8月3日, IPFS社区Meetup 如期举办,这一次的社区Meetup由交流与演讲和闪电演示两部分组成,其实该会议主要带领我们回顾了IPFS在2020年的发展历程(包括项目进展、IPFS生态发展等),展示了IPFS及其生态。2020年对于IPFS而言是不平凡的一年,其唯一激励层Filecoin的主网即将上线,这让IPFS和Filecoin在全球范围内得到了前所未有的关注,也推动了IPFS的高速发展。接下来,我们一起走进IPFS在2020年的发展进程。
August 3th, IPFS community Meetup, a community made up of exchanges and speeches and lightning presentations, led us to a review of the development of IPFS in 2020 (including project progress, IPFS eco-development, etc.) and to an exhibition of IPFS and its ecology. The year 2020 was an extraordinary year for IPFS, with its only incentive floor, Filecoin, coming online, giving IPFS and Filecoin unprecedented global attention and driving the fast progress of IPFS.
for the first quarter2020年第一季度的IPFS正处于新年欢喜和疫情的阴霾交织在一起的日子里,但IPFS团队并没有放慢工作的步伐,在这一季度里,我们看到了IPFS的许多新面貌,以及友爱心的官方在积极通过自己的力量“抗疫”,例如为CORD-19数据集创建协作集群以及提供20万美元的资助等。
In the first quarter of 2020, when the IPFS is in the midst of a new year of joy and the shadow of the epidemic, the IPFS team has not slowed down its work. During this quarter, we have seen many new aspects of IPFS, as well as friendly official efforts to combat the disease through their own forces, such as the creation of collaborative clusters for the CORD-19 data set and the provision of $200,000 in funding.
IPFS新文档 — IPFS Docs beta
IPFS new document - IPFS Docs Beta
IPFS重新设计了文档——IPFS Docs beta,Docs beta界面简洁,有更好的导航功能。该导航页面不仅能够体现IPFS的庞大架构体系,也精准展现IPFS各个栏目级别,最重要的是,他还引入了一项关键功能:搜索功能。
IPFS redesigns the document - IPFS Docs beta, Docs beta interfaces are simple and have better navigational functions. The navigation page not only reflects the large architecture of IPFS, but also accurately displays IPFS columns and levels, and, most importantly, introduces a key function: the search function.
IPFS first set of public collaborative clusters
2020年1月9日,协议实验室宣布第一套公共协作集群和 协作集群网站的第一版诞生,协作群集是连接并帮助改善IPFS网络中特定数据集的分布和数据可用性的简便方法,用户可以通过运行单个ipfs-cluster-follow 命令来加入这些集群。
On 9 January 2020, the protocol laboratory announced the first edition of the first set of public collaborative clusters and collaborative cluster sites, a simple way to connect and help improve the distribution and availability of specific data sets in the IPFS network, which users can join by running individual iipfs-cluster-follow orders.
The first private home security camera in the world was born.
The world’s first private home security camera was born, developed with IPFS technology in conjunction with the Amazon’s security camera, Choice, which provides state-of-the-art features, enhanced security and complete data privacy. The release of the camera is a new example of consumer data ownership and represents a major advance in material networking.
go-ipfs 0.4.23发布
go-ipfs 0.4.23 to be issued
2020年1月30日,IPFS 0.4.23版本发布,该版本主要修复了以下功能:
On 30 January 2020, IPFS version 0.4.23 was released, and the following features were restored:
1. 我们修复了TLS传输中的一个错误,该错误会在同步期间导致断开连接。当您在go-ipfs 0.5.0中默认启用TLS时,您确实应该进行升级,否则您会越来越多地看到此错误
1. We fix an error in TLS transmission that will lead to disconnection during synchronisation. When you default to activate TLS in go-ipfs 0.5.0, you should indeed upgrade it, otherwise you will increasingly see it.
2. 我们修补了websocket传输中一个常见错误,该错误由于并发写入而引起恐慌
2. We repaired a common error in the websocket transmission, which caused panic due to simultaneous write-ups.
IPFS 1.5.3版本更新
IPFS 1.5.3 Update
IPFS has released a new version, ilfs-update (version 1.5.3), which repairs a large number of errors while running on Windows.
