撰文:Frank,Foresight News
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伴隨著比特幣銘文賽道的持續大火,手動參與鏈上新銘文項目迅速被捲成了一片紅海,從敘事角度看,銘文確實不同於此前諸多額投融資項目與VC 主導的傳統敘事邏輯,給OG 和巨鯨之外的更多普羅大眾參與的機會。
Along with the continuing fires in the Bit currency Mandarin track, new entries on the manual participation chain quickly became a red sea, which, from a narrative point of view, is indeed different from the previously numerous investment projects and the traditional VC-led narratives, giving more Plo people than OG and the whales a chance to participate.
Against this background, even now that the market is experiencing short-term returns, the track has gained enough money and attention to require sank, construction, and sharing of red money, and, in addition to the frenzy of new essays, `strong' playing the role of `water seller' throughout the life course is naturally likely to become a long-term business, accompanied by the constant construction of the vernacular track that is just needed.
In this post, for example, a basic infrastructure project (based on bitcoins) designed to capture the literary nature of the project, a visualized version of the basic structure that may be gradually being shaped.
與銘文基礎設施相關的項目涵蓋了錢包、跨鏈、交易市場、鑄造工具、數據& 查詢等賽道,本文統計了近30 個項目(不完全統計),與大家一同分享、尋找銘文基礎設施中可能潛藏的下一個MetaMask、Uniswap、LayerZero 等各賽道明星專案。
The items related to the design of the document cover such tracks as wallets, chains, trading markets, molten tools, data and queries, and this document contains nearly 30 items (incompletely defined) to share with you and find the next potential stars in the design of the document, such as MetaMask, Uniswap, LayerZero, etc.
Unisat是一款非託管的開源比特幣銘文插件錢包,支援Ordinals 和BRC20,可協助用戶儲存、鑄造和傳輸BRC20 代幣,包括買賣BTC、NFT、網域等。
Unisat is an open source bitcoin plugin to support Ordinals and BRRC20 that can assist users in saving, sculpting and transmitting BRRC20 coins, including BTC, NFT, domain, etc.
OKX Web3 錢包
OKX Web3 Wallet
今年以來, OKX Web3 錢包相繼支援BRC20 銘文和BTC NFT 交易、質押,並推出比特幣生態標準BRC20-S、銘文工具等組件,為比特幣銘文賽道的開源發展做出了不少貢獻,讓更多用戶得以順利進入Ordinals 市場。
This year, OKX Web3 wallet back-to-back BRC20 and BTC NFT transactions, pledges, and the introduction of the Bitcoin standard BRC20-S, essay tools, etc. have contributed significantly to the development of the open source of the Bitcoin track, allowing more users to access the Ordinals market.
Xverse由Secret Key Labs 開發,是一種非KYC 比特幣錢包,支援Ordinals 和BRC-20 代幣以及比特幣智慧合約平台Stacks 等,未來也將支援比特幣閃電網路。
verse, developed by Secret Key Labs, is a non-KYC bitcoin wallet that supports Ordinals and BRC-20 and the Bitcoin Smart Charter Platform Stacks, among others, and will support the Bitcoins Flash Network in the future.
Ordinals Wallet
Ordinals Wallet於今年2 月推出,是一種非託管BTC 錢包,可讓用戶查看和儲存BTC 和Ordinals NFT,同時支援各種與Ordinals 相關的操作,例如轉帳、發送、登記、買賣等。
Ordinals Wallet, launched in February this year, is a non-branch BTC wallet that allows users to view and store BTC and Ordinals NFT to support various operations related to Ordinals at the same time, such as transfer, delivery, registration, sale, etc.
Ordinals Wallet 助記詞將在本地生成並儲存在電腦上,且在瀏覽器中加密,用戶可以直接從錢包中創建轉移Ordinals NFT,並可以在Ordinals Wallet 市場上列出BRC-20 代幣。
Ordinals Wallet will be locally generated and stored on computers and encrypted in browsers, users can create or transfer Ordinals NFTs directly from their wallets, and BRC-20 tokens can be listed on the Ordinals Wallet market.
