The formation of block chains in English is simple: Blockchai, a block that is linked to the chain, expresses the characteristics of the block chain in English, which is made up of one block after another. A major feature of block chain technology is decentralization, which many people do not understand. Decentralization can be understood as follows: A borrows bread from B. In the block chain, A announces “I borrow bread from B.” B announces that “I lend a bread to A” and the rest of the chain can hear a dialogue between the two, and notes that a decentralized block is built. After a while, if A does not want to admit to borrowing BB, to deny the information, the Beptine rises out: “No, you borrowed it! We remember!” It's just a block in the English of the chain, and one of the blocks is linked to the English chain in the English chain of the block chain, and one of the block is connected together, eventually forming a chain.
Many people are believed to have heard of bit, 区块链英文的解释大家是不是都有所了解了呢?因为区块链去中心化、不可篡改、共享性等特点,这项技术在未来可能被应用于很多问题的解决上,比如信用、隐私问题等,目前世界上很多国家和政府都对区块链技术发展十分支持,作为一个科技大国,中国也明确表达对区块链未来形势的看好,央行也在积极探索区块链未来在金融货币等方面的应用。 Is there any understanding of the English interpretation of the block chain? Because of the centralization of the block chain,
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