IPFS Large Restructure
On 6 February, the IPFS blog updated relevant large-scale re-engineering articles on IPFS and officially announced that IPFS would be followed by large-scale re-engineering, while, according to official sources, as early as 1 February, IPFS was at the key point in completing the re-engineering of the js-ipfs, js-libp2p and js-ipld code library, not only to shift to commitments, but also primarily to provide smaller, prioritized js-ipfs core APIs, thus providing IPFS teams and communities with easily calibrated, understood and maintained code repositories.
js-libp2p 0.27发布
Published at
js-libp2p 0.27
2020年2月7日,js-libp2p的Async Await重构已经出现在0.27版本中,此次重构还包括许多其他改进:
On 7 February 2020, the Async Await re-engineering of js-libp2p appeared in version 0.27, which also included many other improvements:
1. 此次改进将js-libp2p的许多核心模块整合到js-libp2p本身中,以使社区成员更容易地做出贡献
1. This improvement integrates many of the core modules of js-libp2p into the js-libp2p itself to make it easier for community members to contribute
2. 此外,还将接口存储库合并到libp2p / js-interfaces中,并在那里改善了文档和测试套件,以使libp2p易于使用
2. In addition, interface repositories have been merged into libp2p/ js-interfaces, where documents and test packages have been improved to make libp2p easy to use
3. 创建了一个全新的连接接口!从单个连接创建多个流变得更加清晰,这使得跟踪每个开放流变得更加容易,从而极大地增强了js-libp2p中的资源管理
3. Created a completely new connection interface! More clarity on creating multiple streams from individual connections, making it easier to track each open stream, thus greatly enhancing resource management in js-libp2p
4. 所有回调API已更改为与异步/等待兼容
4. All returns to API have been changed to be compatible with asymmetric/waiting
5. 网络已经从Plaintext 1升级到2
5. The network has been upgraded from Plaintext 1 to 2.
6. 现在可以在js-libp2p中找到Identify Push。当libp2p节点更改其Multiaddrs或协议时,它将向所有连接的对等方广播这些更改
Identify Push can now be found in js-libp2p. When libp2p changes its Multiadddrs or protocols, it will broadcast these changes to all connected counterparts.
7. 总的来说,与以前的版本0.26相比,该版本的内存使用率提高了30%至40%,这是一个了不起的收获
7. Overall, the increase in memory usage of the former version of 0.26 by 30 to 40 per cent compared with that of the previous version was a remarkable achievement.
IPFS team to ETHDenver
The IPFS team travelled to Denver, Colorado, to participate in ETHDenver, one of the largest activities in the United States of America, with the focus on decentralized Web developers.
IPFS distributed web summit
IPFS社区主持分布式网络峰会,来自IPFS Core,协议实验室,Textile,ProtoSchool,3Box,RTrade Technologies,Pinata,Althea,Quorum Control,Kauri等的演讲者和研讨会。
IPFS community hosts distributed web summits from speakers and seminars such as IPFS Core, Protocol Laboratory, Texttile, ProtoSchool, 3Box, RTrade Technologies, Pinata, Althea, Quorum Control, Kauri, etc.
Create Testgroup
The IPFS team launched the Testground project, a common platform for testing large-scale distributed software.
js-ipfs 0.41.0发布
Published at
js-ipfs 0.41.0
2月13日,js-ipfs 0.41.0发布,该版本拥有一个巨大的改进,已经完成了对js-ipfs内部构件HU 的巨大重构,可切换到使用Promises和async/ awaitover Callbacks以及使用异步可迭代对象;js-ipfs 0.41.0为贡献者和核心开发人员带来了许多难以置信的改进:
On 13 February, js-ipfs 0.41.0 was released, a version with a huge improvement and the completion of a major re-engineering of the js-ipfs internal building HU to switch to Promises and async/awaitover Callbacks, as well as to the use of asynchronous objects; js-ipfs 0.41.0 brought many incredible improvements to contributors and core developers:
1. 默认情况下切换到流式API以减少内存压力
1. Switch to current API to reduce memory pressure by default
2. 通过删除缓冲,Node.js和Pull Stream API减少了API表面积
2. Node.js and Pull Stream API reduced the API surface area by removing buffers
3. 减少了代码库中的代码量和我们所依赖的依赖项数量
3. Reduction in the number of codes in the code library and the number of dependent items on which we rely
4. 切换为使用async/,await这样我们将获得更好的堆栈跟踪并提高了可读性和可维护性
4. Switch to use async/await so that we can get better stack tracking and improve readability and maintenance
IPFS Bitswap的新改进
IPFS Bitswap New Improvements
Bitswap得到了重大的改进,Bitswap是IPFS在两个或更多对等端之间传输文件片段的机制。为了进一步加快速度,IPFS团队在Bitswap协议中添加了一些有用的新功能,该功能将围绕容器分发的基准用例的传输时间缩短了一半。在以前版本的Bitswap中,平均需要花费9.08秒将300 MiB图像拖到32个窃取点上。经过优化的将这一时间缩短至3.16秒当。
Bitswap has been significantly improved, and Bitswap is the mechanism for IPFS to transmit parts of files between two or more equivalents. To speed up further, the IPFS team has added some useful new features to the Bitswap protocol that reduce by half the transmission time around the benchmark case for container distribution. In the previous version of Bitswap, it took an average of 9.08 seconds to drag 300 MiB images to 32 theft points.