Hiro Wallet
Hiro Wallet作為基於Stacks 開發的錢包,已支援儲存、查看比特幣和Ordinals,並允許用戶跨帳戶管理他們的STX 和其他資產(例如BNS 域名和NFT),同時支援所有能發送到比特幣地址的資產類型。
Hiro Wallet, as a wallet based on Stacks, has supported the storage, access to Bitcoins and Ordinals, and allows users to manage their STX and other assets (e.g. BNS domain names and NFTs) through an account, supporting all asset types that can be sent to a Bit address.
MultiBit是BRC20 與ERC20 跨鏈協議,它基於BRC20 雙向跨鏈橋設計,旨在實現BRC20 與ERC20 代幣之間的跨鏈傳輸。
MultiBit is a BRRC20-ERC20 Translinking Agreement based on BRC20 two-way cross-linkage bridge designed to achieve cross-link transfer between BRRC20 and the ERC20 generation.
Analysoor是Solana 上銘文跨鏈協議,旨在解決meme 和NFT 的公平發布和流動性引導問題,其中首個項目ZERO 採取獨特的抽獎中籤玩法(9.5% 的中籤率),使用SOL 作為抽獎代幣,吸引大量的關注,而Analysoor 第二個項目ONE 也已透過抽獎機製完成鑄造。
Analysoor is an interlink agreement in Solana to address the fair distribution and flow orientation of Meme and NFT, the first of which is ZERO's special tagging method (9.5% of the middle tag rate) and the use of SOL as a tender currency to attract a lot of attention, while the second Annalysoor project, ONE, has already done so through a draw machine.
截至昨日,Analysoor 的95% NFT 已分發完畢,2.5 萬人參與鑄造,Discord 計劃於今日對ZERO 與ONE 持有者開放,後續Analysoor 將不再發放代幣,但會向其他項目提供Launchpad 服務,計劃轉向向一個LaunchPad 平台。
As of yesterday, 95 per cent of Analysoor's NFT had been distributed, 25,000 people had been involved in the molten, and Discord planned to open it to the ZERO and ONE holders today, after which Analysoor would no longer issue a currency, but would provide a Launchpad service to other projects, turning it to a LaunchPad platform.
TeleportDAO是一個跨鏈Ordinals 市場,目前主要包括兩款產品:多鏈BTC 跨鏈交易協議TeleSwap,支援在BTC 和Polygon 之間跨鏈轉移和交易資產;以及Ordinals 交易市場TeleOrdinal。
OKX Ordinals 市場
OKXOrdinals Market >/strong
OKX Web3 錢包上的Ordinals 市場作為第一大BRC20 銘文和BTC NFT 交易市場,完全去中心化,交互免平台服務費,並支援一站式轉移、交易、銘刻BRC-20 和BTC NFT 等多個功能。
截至上週,OKX Web3 錢包Ordinals 市場總交易額也已突破5 億美元,其中Ordinals 協議總交易額接近8.65 億美元,OKX Web3 錢包佔比約58%。
As of last week, the total market value of the OKX Web3 wallet Ordinals has also exceeded $500 million, of which the Ordinals agreement totals close to $865 million, or about 58 per cent of the total.
Unisat Marketplace
Unisat Marketplace是Unisat 旗下比特幣鏈上基於PSBT、支援BRC-20 資產的Inscriptions 市場,11 月以4,100 萬美元的交易額位居NFT 市場第四名。
Unisat Marketplace is based on the PSBT, BRC-20-based Inscriptions Market, fourth place on NFT Market in November.
Ordinals Market
Ordinals Market是一個比特幣銘文交易市場,支援用戶使用Xverse 等錢包在比特幣上進行交易,同時也支援用戶使用Emblem Vault 開發的「儲存」技術(包含擁有銘文的比特幣地址的加密私鑰)在以太坊區塊鏈上進行比特幣銘文交易。
Ordinals Market is a bitcoin exchange market where users are supported to trade in bitcoins using a wallet such as Xverse, while users are also supported to trade bitcoin on a sectional chain using the Emblem Vault technology (including an encrypted private key with an encoded Bit address).
