在国外受FCA监管的大平台,有部分最低要求250美金,折合人民币1800元左右, 2000元刚够开一个小帐户,有些好的 一般都要1000美金才能达到开户门槛。要求小于这两个数的我不作评价,以免遭到口诛笔伐!国内还没有开放外汇保证金交易,在国内做这类的交易没有法律方面的保障。对这行不熟悉的人很容易受到众多经过包装的虚假平台坑骗。所以初接触的人一定要擦亮眼睛,这是一个比期货风险更高的交易市场,对于新手来说能不碰就不要碰。
Large platforms that are regulated by the FCA abroad have a minimum requirement of $250, equivalent to around 1800 yuan, and 2,000 won just enough to open a small account, some of which usually cost less than $1,000 to reach the opening threshold. I do not want to evaluate these two numbers, so that I do not have to make an assessment. There is no legal guarantee that foreign exchange deposits will not be opened in the country, and there is no legal guarantee that such transactions will be made in the country.
For many friends in the country, foreign exchange bond trading is the common presence of flood beasts. On the one hand, it is an inexhaustible fraud that has led to a loss of confidence in the world’s largest financial market; and on the other hand, it is a super-leverage that allows windfalls and windfalls to become commonplace and to be feared. For the time being, because of the regulatory relationship, I feel that foreign exchange bond trading is still less than domestic futures.
A large part of this is due to the fact that futures transactions are legal, that the flow of funds is protected, that the transfer of funds is not troubled, and that safety and accessibility are high. Thus, for those with a certain amount of money, futures are now better than foreign exchange.
而就交易难度来说,外汇交易市场的波动性更大,杠杆又高,所需要的技术要比做期货更严格一些,因为处理不好暴仓 更快, 风险更大。 因此不存在比国内期货还要好做这一说法。当然了,两者都是杠杆交易市场,很多理念都是相通的,交易认知到了一定的层次,到足以应付交易的时候,那肯定会觉得外汇市场有更多的机会。
So there is no better way to say this than domestic futures. Of course, both are leveraged trading markets, many ideas are connected, transactions are recognized at a certain level, and there will be more opportunities for foreign exchange markets when they are ready to deal with them.
因此虽然外汇保证金交易虽然入市的门槛并不高,但并不比国内期货更容易交易。 以上是个人的一点看法,仅供参考!
So, while foreign exchange deposit transactions are not at a very high market threshold, they are not more easily traded than domestic futures. This is a personal point, for information only!
Thanks for the invitation!
I'm on the security side.
Foreign exchange countries are not fully liberalized, and it is recommended that a careful choice be made! Make sure the money is safe!
Two, the foreign exchange is almost identical to the domestic futures threshold, but the benefits and risks are greater than the domestic futures, and the $2,000 is more selective in foreign exchange and more profitable! But at home, the $2,000 can only be considered for corn starch.
There's a risk in the market, you need to be careful in entering the market! Welcome to communication!
You can do it, but I didn't do it, because the master says that “foreign exchange transactions” are not allowed in the country, and either you are against the gambling platform, which could lead to a false platform for frauds. There is another way that you can open your own account in Hong Kong. Because I didn't do it, I call them all a platform for frauds because they are too leveraged.
As our friends have already said, the RMB 2,000, which can be exchanged for about $300, can indeed be traded, because it can be done with 0.01, or $2 to $3, plus a high leverage multiplier, and you'll make a certain profit. The problem is that if you don't do it, you have to take a “teacher belt”, and that's the pit.
Especially in the case of highly leveraged gains and losses, you won't be satisfied with the gain of 0.01, and you'll do it again, really, without challenging the weakness of humanity. In 18 years, I had a girl in a group who specializes in foreign exchange, earns money every day, is happy, and then loses everything, and then fades away. As I started making futures, I don't understand. The master said, "Thirty thousand dollars is enough to make screws," and I'm in gold to know that 30,000 dollars is worth of screws to stabilize.
Moreover, the Master has said: “Don't try out markets that don't know, and don't do transactions that don't know what they do.” Trades all have the opportunity to be rich, not where they do business. Domestic efforts to protect investors, for example gold, crude oil, are not limited by the financial threshold (500,000), but also by the corresponding qualification test, which does not mean that money is wasted.
And the leverage of foreign exchange transactions is too high for ordinary traders to do, and the country has not liberalized the deal. As investors, we should not walk in grey areas to the point where we lose.
Bitcoin was very hot the other day, but I remember June when Dalian had a friend who lost 12 million and killed his wife. He was said to want a better life for his children, but he didn't think that he was finally doing that extreme thing.
Human nature is the hardest thing to do, but only slowly, when I made some money every day in the stock market and even bought a car. But I didn't expect that I would pay for my car and house one day. Or, for a reason and a consequence, now that I have a career deal, I want my friends to choose the right path, get on the ground, walk one step at a time, and don't think about the opportunity to be rich overnight. Only by making a real profit will you earn more money.
