1. 收益最大化:你可以邀请朋友共享矿池算力,可以做到10级以下算力共享,一起使用算力会更大,同时都会获得较多的收益。

资讯 2024-07-08 阅读:51 评论:0



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CryptoTap 浏览器 ,中文名CT浏览器,只要你在上网,就会有比特币产出,电脑端、手机端,都可以使用。这可以说是一个零门槛的国外 项目, 只需要通过3个步骤即可赚钱:





CT Browser Starts with Teaching

1. 点击上方下载安装CryptoTap(win系统/苹果电脑/安卓/IOS系统均可)根据提示填写资料,具体流程可参考下图翻译。

2. 点击登录 绑定帐号 ,可使用google、Facebook、Twitter、VK(注意:使用前三者登录 需国际网络,国内可以直接下载VK注册,授权登录)

3. 登录后进入滑动条界面,将算力进度条拉到MAX即可,各系统可能稍微区别,但是大同小异。


4. 分享你的邀请链接,贴心提醒:网页只有英文请按右键-翻译,里面显示的$0.0XX"的单位都是$美金噢。

5. 挂在后台和使用浏览器时,就会产生比特币,建议大家删掉其他浏览器,使其效率更高。


免入金!! 0风险!!只要挂机和推广就有钱赚!!

3. 注意事项:首先下载CT浏览器电脑版、手机版,然后用Google、Facebook、Twitter、VK任一账户绑定、登录。其次电脑端CT浏览器只支持windows7以上的系统,安卓手机支持安卓5以上系统,至于XP系统、苹果IOS自行安装。如有问题进群询问。

3. First download the CT browser computer, cellular, and then binds and logs in Google, Facebook, Twitter, and any account of VK. 's next computer end CT browser only supports the windows7 system or more, Andre supports the Andre 5 system, and then the XP system and Apple IOS installs themselves.


Recently, the Bitcoin market was hot, rising from more than 6,800 to more than $8,000, with many backstage private sources asking if there were any projects to earn bitcoin and suggesting ways to get bitcoin free of charge, in addition to the above-mentioned CT browser.


Min Min Mining


Min mining is an offshore platform that can be used domestically. You can now click on registered Min mining mining [1] and currently support the digging of four mainstream coins, Bitcoin, Letcoco, Etheria, Dogcoin.


As a result of the support for the Chinese interface, Deng Sir explained that the various cloud ponds were operated in a similar manner, and that the registration log-in-in-in-the-digit electronic wallet-on-the-line was opened.


Friends can be invited to work together to make money, support a three-tier proposal, with a first-level commission of 7 per cent, a second-tier commission of 2 per cent, and a third-level commission of 1 per cent. All that needs to be done is to share it with your friends in the circle of friends, forums, etc.


Honey bear, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey.

蜜熊采蜜是一款很有意思的软件,不需花费大笔钱买一个专门的矿机采矿,它能自动检测你当前电脑的 CPU、GPU 配置进行资源调度,开始自动挖币,当然机器配置越高越好,一台配置高的 PC 笔记本,搭配一部GPU,每天可以挖到价值1-3美元的比特币,这可能是最简单的方法。

The honey bear is an interesting software that does not have to pay a lot of money to buy a dedicated miner, which can automatically test your current computer's CPU, GPU configuration for resource control, and begin to dig for coins automatically, although the higher the machine's configuration, the better it is, a high-configured PC notebook, coupled with a GPU, the easiest way to find bitcoins worth one to three dollars a day.

通过邓SIR分享的链接注册即可获赠 1000 Satoshi 的比特币大礼包,直接点击注册蜜熊[2]下载安装程序,开始挂机赚钱吧。

The registration of the link shared by Deng Sir will allow for the gift of a bitcoin bag of 1000 Satoshi to directly click on the registered bear to download the installation program and start to hang up for money.


Log in the backstage, account setting, and you can add the collection number wallet address.


It is also possible to invite friends to make more money and to earn more, in addition to making money by hanging up.


It's a sticker.


FreeBitco, a home spinach platform, has been in existence for many years, bearing in mind that the words of Mr. Deng are far from gambling. We were meant to get the money, and we get the free bitco every hour.


Operating process


1. A digital wallet address may be prepared first and, if it does not exist, it may be used in electronic wallets such as military currency [3], currency security [4], etc.

2.注册之后到邮箱收信并点击连结验证Email即可,如你久久未收到邮件,可先点入后台Profile > 2 Factor Auth再点发送email确认mail邮件去验证!

If you have not received mail for a long time, then click backstage Profile & gt; 2 Factor Auth and send e-mail confirmation to verify!

3.出金钱包地址设定 建议早日修改,避免日后用了预设地址出金,造成损失。

suggests an early change to avoid future loss by using predefined address payments.

到Profile > Change Withdrawal Address更改 (一开始钱包地址是设了FreeBitcoin的入金地址,要自己修改为自己的出金钱包地址)

Change Change & gt; Change Withdrawal Address


4. Translation into the gold interface


5. The withdrawal interface consists of the following three types of withdrawals:

注意!!关于slow及instant方式出金 如果你没在Profit修改出金的比特币地址,请不要点use profit address,会自动填入profit里设了的地址. 如果你用不同地址出金,就直接贴上地址在栏位就可以了~ 以免出金时,因你自己地址填错出错造成币损失,请再三检视清楚喔!

