Animals follow the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle. When humans gain wisdom, they struggle to evolve into an intergenerational civilization. This is a process that evolves from a low dimension to a high dimension. The law of the jungle is simple, focusing only on power, and who has absolute power can stand at the top of the pyramid. And, as humans who govern the planet, the evaluation criteria are much more complex. In the long evolution of the division of labour in human society, one finds that a single criterion is not enough to accurately evaluate a person.
i. Thinking about the root causes of currency chaos /span
says that the block chain cannot be separated from bitcoin, and most of the concerns are that the price of bitcoin is high, and the price of short-term price increases is held at the top of the ecology. We are still in the jungle at this stage, according to the biological phase. This is when people say, “I come to profit, what's wrong with the price?” is important. But remember, you are in a position to focus only on the low-priced jungle class. Who has absolute power at the top of the ecology?
正因如此,越来越多的人开始意识到,一个数字货币的价值绝对不仅仅体现在币价的涨幅上。在币圈的投资逻辑更应该是价值投资,而不是道听途说和追涨杀跌。投资虚拟货币不需要太注重它已经有的涨幅,应该搜寻价值潜力大的币种来投资,往往会带给你更加稳健的收益。但是一个数字货币或是项目怎么来评定好坏呢?又或者我们怎么能最方便的知道已有项目的运行情况和具体参数呢?人为的分析甚至于行业“大咖”的点评,总会带有或多或少的思维片面性或是个人主观色彩。然而真实合理的开源算法和准确的数据是不会撒谎的。由此可见,一个区块链整个领域的价值尺度是多么重要。星云链创造性地提出了区块链的价值尺度---星云指数(nebulas rank)。
That's why more and more people are beginning to realize that the value of a digital currency is definitely not just the increase in currency prices. The logic of investment in the currency circle should be value investment, rather than hearsay and follow-up.
The nebula index is a ruler running on the nebula chain to measure the value of block chains, , dapp, and users in a reasonably sophisticated algorithm. Multiple considerations are provided for developers, investors, and public-chain projects. The value loss in the area of block chains is fundamentally solved.
The most important indicator of nebula ecology is the value measure. The nebula's consensus mechanism and the NR'/span'span'. The nebulous nebula's to centralize public chains and generate also followed the principle of centralization.
那请问,NR到底是什么?我们用个生动而简单易懂的例子解释: 大家都用过淘宝,搜索宝贝后会显示很多商家,商家的排名有先后,一般默认是综合排序,你也可以选择按价格从低到高排序等。综合排序的原理是什么?商品综合排序跟10项因素相关,淘宝分别给10项因素赋予了权重占比:成交量:15%、好评率:10%、收藏量:8%、上下架:12%、转化率:14%、橱窗推荐:10%、回购率:10%、DSR:8% 、卖家服务评级系统(Detail Seller Rating)等10项。如果满分100分,通过权重比的加权数学计算,可以得出某商家的具体分数,根据分数从高到低进行排名。这好比淘宝是一名德高望重的裁判,拿了一把尺子,丈量所有入驻淘宝商家的“跳远”成绩,谁跳的最远最有实力(这里的实力是指信誉较好、销量较大、质量较好、服务到位),淘宝就认定他排名靠前。淘宝这样做的目的,一是可以让用户以最短时间搜索到综合实力最强的商家,提高用户体验;二是可以让商家有序竞争,不断通过提高自己的服务水平、产品质量等方面,来提升自己的排名。
. What is the rationale for the overall ranking? spanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspansspansspansspansssssssssssssssssssssssssssss[s>s]s[s]s[s]spans:spans [spans] 10%s [spans][s][s][s][spans][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][s][
Similarly, the nebula apply this quantitative mechanism to the block chain. . The nebula have developed a mathematical rule for quantifying the mobility, transmission and interoperability of block chain projects, calculating information in the world of the block chain, rating nodes in the block chain as well as intelligent contracts, and giving an n/b>span> values. /b>span's nebulous nebula have two advantages: one is to upgrade its own user base by increasing the number of users of software, increasing the visibility of software, etc.
The figure above is a list of the nebula's rankings of 2017 > 5 /span >, calculated on the basis of data from Taiwon's transactions /span >.
Of course, the nebula and the nebula look the same, but there's a very big difference between them. As a central company, the nebula, although his rules of calculation are published, are invisible in terms of operation and specific data. We need to trust the nebula completely in order to have full confidence in his calculations and ranking. But the nebula chain is a project based on a block chain with a natural advantage, and all information is open and transparent /b> > > /b > span >. The nebula rules are based on the public information of the block chain, the results of which are calculated by open source code, and no artificial intervention can be made. If you question the ranking, you can trace it, you can retrace it, you can fake it, /span span < span > has no possibility to operate your dark box. /span < /span > < /span < / >
/span> br>
The current block chain world is still in a state of chaos, and he needs a universal measure of value to measure the value of simple data at the bottom of the block chain and to discover more dimensions of information so as to explore and dig for more value in the block chain world. This can help us move away from the low-dimensional law of the jungle into a world of more dimensions and objectivity.
The creation of the NR is a pioneering initiative for the world of block chains. I'm sure you can have no subcolons in the future, but you can't have the index NR /span > /span > > /span > > /span .
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