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Hello, everyone. I'm an old-timer. Today I'd like to talk about a transactional commission that I've been waiting for. As an old-timer who's been through two halves of the currency, he's seen a one-time crash.


Hi, I'm an old-timer, and today I'd like to talk about a transactional commissioning function that I've been waiting for.


As an old dish that has experienced two half-cycle cycles of currency, has witnessed the constant volatility of its own holdings at a time when there has been a sharp fall and surge, and has experienced an explosion in a time when it is too late to clean up its operations. Each time after the explosion, regret has chosen the wrong trading strategy, it also wonders how to reduce the risk when it comes to reaping the benefits.


After a sharp fall of 312 this year, and at the same time as I am calming my heart, I wonder why the current trading platform is limited in price, planned in nature, one-way out-of-end and loss-of-trust mechanisms, and there is no two-way stop-out and loss-of-trust function.


If, on March 12, I held the BTC warehouse at a market price of US$ 7,300, and I wanted to hang on to the order when the market price reached US$ 8,000, and, in order to prevent a price collapse from causing a loss, I could set the order at US$ 7,100. If that were the case, when the price reached the trigger price I set, I would be able to place the expected order in both directions to stop the loss. That would not be the result of a sudden collapse that caused the crash.


With this need for a stop-and-lost commissioning function, I looked through several of the major exchanges that are currently in the mainstream. In a sense of disappointment, I found that almost all mainstream exchanges only support one-way stop-and-break functions. No exchange supported both-way stop-and-run losses. After asking a few other friends of the currency circle, friends expressed the same demand.


Support for two-way stop-out losses was originally a common demand of investors in the broad currency circle.


Since users have a need for both-way excess and lossal functions, which can also effectively reduce the transaction risk of investors, why is the exchange not supported?


The specific reasons are not known, but as a coin-column, I would like to try to open my brain and in-depth analysis of why it is not supported from the perspective of investors and exchanges. After a detailed analysis, I draw three preliminary reasons:

1、 用户需求不强烈或者必要性不强。对于大部分投资者而言,大家习惯了现有的一些委托单机制,由于惯性思维会认为当前这些功能就是所有,没有其他的委托单机制。在意识上没有觉醒,导致大部分用户不知道双向止盈止损功能的存在。用户的需求没有有效传导只交易平台,交易平台自然不会主动去增加此项功能。

1. User demand is not strong or necessary. For most investors, there is a habit of using some of the existing commissioning mechanisms, which, because of inertia, are considered to be all, and there is no other commissioning mechanism. There is no conscious awareness, which results in most users not knowing the existence of a two-way out-of-life or loss function. Users’ needs are not effectively transmitted to only trading platforms, which naturally do not automatically increase the function.

2、 相比较于单向止盈止损,双向止盈止损功能复杂,对交易系统要求更高。在没有双向止盈止损功能时,如果我只能挂一个方向的委托单,交易系统记录一个触发价格,一个委托价格即可。现在变成双向了,意味着交易系统的负载翻倍。交易系统的负载增加除了会带来额外的运维成本外,也对系统整体的负载能力以及稳定性要求更高。

2. The two-way excess/terminal loss function is more complex and demanding for the trading system than a one-way gain. In the absence of a two-way stopover, if I can only record a trigger price in the trading system if there is no one-way commissioning function, one-way transactional price is sufficient. Now it is two-way, meaning that the load load of the trading system doubles. In addition to the additional maintenance costs, the load increase in the trading system is more demanding for the system as a whole, as well as for its overall carrying capacity and stability.

3、 交易所与用户博弈,自律性将面临更大挑战。目前中心化交易所都能通过交易系统的数据库,实时看到用户的委托单情况。对于一些无视商业道德频频作恶的小交易所,他们完全可以查看后台数据,根据委托单的分布情况,人为操作某些币种的市场价格,使用户被迫先止损然后在拉升价格,从而获利。这种情况,在合约交易中更有可能发生。

3. Exchanges play games with users, and self-regulation will be even more challenging. Centralized exchanges are now able to see user orders in real time through a trading system database. For small exchanges that ignore business ethics, they are well placed to look at back-office data and, depending on the distribution of the orders, artificially operate market prices in certain currencies, forcing users to cut losses first and then raise prices, thereby benefiting from them. This is more likely to happen in contract transactions.


The failure of user demand to effectively tap, the difficulty of upgrading exchange trading systems, and the lack of business ethics in the centralized exchanges themselves as a result of the temptation to profit may cause many current head or non-head exchanges to fail to operate in both directions.


As a platform for serving investors, an exchange can respond positively to and respond to the needs of its users in order to be branded and responsible for the nature of a major exchange.


Surprisingly, that wish has been fulfilled.


On August 25, OKEx completed the upgrade of the PC end-of-trade system, and the two-way out-and-out feature is officially online. In a fresh sense, I log on to the OKEx computer end to experience the new feature, which basically meets expectations and is smooth.


OKEx on a PC-end bidirectional excess/terminal loss page


The old pickles are finally saved. After the two-way inbound OKEx, no matter how volatile I may be, I can effectively reduce the risk of significant loss of principal while generating the expected returns.

在OKEx的用户社区了解到,原来此前OKEx的CEO Jay曾在微博上开启“人人都是OKEx产品经理”的用户需求调研活动,收集用户需求意见“一键止盈止损”作为得票数最多的需求。

The user community of OKEx learned that formerly the CEO Jay of OKEx had started a user demand research campaign on Twitter entitled “Everyone is an OKEx product manager” to collect user demand advice on “one key to stop the loss and loss” as the largest number of votes.


Here, after playing this two-way end-up function for a period of time, the following details need to be noted:


The position will be frozen until such time as the winding down of the silo will be triggered successfully.


A stop-and-lost order may not be triggered successfully, but may fail because the contract is in a non-tradable state, system problems, etc. A successful price limit order may not necessarily be concluded, and an unsold limit order may appear in the current order.


If a commission is made, your existing storage space will be removed, and if the commission fails, your hold will remain.


After triggering, the system uses a market maximum or a minimum price limit at the time of triggering, if the client set the commission price to trigger the price limit rule.


There may be different limits to the number of purchase orders with respect to the market price of the different contracts (which may be adjusted in the light of changes in the market)


Only PC-end is currently supported, and the APP-end has not yet been synchronized.


On May 29, a call for demand was launched, and on August 25, the OKEx officially went online on the PC end-of-the-end two-way excess/deficit feature. In more than two months, user needs research was completed, tests were organized for development and official access, which was somewhat surprising, and perhaps also reflected the strength of the OKEx as the top global trading platform and the concept of top-down operations.


Investments test humanity and depend on platforms. After the collapse of the currency contract, I expect the digital money trading platform to become more sophisticated.


There will be no more busts in the trading world with a two-way winding-down.




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