Virtual currency is a digital currency, also known as an encrypted currency. It is a currency form that is protected and traded through block-chain technology. With the development of encryption, virtual currency has become an interesting new form of investment.
1. 比特币(Bitcoin),是目前市场上最受欢迎的一种虚拟货币。它的推出在虚拟货币领域掀起了一场“比特币革命”,也启发了许多其他虚拟货币的诞生。
Bitcoin is the most popular virtual currency in the current market. Its introduction has led to a “bitcoin revolution” in the area of virtual currency and has inspired the emergence of many other virtual currencies.
2. 以太坊(Ethereum),是比特币之后最受欢迎的虚拟货币。该货币的出现让区块链技术更加活跃,成为虚拟货币领域的一大亮点。
Etheeum is the most popular post-bitcoin virtual currency. The emergence of this currency makes block chain technology more active and becomes a big light in the sphere of virtual currency.
3. 平安链(Ontology),是中国的虚拟货币代表。它致力于将区块链技术应用到实际商业场景中,成为中国区块链技术的一大代表。
3. Ontology, a virtual currency representative of China, is committed to applying block chain technology to actual business scenes and is a major representative of Chinese block chain technology.
4. 瑞波币(Ripple),是一种专为金融机构设计的虚拟货币。这种数字货币交易速度快、安全可靠,能够实现跨境支付,成为金融领域的一大亮点。
Rippole, a virtual currency designed specifically for financial institutions, is a digital currency transaction that is fast, secure and able to achieve cross-border payments, and is a big highlight in the financial sphere.
5. 零币(ZCash),是一种专为隐私保护而设计的虚拟货币。它可以实现完全匿名的交易,成为虚拟货币领域的一大特点。
5. ZCash is a virtual currency designed specifically for privacy protection. It allows completely anonymous transactions and is a feature of the virtual currency field.
6. 美国硬币(USDCoin),是专为美元流通而设置的虚拟货币。它的价值受到美元的支持,现已在全球范围内得到了广泛的应用。
6. The United States coin (USDCoin) is a virtual currency set up specifically for the United States dollar. Its value is supported by the dollar and is now widely used globally.
7. 巴比特(Bitcoin Cash),是比特币的一种变体。它能够处理更多的交易,具有更低的交易成本,成为比特币的一大优势。
7. Bitcoin Cash is a variant of Bitcoin. It can handle more transactions, have lower transaction costs and become a major advantage of Bitcoin.
8. 门罗币(Monero),是一种匿名性很高的虚拟货币。它的使用非常安全,不留下任何用户交易的记录,成为一种很受欢迎的数字货币。
Monero is a highly anonymous virtual currency. Its use is very secure, leaving no record of any user transactions, and it becomes a popular digital currency.
9. 雷神币(ThorCoin),是一种尚未大规模推广的虚拟货币。该货币号称可以实现分布式托管和分布式支付,取得了不少竞争优势。
9. ThorCoin is a virtual currency that has not yet been promoted on a large scale. The currency designation allows for distributed hosting and distributed payments, with a number of competitive advantages.
10. 小蚁币(Antshares),是中国的一种虚拟货币。基于区块链技术来设计和运营,它具有分布式账本、智能合约等技术特点,让小蚁币成为中国数字货币领域应用最广的一种。
Antshares, a virtual currency of China, is designed and operated on the basis of block-chain technology with technical features such as distributed books and smart contracts, making small ants the most widely used in the digital currency field in China.
These are the 10 biggest and most popular virtual currencies in the current market. To learn more about virtual money, you can download currency online APPs and view virtual money in real time and latest news.
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