Ordswap是一個基於比特幣構建的無需信任的Ordinals 市場,允許用戶登記、購買、出售和拍賣比特幣NFT。
Ordswap is an untrustworthy Ordinals market based on Bitcoins, allowing customers to register, buy, sell and auction bitcoins NFTs.
Magic Eden Bitcoin
Magic Eden Bitcoin是今年3 月推出的比特幣生態NFT 市場,讓用戶上架、購買和販售Ordinals。此外Magic Eden 也上線比特幣Launchpad,旨在幫助創作者直接在Magic Eden Launchpad 上啟動Ordinals 協議並製作比特幣NFT。
Orders Exchange Orders Exchange是一個基於比特幣PSBT 技術構建的BRC20 代幣去中心化交易所。 Orders Exchange is a BRC20 decentralised exchange based on Bitcoin PSBT technology. TurtSat Turtsat是一個由社區驅動的開放平台,旨在成為Ordinal 的Gitcoin,透過Turtsat 提供一個建造、捐贈和影響比特幣Ordinal & BRC-20 的空間。 Turtsat is a community-driven open platform designed to become an Ordinal Gitcoin that provides a space to build, donate and influence Bitconar Ordinal & BRC-20. Luminex Luminex作為比特幣Ordinals Launchpad 平台,致力於將比特幣序數和BRC20 專案引入比特幣生態系統,用戶可以進行規模化、非託管鑄造,還可提供圖像優化、各種白名單層級創建、行銷支援等服務。 Luminex as the Bitcoin Ordinals Launchpad platform works to introduce bitcoins and BRC20 projects into the Bitcoins ecosystem system, which allows users to model, de-institute and provide graphic optimization, white name creation, marketing support, etc. Looksordinal Looksordinal是自架的BRC20 代幣鑄造輔助工具,支援使用者在瀏覽器中建立所有必要的地址,用於建立由使用者自己控制的銘文。 Looksordinal is a self-contained BRC20 molten assistive tool that supports users to create all the necessary addresses in browsers and to create user-controlled scripts. iDclub iDclub作為BRC20 代幣的鑄造平台,支援用戶在比特幣鏈上銘刻Ordinals NFT 和銘文,目前也已擴展推出交易市場,支援用戶購買和出售Ordinals 銘文。 iDclub as a molten platform for BRC20 coins, supporting users to carve ordinals NFT and essays on the Bitcoat chain, and now expanding the trading market to support users to buy and sell ordinals. CoinTool CoinTool作為一個鏈上工具集,也推出了針對多鏈銘文鑄造和監控的系列工具,其中包括EVM 多錢包批量銘文、SOL 批量銘刻銘文、Tron 多錢包批量銘文、IOST 批量銘刻銘文等服務。 CoinTool as a chain-based tool collection has also launched a series of tools for multi-chain sculpting and monitoring, including EVM multi-blank packages, SOL batch encrypts, Tron multi-blancsent encrypts, IIST lot encrypts, etc. MCT MCT是一個多鏈銘文銘刻協議,涵蓋比特幣、以太坊、Solana、Sui 等20 多條公鏈上的銘文項目即時監控,並支援用戶進行批量銘刻,涵蓋所有EVM 鏈及Tron 等區塊鏈網絡。 MCT is a multi-chained dictation agreement covering instant surveillance of the Gaebit coin, Ether, Solana, Sui and more than 20 public links, and supports users in bulk engraving all EVM chains and Tron's links. BIIS BIIS旨在為BRC20 代幣打造終極一體化便捷技術棧,定位於面向開發者和用戶的「BRC 生態工具箱」,旨在為專案開發者和用戶提供了一套綜合性的整合工具,包括批量分發和歸集BRC20 等代幣,批量分發和歸集BRC-721 等NFT 資產等等整合工具,後續還會推出全自動資產發布平台,支援Free Mint/AirDrop/IDO 等多模式資產發布模式,並會為專案方提供銘文Dao 投票系統,完成專案的自動化發布和社群去中心化治理等功能。 BIIS aims to create a final homogenous and ready-to-use toolbox for BRRC20 coins, targeting developers and users. This will be followed by the launch of a multi-modal BRC toolbox to support developers and users, such as the Free Mint/AirDrop/IDO model, and will provide project developers with a single Dao voting system to complete the self-disposal publishing and community-based governance functions of the case. 目前BIIS 已獲得日本加密貨幣投資機構CGV 和KuCoin Labs 策略投資。 