After halving the number of bitcoin, the social rivalries led to a record income for single-day miners, and despite the fact that costs had declined due to the heat, analysts were still looking at Bitcoin's homogenous monetic market, arguing that while the tokens initially consisted of Meme, more homogenous currencies based on practicality would be seen over time.
The fourth half of the Bitcoin was completed on 20 April at 8.09 a.m. Beijing time, at a block height of 840,000, and the Bitcoin block incentive was reduced from the original 6.25 to 3.125.
Despite the halving of the incentive, the miner's income soared to $107.75 million on that day, of which about 75 per cent (US$ 80 million) came from transaction costs, all at an all-time high.
Miner income
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Bitcoin to DeFi?
Block browser mempool.space data show that, with the exception of the first block in half, a single block generates 37.67 BTC transaction fees that have passed historical records and, by half, more than 104 consecutive blocks exceed mining incentives.
据The Block报导,比特币托管公司Casa共同创办人Jameson Lopp指出:很高兴看到这样的结果,这证明了交易费(在没有区块奖励后)足够维持链上安全的理论。
According to The Block, Jameson Lopp, co-founder of the Bitcoin hosting company Casa, said that it was pleased to see the result, which demonstrated the theory that transaction costs (without block incentives) were sufficient to maintain security on the chain.
The surge in transaction costs is due to user pretenses about the Scrolls (Runes) protocol, while Bernstein analysts say: Bitcoin is no longer just a traditional block chain, and users can hold bitcoins and do more. Bitcoin is experiencing a deFi boom similar to Ether in 2020, when a large number of DeFi applications and tokens were introduced in the tether chain, leading to a surge in liquidity and transaction costs.
bitcoin's motto, suspense's heat, sharp drop in costs
Bernstein分析师指出,用户对于Runes代币铸造的需求导致更多的竞争,从而推高了比特币的交易费。 Bernstein's analyst noted that the user's demand for Runes' tokens led to more competition, thus pushing up the transaction costs of Bitcoins. Unisat数据显示,截至目前已经铸造了超过7,000个符文代币,「RSIC•GENESIS•RUNE」是持有地址最多的代币。 Unisat data show that, to date, more than 7,000 token coins have been forged, "RSIC&bul; GENESIS&bul; RUNE" being the currency holding the largest number of addresses. 但随着热潮消退,比特币的平均交易费用也从减半当天的128.45美元,大幅降至4月21日的34.80美元,Mempool数据显示,平均费用现在已回落至10美元。 However, as the tide subsided, the average transaction cost for Bitcoin also fell significantly from $128.45 on the day of halving to $34.80 on 21 April, with Mempol data showing that the average cost has now fallen to $10. 即便如此,Bernstein分析师仍看好比特币的同质化代币市场:比特币的可替代代币市场潜力尚未被充分挖掘,以太坊上的DeFi等代币总价值超过2,000亿美元,虽然符文一开始只有模因币,但随着时间推移,我们可能会在比特币上看到更多基于实用性的同质化代币。 Even so, Bernstein analysts view the homogenous currency market as bitcoin: the potential of bitcoins for alternative money markets has yet to be fully exploited, with the total value of DeFi in the Tails exceeding $200 billion. Although the tokens are initially memes, over time we may see more homogenous coins on bitcoins based on practicality. 币安(Binance)交易所是一家全球性的加密货币交易所,服务包括北美、欧洲、台湾、中东、香港、马来西亚在内的180个国家地区,提供超过600种加密货币,在全球拥有1.2亿注册用户。自2018年以来,币安在交易量方面被认为是全世界上最大的加密货币交易所,24小时交易量高达760亿美金。 盘点:创始人赵长鹏和老东家Okcoin争议不断,一开始不太乐观,但后来发现平台的表现还是挺厉害的! Inventory: The founder, Zhao Chang Peng, and the old boss Okcoin, were in a row, initially less optimistic, but later found that the platform was doing quite well! OKX是全球前二大虚拟货币交易及Web3平台,面向全球用户提供比特币 (BTC)、以太币 (ETH)、USDT、Shiba Inu (SHIB)、瑞波 XRP、狗狗币(Doge)等多种虚拟货币资产的币币和衍生品交易服务,方便快捷地管理投资加密货币等资产。 OKX is the first two virtual global currency transactions and Web3 platforms that provide global users with currency (BTC), Ether (ETH), USDT, Shiba Inu (SHIB), Rapo XRP, Doge, etc. services for currency and derivative transactions that facilitate the quick management of investments in encrypted money, etc. 盘点:欧易成交量、币种数量、安全性在国内都是数一数二的,手续费也低。 Inventory: E-manufacturing, number of currencies and security are counted in the country and fees are low. 火币全球专业站,是火币集团旗下服务于全球专业交易用户的创新数字资产国际站,致力于发现优质的创新数字资产投资机会,目前提供四十多种数字资产品类的交易及投资服务,总部位于新加坡,由火币全球专业站团队负责运营。火币集团是一家具有全球竞争力与影响力的数字资产综合服务商,为超过130个国家百万级用户提供优质服务。在新加坡、香港、韩国、日本等多个国家和地区均有独立的交易业务和运营中心。在技术平台、产品支线、安全风控体系、运营及客户服务体系等方面,火币集团在全球均处于领先地位。
盘点:创造了全球比特币交易平台的最高纪录,是世界上最大的比特币交易平台之一。 Stocktaking: Creates the highest record of the global Bitcoin trading platform and is one of the largest Bitcoin trading platforms in the world. Gate.io成立于2013年4月,中文名称「芝麻开门」,前身为中国的「比特儿」交易所,创始人为技术出身的韩林博士。 Gate.io的创建初心是「为每一个信仰比特币的人找到放心的交易场所」,这一想法贯彻了Gate.io的发展。 在9.4监管政策收紧之后,Gate.io离开中国,一直在海外发展。最近也进入了台湾、马来西亚、印尼、新加坡、韩国等东南亚市场。 目前Gate.io总部设在英属开曼群岛,为来自130多个国家,400多万用户提供加密货币的法币、现货和衍生品交易。官方声称提供100%保证金审计证明,真实透明的加密资产交易服务。 Gate.io was established in April 2013 under the Chinese name “Sesame Opens” and formerly China’s “Bethlear” exchange, founded by Dr. Hanlin of technical origin. Gate.io was created with the idea of “finding secure trading places for every person of faith in Bitcoin.” 以上就是分析师看好BTC代币市场发展!比特币矿工单日收益破亿美元创记录的详细内容,更多关于比特币矿工单日收益破亿美元的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章! This is how analysts see BTC in the currency market. Bitcoin miner's daily earnings break a record $1 billion. More information on Bitcoin miner's daily earnings break $1 billion, please pay attention to other relevant script house articles!
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