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Summary: As information technology continues to develop, the management of students in higher education also faces serious challenges. Therefore, further refinement and strengthening of the management of students in higher education at this stage will require full integration into the practical work of students in high schools >https://www.21ks.nwen/xsglw_brek.html.


Keywords: Internet thinking; higher education; student management; transformation


As the Internet evolves into people’s lives and jobs, the world has evolved into an interconnected network. The management of higher education students also needs to change in the age of the Internet, changing traditional student management models to meet the changing individualizing needs of students and achieving the educational goals of the Litts.




1. In recent years, the concept of Internet thinking, which is embedded in the concept of Internet thinking, has evolved from the Internet industry to the national discourse, as advocated by the Community of the Destiny of Cyberspaces, which has been built together in our country, has evolved over the past few years. The first phase, the Web 1.0, is the era of portals, with new web portals as the main mode of representation. The third phase, characterized by the demonstration of information, and its dissemination, is one-way, and, in the process of disseminating information, a portal. The second phase, the Web 2.0, the search or social era, is the era of socialization, where the main representative model of the Internet has grown into a national discourse. This phase, characterized by the orientation of information and the transformation of former one-way information dissemination into a two-way interaction, during which Internet users have been able to produce content.


2. Internet thinking, as a characteristic of the Internet, contains a variety of ideas, such as user thinking, data thinking, platform thinking, socializing thinking, and so on. It is user thinking that plays a leading role in these thinking, and for other thinking. Past agricultural societies have generated empirical thinking, which, with the arrival of industrial societies, has given rise to rational thinking, which is based on values and methodologies that have evolved in an interconnected context. Internet thinking, once changed from one-way, regulatory model to one-way, open nature.


II. Reasons for the transition in the management of higher education students


At this stage, the Internet is becoming more and more widespread in its reach and applications, and the Internet is becoming an integral part of people’s daily lives. In a completely new context, the network has become a basic facility.


1. Decentralization: The deconstructed industrial society of traditional student management is dominated by industrial thinking, so that the student management system of higher education also inherits the concept of industrial thinking characterized by centralization, standardization, and control. Under such a system, the student management model forms a top-down closed system, embodying the strong demands for an open, interactive and equitable structure. The management of higher education students by such an organization is headed by a centre responsible for their superiors, while deviations from the student centre lead not by serving students but by means of management tools. The Internet is not a closed pyramid structure, but by means of a network structure that flattens down and does not have the most central nodes; hence, it also reflects the decentralized character of the institution, on the basis of which the demands for openness, interaction and equality are made, which is the deconstructed structure of the controlled, science-based industrial thinking that is based on a people-centred approach to the management of higher education students, with a focus on the student-centred approach.


2. Deborderization: Traditional student management of closed operations has broken down the traditional model of student management, which is marked by a marked sectoralization and intellectualization. Functional divisions have been established, cutting off and dividing student management services, which have artificially fragmented the whole of close ties. Under the old model of management, management between functional sectors has become closed, with clear boundaries and clear and clear terms of reference in terms of sharing and use of resources. This has also made it difficult for students in higher education to share and communicate data from everyday activities such as life, learning and socialization; this asymmetry of information has led to the closure of information resources, which has allowed the monopolization of information to take place; and, in the case of Internet technology, it has been marked by interconnectivity and interconnection.


De-intermediary: Because of the asymmetry of information, the model of management of students in higher education also reflects unequal rights of innate speech between schools and students. The technology of the network is characterized by multiple connections, universal connections, flattening, and a “non-intermediary” state. In the past, student managers controlled the channels of information dissemination, while the development of information technology led us to an era of great data informatization. At this stage, information volumes have grown explosively, making it impossible for managers to rely on a monopoly of information to maintain their voice. In a world without an intermediary network, any network participant has the power to control content; the dissemination of personalized information has become freer and less constrained.


III. Strategies for transforming the management of students in institutions of higher learning based on Internet-based thinking


1. In the management of students in higher education, users are students, who use educational products and services, while the end-users of educational products are students, and more emphasis should be placed on their experiences. In client thinking, clients buy products and services, but do not necessarily use them, but rather focus on prices. In such client orientation, marketing strategies are even more important.

