This paper is graphically xff0c; takes you to the relevant knowledge of the block chain xff0c; is accompanied by the development language source xff0c; refers xff0c; partners xff0c; sits well xff0c; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01;
1991年,由Stuart Haber和W. Scott Stornetta第一次提出关于区块的加密保护链产品,随后分别由Ross J. Anderson与Bruce Schneier&John Kelsey分别在在1996年和1998年发表。与此同时,Nick Szabo在1998年进行了电子货币分散化的机制研究,他称此为比特金。2000年,Stefan Konst发表了加密保护链的统一理论,并提出了一整套实施方案。
xff0c, 1991; first proposed by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta for an encryption protection chain for blocks xff0c; then published by Ross J. Anderson and Bruce Schneier & John Kelsey in 1996 and 1998, respectively. Meanwhile, xff0c; Nick Szabo conducted a study of the mechanism for decentralization of electronic currencies in 1998 xff0c; he called it Bitkin. 2000 xff0c; Stefan Konst published a unified theory for the encryption protection chain xff0c; and proposed a set of implementation programmes.
The concept of block chains xff0c was first proposed in 2008 by China; xff0c in subsequent years; became a central component of the electronic currency bitcoin xff1a; as a public book of accounts for all transactions. Automation is possible through the use of point-to-point networks and distributed time stamp servers xff0c; and the block chain database. The sector chain invented for Bitcoin makes it the first digital currency to address the problem of double consumption. Bitcoin design has become a source of inspiration for other applications.
October 2008 xff0c; xff0c in the original medium-brain paper; the words xff0c; xff0c in the " block" and "chain" are used separately; when used widely, they are collectively referred to as blocks - chain xff0c; they were not converted into a word xff1a; "block chain " until 2016. In August 2014 xff0c; the size of the block chain file in Bitcoin reached 20 gigabytes.
到2014年,“区块链2.0”成为一个关于去中心化区块链数据库的术语。对这个第二代可编程区块链,经济学家们认为它的成就是“它是一种编程语言,可以允许用户写出更精密和智能的协议,因此,当利润达到一定程度的时候,就能够从完成的货运订单或者共享证书的分红中获得收益”。区块链2.0技术跳过了交易和“价值交换中担任金钱和信息仲裁的中介机构”。它们被用来使人们远离全球化经济,使隐私得到保护,使人们“将掌握的信息兑换成货币”,并且有能力保证知识产权的所有者得到收益。第二代区块链技术使存储个人的“永久数字ID和形象”成为可能,并且对“潜在的社会财富分配”不平等提供解决方案。14 -15截至2016年,区块链2.0链下交易仍旧需要通过Oracle,使任何“基于时间或市场条件[确实需要]的外部数据或事件与区块链交互”。
By 2014 xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; ff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c) when profits reach a certain level; xff0c; xff0c; returns from completed shipping orders or the dividends of shared certificates. xfff0c. The second generation of block chain technology skips the transaction and #x0c's “value exchange agency for money and information arbitration”; they are used to keep people away from the globalized economy xff0c; to protect privacy xff0c; to make the information available “to exchange money” xff 0c; and to ensure that all owners of intellectual property rights receive the benefits.
A pilot project based on block chain technology was announced. Many institutions with regulatory powers in the music industry began to use block chain technology to build test models & #xff0c; used to collect royalties and copyright management worldwide. July 2016 xff0c; IBM opened a block chain innovation research centre in Singapore. November 2016 xff0c; a working group of the World Economic Forum held a meeting xff0c; discussed the development of a governance model on block chain.
狭义来讲,区块链是一种按照时间顺序将数据区块以顺序相连的方式组合成的一种链式数据结构, 并以密码学方式保证的不可篡改和不可伪造的分布式账本。
xff0c in the narrow sense; block chains are a chain structure of data blocks in chronological order that are sequentially linked to each other xff0c; and irrevocable and non-false distributed accounts guaranteed by cryptography.
Broadly xff0c; block chain technology is a completely new distributed base structure and computational paradigm for programming and operating data using a smart contract consisting of automated scripting codes, using a block-chain data structure to validate and store data, using distributed node consensus algorithms to generate and update data, using cryptography to secure data transmission and access.
The so-called protocol layer xff0c; this level is usually a complete block chain product xff0c; an operating system similar to our computer xff0c; it maintains a network node xff0c; it provides only Api for call. The official provides a simple client xff08; commonly known as a wallet xff09; xff0c; this client wallet function is simple xff0c; only addresses, signatures, transfers, balances, etc. can be established. This level is the basis of everything xff0c; the network environment is built, trade routes are built, nodes are set up xff0c; there are also two currencies xff0c; it is not much more than a question of xff0c; it is also an example of xff kkkkkpkpkpkpkpk; it is also an example of currency kkpkkkpkp; it is an example.
