MDT币(量数币)介绍丨Measurable Data是什么?未来发展预测必看详解

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Measurable Data Token (MDT) 是什麼?

What is Meausurable Data Token (MDT)?

Measurable Data Token (MDT) 是一個去中心化的數據生態系統,旨在為個人用戶提供數據獎勵,同時通過區塊鏈技術的創新加速其釆用。MDT 代幣是一種基於 ERC-20 的代幣,用作數據產品訪問和用戶獎勵計劃的交易媒介。

The Measurable Data Token (MDT) is a decentralised digital ecosystem system designed to provide data incentives for individual users and to accelerate their use through the creation of sector-link technology. The MDT is a currency based on ERC-20, which is used as a trading medium for data product interviews and user reward schemes.

2023 年的 AI 熱潮與 MDT 的表現

The 2023 AI tide and the performance of MDT

在 2023 年,隨著 ChatGPT 掀起的人工智能(AI)熱潮,MDT 的價格出現了顯著上漲,成功吸引了大量投資者的關注。這一現象突顯了區塊鏈和 AI 技術結合的潛力,并使 MDT 成為市場上的一個焦點。

In 2023, the price of MDT rose significantly as a result of the surge in artificial intelligence (AI) triggered by ChatGPT, which succeeded in attracting the attention of a large number of investors. This highlighted the potential for interlinking with AI technology and made MDT a focal point on the market.

MDT 的技术优势

Technical advantages of MDT

MDT 的技術架構基於以太坊區塊鏈,這為其提供了可靠的安全性和可擴展性。MDT 平台通過區塊鏈技術確保數據交易的透明性和不可篡改性,同時利用智能合約來實現自動化和高效的數據獎勵分配。

The technical architecture of the MDT is based on the Ether district chain, which provides reliable security and scalability. The MDT platform ensures the transparency and non-falseability of data transactions through sector chain technology, while using smart contracts to achieve automatic and efficient distribution of data awards.

MDT 的价值主张

MDT Value Proposition

MDT 的價值主張在於其創新的數據經濟模式。用戶可以通過分享自己的數據獲得 MDT 獎勵,而數據需求方則可以支付 MDT 來獲取高質量的數據集。這種模式不僅激勵了個人用戶參與數據分享,也為數據需求方提供了一個可靠的數據來源。

The value of MDT is based on its creation of a new data economy model. Users can be rewarded by sharing their own data, while demand parties can pay them for high-quality data sets.

MDT 價格預測(2023-2030)

MDT Price Forecast (2023-2030)

根據目前市場趨勢和技術發展,對 MDT 未來幾年的價格進行預測如下:

Based on current market trends and technological developments, the price forecast for the next few years for MDT is as follows:

  1. 2023-2024:隨著 AI 技術的持續進步和區塊鏈應用的擴展,MDT 的需求預計會進一步增長,價格可能會保持穩定的上升趨勢。
  2. 2025-2026:隨著更多數據驅動型應用的出現,MDT 的生態系統將更加成熟,其市場價值有望顯著提升。
  3. 2027-2030:若 MDX 能夠持續創新并保持其技術優勢,其價格有望繼續攀升,成為數據經濟領域的重要角色。

Measurable Data Token (MDT) 是什麼?

What is Meausurable Data Token (MDT)?

Measurable Data Token (MDT) 是一個基於區塊鏈技術的創新平台,旨在提供安全、透明和去中心化的數據交換方式。通過 MDT,個人可以將自己的數據出售給公司、研究人員和其他數據消費者,實現數據貨幣化。這個生態系統的目標是創造一個更加公平的數據經濟,使個人能夠保留對其數據的控制權,并在數據使用過程中獲得應有的獎勵。

The goal of this system is to create a more equitable data economy that allows individuals to retain control over their data and to receive the rewards they deserve in using them.

