币圈519暴跌真凶被判无期徒刑! 说起519大家应该还有印象吧?94、312、519这几个特殊日子,对于币圈的你至今难忘记?只要你在币圈肯定就被狠狠割了一...
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:79 评论:0说起519大家应该还有印象吧?
Speaking of 519, you must remember that, don't you?
94, 312, 519 special days, and you still can't forget about the currency ring?
As long as you're in the currency circle, you must have been cut so badly, and the cow market was taken away almost in its entirety for six months.
At that time, everyone knew that the central bank had sent a message that the provision of virtual money-trading services was suspected of illegal financial activity. But most of them did not know who caused the wave.
After his arrest in May 2021, the central bank sent a letter in which the coins broke out in the Great Falls on May 19th. Two years later, Shaw was sentenced by the Intermediate People’s Court of Hang County, Zhejiang Province, in the case of bribes and abuse of authority.
The accused Xiao Ying was sentenced to “life imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for life” and confiscation of the entire property of the individual on the charge of bribery, while the offence of abuse of power was sentenced to six years' imprisonment.
The judge decides to impose the penalty for the offence of passive bribery, i.e. life imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for life and confiscation of the entire property of the individual; the seizure and seizure of the proceeds of the bribe and its fruits, in accordance with the law, shall be pursued and surrendered to the State Treasury.
法院判决书指出,经审理查明,肖毅在2008 ~ 2021年间,先后利用担任担任江西省人民政府驻北京办事处主任、江西省抚州市委书记、江西省政协副主席等职务上的便利,为有关单位和个人在工程承揽、项目开发和职务晋升等事项上提供帮助,并非法收贿共计折合人民币1.25亿余元,其中5,782万余元尚未实际取得。
According to the Court's judgement, during the period 2008 - 2021, Shao Yi made use of his position as Director of the People's Government Office in Jiangxi Province in Beijing, Secretary of the Municipal Committee in Jiangxi Province and Vice-President of the Political Consultative Council in Jiangxi Province, respectively, to assist the relevant units and individuals in matters such as engineering, project development and promotion, and illegally took bribes totalling more than RMB 125 million, of which more than RMB 57.82 million had not yet been actually obtained.
In addition to the recognition of bribes, during the period 2017 to 2021, Xiao Yi was the Secretary of the State Council for Municipalities, and in violation of State regulations, he was involved in providing financial subsidies, financial support, electricity security, etc. to enterprises engaged in the production of virtual currency, resulting in a significant loss of public property, the interests of the country and its people, which was particularly serious and had a particularly negative impact.
The real killer of the fall of 519 was sentenced to life imprisonment, while our lost money could not be recovered!
The market environment is not good, and it has a lot of influence on the currency circle, like the other day, when there's no sign of a fall, and there's billions of dollars in it. Do you think it's easy to make money? Easy? But not you, you're just a contributor, and look back at whether you earn or lose in the ring!
说句实在话,进入币圈的绝大多数人,都是 “轻资产”的人,想借助数字货币投资的以小博大,押赌一场革命成果,本来就没什么资产,大家都是屌丝,也没有家,有的是青春和热情,以及不断提升的月工资,咱们博得起、输得起,并不存在真正的“倾家荡产”,投资是有计划的,而不是盲目的梭哈。
To be honest, the vast majority of those entering the currency circle are “light assets”, and those who want to invest in digital money to bet on the outcome of a revolution have no assets, no assets, no dicks, no homes, some youth and passion, and a rising monthly wage, and we can afford, lose, and there is no real “loose” — investment is planned, not blind.
According to the exchange data, at this stage, the probability of a 75 per cent loss for users of spot transactions exceeds the 90 per cent probability for contract users. Why is there such a loss? Indeed, there are all kinds of ugly things in the currency circles, with all kinds of dark boxing and insider trading running around the entire ecological chain, and all players are doomed to be cut.
But the odds are very low, so there's no need to gamble, try not to choose a small exchange, the big one doesn't do that much, and it doesn't run for a few months on the line. But the small exchange can!
It's also a practice to enter the currency, and there are people who walk, and those who come see one night rich in the currency, and those who leave turn into one night violent. May you not become one night violent man and leave.
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