In order to improve the performance and efficiency of Bitswap, the IPFS team made a number of changes to the manner in which Bitswap extracts blocks, in addition to which a comparison table of performance before and after improvements was produced.
Netflix and IPFS cooperate
Netflix infrastructure is deployed in several available regions and regions of the world on AWS, and to simulate this environment, p2platab has been created to measure the amount of throughput of data transmitted on IPFS networks in multi-regional clusters. Using p2platab, we can reliably determine whether IPFS changes will improve performance. Operators can use cluster definitions to configure clusters of activities and use programme definitions to benchmark data transfer programmes.
p2plab群集中的节点还可以热交换被测IPFS二进制文件,从而使Protocol Labs和Netflix工程师能够快速测试IPFS组件(如bitwap)的分支。基准测试完成后,我们可以从libp2p和bitswap中提取指标,以了解应用程序级瓶颈,并在jaeger仪表板中进行分布式跟踪,以跟踪整个集群的请求流。
The p2plab group concentration nodes also heat up the exchange of measured IPFS binary files, thus enabling Protocol Labs and Netflix engineers to quickly test the components of IPFS components (e.g. bitwap). Once the baseline test has been completed, we can extract indicators from libp2p and bitswap to understand application-level bottlenecks and provide distributed tracking in the jaeger dashboard to track the flow of requests throughout the cluster.
Berty released Gomobile-ipfs
With regard to the use of IPFS on the mobile end, Berty published Gomobile-ipfs to provide a package for Android, iOS and React-Native that allows them to run and use IPFS nodes on mobile devices.
New IPFS-based Browser
Unstoppable Domains启动了一个浏览器,新启动的浏览器支持IPFS之类的非托管分散式网络,可以访问基于对等网络的网站。此外,该浏览器还能够运行IPFS的本地实例,文件托管在IPFS上进行。
Unstoppable Domains has launched a browser that supports decentralized non-host networks such as IPFS, which allows access to peer-based web sites. In addition, the browser is able to run local IPFS examples, and files are hosted on IPFS.
The Conservatory Academy launched the CID Academy
The protocol institute is launching a new CID curriculum, which is the first multiple selections and the first to explore multi-format content. The content identifiers and encryption has made it possible to locate content and identify data on dispersed networks safely. The CID string used by IPFS appears to be a serialized random character. In this new curriculum, we have explored all the data revealed by the content search identifiers, and have studied Dohashi in depth, multiple codecs, multi-bureau and version prefixes.
教程还研究展示了CID规范的演变,该规范起源于IPFS,现在存在于Multiformats Project中。Multiformats Project是一个自我描述协议的集合,这些协议可用于面向未来的分布式信息系统,包括IPFS,IPLD,libp2p和Filecoin。
The curriculum also shows the evolution of the CID norms, which originated in IPFS and now exist in Multiformats Project. Multiformats Project is a collection of self-descriptive protocols that can be used for future-oriented distributed information systems, including IPFS, IPLD, libp2p and Filecoin.
支持IPFS 的Chrome浏览器扩展程序
March Chrome Browser Extension for IPFS
Unstoppable Domains发布了内置支持IPFS 的Chrome浏览器扩展程序。
Unstoppable Domains publishes a built-in Chrome browser extension to support IPFS.
hosting platform based on IPFS ethoFS
The hosting platform, which is completely decentralized, combines block chain indexing techniques with IPFS to provide dispersed content on demand. The Ether-1 main node/service node network is combined with IPFS to deliver dispersed content on an unprecedented scale.