2000元人民币入金到外汇平台以现在的汇率计算肯定少于等300美元。300美金在外汇平台能不能交易?答案当然是肯定的。外汇平台高杠杆200倍,500倍杠杆都很平常,但是不论是多大的杠杆,最小可以开仓0.01 手,也就是百分百1个标准合约。
The RMB 2000 to the foreign exchange platform must be less than $300 at the current exchange rate. Can $300 be traded on the foreign exchange platform? The answer is yes. Foreign exchange platforms are 200-fold leveraged, 500-fold leveraged, but no matter how much leverage, a minimum of 0.01, or a 100-per-cent standard contract, is possible.
The country’s futures are about 10 times the leverage, and the lowest warehouse is a standard hand. In the case of screw steel, the price is 3720 tons, or 3720 dollars, for a single-swipe contract, and 3720 dollars, for a ten-fold leverage of domestic futures, for a single-snail steel bond. 2000 yuan is untradable.
In terms of the flexibility to engage in transactions and transactions, it is true. Many start-up traders, whose trading capacity is unstable, want to engage in transactions and want to exercise and test their trading capacity through real-scree exercises, are certainly more appropriate for foreign exchange transactions.
但是不是外汇交易比期货交易更好呢?笔者全职交易7年,外汇和期货都参与。 外汇更高的杠杆其实比期货交易的风险更大。 杠杆是一把双刃剑,如果你能够盈亏,杠杆能够放大盈利。如果你稳定亏损,并且交易心理不稳定杠杆则会放大亏损,甚至导致爆仓。
Leveraging is a double-edged sword that, if you can gain or lose, leverage can magnify profits. If you stabilize the loss, and the trade is psychologically unstable, it will magnify the loss and even lead to a bust.
Whether it is foreign exchange, futures, and equities, or financial speculative markets, there is absolutely no good word. Especially in leveraged markets, the risks are even greater.
Summing up: There's never going to be pies in the sky, and the leverage boom is really devastating.
Domestic futures are more risky and more difficult!
Reason 1: Liquidity.
Liquidity can also be described as the depth of the offer, i.e. the volume of orders at which a price can be paid at the same time, which can be seen as a trade-off slip-point when the market is not active, and in a major event as whether it can be done in a timely manner and at the best price.
How can participants in domestic futures compare with foreign exchange, an already well-established international market of over $6 trillion a day?
Reason 2: The subject matter of the transaction.
The comparison between domestic futures and foreign exchange markets is like small and large shares, and the same capital domestic futures market is more likely to cause abnormal fluctuations in the deck, which means that your buying and selling is more likely to cause price fluctuations.
The subject matter of the foreign exchange market is the currency of each country, the fate of the country concerned, and the financial capacity is too large to be easily manipulated by a small agency.
Some people in the country didn't deliberately cut a certain crop in order to make more money in the futures market; the foreign exchange market did not dare to do so, of course, but we all called it the Black Swan incident, which was extremely rare.
Reason 3: Time of transaction.
Foreign exchange is most likely to be held for weekends, because some major events on the weekends may result in the opening of Mondays’ markets. Domestic futures not only interrupt their transactions on weekends, but are divided into several trading periods on Mondays and Fridays, which increase the probability of non-trading times; and the subject matter of domestic futures itself is more likely to encounter major events, such as the loss of production of crops such as cotton caused by natural disasters such as hails, snowstorms, typhoons, etc. A small break in a cargo ship could also cause significant price deviations.
想独立做外汇交易必须先进行系统学习,否则再多的钱,也可以亏完;就算短期盈利,最终也还是会亏回去。对于新手来说,如果还没有形成一套具有正期望值的交易策略,就进行实盘操作,是没有意义的。 不但不能积累交易经验,反而会养成很多交易恶习,时间越久,越难改掉,比如重仓、逆势扛单、拿不住单、长时间盯盘,到最后只能绝望地离开外汇市场。具体如何构建交易策略规则,可以多跟业内交易者交流,多跟职业外汇操盘手学习,如果很难有机会认识职业操盘手的话,就在腾讯视频输入 waihuiABC, 也可以看到一些职业外汇操盘手的公开课,会让你少走很多冤枉路。
Indeed, there are a number of “grey” trading varieties in the current market. These include highly leveraged foreign exchange trading products. Grey can easily turn black, but gray can hardly become white.
What is called “grey” is that, abroad, some companies are regulated by foreign financial regulators and are relatively formal. They also comply with the corresponding business norms. There is no financial authorization from the domestic regulatory authorities, nor is there normal financial regulation.
This is what some call a “exchange transaction” and it is easy to become a “black deal” and a hotbed of fraud.
For many financial products, there is essentially no substantive difference. If it is simply a transaction, it is simply a sale.
So, good or bad, it's gradual, or it's just for some people. Maybe we shouldn't forget what we're doing, what we're doing, what we're doing, what we're doing, what we're doing in the market.
