翁,这不正是各位的梦想吗? As a cucumber-eating crowd, you may not have studied bitcoin specifically, but you must have heard of bitcoin. Isn't it your dream that the price of bitcoin will rise so much that millions of people will be able to spend half a month at home looking at computers and become billionaires a year? 如今比特币行情相较2017年已低迷许多,Facebook却在这时宣布推出Libra(天秤币),难道躺着就能发家致富、日进斗金的机会又要来了吗?要真有这种好事,小编还会告诉你吗! Now that Bitcoin's relationship is much lower than it was in 2017, when Facebook announces the launch of Libra, is there another chance to be rich when lying down and fighting for money? If there is such a good thing, will the editor tell you? 来势汹汹的天秤币 /strang' 6月18日下午,Facebook旗下全球数字加密货币Libra天秤币官方网站正式上线,天秤币白皮书也已经公布。据官方内容显示,天秤币将作为一种简单的全球货币和金融基础架构,惠及数十亿人。你或许还没听过天秤币,但它的贴吧、全国各地的恳谈会都已经安排的明明白白了。 On the afternoon of 18 June, the official website of the global digital encrypted currency Libra, under Facebook, was officially launched, and the white paper on the scales was published. According to official sources, the scales would benefit billions of people as a simple global monetary and financial foundation. 一方面,Facebook说着天秤币不属于他们,他们没有天秤币控制权,另一方面,却在猛推天秤币,嘴上说不要,身体倒是很诚实。那么问题来了,Facebook为什么要推天秤币呢?难道是钱多的想回馈老用户?不! On the one hand, Facebook says that the scales do not belong to them, that they have no control over them, and on the other hand, they push the scales, say no, and that the body is honest. Then, the question arises, why does Facebook push the scales? Is it money that gives back to the old users? No! 首先,Facebook说了这个项目惠及全球数十亿人,那就是说Facebook目标用户就是这数十亿人,要赚了这数十亿人的钱,摆明了跟全球上百个国家的银行抢生意;其次,Facebook还宣布将成立一个从事移动支付和金融服务的子公司Calibra,建立一款新的电子钱包和天秤币搭配使用,其实就是想在移动支付领域分一杯羹,甚至把货币的发行和使用都垄断。 First, Facebook has said that the project benefits billions of people around the world, meaning that its target users are billions of people, making billions of money, making it clear that banks in hundreds of countries around the world are going to rob businesses; and secondly, Facebook has announced the creation of a subsidiary, Calibra, engaged in mobile payments and financial services, a new electronic wallet and a combination of scales of daily currency, which is intended to give a piece of money in the area of mobile payments and even monopolize the distribution and use of money. 像“比特币”,但又不是“比特币” 天秤币和比特币很像,它们都是一种依托软件、没有实体的加密货币,它们都具有全球性,能在全球快速、广泛流通。 The scales are similar to the bitcoins, which are software-based, non-entity encrypted currencies, all of which are global, capable of rapid and widespread global circulation. 但天秤币与比特币不同,比特币是一个开放系统,天秤座是封闭的,将被高度把关。Facebook宣布与其他27家大公司、公司和非营利组织合作组成天秤币协会,发行该货币,其中包括Visa、万事达、Ebay等知名企业。 But, unlike Bitcoin, which is an open system, the Ribbon is closed and will be highly closed. Facebook announces that it is working with 27 other major companies, companies, and not-for-profit organizations to form and issue the currency, including prominent businesses such as Visa, Masters, Ebay, etc. 简单来说,比特币是只要你买一台矿机(印钞机),你就可以随便印,多劳多得,币值可大幅波动不受管控。 In short, Bitcoin is a mine machine that you can print, dollados, and the value of the currency is uncontrollable. 但天秤币是由中央银行(天秤币协会)发行的,不用挖矿,只能用自己的现实货币去兑换,天秤币的价格也被天秤币协会严格控制。兑换所得的天秤币可在Calibra平台存储和使用,就像使用支付宝或者手机银行一样,天秤币的优势就是你可在任何国家使用,不用再考虑兑换当地货币,但前提是该国家允许并大规模使用天秤币。 But the scales are issued by the Central Bank (the Association) without mining, and can only be exchanged in its own real currency. The price of the scales is also strictly controlled by the Association. They can be stored and used on the Calibra platform. As with payment treasures or mobile banks, the advantage of the scales is that you can use them in any country without considering the exchange of local currency, provided that the country allows and uses them on a large scale. 或许可以看看这部美剧 /strang' 2015 年的美剧《黑客军团》(Mr. Robot)似乎早已看透这一切,这部剧精准“预言”了跨国垄断企业发行数字货币 Ecoin 的故事,难免让人联想到今天 Facebook 的天秤币。故事大约是这样的:主角是一位什么都黑的黑客,漏洞艺术家,这哥们儿搞了一票大的,把跨国垄断巨头 E 公司的全球数据库黑掉了,让一切债务清零,第一阶段算是“均贫富”。第二阶段,则炸毁了地契之类的纸质文件,使世界处于一片混乱之中。 The 2015 American play, Mr. Robot, seems to have seen it all for a long time. It's a precision & ldquo; prophecies & & rdquo; the story of multinational monopolies issuing digital money, Ecoin, which inevitably reminds us of today's Facebook scale. The story is about this: the main actor is a black hacker, a trickle artist, who hacked down the global database of the multinational monopoly giant E, leaving all debt to zero, the first phase being & ldquao; rich and poor & & rdquao; and, in the second phase, the destruction of paper documents such as the land deed, leaving the world in a state of disarray. 