In terms of technology used xff0c; the protocol layer consists mainly of four aspects of network programming, distribution algorithms, encryption signatures, data storage techniques xff0c; where network programming capacity is the main consideration in the choice of programming languages xff0c; because distribution algorithms are essentially business logic xff0c; which can be used xff0c; where encryption signature technology is directly and simply used xff08; where relevant encryption decipher articles in books xff0c; where free exercise is not recommended xff0c; where there is no excess of xff09; xff0c; where database technology is mainly used xff0c; where only point-to-point realization and co-processing of the network are difficult to develop xfff0c; where therefore, the development of simple language xx0xx is also becoming more popular; and where the development of the dex_kx ffffx has become more popular;
The structure above is designed in xff0c; I have divided this dimension further into storage and network layers. Data storage can be relatively independent xff0c; data storage can be more liberal xff0c; it can be discussed separately. The selection is based on the principles of performance and ease of use. We know xff0c; the overall performance of the system xff0c; the I/O performance xff0c; I/O optimized space is less than xff0c; but I/O storage of local data is optimized. For example, xff0c; Bitco chooses the current centralised payment system xff08; bank et. al.
Distributive algorithms, encryption signatures, etc. are all used to achieve point-to-point networks xff0c; so it is naturally a network layer thing xff0c; it is also a code focus and difficulty xff0c; Nodejs Development of Encrypted Currency is basically shared in this part of the book. Of course xff0c; there are also xff0c that separates point-to-point networks; xff0c that separates node search, data transmission and validation logic; and xff0c that combines operations such as consensus algorithms, encryption signatures, data storage and so on.
This level is similar to that of a computer driver xff0c; it is intended to make block chain products more practical. There are currently two types of xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xyff0c; xff0c; xff0c; but the risk is also significant. xff0c; e.g., xxxff0c; intellectual is an executive smartness x0c; xxxxxxxx; xxxxxfx; fffffff; this is not yet an automatic technology transfer; x x c; ffffff ; etc.
The technology used in the extended layer does not limit xff0c; it can include many xff0cs; distributed storage, machine learning, VR, object networking, big data, etc. xff0c; it can be used. The choice of programming language xff0c; it can be freer xff0c; it can be understood that xff0c can be completely separated from the protocol layer; programming language can be different from the development language used in the protocol layer. xff0c is developed; xff0c is developed in addition to interacting with the protocol layer at the time of the transaction; xff0c is used as little as possible with the protocol layer; this level is closer to the application level xff0c; it can also be understood that the service end of the B/S structure xff08; Serverff09; this way not only allows for a more scientific design of the architecture xff0c; making sector chain data smaller xff0c; network xff0c is more independent; and can also ensure that development is not constrained.
At this level, xff0c; block chains can structure the development of any type of product xff0c; not just in the financial sector. In the future xff0c; xff0c; as the bottom-of-the-line agreements improve xff0c; any product that requires third-party payment can easily use block chain technology xff1b; any information xff0c that requires certainty, message and retroactive information xff0c; it can be achieved through block chains. I personally think xff0c; this goal should be achieved soon.
This level is similar to the various software programs in computers & #xff0c; a product that can be used directly by ordinary people & #xff0c; a browser end & #xff08; Browser) applications at this level & #xff0c; currently almost blank. The market is in need of such applications & #xff0c; the detonating market & #xff0c; the formation of a real expansionary & xff0c; the rapid entry of block chain technology into the normal population #xff0c; serving the general population. The kinds of light wallets used are #xff08; the client end #xff09; #xff0c; the simplest and most typical application should be counted.
Limited to the development of the current block chain technology xff0c; billion books can only start from the protocol layer xff0c; target the application level xff0c; and provide powerful support to third-party developers. This would avoid greed and xff0c; avoid landlessness xff0c; and a genuinely rational development route. Because of the pure development agreement layer or extension layer xff0c; failure to truly understand and validate the application layer xff0c; separation from the actual xff0c; making it difficult for third-party developers to use it.
Many small partners & #xff0c; used to combine their technical background & #xff0c; used to understand the architecture above. Here & #xff0c; combined with specific programming language & #xff0c; briefly describing several products & #xff0c; for information only.
这两个语言是无法逾越的,任何开发遇到瓶颈,基本上都会找到它们,自然应该排在第一位要介绍的。同时,区块链技术的鼻祖,比特币(协议层)就是用C++语言开发的,而且目前为止,没有比比特币更加成功的区块链产品。所以,无论你使用什么语言开发,在正式进入这个行业的过程中,都应该先研究研究比特币。比特币官方客户端钱包用的Qt,第三方钱包有Python语言开发的,特别是第三方整理的开发库(Api包)很多是Nodejs设计的。比特币的架构,与上面的架构设计基本相同,另外,因为共识算法采用的是工作量证明机制(PoW:Proof of work),还有一些特殊的挖矿的过程。其他竞争币都是直接来自比特币的分支,所以编程语言相同,具体的技术选型和技术实现上可能有所改进,比如:莱特币,使用了其他的加密算法。
The two languages are unstoppable xff0c; any development encounters bottlenecks xff0c; they are basically found xff0c; nature should be ranked first. At the same time xff0c; Noose xff0c of block chain technology; Bitcoin xff08; Protocol layer xff09; C43; xff0c; xffoc of language development; so far xff0c; no more successful sector chain product than Bitcoco; so xff0c; development of xff0c; Apox; xffoc; study of Bitco; official customer wallets of Bitcoin; x#ff#ff#x; other x#0x; ffx#jpx; pffffffx; #0xxxxxx; xxxxxxxxx#pjpfx; ffffffx; pjfffffx.p.p.x.x.x.x.x.x.p.x.p.x.x.x.p.x.x.x.x.p.p.p.p.p.x.p.x.p.p.p.p.k.x.x.x.x.p.f.f.p.f.p.f.f.f.