We're just trying to get a premium on the deal, that's all.
So, it's not the most important thing to be able to do it or how much money to do it, just ask yourself, is it really possible to make money?
First of all, you need to know a few things:
1,外汇一手合约10万美金 按照平常100倍杠杆则需要1000美金一手保证金,最低有的可做0.01手,则10美金即可做,若是200倍 400倍杠杆则 5美金2.5美金就可以参与。
One, a one-way contract of $100,000, would require a one-hand bond of $1,000 under the usual 100-fold leverage, a minimum of 0.01, a ten-dollar bond, and a 200-to-400-fold leverage, a five-to-two.
2,但是成也杠杆败也杠杆。杠杆放大了资金的利用率 原来100块钱的东西自需要1块钱就能拿到,但是盈亏同源也放大了风险100倍如果在不降低仓位的情况下,很容易爆仓。杠杆是好东西但不可过分使用,用好了能把资金用到极致以小博大用不好则就是个绞肉机。使用杠杆一定要学会仓位资金控制,一定得学会计算仓位。
Leveraging magnifies the use of the money, so it takes $1 to get the money, but the profit and loss co-source also magnifies the risk by 100 times if it is easy to burst without lowering the position. Leverage is good, but not excessive.
3.你说的外汇交易应该是指的外盘的保证金交易,国内现在还属于灰色地带乱象从生各种冒牌 套牌的虚假平台遍地都是。各种跑路新闻层出不穷。一定要会辨别真假平台,外汇交易在国际上属于全球最大交易量的品种,只是在国内没有放开的情况下被不法分子玩坏了玩臭了,,如果非做不可可以选择些诸如嘉盛 福汇等国际最主流的平台
The foreign exchange deal you're referring to should be an outboard bond deal, and it's still grey in the country. It's a lot of false platforms from all kinds of bogus pseudo-sets. There's a lot of running news. It's important to identify the real platform. The foreign exchange deal is the world's largest variety of transactions. It's just that it's being played by outlaws without domestic liberalization. If it's not possible to choose some of the most mainstream platforms in the world, such as carnivals.
4国内现在在券商也有外汇远期掉期的结算业务,现在国家也开始进行外汇交易的 探索 之路,澳元 欧元等仿真交易也在开展,但是在初始阶段点差要远远高于国际主流交易的成本
Four countries now have foreign exchange forward swaps in bond dealers, and now they're exploring foreign exchange transactions, and real transactions like the Australian dollar and the euro are under way, but at the initial stage the difference is much higher than the cost of international mainstream transactions.
综上所述 若自己没有很好的交易技术不要去涉足外汇交易:在国内炒汇最大的两个风险一个资金平台风险二个技术风险。因此建议在做交易的 只要做好一个交易我们就是胜利的,交易不就是为了赚钱嘛何必舍本逐末呢
In summary, if you don't have good trade skills, you don't have to deal in foreign exchange: one of the two greatest risks in the country, one of the capital platforms, is two of the risks. So if you're proposing to make a deal, we're winning, so why don't you just make a deal for money?
There are two concepts to be distinguished.
How much can I do?
At the national level, a variety of futures, such as those with bars, and in order to prevent ordinary people's participation, a larger “start-up price for opening accounts”, as well as a question-and-answer test for professional careers, are generally in place, with the aim of allowing only those with a certain financial capacity to participate.
However, the current possibilities to engage in foreign exchange transactions are largely tangled in the country by foreign-registered institutions, with little limit on the threshold of risk, or even the equivalent of US$ 100 (approximately RMB 700) for the opening of transactions.
The standard foreign exchange player is $1,000, with some trading agencies allowing a minimum of 0.01 to do the bill, with only $5 if 200 times the pole, while the number of offers for individual varieties is less than one (e.g. AUD/USD $A$), with 0.01 in the range of $3.5.
As a result, the requirement for a single transaction is extremely low.
2. Is it better than domestic futures transactions?
I'm responsible for telling you that foreign exchange transactions are more difficult than domestic futures transactions.
It is important not to think that risk can be mitigated by reasons such as “low threshold, multi-empty, low capital per transaction”, and that foreign exchange transactions are in fact more difficult to stabilize profitability than domestic futures transactions.
To put it simply, you can see that a formal foreign exchange transaction is “a game between the world's industry elites” and that the domestic futures market is essentially “the involvement of the domestic industry elites”.
So do you think it's better to fight the world's best soldiers or to fight the all-China elite?
I've been making tens of thousands of dollars since then 1000, then 100, and now... .
More than 1 million people have lost their jobs in three years, while workers are still known as financial undergraduates, with 20 years of experience in the field of disability.
So seriously suggests: if you have a steady income, if you're not a world-class elite, if you're not rich enough to spend anything, don't come in!
especially those who lack the money, stay away... .
I've lost only $50 from $1,000, and now I've made $200!
One hundred and fifty dollars to get in. Two hundred leverages.
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