BIIS has now received investment in the CGV and KuCoin Labs strategies of the Japanese encrypt currency investment facility. ordiscan ordiscan是一個Ordinals 瀏覽器,可讓使用者查詢比特幣上的序號和銘文,同時還可以搜尋對應的銘文和地址。 ordiscan is an Ordinals browser that allows users to query serial numbers and scripts on bitcoins and also to search for corresponding scripts and addresses. BRC-20.io BRC-20.io是一個針對比特幣銘文的代幣數據平台,可為用戶提供各種BRC-20 代幣的即時價格跟踪,使用戶能夠及時了解最新的市場趨勢,目前也已上線新產品BRC20 DEX 與DeFi 中心。 BRC-20.io is an algebratic data platform for bitcoins that can provide instant price tracking for users of various BRC-20 multi-currency currencies, users can keep abreast of the latest market developments in time, and are now online with BRC20 DEX and DeFi centres. OrdSpace OrdSpace是一個面向Ordinals 的數據洞察和分析平台,它使用多維數據重新計算所有BRC-20 代幣的排名。 OrdSpace is a data insight and analysis platform for Ordinals that recalculates all BRC-20 coins using multi-dimensional data. 目前新產品20scan 已經正式向公眾提供API 服務(測試版),使開發人員能夠在ORC-20 系統中快速建立各自的專案。 New product 20scan has now officially made API service (test version) available to the public to enable developers to quickly establish their projects in the ORC-20 system. Ordinals Directory Ordinals Directory是針對Ordinals 的NFT 系列匯總平台,可供收藏家發現熱門收藏品、新收藏品並分析底價數據。 Ordinals Directory is the NFT series general platform for Ordinals that allows collectors to find popular collections, new collections and analyse bottom prices. Best in Slot Best in Slot作為Ordinals 聚合& 瀏覽器,支援用戶一鍵查看所有的比特幣銘文及其詳細信息,包括熱門銘文、最新銘文等資訊,並可直接進行即時交互。 Best in Slot as an Ordinals Aggregator & Browser to support user-key access to all bitcoins and their details, including popular, up-to-date and other information, and to allow direct and instant interaction. GeniiData GeniiData是一個Ordinals 生態數據分析平台,可提供BRC20 代幣的熱度指數和排名數據,支援用戶捕捉熱點銘文和NFT 的即時鑄造情況。 GeniiData is an Ordinals biodata analysis platform that provides BRC20 token heat and ranking data that supports users to capture instant sculpting of hotspots and NFTs. 同時它已推出ORC-20 索引服務,主要功能為展現ORC-20 代幣部署的信息,包括最大供應量、當前鑄幣情況以及是否可升級等、ORC-20 代幣持有人信息、記錄交易流水、具備驗證交易狀態的能力。 At the same time, it has launched an ORC-20 index service with the main function of displaying information on ORC-20 currency deployments, including maximum supply, current monetization and the ability to upgrade, ORC-20 currency holders information, record the flow of transactions, and verify the status of transactions. Whatscription Whatscription是一個多鏈銘文監控協議,支援用戶即時追蹤查詢比特幣、以太坊、EOS、Polygon、Linea 等鏈上的銘文鑄造情況。 Whatscription is a multi-chain monitoring agreement that supports users to track instantaneously the creation of scripts on the links of Bitcoin, Etheria, EOS, Polygon, Linea etc. OrdinalHub OrdinalHub是一個集發現、追蹤和分析比特幣NFT 於一身的一站式數據平台,致力於幫助用戶在銘文交易中獲得優勢,並快速尋找新的趨勢。 OrdinalHub is a one-stop data platform for the collection, tracking and analysis of Bitcoin NFT, which works to help users to gain a better position in essay transactions and quickly find new trends. Launchpad
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