MDT 的价值主张

MDT Value Proposition

MDT 的核心價值在於其對數據經濟模式的革新。傳統的數據經濟模式往往由大型科技公司主導,個人數據通常被免費收集和使用,個人很少能從中受益。MDT 則通過區塊鏈技術實現數據交易的去中心化,確保數據交易的透明性和安全性,讓每個數據貢獻者都能夠獲得公平的報酬。

The core value of MDT is the innovation in its data economy model. The traditional data economy model is often dominated by large technology companies, where individual data are usually collected and used free of charge, with few individuals benefiting from it. By decentralizing data transactions through chain technology, MDT ensures transparency and security in data transactions, allowing every digital contributor to receive a fair reward.

MDT 的技术特点

Technical characteristics of MDT

  1. 區塊鏈技術:利用區塊鏈的不可篡改性和透明性,MDT 確保所有數據交易都是公開且可驗證的。
  2. 智能合約:智能合約自動執行數據交易和獎勵分配,無需第三方介入,增加了交易的效率和信任度。
  3. 數據貨幣化:個人可以選擇將自己的數據出售,從而直接受益於數據的使用,而不僅僅是被動的數據提供者。

MDT 的市场前景

MDT's Market Outlook

隨著數據成為現代經濟的重要資源,對安全和公平數據交易方式的需求也在不斷增長。MDT 通過創新的數據經濟模式,不僅滿足了這一需求,還為數據貢獻者提供了新的收益來源。這種模式吸引了大量投資者的關注,并有望在未來數年內實現快速增長。
MDT 幣的运作原理

With data becoming an important resource for the modern economy, the demand for security and fair data trading methods is growing. By creating a new data economy model, MDT not only meets this demand, but also provides a new source of revenue for its contributors. This model attracts attention from a large number of investors and is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years.

Measurable Data Token (MDT) 生態系統通過區塊鏈技術運行,確保數據交易的安全性和透明度。以下是其运作的核心原理:

The Measurable Data Token (MDT) ecosystem system operates through block-link technology to ensure the safety and transparency of data transactions. The following are the core principles of its operation:

1. 區塊鏈技術

1. Block chain technology

MDT 平台依賴於區塊鏈技術,這是一種去中心化且不可篡改的分布式賬本技術。所有數據交易都在區塊鏈上記錄,確保透明和可追溯性。這種技術架構使得數據提供者和數據消費者之間的交易更加可信和安全。

The MDT platform relies on sector chain technology, which is a decentralised and non-alterable distributed account technology. All data transactions are recorded on sector chains to ensure transparency and traceability. This technology makes transactions between data providers and data consumers more credible and secure.

2. 智能合约

2. Smart contracts

MDT 使用智能合约来自动执行和管理数据交易。智能合約是部署在區塊鏈上的自動化程序,當滿足特定條件時,會自動執行預定的操作。這些合約確保數據提供者在提供數據後能夠立即獲得相應的 MDT 代幣獎勵,而數據消費者也能夠確保其購買的數據是符合條件的。

MDT uses smart contracts to automate and manage data transactions. Smart contracts are automatic processes that are deployed on the chain, and when certain conditions are met, they automate the scheduled operation. These contracts ensure that providers of data receive the corresponding MDT coin reward immediately after providing the data, and that the data consumers are able to ensure that the data they purchase are in accordance with the conditions.

3. 数据货币化

3. monetization of data

MDT 平台允許個人將其數據貨幣化。數據提供者可以通過將其數據出售給需要這些數據的公司、研究人員或其他消費者來獲得 MDT 代幣獎勵。這個過程中,個人用戶保留了對其數據的控制權,並且能夠直接從其數據中獲得經濟回報。

The MDT platform allows individuals to monetize their data. The provider of data can get a MDT bonus by selling its data to companies, researchers, or other consumers who need it. In this process, individual users retain control over their data and are able to receive financial returns directly from their data.