2.基于平台思维,重构管理组织高校学生管理工作要在用户思维的核心导引之下,贯彻为学生服务的宗旨,在学生需求的基础之上,进一步强化并联式连接,推动学生管理组织朝扁平化方向发展。针对学生的学习、生活等多项环节,进行学生管理组织的重构,让其确立起扁平化、平台型的组织模式。这种网状模式能够进一步促进 学生各部门之间的协同合作,能够将学校和外部世界有效连接起来,确立起合作关系,推动学校进一步成为学生管理服务的高效平台。要打破学校内部不同部门、专业之间的藩篱,加强相互之间的联系和沟通,推动各个部门、专业成为互联网网状结构上的节点。而且要基于网络化,进一步推动扁平化的组织建设,实现开放共建、协作共享的组织新局面,促进围绕学生所展开的服务格局的构建。

2. Based on platform thinking, the re-engineering of the management of students in higher education organizations should be guided by the core orientation of user thinking, the purpose of which is to serve students, and to further strengthen and link up, based on the needs of students, and to promote the development of student management organizations in a flat-down direction. The re-engineering of student management organizations for students'learning, life, etc., will allow them to establish flat-level, platform-type organizational models. This web-based model can further promote   collaborative collaboration between student departments can effectively connect schools and the outside world, establish partnerships and promote schools to become more efficient platforms for student management services.


Based on contemplation, the simplification of management processes for the traditional college student management model, owing to the closed nature of the information, the fragmented nature of the process, the cumbersome nature of the transaction and the lack of clear lines of responsibility between departments, has also led to a “blank space” in student management. Under the Internet, unnecessary links and content are reduced, resources are reduced and waste is reduced, barriers to communication with students are broken, management processes are simplified, and redundant organizational structures are streamlined. For the existing student management system, not only gaps in work should be filled immediately, but also improvements and improvements should be made immediately.


4. On the basis of data thinking, improving student management performance with the development of information technology, and under the guidance of the Internet, the management of higher education students also actively integrates big data thinking and further improves management performance. The value of big data lies in the mining, analysis and prediction of data, as well as in understanding the value of data, which is central to the big data. Building on large data, further progress is needed in building an intelligent campus that is digitalized and promotes a shift in student work towards digital management and intelligent services[4]. By collecting and collating school data, such as school attendance, scoring, community activities, school consumption, etc., based on sound analysis, real-time knowledge of students'information can be acquired in real time and students’ behaviour predicted and pre-managed.


5. Socialized thinking, based on socialization, leads students to organize and manage their own thinking on the Internet. Socialized thinking is the transformation of the way schools organize, communicate, and operate among students through socialized online media and tools. Socialized thinking is a two-way approach, and promotes cooperative participation and equitable communication, with a greater focus on chain-based communication, is an entirely new form of network society and relationships. At this stage, in virtual cyberspace, students'main means of survival are networked existence, and their community forms are embedded in web-based structures, with significant homogenous features within the group. For education, self-organized education and management are the most desirable.




In the management of students in institutions of higher learning, full use and integration of Internet thinking is needed. The first is to identify entry points for and for re-engineering and innovation of institutional mechanisms. The student-centred approach promotes precision in management and refinement of services, offering effective solutions to practical problems and achieving better student management.




[1] Student management exploration under the concept of Kang Nan. “Internet+” [J]. Journal of the College of Vocational Technology, 2021, 20(1):97-99.


[2] Liu Tsong. Management training [J]. Secondary and external entrepreneurs based on the “Internet+” mentality, 2020 (19): 179.


[3] The Internet mind application managed by Liu Noong Asaa High School students [J]. Tomorrow's wind, 2019 (2):132.


[4] Jiang Wei, “Internet+”, research on innovative strategies for the management of students in higher education at the threshold [J]. Youth, 2018 (23): 58-59.

作者:陈巧琴 单位:浙江广厦建设职业技术大学

Quixian Chen Unit: Guangjian University of Technology, Zhejiang




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