重点在于,E公司并没有因为遭到袭击而垮掉,而是开始趁机推广自己的 Ecoin 支付方式 。针对袭击之后纸币的管制,每天限额 50 美元。Ecoin 还推出折扣优惠,以至于 G20 中的 19 个国家都开始使用 Ecoin,使E公司的权力甚至凌驾于国家之上,不得不佩服编剧的脑洞之大。 The point is that, instead of being destroyed by the attack, E began to use the opportunity to promote its Ecoin method of payment. For the regulation of banknotes after the attack, Ecoin also introduced discounts of $50 a day. To the extent that 19 of the G20 countries began to use Ecoin, E’s power was even higher than that of the country and had to admire the size of the drama’s brain hole. Facebook的天秤币会不会像Ecoin一样?小扎会不会继承索罗斯的衣钵,故技重施,给小国再来一波货币战争2.0 呢?这一切都难以预料。不禁让人想起剧中有一句很值得深思的台词:一统世界的政府,根本就是神话。一统世界的大公司,才需提防。 Is Facebook's scales like Ecoin? Is Zazzi going to inherit Soros's clothes, so he's doing it again to give small countries another currency war of 2.0? All this is hard to predict. It is reminiscent of a very thought-provoking line in the play: Governments of the one world are myths. The big corporations of the one world need to be cautious. “搞钱”并没有想的那么容易 看完上面的介绍,想利用天秤币获益更像是在炒外汇,正如Facebook在一份附带材料中指出的那样:“由于储备不会得到主动管理,因此天秤币的任何升值或贬值都将完全是外汇市场波动的结果。” After reading the presentation above, it is more like a foreign exchange boom to take advantage of the scales, as Facebook pointed out in an accompanying material: & ldquo; as reserves are not managed proactively, any appreciation or depreciation of the scales will be the result of fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. ” 所以没有人知道价格会有多大的变化,甚至就连Facebook自己也不知道。因此想要通过天秤币的价格波动获得收益也是有可能的,但重点是风险与你同在。 So no one knows how much price changes, not even Facebook itself. So it is possible to earn a return on the price fluctuations of the scales, but the focus is on the risks that are with you. 首先,天秤币作为刚刚推出的加密货币,这个项目是否能稳定运行还是未知之数,而且天秤币协会签署的加盟协议是没有约束力的,加盟商可以随时退出,看似强大的资金支持可能瞬间倾塌,分分钟让投资者血本无归,当初Facebook把天秤币说的多好都是画大饼而已。同时天秤币还一口气动了银行、各国政府、各家支付平台、其他加密货币的蛋糕,使其结局更加难以预料。 First of all, it is still unclear whether the scale is going to work as an encoded currency that has just been introduced, and whether the union agreement signed by the Association is non-binding, that the association can withdraw at any time, that it appears that strong financial support could collapse suddenly and that the investor’s blood could be lost in minutes, and that Facebook used to describe the scale as much as a cake. And the scale moves banks, governments, payment platforms, and other encrypted currency cakes, making their ending even more unpredictable. 其次,天秤币牵涉到每个普通人的钱包,但天秤币的安全性还未得到检验,特别是Facebook在社交软件方面马虎对待用户隐私数据是人尽皆知的,加上缺乏政府的支持和监管,更让天秤币的安全性显得扑朔迷离,跟你把钱交给爱剁手的老婆没什么区别。 Secondly, the daily scale is related to the purse of every ordinary person, but the safety of the daily scale is not yet tested. In particular, Facebook is well known for its social software treatment of user privacy data, and the lack of government support and supervision makes the safeness of the daily scale more puzzling, as opposed to giving it to a wife who loves chopsticks. 另外,比特币没有任何监管,可以随意挖矿取得,但买卖比特币也不是所有人都能赚钱的,只有那些极少数运气、眼光都很好的人才赚了钱,绝大部分人都是铩羽而归,因此被天秤币协会严格控制的天秤币巨幅波动的可能性更小。 Moreover, Bitcoin does not have any regulation and can be mined at will, but not everyone can make money by buying and selling bitcoin. Only a handful of lucky and good-looking people make money, and the vast majority of people return to their homes, making it less likely that the scales of the scales, which are strictly controlled by the Association, will fluctuate. 最后也是最重要的是,天秤币所面临的最大挑战是技术不够强大,无法保证资产的安全,哪怕是没有黑客的环境下,软件自身也是不可靠的,因为软件很容易发生故障,从而导致数据丢失。而天秤币没有政府的监管,你会选择把辛苦赚来的钱存到没有保障的银行吗? Finally, and most importantly, the biggest challenge facing scales is that they are not technologically strong enough to guarantee the safety of assets, and that software itself is unreliable, even in the absence of hackers, because software can easily fail, leading to the loss of data. And without government oversight, would you choose to deposit hard-earned money into an unsecured bank? 结语 Concluding remarks 比特币影响渐弱,Facebook想用天秤币统一加密货币的天下,但未来结局仍存变数,作为吃瓜群众,看可以,玩可就要掂量一下了! Bitcoin's weak influence, Facebook's trying to unify encrypted currency with scales, but future endings are still variable as a cucumber-eating crowd. |
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