4. 安全和隐私

4. Security and privacy

在 MDT 生態系統中,數據的安全性和隱私是首要考量。區塊鏈技術和智能合約共同確保數據交易的透明性和安全性,同時數據提供者的個人隱私得到嚴格保護。數據交易過程中,僅授權方能夠訪問和使用數據。

Data security and privacy are the primary considerations in the MDT ecosystem. Block chain technology and intelligence contracts together ensure the transparency and security of data transactions, and the personal privacy of the data provider is strictly protected. During the data trading process, only authorized parties can access and use the data.



MDT 平台通過利用區塊鏈技術和智能合約,為個人數據的貨幣化和交易提供了一個安全、透明且去中心化的環境。這一創新不僅讓數據提供者能夠保留對其數據的控制權,還能夠獲得公平的經濟回報。隨著更多個人和企業認識到數據的價值,MDT 平台有望在未來的數據經濟中扮演重要角色。

The MDT platform provides a secure, transparent and decentralised environment for the monetization and trading of personal data through the use of sector chain technology and smart contracts. This innovation not only allows data providers to retain control over their data, but also to receive fair economic returns. As more individuals and businesses know the value of the data, the MDT platform is expected to play an important role in the future data economy.

MDT 生態系統及發展概述

MDT Ecosystem System and Development Overview

Measurable Data Token (MDT) 是一個致力於推動數據共享和獲利的區塊鏈生態系統,以下是其目前的發展和未來展望:

Measurable Data Token (MDT) is a chain-based ecosystem dedicated to promoting data sharing and profitability, and its current development and future prospects are as follows:

1. MyMDT 數據錢包

1. MyMDT Data Wallet

MyMDT 數據錢包是一個基於以太坊的去中心化應用程序,旨在通過共享匿名數據點來獲得獎勵。該錢包已與多個應用程序集成,包括 MailTime、MeFi、Measurable AI 和 RewardMe 等,這些應用程序進一步擴展了MDT生態系統的應用場景。

MyMDT data wallet is an Ether-based decentralised application designed to be rewarded by sharing anonymous data points. The wallet has been integrated with several applications, including MailTime, MeFi, Measurable AI and RewardMe, which have further expanded the use of MDT systems.

2. Measurable AI(人工智慧)

2. Measurable AI (artificial intelligence)

Measurable AI 是MDT的數據分析分支,致力於將匿名交易數據轉化為消費者洞察,服務於金融機構和企業。這一項目不僅豐富了MDT的服務範疇,還加強了其在數據行業中的地位。

Measurable AI, a data analysis branch of MDT, works to convert anonymous transaction data into consumer insight, serving financial institutions and businesses. This project not only enriches the MDT service model, but also strengthens its position in the digital industry.

3. 团队及發展路线

3. Teams and development paths


Since its establishment in 2017, the MDT team has been working on a secure, transparent and efficient data-sharing platform. Among their core projects are Talkbox, which has been transformed into a television show and novel called "Start Time" that shows the team's vast experience in data and media fields.


In the road map for the future, MDT will further expand its ecosystem system, strengthen the connection between users and data providers, and develop more Ether-based applications to provide more data award opportunities.

MDT 被 Chain 收購

MDT purchased by Chain


In 2022, Chain, a chain-based infrastructure company, successfully bought and traded more than $100 million worth of MDT and its ecosystem products. This purchase triggered market attention, which led to a short-term increase in the value of MDT. However, as a result of market factors, the price of MDT has fallen, but the purchase will bring potential benefits to MDT holders and convert the MDT currency to XCN.

Measurable Data Token:AI 熱潮中的復甦

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Measurable Data Token: A.I.


The encrypted currency market has always been driven by narratives, and one of the hot topics today is artificial intelligence (AI).


As a result of the heat of ChatGPT, a number of well-known encrypt currency experts chanted on Twitter: A proxy based on artificial intelligence might lead to a bovine market, which led to an explosive growth of a series of AI coins.

