Today, let's talk about the distribution price in Etheria. Ether is one of the most active projects in the field of smart contracts, a smart contract platform based on block-chain technology. Like Bitcoin, the distribution in Taitco is done through the initial “public” approach.
2014年7月23日,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin在比特币论坛BitcoinTalk上发表帖子,宣布启动以太坊的预售。在这次预售中,以太坊出售了总量为7200万个的以太币(Ether),这也是以太坊的初始发行量。
On July 23, 2014, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of the Taiku, published a post at BitcoinTalk at the Bitcoin Forum, announcing the launch of a pre-sale in the Taiku. During this presale, a total of 72 million Ether were sold in the Taiku, which was also the original distribution in the Taiku.
The Etheria pre-sale rule is that investors need to use bitcoin to purchase NT, with an unlimited amount of investment, but a minimum investment of 0.01 bitcoins and a maximum investment of 2,000 bitcoins.
在这次众筹中,以太坊发行价为每个以太币0.3115美元。投资者可以通过类似于现在流行的ICO(Initial Coin Offering)方式来购买以太币。这也就是说,在以太坊正式上线之前,一些投资者已经获得了以太币的持有权。
In this campaign, the price of TT$ 0.3115 per TT. Investors can buy TT in a way similar to the current popular ICO. This means that some investors have acquired TT rights before Ether officially gets online.
It has been in a strong upward trend since it came online. Soon after reaching the line, the price of the tat broke by $1, and by 21 June 2017, the price of the tat had risen to over $400, more than 1,000 times higher than the price of the initial distribution. This made the platinum’s market value, once greater than Bitcoin, the second largest encrypted currency in the world.
However, between the beginning of 2018 and the beginning of 2020, there was a more serious round-up in the prices of the Taiyeon. This was mainly due to market concerns about the pace of upgrading in the Taiyeon, as well as the low spirit of investment in the market.
Since 2021, as the Etheria 2.0 program progresses, it has been recovering. In order to increase the expansion and security of the network, the Etherworld will achieve the PoS consensus mechanism, which the market views as an important opportunity to continue to rise.
Despite fluctuations and adjustments, it is now over $2,000. The development prospects of the district are still good, and the market is paying much attention to the expansion problems and up-to-date plans that it needs to address, and it is likely to generate greater returns for investors in the future.
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