The great network programming capacity of the Nodejs platform xff0c; and the simple quickness of the js script language xff0c; it naturally does not lose sight of it in the area of block chains. The billion books are such a block chain product xff0c; the billion books are its compact layer xff0c; it uses the famous express development framework xff0c; it is developed on the basis of the http protocol. xff0c; it has adopted an enabling equity certification mechanism xff08; xffff09; xff0c; algorithms improvements xff0c; it has been made lighter when dealing with transactions xff0c; it has provided a powerful collaborative mechanism xffoc; it has facilitated digital publishing, copyright protection ff1b; it has expanded its side-chain functionality #x0x; it has developed a base of technology from which is currently zero to zero; it has been able to develop any centralized applications xff0c; it has been able to achieve a significant number of #xx#ff#dex.ff.
如果是Python语言爱好者,我建议研究研究以太坊(Ethereum)的Python实现。尽管因为The Dao事件闹得沸沸扬扬,但从技术实现的角度来说,仍然值得参考学习。以太坊官方定位为一种开发管理分布式应用的平台,主攻方向就是“智能合约”,并为其定制了一种编程语言Solidity。以太坊的核心是以太坊虚拟机(EVM),允许用户按照自己的意愿创建操作。以太坊给出了Go、Java、Python等多语言的实现。其中以python为基础的实现主要包括三个部分:Pyethapp是客户端部分;pyethereum是核心库,实现了区块链、以太坊模拟机和挖矿等功能;pydevp2p是点对点网络库,实现了节点发现、合约代码传输、加密签名等功能,这三者组合在一起就是完整的区块链实现,后面两个核心库共同组成了协议层。另外,go-ethereum是go语言的完整实现;Ethereum(J) 是纯Java实现,它作为可以嵌入任何Java/Scala项目的库提供。客户端方面,还有Rust、Ruby、Javascript等语言的实现。
If it is a Python language lover & #xff0c; if it is a Python language lover & #xff08; Etheeum) Python; although it has a boiling #xff0c; but from the point of technological realization xff0c; it is worth learning. If it is officially located as a platform for the development of a distributed application of management & #xff0c; the main direction of the attack is the “smart contract” & xff0c; customizes a programming language solidity for it. The core of the cell is a virtual machine #xff08; xffc; ffec; allows users to create operations according to their wishes.
在多核时代,Go语言备受喜爱,它可以让你用同步方式轻松实现高并发,特别是在分布式系统、网络编程等领域,应用非常广。所以,在区块链开发领域,也有很多使用Go语言的项目。其中,由linux基金会主导的超级账本(HyperLeger),版本库的名字叫Fabric,就是其中一个。该项目试图为新一代的事务应用创建一种开放的分布式账本标准,支持许可式区块链(这种方式可能无法再现比特币那种强大的网络效应)。Fabric的开发环境建立在VirtualBox虚拟机上,部署环境可以自建网络,也可以直接部署在BlueMix上,部署方式可docker化,支持用Go和JavaScript开发智能合约。它采用PBFT分布式算法,网络编程方面用gRPC来做P2P通讯,使用 Protocol Buffer来序列化要传递的数据结构。在架构设计上,Fabric可能与比特币等区块链产品有所不同,但是上述基本组成部分还是不可或缺的。
In the multi-nuclear era xff0c; in Go, popular xff0c; it allows you to easily achieve high and high distribution xff0c by synchronizing; in particular in the area of distribution systems, network programming xff0c; very widely applied. So xff0c; in the area of block development xff0c; in the area of area development xff0c; in the Go language xff0c; in the superbook xff08, dominated by the Linux Foundation; in the form of HyperLeger xff09; xff0c; version Fabrić #xff0c; in the form of a basic network based on VirtualBox; in the form of an open distribution book for the new generation of services #xffp; in the form of a permit block #xff #ff08; in the form of a network designed to recreate the above-mentioned xff09; in the form of a network #Päxfx0; in the form of a basic network based on the Fabriic; in the use of vtox & & & & & & & & #tbrfffffts; in the use of & & & #txxffffts; in the use of #s.
notes xff1a; only represents the blogger's personal views xff0c; for information xff0c; welcome comments xff0c; some points of knowledge and pictures are from the network xff0c; the owner does not assume any responsibility.
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