IPFS team announce Rust-IPFS
Rust-IPFS是IPFS在社区推动的IPFS 2020 Roadmapping Process中提出的IPFS 2020主题提案之一,3月,IPFS团队开始进行Rust-IPFS实施的全职工作rust-libp2p,并且正在寻找其他Rust开发人员,以帮助构建InterPlanetary File System的新语言实现,从而将Rust的性能和资源利用优势与对一致性的敏锐洞察力相结合。
Rust-IPFS is one of the IPFS 2020 thematic proposals put forward by IPFS in community-driven IPFS 2020 Roadmapping Process. In March, the IPFS team started a full-time work on Rust-IPFS implementation, Rust-libp2p, and is looking for other Rust developers to help build the new language of InterPlatetary File System, which combines Rust's performance and resource use of strengths with a keen insight into coherence.
IPFS team creates collaborative clusters for CORD-19 data sets
为了应对COVID-19, Allen AI 研究所与领先的研究小组合作,准备和分发了COVID-19开放研究数据集,免费提供了29,000篇学术文章,其中包括13,000余篇有关COVID-19和冠状病毒家族的病毒的全文,供全球研究团体使用。
In response to COVID-19, the Allen AI Institute, in collaboration with leading research groups, prepared and distributed an open research data set on COVID-19 and provided 29,000 academic articles free of charge, including more than 13,000 full texts of viruses related to COVID-19 and the coronary virus family for use by global research groups.
The protocol institute created a collaborative cluster for the CORD-19 dataset (https://pages.semanticscholar.org/coronavirus-research) to enable all IPFS users to back up the dataset and make it available to scientists.
Pinata, simpler method with IPFS
When searching for content from IPFS, the content must first be “finded” on the network. The more IPFS nodes to copy the content, the faster the other nodes on the network can find it. For users seeking higher speed and extra redundancy, Pinata now allows users to copy content in multiple nodes and in multiple areas, which undoubtedly provides a simpler and more practical way to use IPFS.
Android 版本的Opera现已支持IPFS
Android version of Opera now supports IPFS
在全球拥有3.6亿用户的Opera,适用于Android 57的Opera现已正式在Google Play商店中上线,并默认支持IPFS!此版本是IPFS项目的一个巨大飞跃,它具有重要的里程碑作用:
With 360 million users globally, Opera, which applies to Android 57, is now officially online in Google Play and implicitly supports IPFS! This version is a huge leap forward for the IPFS project and is an important milestone:
1. 这是主要Web浏览器的正式版中首次默认启用 IPFS 。
This is the first time IPFS has been enabled by default in the official version of the main Web browser.
2. 这是IPFS首次能够在主流Web浏览器的生产版本中直接用作可寻址协议。
2. This is the first time that IPFS can be used directly as a locationable protocol in the production version of the mainstream Web browser.
3. 这是第一个在生产版本中提供IPFS支持的移动 Web浏览器,从而简化了全球大多数Internet用户所使用的设备上的分散内容访问。
3. This is the first mobile web browser to provide IPFS support in a production version, thus simplifying decentralized content access to the equipment used by most Internet users worldwide.
Protocol Labs提供20万美元资助
Protocol Labs provides $200,000 in funding
Protocol Labs承诺提供20万美元的赠款计划,以支持开放式创新工作,从而为围绕测试,治疗,缓解和预防COVID-19和未来流行病的改进技术解决方案做出贡献。
Protocol Labs pledged a $200,000 grant scheme to support open innovation, thereby contributing to improved technical solutions around testing, treatment, mitigation and prevention of COVID-19 and future epidemics.
hosted on IPFS
The Etheeum.org website is now hosted on IPFS and can be accessed through ENS etheeum.eth.
for the second quarter时光如细沙般在指间流逝,在“兵荒马乱”的年代里,IPFS走进了第二季度,这是一个愈加繁忙的季节,IPFS团队发布了迄今为止IPFS最大的升级——IPFS 0.5.0版本,为我们带来了一个更新、更快、更安全的IPFS。
Time has passed between our fingers, and in the era of “the war of chaos”, IPFS has gone into the second quarter, which is an increasingly busy season, and the IPFS team has released its largest upgrade to date — IPFS version 0.5.0 — which has brought us an updated, faster and safer IPFS.
