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比特币的传奇尚未落幕,另一个传奇就已经开启:2015年7月,高德纳发布了新一年的技术成熟度曲线图。从图中可以清晰地看到:比特币所代表的加密货币(cryptocurriencies)和虚拟货币交易(Cryptocurriencie Exchange)逐渐从2014年炒作的顶峰期跌落到大众普遍失望的谷底。

The legend of Bitcoin has not yet come to an end, and another one has already been opened: in July 2015, Goldner released a new year’s technological maturity curve. It is clear from the map that bitcoin represents an encoded currency (cryptocurricities) and a virtual currency transaction (Cryptocurricie Exchange) that has gradually fallen from its peak in 2014 to the bottom of widespread public disappointment.

然而,出乎意料的是,整个产业并未衰落。截至2016年2月19日,全球比特币相关产业投资额度仍然逐渐升温,突破10亿美元。这其中以完成两轮融资的OKcoin为首的7家中国公司也格外引人注意,带领着中国区块链产业的发展。这也显示了资本与市场的整体乐观。正如中国古人所说的,“阴极阳生”。一种新的技术让投资者和业界再次看到了曙光,那就是Blockchain(区块链)。这是一个并不常见的现象。一般而言,当一项技术衰退的时候,除非它的生命周期非常长,能极大地激励人类的期待和梦想,比如人工智能,它能极大地勾起科研界、技术界的梦想。从20世纪60年代,从海曼·明斯基(Hyman Minsky)时代一直发展到今天的阿尔法狗时代。但大部分创新技术一跌下去就被淘汰了。比特币、加密货币这种技术之所以能硬挺到今天,非常重要的因素就是背后的区块链技术又再次把它拉动了起来。

However, as the Chinese ancients have said, the entire industry has not fallen. A new technology allows investors and industry to see the dawning of a Blockchain (a chain of blocks) again. This is a rare phenomenon. In general, when a technology recession is taking place, unless it has a very long life cycle that greatly stimulates human expectations and dreams, such as artificial intelligence, it can be a tremendous boost to the scientific and technological world. From the time of Hyman Minsky, in the 1960’s, it has developed again into today’s Alpha Dog era.



For bitcoin and block chains, there are two common misconceptions that are widely disseminated in industry:


Misperception 1: Bitcoin and block chains are father-son relationships;


Misperception 2: The block chain was an unexpected discovery and creation of Bitcoin, bringing surprises that no one had anticipated before.

事实上,作为比特币实现的底层技术,区块链的产生是伴随着比特币一道出现的,称之为父与子的关系极其不准确。其次,与其说意外,倒不如说是“蓄谋已久”。早在2010年,在后来的比特币核心开发者Gavin Anderson(盖文·安德森)的讨论帖中,中本聪就指出自己为什么在比特币初始代码版本wallet.dat中嵌入一种非常简单的脚本(Gavin发现后曾一度陷入紧张不安中)。

In fact, as a bottom-of-the-line technology realized by Bitcoin, the formation of the block chain was accompanied by bitcoin, known as the parent-child relationship, which was extremely inaccurate. Second, it was more of a “premeditation” than an accident. As early as 2010, in a discussion post by the later Bitcoin core developer, Gavin Anderson, he pointed out why he had embedded a very simple script in the initial bitcoin code version of Walter.dat (a time of tension since Gavin’s discovery).


He said, “I've been thinking many years ago whether I could let (bitcoin) support a variety of types of transactions, including: hosting transactions, bond contracts, third-party arbitration, multiple signatures, etc. If Bitcoin can develop on a large scale in the future, then these types of transactions will all be something we want to explore in the future, but they should be taken into account at the outset of their design so that the rewards can be realized.”


Indeed, as later researchers have analysed, the application of these structures has long gone beyond digital currency and can even be extended to any type of transaction, such as intellectual contract-based applications. Indeed, it is possible to use the specialized term in design to say that the “block chain” is the “availability” of bitcoin, a vehicle that offers a wider possibility of interaction.


The basic agreement for the first version of the Chinese version of the “bitcoin block chain” is very simple: by means of a time stamp, the parties together account for it, together notarized every 10 minutes, form all the correct accounts database “blocks” of the 10-minute web record, and then each legal block is linked into a chain, forming a distributed and consensual account book database, which is the “block chain”.


The block chain is essentially a decentralised distributed account database, a bottom-of-bitcoin technology, which is associated with bitcoin. The block chain itself is a series of data blocks generated by cryptography, each containing information validly confirmed by several Bitcoin network transactions.


Whenever an encryptable transaction is generated, the miners in the network (Miner) use algorithms to decipher the transaction and create new blocks to record the latest transactions. The new block is added linearly to the end of the old block chain in chronological order, and the account will continue to grow and extend.


Through complex public and private key settings, block-link networks broadcast all transactions of the entire financial network in real time, distributing the transaction records to each client in real time, while ensuring that everyone can only modify their own property. Of course, there are other people’s records in the books, and while values and corresponding transaction addresses (which basically consist of a long hiatus of letters and numbers) are visible, it is simply impossible to know the true identity of the dealer without using other technical means.


If analysed from different technical angles, we can look at the block chain in this way: it is a database, a distributed system and a network bottom protocol.


(1) Database. The block chain is a public database that records all transactions between networks, keeps them up to date, and allows each user to read and write information through legal means. However, there is a special mechanism to prevent previous data from being tampered with.


(2) Distributed system. The block chain is a distributed system, which is not stored on a particular server or security node, but is distributed on all the complete nodes of the network, with backup information maintained at each node.


(3) Network bottom protocols. Block chains are a consensus agreement on which a large number of applications can be developed. At each point, these applications maintain a record of the longest, most authoritative, commonly accepted data, and follow a commonly recognized mechanism to conduct direct, point-to-point interactive information without intermediate authority arbitration.




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