Today, the famous singer, Joon-ja Lin.
The "91% loss on buying a virtual property" rushes into a hot search.
The price of real estate in the Woncos has fallen sharply.
It's making the public look focused again.
It's in the field of the Yuan cosmopolitan "breathing houses."
Just now, Lin Joon-jae sent a response.
Data from metaspace analysis platform Wemeta shows that the median value of the 2017 dollar space is $20 per square metre, rising to $6,000 in 2021. However, the median value of the current global market value of the largest space domain platform, Decentraland, has dropped from $45 in 2022 to $5, or nearly 90 per cent.
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The dollar cosmos property is wintering {\/strang}
2022年初,一股“炒房”之风开始在元宇宙世界兴起。decentraland、the sandbox等元宇宙虚拟地产平台火热登场,就连大家熟知的歌手林俊杰、说唱歌手snoop dogg也涌入元宇宙买地。当时昂贵的元宇宙房价甚至高于北京的一套别墅价格。
At the beginning of 2022, a wind of “breathing houses” began to rise in the world of the Woncosmos. Discentraland, the Sandbox, and so forth, even the well-known singer, Joon-ja Lin, rapper snoop dogg, went into the Woncosmos to buy land.
However, during a period of less than a year, the “hot house” quickly entered the cold winter.
According to media reports, in November last year, singer Lin Joon-jae bought three virtual properties in Decentraland for $123,000, currently worth only about $10,000, with a loss of 91%. In addition to a sharp fall in prices, the three plots are also “Men Kowloons.” According to the platform's weekly visits, the three sites are almost unattractive.
在一年前,decentraland平台的全球每日活跃用户数在1200人以上;the sandbox平台该数据甚至高于8800人。但此后,该项数据大幅下降,截至4月7日,两家平台的活跃用户均只剩100余人。值得注意的是,本周decentraland还举办了元宇宙时装周在线活动,也无法挽回用户的参与度。
A year ago, the global daily active users of the Decentraland platform were over 1,200; the data for the Sandbox platform was even more than 8,800. Since then, however, the data has declined significantly, with only over 100 active users of both platforms as at 7 April.
Billionaire Mark Cobbon says, “It's a stupid idea to buy real estate in a metacosystem.” In Mark's view, real estate is valuable because real land is a scarce resource, “but this rare attribute may not apply to the metacosystem.”
No blood from
The domestic market is no exception. As a result of the retreat of virtual properties, a large number of speculative players are withdrawing.
On November 1, 2021, the Digital Technologies Group launched the virtual social meta-cosmos, the Honnverse rainbow universe, open to the first users. At the time, the server collapsed due to the large number of participants in the open line's maximum volume virtual property book-jacking campaign.
According to official news from the show, a total of 350,000 virtual houses will be distributed on the Rainbow Cosmos Platform, which will be divided into 13 different types of housing, depending on the landscape, with different distributions and scarcity levels for each type of housing, with the taller the taller the taller the class, the smaller the class, the sss, ss, s, a, b.
Last year, at a second-hand trading platform, journalists discovered that the most expensive set of virtual properties of the rainbow cosmos “ss around the sea”, with a hang-up price of $500,000, was “wanted” by 15 people.
At present, in second-hand trading platforms and groups of qqs, the estates of the rainbow universe are almost “one-day” prices. Compared to the virtual properties that used to run for hundreds of thousands of dollars, the prices have now shrunk to hundreds or dozens of dollars. On second-hand trading platforms, there are buyers who want $1,500 to buy the highest level of ss.
Is the ss-grade sea island price compared to today? Image source: Secondhand trading platform
"I've withdrawn from a virtual estate deal in the rainbow universe, where there were more than 100 different classes of properties in the game, and since last year, virtual properties have been de-spent, and tens of thousands of dollars have shrunk to hundreds of dollars, and it is difficult to sell them." The rainbow cosmopolitan “breathing houses” player told reporters that he had no idea that the housing heat was dropping so fast.
"Strong" technology giants are retreating.
With the cooling down of the heat in the Woncosmos, the Woncosmos sector is bearing the brunt of the downsizing programmes of a number of technocratic giants.
Before that, Disney started his first round of layoffs, which were expected to be 7,000. Part of the plan was to abolish the meta-cosmos sector.
According to media reports, last month Microsoft also disbanded the Industrial Dollar Cosmos Team, which had just been established four months earlier, and 100 of its members had been dismissed.
“It is no surprise that the Yuan cosmos became the “first knife” of the big plant.” Su Na Ri, a senior consultant in the easy-to-analysing financial industry, said that the Yuan cosmos is currently mainly at the input stage, that it is difficult to see real output and that profitability is widely questioned, and that it is the main target of the big factory’s “downscaling efficiency.” Moreover, the applications associated with the metacosycosystem echoed among users, with poor experience and high prices limiting the spread of metascosy-related applications and equipment.
去年年底, meta宣布将裁员超过1.1万人,这也是公司史上规模最大的一次裁员。公司还停止招聘5000个空缺职位,并取消更多低优先级项目。
At the end of last year, Meta announced that it would cut more than 11,000 people, the largest in the company’s history. The company also stopped recruiting 5,000 vacant posts and eliminating more low-priority projects.
2021年,当扎克伯格all in元宇宙,facebook改名meta时,资本市场以为属于虚拟现实的时代真的来了。但属于元宇宙的高光时刻仅仅存在了短短几个月,还没等到元宇宙成为“移动互联网的继承者”,从2021年9月开始,meta的股价一路下滑,较最高点缩水近50%。
In 2021, when Zuckerbergall in the Woncosmos, Facebook, changed its name to Meta, capital markets thought that the era of virtual reality had really come. But the moments of light that belonged to the Woncos were only a few months away, not yet waiting for the Woncos to become “the successor to the mobile Internet” since September 2021, when Meta’s share price fell all the way, nearly 50% of the highest.
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Source: China-New Latitude, China Securities, Daily Economic News, Xinwa Weibo
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