IPFS mobile design study
While the development of IPFS has focused primarily on desktop and server-level hardware, the IPFS team suggests that the development of the Internet has been almost entirely dependent on mobile devices for more than a decade, creating an IPFS mobile design guide project: a plan to study the use of existing P2P protocols in mobile applications and creating an informed and research-supported set of design guides and best practices for IPFS and the wider field.
js-ipfs 0.42.0发布
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js-ipfs 0.42.0
js-IPFS@0.42.0 已发布,该版本带来了许多错误修复和其他小的稳定性改进。它将缩小包的大小减少7.5%,以实现更快的下载速度和更灵敏的Web应用程序。
js-IPFS@042.0 has been released, and the version has resulted in many errors repair and other minor stabilization improvements. It will reduce the size of the package by 7.5% to achieve faster download speed and a more sensitive Web application.
IPFS Funding Platform
在IPFS这个蓬勃发展的生态系统上,IPFS赠款平台旨在帮助社区协调和资助适用于WEB3.0工具的生产, 以提高IPFS的采用率和可用性。
In IPFS, a dynamic ecosystem, the IPFS grant platform aims to help communities coordinate and finance the production of WEB 3.0 tools to improve the adoption and availability of IPFS.
Textile presents Powergate
Textile announced the launch of Powergate, a tool to build the foundation on IPFS and Filecoin!The three main functions of Powergate:
1. Powergate处理用户的交易创建过程中遇到的问题;
Powergate deals with problems encountered in the creation of transactions by users;
2. Powergate帮助用户管理长期交易状况;
Powergate helps users manage long-term transactions;
3. Powergate的存储分为Filecoin上的持久性存储(冷)和IPFS上的网络可用存储(热),以确保数据的安全和完整性
Powergate storage is divided into persistent storage (cold) on Filecoin and web-available storage (hot) on IPFS to ensure the safety and integrity of data
IPFS Maximum Upgrade, IPFS 0.5.0
go-ipfs 0.5.0是IPFS迄今为止最大的升级,以下是IPFS 0.5.0中所做的一些改进:
Go-ipfs 0.5.0 are the largest upgrades to IPFS to date, and the following are some of the improvements made in IPFS 0.5.0:
1. 更快的内容发现:IPFS 0.5.0使得在网络中查找和共享数据的速度大大提高。更有效的路由和提供(快2-3倍)降低了带宽使用量和后台流量。
1. Faster content found: IPFS 0.5.0 significantly increases the speed at which data are found and shared in the network. More efficient routeing and availability (up to two to three times) reduces bandwidth usage and back-office traffic.
2. 更快的文件传输:我们加快了文件传输机制Bitswap的速度,以使许多节点之间的数据共享更快。
2. Faster file transfer: We have accelerated the speed of the file transfer mechanism Bitswap to allow for faster data-sharing between many nodes.
3. 更快的文件添加:现在使用Linux和MacOS上的Badger数据存储将文件添加到IPFS网络的速度提高了2倍。
3. Faster document additions: The speed of adding files to the IPFS network is now tripled using the Badger data storage on Linux and MacOS.
4. 更快、更可靠的可变链接:IPNS是我们用于为内容地址创建可变链接的系统,现在可提供更快的命名查找,并具有新的实验发布订阅传输,可加快记录分配。在1K节点网络仿真中,提供IPNS记录的速度现在快30-40倍!
4. Faster and more reliable variable links: IPNS is the system we use to create variable links to content addresses, which now provides faster naming search and new experimental subscription transmissions to speed up record distribution. In the 1K node network simulation, IPNS records are now 30-40 times faster!
Unstoppable Domains与Opera合作
Unstoppable Domains with Opera
Unstoppable Domains和Opera进行了合作, .crypto域现已在Opera for Android中启用,双方的合作意味着用户现在可以像访问.com网站一样轻松地查看.crypto网站。
Unstoppable Domains and Opera have cooperated, and the.crypto domain is now operational in the Opera for Android, which means that users can now view the.crypto site as easily as the.com site.
Brave推出了基于IPFS的Origin-Powered Store
Brave launched the IPFS based Origin-Powered Store
Textile推出了The Hub
Textile launched The Hub
Textile推出了The Hub,它是连接和扩展IPFS、libp2p、Filecoin的库和服务集合,以便用户可以构建应用程序,保护数据并使用户满意,The Hub我们的目标是使开发人员易于快速进行实验,然后有效地扩展成功的实验。
Textile launched The Hub, a repository and service collection that connects and expands IPFS, libp2p, Filecoin so that users can build applications, protect data and satisfy users. The Hub aims to make it easier for developers to experiment quickly and then effectively expand successful experiments.
js-ipfs 0.44.0发布
Issued at
js-IPFS@0.44.0 支持取消请求和更精简的浏览器数据存储;并将新的数据存储区带到浏览器,并新增可取消的 API调用功能。
js-IPFS@0.44.0 supports the cancellation of requests and more streamlined browser data storage; takes the new data storage area to the browser and adds an API call function that can be cancelled.