If you don't change the bitcoin address in Profit, don't use the profit address automatically fill in the address. If you use a different address for gold, just put the address in the column.


FreeBitco web page navigation bar main function:






【FREE BTC】免费领比特币的页面(每小时一次)

【EARN BTC】比特币利息区,帐户里的钱0.0003BTC或以上就会每日配息,年息约4.08%(浮动)

【MULIPLY BTC】比特币娱乐游戏区,想从这块赚钱需入金建议的比特币量

6.FREE BTC - 每小时领免费比特币拉霸轮盘

6. FREE BTC - Free Bitcollop wheels per hour

我目前的轮盘,根据目前的资料... 框框的数量会因为时间而慢慢减少,所以我们需一直 玩MULIPLY BTC或是LOTTERY都能让框框的数量%数增加MULIPLY BTC能增加4倍, LOTTERY最高增加20倍,建议有事没事多玩MULIPLY BTC或是买个10张20张彩票来能增加基础倍数。

My current wheel, based on the current data... the number of boxes will be slowly reduced due to time, so we need to always play MULIPPLY BTC or LOTTERY to increase the number of boxes % by four times, MULIPPLY BTC to a maximum of 20 times, and suggest that anything else be done to play MULIPPLY BTC or buy 10 20 lottery tickets to increase the base number.


I'm sure there's a lot of kids here who think they're brain-braining! Can you just hang up like any other project and get it?

用Google Chrome浏览器开着爽菜FreeBitco的网页,没有谷歌浏览器下载一个,然后下载自动签到插件&使用说明[5]

The Google Chrome browser has a page on FreeBitco, and no Google Browser downloads one, and then downloads the plugin & usage instructions [5]



要使用24小时挂机自动签到,需先取消机器人验证才能用喔!挂机抽奖前需要先入金0.001 BTC目的是让你抽奖不用输入验证码~~但你亦可以花时间保持手动签到及多玩比大小,累积到0.0001 BTC以上,基本上就认定你不是机器人,就不会要求你每次点验证!

If a 24-hour hanger is used to auto-sign it, it's gonna have to be de-licensed before it's used. The hang-up will need to be paid in the amount of 0.0001 BTC, but you can also spend time signing manually to more than 0.0001 BTCs, and basically you're not a robot, and you won't be asked to check at every point!

MULIPLY BTC - 比大小娱乐游戏区赚比特币

MULIPPLY BTC - earns bitcoin compared to the big and small entertainment areas

对刚玩不入金的新手来说要玩MULIPLY BTC,可用免费领到的比特币玩,但建议先累积多点才玩并实战,它有两个模式,手动或自动。

The MULIPPLY BTC, which is available free of charge in bitcoin, is used to play for the newcomer, but it is recommended to build up more than one game and to fight. It has two modes, manual or automatic.

注意!! 1.使用辅助脚本运转不能贪心,贪心是大忌 2.如果人不在电脑前就请不要跑,有空才操作 3.不可以长时间运转,例如挂着睡觉、外出等等

You can't be greedy, you can't be greedy, you can't be greedy, you can't be greedy.

REWARDS - 奖励点数兑换区

REWARDS - incentive point exchange area

玩MULIPLY BTC、每小时签到、你推荐的会员签到等等都会获得奖励点数(RP)

Play MULIPPLY BTC, sign in every hour, your recommended member sign in, and so on, you get a reward point (RP)

奖励点数能做什么? 是加成道具,获得的积分兑换后,能增加收入、增加奖励点数、点数直接换BTC等等

What do you do with the reward points? It's added props, and when the credits are exchanged, it increases the income, increases the reward points, directly changes the points to the BTC, and so on?

大多只兑换这二个:REWARD POINTS BONUS(奖励点数(RP)的奖励) 兑换积分后24小时内,每次领免费BTC时再额外增加奖励积分(RP)的数量。

For the most part, only these two: REWRD POINTS BONUS (reward for the number of points (RP)) increase the number of incentive points (RPs) within 24 hours of the exchange credits each time they receive a free BTC.


PS. Add more RPs accumulated, ENCASH can change BTC. 1:00 RP equals 1 hearing BTC.

FREE BTC BONUS(每小时领免费BTC的奖励) 兑换积分后24小时内,来增加最低的免费BTC奖励!此奖金只增加免费BTC表中最低奖金,只有基本奖励将乘以该奖励,然后添加到您当前拥有的任何其他奖励中。

FREE BTC BONUS (reward for free BTC per hour) is added to the minimum free BTC bonus within 24 hours of the exchange credits! This bonus is increased only by the minimum free BTC form, and only the basic reward will be multiplied by the incentive and added to any other incentive you currently have.

PS.最低的基本奖励并不是很高时,建议先不要换FREE BTC BONUS加成

PS. When the minimum basic reward is not very high, it is recommended that FREE BTC BONUS not be added.



This channel is mainly a tree hole for Deng Sir, but it also shares some Internet-based profit, passive gain and diversion project profiles and ideas, as well as some practical tool-type dry items.

作者|破烂王邓SIR 来 源 简赚创客联盟






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