在這股AI潮流的帶動下,Measurable Data Token(MDT)也抓住機會,積極在社交媒體上推廣自身。它承諾將AI技術應用於區塊鏈應用程序中,這一動向使其價格在短時間內暴漲超過150%。

With the current of AI, Measurable Data Token (MDT) has seized the opportunity to actively promote itself in social media. It has promised to apply AI technology to the chain application, a move that has dramatically increased its prices by more than 150 per cent in a short period of time.


The rise of MDT is not only a recognition of its technology and applications prospects, but also a response to the market’s strong demand for bond chains and artificial intelligence. With its growing role in the digital economy, MDT may become a focus for investors and technocrats, opening new rounds of innovation and growth.


All this shows that MDT is not just a digital asset, but an important force in the technological frontier, in the power market.


MDT: New currency to deconstruct consumer data

MDT(Measurable Data Token)是建立在以太坊上的代幣,為Measurable Data Token生態系統提供動力。其主要作用是促进消费者数据的匿名共享和货币化。

The MDT (Measurable Data Token) is a token based on the Etherm, which provides momentum for the Meausurable Data Token biological system. Its main role is to promote anonymous sharing and monetization of consumer data.


MDT serves as a bridge between users and businesses, researchers, and other data consumers, making data sharing and use more valuable and efficient through its use as a medium of exchange. The platform aims to create a new digital economy that provides users with a secure, transparent and decentralized data exchange system that ensures the responsible and ethical use of data.


MDT is used for a variety of purposes, including, inter alia:

數據貨幣化: 用戶可以通過MDT將自己的數據貨幣化,將其出售給企業或其他數據消費者,從中獲得獎勵和收益。

Data monetization: users can use MDT to monetize their data and sell it to businesses or other data consumers for reward and gain.

數據交換媒介: MDT作為平台內部的交換貨幣,用戶可以購買和出售數據,并用於支付數據相關的服務和產品。

data interchange medium: MDT is a currency exchange within the platform that allows users to purchase and sell data and to pay for the services and products associated with the data.

促進數據市場的發展: 通過MDT,平台促進了數據市場的發展和擴展,使得數據交換和利用更加便捷和透明。

promotes the development of the data market: through MDT, the platform has promoted the development and expansion of the data market, making data exchange and use easier and more transparent.


The presence of MDT not only adds value to personal data, but also stimulates innovation and development of the data economy. With the constant development of chain technology and artificial intelligence, MDT will continue to play a key role in this new market, leading to a new trend in data sharing.

MDT 代币分配深度解析

MDT Decryption depth of currency allocation

Measurable Data Token(MDT)不僅是數據交易的驅動力,還通過其透明、誠實的代幣分配策略,塑造了一個更加有益的市場環境。以下是MDT代币的分配细节:

The Measurable Data Token (MDT) is not only the driving force of the data trade, but it also shapes a more beneficial market environment through its transparent and honest currency distribution strategy. Here are the details of the distribution of the MDT:

MailTime 電子郵件信使團隊: 240,000,000 MDT

Mailtime Mail Messenger Team : 240,000,000 MDT

  • 這一部分MDT用於支持MailTime電子郵件信使團隊,推動其技術發展和擴展。

早期投資者和顧問: 110,000,000 MDT

Early investors and consultants : 110,000,000 MDT

  • 用於獎勵早期投資者和顧問,鼓勵他們對MDT生態系統的貢獻。

用戶增長礦池: 150,000,000 MDT

Users Growing Mines : 150,000,000 MDT

  • 通過這一部分MDT,促進用戶增長和社區建設,擴大MDT的影響力和參與度。

預售: 150,000,000 MDT

pre-sale : 150,000,000 MDT

  • 用於預售階段,為MDT生態系統的發展提供必要的資金和支持。

代幣分發事件: 350,000,000 MDT

Currency distribution event : 350,000,000 MDT

  • 這一部分MDT的分配旨在推動整個生態系統的發展和擴展,包括Measurable平台和MailTime電子郵件信使的運營和技術支持。


The MDT team uses 40% of the budget to develop the MDT ecosystem system, including the Measurable platform and Mailtime e-mail courier technology to create and open-source community maintenance. Moreover, 20% of the budget is used to support measurable platforms, the operation of Mailtime e-mail couriers and related calculations, and 10% for legal, security, accounting, human resources, etc. The last 25% is used to promote Mailtime e-mail messengers and MDT data trading systems to facilitate the development of living systems between data providers, buyers and users.