OrbitDB releasev0.24
OrbitDB发布v0.24,该版本同时支持go-ipfs 0.5和js-ipfs 0.44。
OrbitDB releases v0.24, which supports both go-ipfs 0.5 and js-ipfs 0.44.
IPFS团队推出了Testground v0.5
IPFS team launched Testgroup v0.5
Testground v0.5是一个用于大规模测试、基准测试和模拟分布式和p2p系统的平台,设计为多语言且与运行时无关,从2个实例扩展到1万个实例。Testground v0.5对于IPFS以及更广泛的p2p生态系统而言,无疑是一个巨大的里程碑。
Testround v. 0.5 is a platform for large-scale testing, baseline testing and simulation of distribution and p2p systems designed to be multilingual and unrelated to operational time, extending from two to 10,000 examples. Testround v. 0.5 is undoubtedly an enormous milestone for IPFS and the broader p2p ecosystem.
举办IPFS pinning 峰会
Held IPFS Pinning Summit
IPFS pinning 峰会,聚集了pinning services、infra供应商,并进行了为期两天的会谈和研讨会,讨论IPFS基础结构,服务和工具的当前状态以及该领域的未来机会。
The IPFS Pinning Summit brought together Pinning services, infra suppliers and held two days of talks and seminars to discuss the current state of IPFS infrastructure, services and tools and future opportunities in this area.
New DHT Road
DHT is like a system to track and search data for IPFS directories. DHT distributes and stores these key pairs and values on many nodes or equivalents throughout the network. Peers store information about where to physically locate specific content.
Gossipsub v1.1正式发布
Gossipsub v1.1 is officially issued
Gossipsub v1.1为我们带来了一个可扩展、可延伸和加固的P2P pubsub路由器协议,其主要重点是安全性。除了v1.0的快速消息传播保证外,此新版本还具有多个强化扩展功能,这些扩展功能使Gossipsub对各种攻击更具防御性。
Gossipsub v1.1 has brought us an extended, extendable and reinforced P2P pubsub router protocol, whose main focus is security. In addition to v1.0 fast message dissemination guarantees, the new version has several enhanced extensions that make Gossipsub more defensive against attacks.
Fleek发布了Fleek Storage SDK
Fleek released Fleek Storeage SDK
Fleek发布了Fleek Storage SDK,通过简单的拖放界面将网络资产存储在IPFS上,并获得了令人赞叹的积极反馈,SDK可以通过编程方式上传文件到Web,他的功能之一是用于存储NFT资产。
Fleek released Fleek Storage SDK, stored network assets on IPFS through a simple drag-and-drop interface and obtained impressive positive feedback that SDK could upload files to Web by programming, one of his functions being to store NFT assets.
IPFS team organized a 2020 distributional meeting
The two-day distributed Camp is a unique event designed to make it possible for everyone to introduce technologies that affect the future of the Internet and to have a special feature. It is also the first full virtual Camp organized by the IPFS team.
js-ipfs 0.46.0发布
js-ipfs 0.46.0js-ipfs 0.46.0发布,具有更快的bitswap、更兼容的go-ipfs 0.5以及更快的文件传输。
js-ipfs 0.46.0 with faster bitswap, more compatible go-ipfs 0.5 and faster file transfer.
Vision 2020libp2p由许多模块化库组成,p2p网络开发人员可以从中选择他们所需的协议,同时使应用程序之间的升级和互操作变得容易。如今的libp2p成为了许多项目的web3网络层,其中,libp2p正式用作以太坊2.0网络规范的网络层。以太坊2.0是下一代以太坊,拥有庞大且蓬勃发展的客户,dapp和开发人员网络。libp2p在2020的一大重点是提高稳定性,可伸缩性和易用性,以满足如此大规模的区块链的要求。
Libp2p consists of a number of modular libraries from which the p2p web developers can choose the protocols they need, while making it easier to upgrade and interoperate applications. The libp2p is now a web3 layer for many projects, of which libp2p is officially used as a network layer to be regulated by the Taiyo 2.0 network. Ether 2.0 is a network of large and dynamic customers, dapp and developers. Libp2p has a major focus in 2020 on increasing stability, scalability and ease of use to meet the demands of such a large block chain.
