在区块链没有大规模的落地应用之前,没有大众级的应用之前,概念几乎是一个项目的一个生命线 ,所以对于概念的定位特别的重要,我们来梳理一下,从比特币开始,区块链经历的概念的变迁,以及我们区块链的未来在何方。
> >, before the block chain is applied on a large scale, and before the mass level, the concept is almost a lifeline of a project , so it is particularly important to position the concept, so let's get this straight, starting with Bitcoin, how the concept of the block chain has evolved and where our chain is in the future.
Since its inception, Bitcoin has been conceived as a response to the over-exploitation of the global currency. In its founding block, it recorded the over-exploitation of the currency, which was gradually recognized by the world after its birth, but the price of bitcoin rose, and many felt that bitcoin was too expensive, and they needed something cheaper than bitcoin, >, the concept of an over-valued bitcoin, which was its first concept >.
莱特币的产生,当时有比特金,莱特银的说法,再到后面,就是弥补比特币的不足,比如他们说比特币的tps太低了,bch就把比特币的区块扩大了,扩容的概念,弥补比特币的不足,随后又有了BSV,BSV的概念是什么,争夺正统性,奥本聪他宣称自己是中本聪, 并且把区块扩容做到了极致,让BSV的区块可以到达1G-2G。
The creation of the bitcoin, by bitkin, by bitcoin, and then by what, by what, by what, by BSV, BSV, by which he claims to be middle-breeding, and by which the bitcoin blocks can reach 1G-2G, by which they say they're too low.
随后就来到了以太坊的时代,以太坊诞生以后,也取得巨大的成功,以太坊率先技术的概念是智能合约,但是在相当长一段时间内,人们都不懂得智能合约,随着人们对智能合约认识的加深, 对智能合约用法的熟悉, 以太坊取得了成功,这时,它的概念就出现了两条路:
The concept of Ether's leading technology was smart contracts >, and when Etherp was successful, two paths emerged: > >.
The first way is to make up for Etheria's flaws.
最主要的是说以太坊的能耗,GAS性能,还有它的账户体系,等等的弊端, 所以市面上更多的是展开了对共识机制的讨论,和对以太坊缺陷的弥补,所以在2017年出现的各种POXXX共识机制出现了,各种针对以太坊以太坊,模仿以太坊,号称超越以太坊的项目,但这项目无一例外基本上都失败了,我们都说模仿是不会有前途的,简单的超越也不会有前途。
以前大家发个币,要把比特币的代码拿出来改一改,而现在代码都不需要了,直接在以太坊上发币, 这个时候比讲故事,比讲共识机制,比讲TPS更加的容易了,因此后来直接就出现了各种应用币,这种币我们通常统称为空气币。
It's easier to tell stories than to talk about consensus mechanisms than to talk about TPS, so there's all kinds of appliances that we usually call air money.
The old BCH, BSV and so on, we call it a mountain coin, we call it an air coin, not 100%, of course, at least 99%, and they speak very well about the concept of application.
但是最后这些99%的项目为什么都失败了? 因为他们的应用是空中楼阁,区块链的基础需要从1累积到99,第一100才是应用,而这些代币直接给你讲第100,直接跟你讲应用,下面的任何基础知识都还不存在,离落地越远越不接地气,它的生命周期越短 。
But why did all of these 99% of the projects fail? Because their apps are air lofts, where the base of the block chain needs to be accumulated from 1 to 99, and the first 100 applications, and the tokens speak directly to you about the 100th, and the application, and any basic knowledge below is non-existent, and the further away from the ground, the shorter its life cycle is.
第一条是分片,分片最主要是提升TPS。 第二条是主打隐私计算。
隐私计算包括隐私币这些,一直炒到现在都还是一个热点,但它只是WEB3里面一个组件, 它没有资格发币,但是一定会有很多项目去发隐私计算的代币,隐私计算有没有价值?我觉得是有价值的,但是它们单独出来发币,这就有点过分了,它只是web3的一个组件而已。
privacy calculations include the private currency it's only a component in WEB3, 再到后来,就是我们熟悉的NFT,元宇宙,GameFI,SocialFi,这些大家就很混乱了,我们一个一个的来讲,NFT是我们明确要求大家不要去参与的,因为NFT和艺术品这些进行绑定,目前来说区块链上缺乏展示的平台,很难有外部的价值给它注入, 当然NFT在未来web3的世界里,它是很有价值的,非同质化代币可以做很多事情。 /span >, and of course NFT is valuable in the future of the Web3 world, and it's an unsymmetric proxy that can do a lot of things.
我并不否认NFT的价值,我否认的是现在NFT的玩法,我们再来看为了web3的是什么,简单来说是把web2的价值通证化,又或者说你可以这样理解web3,就是要把带宽存储流量,用区块链来进行激励,而工作完成多少,FIL完成一半, BZZ流量激励完成一半,带宽激励还处于空白。
I don't deny the value of NFT. I deny it. What NFT's game is now 既然说web3的这些东西没有实现,元宇宙,GameFI,SocialFi,都是空中楼阁 ,元宇宙就是把整个社会的价值进行通证化,你要想连互联网的价值都还没有通证化,你怎么可能把整个社会的价值进行通证,这是不可能的。
我们再来说SocialFi, 去中心化的社交, 它的地位跟链游一样,目前web3还没有实现,SocialFi实现的概率同样是不可能的空中楼阁,所以SocialFi提了几次,但是在整个加密市场并没有火爆起来,即便马斯克收购了推特,SocialFi的概念仍然没有人炒,所以你们得知道,概念一定要离落地近一点,这样它的生命周期才会更长一点。 We're talking about SocialFi, going to the center stage of socialization, which is the same status as chain travel,
我们总结了这些概念,我们可以说web3是离我们最近的一个概念,是即将要实现的一个概念,我们要感谢各种概念的变迁,我们也要感谢各种技术的沉淀。 We summed up these concepts, and we can say that web3 is the most recent one and one that we're about to achieve, and we would like to thank the changes in concepts, and we would like to thank the various technologies for their deposition.
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