在分析 Measurable Data Token(MDT)的價格歷史和未來預測時,我們可以看到這個代幣在過去幾年中經歷了複雜的市場波動。以下是對MDT價格的歷史分析和未來預測的總結:

This currency allocation strategy ensures the steady development and sustainable growth of the MDT ecosystem, and further boosts the creation and development of the digital market.
, in analysing the history and future predictions of the price of Measurable Data Token (MDT), we can see that the currency has experienced complex market movements in the past few years. The following is a summary of historical analysis and future predictions of the price of MDT:


Historical analysis of prices



  • MDT 於 2018 年初次進入市場時,處於加密貨幣市場泡沫期,最高價達到 0.8583 美元。然而,隨後市場進入加密冬天,價格急劇下跌,并在 2018 年底觸及歷史最低點 0.001615 美元。


2020-2021 recovery :

  • 2020 年中期以來,MDT 價格開始穩步回升,在 2021 年初加密市場繁榮時期達到高峰。MDT 在2021年4月首次突破了 0.10 美元大关,但在5月市场崩盘后回落。


2022 Wave :

  • 2022 年初,MDT 價格在0.1384 美元附近,但隨後受到全球地緣政治事件和市場不確定性的影響,價格再次下跌至0.02 美元左右。


Current trends :

  • 2022 年中至6月底,MDT 價格略有回升,但仍然处于低位。

2025 年 MDT 價格預測

Future price forecast (2023-2030)
2025 MDT price forecast

對於 Measurable Data Token(MDT)在2025年的價格,市場分析顯示出不同的觀點和預測:

For Measurable Data Token (MDT) prices in 2025, market analysis shows different perspectives and predictions:

TradingBeast 和 WalletInvestor:

TradeBeast and WalletInvestor:

  • 根據 TradingBeast 和 WalletInvestor 的分析,他們對於2025年底 MDT 的價格預測在 0.002086 美元至 0.070656 美元之間波動。這些预测反映了市场的潜在波动性和不确定性。

  • 相比之下, 持更樂觀的觀點,他們認為 MDT 的價格有機會在2025年12月達到 0.122765 美元。這一預測考慮到可能的市場動向和技術發展。

2030 年 MDT 價格預測

2030 MDT Price Prediction

對於 Measurable Data Token 在2030年的長期價格預測,專家們普遍悲觀:

For Measurable Data Token's long-term price forecast in 2030, experts are generally pessimistic:


  • WalletInvestor 預計到2030年,MDT 的價格可能會下跌至 0.068006 美元。這反映出他們對於長期市場趨勢的較為保守的看法。

  • 的預測更為悲觀,他們指出 MDT 在2030年可能下跌至 0.007949 美元。這一預測可能考慮了市場競爭、技術變革以及全球經濟環境的多重因素。


  • TradingBeast 也不看好 MDT 的長期展望,他們對於2030年 MDT 的價格預測僅為 0.001598 美元,反映出對於代幣長期價值的較為保守估計。



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    0.00003374比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00003374比特币等于2.2826 1222美元/16.5261124728人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.00003374克洛克-0/22216.5261124728比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489807.72 CNY(1比特币=489807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00003374USDT=0.0002442776 CNY)。汇率更新于2024...
  • 0.00015693个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.000 15693比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.000 15693比特币等于10.6 1678529美元/76.86554996人民币。比特币(BTC)【比特币价格翻倍】美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000/克洛克-0/5693【数字货币矿机】10.6 167852976.8655254996比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489,807.72 CNY(1比特币= 489,807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00015693 U...
  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...