IPFS mobile design guide published
As the introduction of IPFS continues to grow, its next thousand designers and developers will increasingly be used for mobile applications and services. The guide aims to help mobile application designers and developers using P2P systems such as IPFS to ensure that users are aware of the following:
1. 用户知道他们的应用程序可以脱机工作
1. Users know that their applications can be offline
2. 即使没有互联网连接,用户也可以通过本地网络发布照片
2. Users can post photographs via local networks even without Internet connection
3. 该应用程序即使在制造它的公司倒闭或被收购后仍然可以运行
3. The application is operational even after the company that manufactures it has closed down or acquired it
4. 尽管政府试图阻止访问,但他们仍可以阅读未经审查的新闻
4. Despite attempts by the Government to prevent the visit, they can still read uncensored news
Microsoft Ion uses IPFS technology
近年来,Microsoft在开放源代码工具和服务中的地位越来越高,并启动了基于标准的分散式身份服务ION, ION已经开发了一年多,它是Sidetree(与区块链无关的分布式PKI协议)的实例实现,可在比特币区块链上运行,并将交易数据存储在IPFS上。
In recent years, Microsoft has gained a higher profile in open source tools and services and has launched a standard-based decentralized identity service, Ion, which has been developed for more than a year, as an example of Sidetree (a distributed PKI protocol unrelated to the block chain), which can operate on the Bitcoin block chain and store transaction data on IPFS.
The ION realization was achieved using JavaScript (in particular TypeScript), so it was interesting that they used js-ipfs as Node.js service, and ION consolidated the relevant identity transactions and released them through its IPFS nodes, and then added the batch address (CID) to the Bitcoin block chain.
IPFS Africa organized a virtual community meeting for the IPFS community in Nairobi
发布go-ipfs 0.6.0版本
Releasego-ipfs 0.6.0
IPFS官方发布了Go-IPFS 0.6.0,此版本包含一个小的配置迁移,除了TCP传输之外,还可以侦听QUIC传输,对于IPFS和整个网络来说,这是一个令人兴奋的时刻。
IPFS officially released Go-IPFS 0.6.0, a version of which contains a small configuration migration that, in addition to TCP transmissions, can listen to QUIC transmissions, which is an exciting moment for IPFS and the network as a whole.
● 规范引导列表中的多地址使用/p2p/Qm…语法而不是/ipfs/Qm…的语法。
• Multi-Address Use/p2p/Qm... Syntax instead of /ipfs/Qm...
● 根据需要为默认的引导程序添加QUIC地址。如果您已从引导程序配置中删除了默认引导程序,则迁移过程不会将其重新添加回去。
Adds the QUIC address to the default pilot as necessary. If you remove the default pilot from the pilot configuration, the migration process does not re-add it back.
● 添加QUIC侦听器地址以镜像配置中存在的任何TCP地址。例如,如果您正在监听/ip4/,则此迁移将为添加一个监听地址/ip4/
• Add any TCP addresses that exist in the mirror configuration of the QUIC listener address. For example, if you are listening/ip4/, this migration will add a listening address/ip4/
IPFS GUI得到了众多的改进
IPFS GUI has made a lot of improvements
Distributed database based on IPFS AvionDB
AvionDB is a distributed database based on OrbitDB and IPFS, which uses OrbitDB storage to model the MontgoDB type database, with the following characteristics:
1. 每个AvionDB实例可以具有多个数据库。
1. Each AvianDB example can have multiple databases.
2. 每个数据库可以有几个集合。
2. Each database can be assembled several times.
3. 每个馆可以有多个文档。
3. Each library may have multiple documents.
for the third quarter今天是8月6日,IPFS这躺不断往前走的列车正在从第三季度缓缓驶向第四季度,在这个阶段的IPFS开始了IPFS案例研究系列,也举行了社区Meetup ,IPFS社区愈加活跃,生态愈加蓬勃。
Today, 6 August, the IPSAS train, which is moving slowly from the third quarter to the fourth quarter, started the IPSAS case study series at this stage, as well as the community Meetup, where the community is more active and the ecology is more strong in Gabon.
