In the previous two weeks, the amount of TT$ 2,000 could be purchased in TT$, and the amount of NT$ 1,000 could be purchased in TT$ 1 over time. Last week, TT$ 1,337 could be bought in NT. The number of TT$ 60,102216 was finally sold. On average, based on the price of TT$ 1 at the time of the collection.
¥11,959.56 ≈ $1,634.49
0.198x (x=60102216为发售总量)个以太币将被分配给早期贡献者和以太坊基金会。
0.198 x (x = 6010216 total sales) will be allocated to early contributors and to the Ethio Foundation.
以太坊网络正式发布时,以太币存量为:60102216+60102216 * 0.198=72002454个以太币。
* 0.198 = 72002454 NT.
On 18 December 2016, the net total was 87052673, with the addition of approximately 31,889 coins per day.
Since the PoW ice period will increase from mid-2017, the number of blocks will increase exponentially in about 2019. The incentive for each block will not increase proportionately, but will remain at 5 taels per block. Thus, the number of new dailies will be significantly reduced:
在第 3000000个区块,总的以太币数量大约是 87962556.时间大约是 2017-01-16.区块时间为 14.86秒。
In the 3,000,000 blocks, the total number of NT is approximately 87962556. Time is approximately 2017-01-16. Block time is 14.86 seconds.
在第 3500000个区块,总的以太币数量大约是 90612556.时间大约是 2017-04-11区块时间为 15.27秒。
In the 3.5 million blocks, the total number of NTs was approximately 90612556 for approximately 2017-04-11 for 15.27 seconds.
在第 4000000个区块,总的以太币数量大约是 93262556.时间大约是 2017-08-15 区块时间为 30.01秒。
In the 40 million blocks, the total number of NT is approximately 93262556. Time is approximately 2017-08-15 for 30.01 seconds.
在第 4500000个区块,总的以太币数量大约是 95912556.时间大约是 2018-11-03 区块时间为 136.71秒。
In the 4.5 million blocks, the total number of NTs was approximately 959,12556 at approximately 2018-11-03 blocks for 136.71 seconds.
在第 5000000个区块,总的以太币数量大约是 98562556.时间大约是 2025-10-02 区块时间为 835.81秒。
In the 5,000,000 blocks, the total number of NTs was approximately 98562556.00 for approximately 2025-10-02 for 835.81 seconds.
在第 5500000个区块,总的以太币数量大约是 101212556.时间大约是 2128-03-20 区块时间为 17183.83秒。
In the 5.5 million blocks, the total number of NTs was approximately 101212556 for approximately 2128-03-20 blocks for 17183.83 seconds.
在第 6000000个区块,总的以太币数量大约是 103862556.时间大约是 5189-09-26 区块时间为 520901.19秒。
In the 6,000,000 blocks, the total number of NTs was approximately 103862556. About 5189-09-26 for 520901.19 seconds.
So it's not going to be much more than 100 million.
以太坊(英文Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether,简称“ETH”)提供去中心化的以太虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约。
Ethereum is an open-source public block chain platform with smart contracts and handles point-to-point contracts through its dedicated encrypted currency (Ether, “ ETH&rdquao;) which provides a decentralised Etherium Virtual Machine.
以太坊的概念首次在2013至2014年间由程序员Vitalik Buterin受比特币启发后提出,大意为“下一代加密货币与去中心化应用平台”,在2014年通过ICO众筹开始得以发展。
The concept of the Taiku was first proposed by the programmer Vitalik Buterin, inspired by Bitcoin, between 2013 and 2014, to the effect that & & & & & & & & & & & & & & next generation of encrypted currency and decentralized applications & & & &, which began to develop in 2014 through ICO crowds.
What's the price of the etherm? What's the etherm? Details, more information about the etherm's original distribution?
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