比特币挖矿成本一个已高达6000美金,以太坊挖矿很快崩溃,挖矿已穷途末路? 别慌,newifi新路由挖矿机来了!“Newifi新路由”是全球首款区块链高端路由器也是全球最低门槛挖矿机。

Don't panic, Newifi's new route is coming from a miner! Newifi is the world's first block chain high-end router and is the world's lowest threshold miner.

新路由挖矿,可在家中挖矿, 零噪音,耗电量极低,一个月耗电一度多,更精确地说,一台新路由是24瓦,20台480瓦,20台同时挖矿,都比一个台式电脑耗电量还低,且因路由器本就7X24X365小时开机,故新路由挖矿“零耗电”,因为新路由挖矿,和比特币挖矿不一样,不追求哈希,不追求计算力,而是追求用户闲置的上行带宽和储存。

New roads are mined by digging mines at home, zero noise , very low power consumption, power consumption for one month < < /strang >, and more precisely, a new road route is 24 watts, 20 sets of 480 watts and 20 mines are mined at the same time at a lower level than a desktop computer, and new roads are mined by “zero power” because routers would have opened for 7x24x365 hours, since new roads are mined by digs, unlike Bitcoin, and do not pursue Hashi, do not pursue calculus, but rather the user's idle upper bandwidth and storage.

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New roads are mined or stupid. Computer White can handle it. Ha-ha.


What kind of mechanism is the new route by which to dig? In short, the reward mechanism. The new route by which to dig mine users shares idle resources (bandwidth and storage), the new route block chain system by which to reward the encrypted currency to dig mine users, and the mechanism by which to use the smart contract technology of the block chain.

为何新路由区块链系统要给用户打赏加密币呢? 因为用户分享的闲置带宽和储存,形成了一个分布式CDN网络,这个共享CDN具有真正的价值。目前,所有的直播游戏视频平台每个月都需巨额的CDN费用来保证视频不卡顿,以后,直播游戏平台可购买新路由共享CDN,成本是其传统CDN的20%。

Because users share idle bandwidth and storage, they form a distributed network of CDNs, a shared CDN that is of real value. Currently, all live game video platforms require a huge monthly cost of CDNs to ensure that the video is not Caden, and in the future live game platforms can buy new ways to share CDNs at a cost of 20% of their traditional CDNs.


Traditional CDNs need to build a large number of base stations, while Newifi's new router decentralised “shared” mode allows each router to become a node, and each router and its loaded mobile hard drive to become a cache node. Live game users can get video content from the nearest cache node, without the need to get it from the remote server base.

目前newifi新路由已经在为腾讯的游戏《王者荣耀》做加速,这标志着newifi新路由成为全球首家实现共享CDN商用的服务提供商。包括business insider, market watch, Yahoo finance, Dailytelescope在内的外媒纷纷进行了报道:

The new newifi route, which has now been accelerated for the evangelical game The King’s Glory, marks the new newifi route as the world’s first provider of shared CDN commerce.

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Newifi's new road, which is an encoded currency for mining purposes, is not randomly available, and Newifi's new route is being financed by investors such as Thunder, Union, Kyoto and Microsoft Beijing Investment Centers, which kill advisers in a number of block chain projects. At present, deep strategic collaboration has been reached with Newifi's new route chain project. On 28 January 2018, the association and the new router launched “Newifi, Associated Hands, Buys Under Strategic Co-operation — Associated with the official Beijing 4s, Buys new newifi route — Offers digital gold” as soon as news comes out, wants 400 phone calls. On 13 February 2018, the new router of Newifi also wanted to open a flash purchase in the official mall.


4 major strategic shareholders strongly supported

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此次newifi 3 一推出就被“秒抢”,全部售罄。一个账号只能在官方微店抢购一台,而且定时抢购,官方微店、京东、淘宝旗舰店完全缺货!

This time, Newifi 3 was sold out as soon as it was launched. An account can only buy one from an official microshop, which is regularly bought, and the official microshops, Kyoto, and Chevalry are completely out of stock!


The second-hand market for strong and scavengers has once been laid off at $2,500.

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为何newifi新路由销售如此火爆呢? 秘密就在加密币“数字黄金”, newifi新路由挖矿功能2018年1月5日上线,现在每个用户每天挖币30-160个。(视硬盘大小和在线时长等不一定)。投入是多少呢?一台newifi路由器+2T移动硬盘,两百多美金而已!既让家里低端路由器鸟枪换大炮,又给自己手机扩展了2T内存(手机图片视频自动同步到2T硬盘),还可以挖加密币,到交易所去卖卖卖,体验硅谷最新挖矿新风潮,1-3个月就能回本,太划算了!

A newifi router +2T mobile hard drive, more than $200! It's a small-end-of-the-mill gun exchange for cannons, and it's an extension of 2T memory to its own cell phone (mob image video is automatically synchronized to 2T hard disk), and it's an encrypt currency that can be sold to an exchange and sell at an exchange to experience the latest trend in silicon valley mining, 1-3 months to return to Ben/Strong!


On January 30, 2018, at 11AM, US$ 1PM successfully organized the Newifi New Road, which was bought by the first American market. Digital gold was reduced by half, like Bitcoin, and the first year of global users split more than 2.8 million dollars a day, while the Newifi New Road ran wildly from 3 to the rest of the world, so got it early and diggered more.

徐小平老师说了,区块链革命,顺我者昌,逆我者亡,挖矿要趁早! 2018年2月14日美西晚上8点整,美东晚上11点整, 我们将进行第二轮抢购,每人限购3台!仅限北美用户!仅限北美用户!仅限北美用户!本轮抢购有特大惊喜,仅限抢购成功者!仅限抢购成功者!仅限抢购成功者!

Mr. Seo Xiaoping said that the block chain revolution, along with our own people, would be the best way to get mined! On February 14, 2018, 8 p.m. sharp and 11 p.m. sharp, we're going to do a second round of shopping, limited to three for North American users only! North American users only! North American users only!


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New Road by CEO overseas: yimijiazhou

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