Assessment Report GossipSub-v1.1
IPFS团队于5月份为我们发布了Gossipsub v1.1版本,在7月份为我们带来了针对GossipSub-v1.1的长达61页的评估报告,该报告为我们展现了Gossipsub v1.1的新logo,更有实质上丰富的内容,点击以下图片即可查看详情。
The IPFS team released the Gossipsub v1.1 version for us in May, and in July it brought us a 61-page assessment of GossipSub-v1.1, which showed us a new logo for Gossipsub v1.1, with more substantive content, and details can be found by clicking on the image below.
IPFS Case Studies Series Audius
In order to create its uncensored, privacy-friendly platform, distributed cloud storage networks are the key to the foundation of the system. Audius uses IPFS as a core decentralized storage component to enable everyone to share freely, monetize and listen to any audio. More detailed content about Audius can be read by clicking on pictures.
js-IPFS 0.48.0发布
Published at
js-IPFS 0.48.0
js-IPFS@0.48.0 具有更好的默认连接,更小的块存储和更直观的API的新闻。js-IPFS@0.48.0 默认情况下在配置中启用委托节点,这意味着作为使用者可以看到比以前更多的对等节点,并且能够更快,更可靠地找到内容。
js-IPFS@0.48.0 has a better default connection, a smaller block of storage and more intuitive API news. js-IPFS@0.48.0 by default activates the commission node in the configuration, meaning that the user can see more peer nodes than before and can find content faster and more reliably.
对IPFS 0.5的深入研究
In-depth study of IPFS 0.5
4月底,IPFS团队发布了迄今为止最大的go-ipfs更新,IPFS 0.5,7月份,IPFS团队带领我们深入了解关于IPFS DHT实现的来龙去脉、DHT的工作原理以及我们如何使IPFS使用的实现更快、更灵活的工作。
At the end of April, the IPFS team released its largest so far go-ipfs update, IPFS 0.5. In July, the IPFS team led us to an in-depth understanding of the context of IPFS DHT realization, the working principles of DHT and how we can make IPFS use work faster and more flexible.
IPFS Companion版本
IPFS Company version
based on IPFSInfiNFT是一个基于IPFS铸造的平台,也是使用Nryptos作为抵押的NFT贷款的简化市场。这使NFT收款人可以从闲置的数字收藏品中借钱,而放款人可以向这些借款人提供流动性,基础NFT可以在发生任何违约的情况下用作付款。
InfiNFT is an IPFS-based casting platform and a simplified market for NFT loans using Nryptos as collateral. This allows NFT recipients to borrow money from idle digital collections, while lenders can provide liquidity to these borrowers, and the base NFT can be used as a payment in the event of any default.
在IPFS上构建自己的Flappy Birds游戏
Build its own Flappy Birds game on IPFS
你知道吗,最近Flappy Birds游戏非常火爆,IPFS能否构建Flappy Birds游戏呢,如何构建呢,有详细的构建教程哦。
You know, recently, the Flappy Birds game was really hot, and if IPFS could build the Flappy Birds game, how to build it, there was a detailed curriculum.
GitHub has a new feature
IPFS GitHub作为github动作工作流程的一部分,将网站发布到IPFS上,此操作通过使用ipfs-cluster-ctl命令将目录固定到IPFS来将其固定到远程IPFS群集。它将IPFS URL设置为触发该操作的提交的状态,从而可以轻松预览dweb上呈现的静态站点。
IPFS GitHub, as part of the github action workflow, posts the website on IPFS, which fixes the directory to a remote IPFS collection by using an ilfs-cluster-ctl command. It sets IPFS URL as the state of submission triggering the operation, so that the static site displayed on dweb can easily be previewed.
IPFS Community Meetup
8月3日, IPFS举办社区Meetup ,为期一小时的社区Meetup由交流与演讲和闪电演示两部分组成。
On 3 August, IPFS hosted the community Meetup, an hour-long community Meetup, consisting of two parts: communication and speaking and lightning presentations.
This is the major development of the IPFS in 2020 and the associated ecology built on it. As we can see, the IPFS of almost six years of life has actually grown from an infant to a powerful young man, and not only has the IPFS agreement itself been perfected and upgraded, but the ecology of the IPFS has grown larger and more dynamic and flourishing; as pioneers of the distributed storage industry, we are sincerely happy and proud of the IPFS, and we believe that, with the combined efforts of all distributed repositories, the distributed storage industry will have a brighter and vast future!
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