被“山寨版”打压 比特币价格大跌
“山寨版”比特币现金是什么?为什么对比特币冲击如此之大?OKCoin币行副总裁田颖表示,BCC全称叫做比特币现金,它修改了比特币的原代码。BCC的前世就是比特币,在分叉之前它存储的区块链中的数据以及运行的软件是和所有比特币节点兼容的,到分叉那一刻以后它开始执行新的代码,打包大区块形成新的链。BCC由少数比特币持有者发起,其中主要是中国矿工,他们为比特币网络贡献计算能力获得比特币,发起原因主要是对此前达成的比特币技术改进方案BIP91不满。 The BCC's predecessor was Bitcoin, and the data it stored in the chain of blocks before the split was compatible with all bitcoin nodes and, after the split, it started to implement new codes and package large blocks into new chains. The BCC was initiated by a small number of Bitcoin holders, mainly Chinese miners, who obtained bitcoins for their ability to calculate the Bitcoin network, largely because of their dissatisfaction with BIP91, a previously agreed Bitconet technological improvement programme. BCC跟比特币有何区别?田颖认为,BCC改变了BTC的技术初衷,采用动态难度调整,是一种新的数字资产,未来发展和BTC关系不大,玩家不应该混淆BCC和BTC。BCC这种类型的币并非第一次出现,外界称BCC是比特币网络分叉并不准确。 What's the difference between BCC and Bitcoin? You think that BCC has changed the original intent of the BTC by introducing dynamic and difficult adjustments as a new digital asset, that future development and BTC are not relevant, that players should not confuse BCC and BTC. The BCC type of currency does not appear for the first time, and that it is not accurate to say that BCC is a bitconet network fork. 有人认为这属于比特币内部分家,有人认为出现新的竞争者。各平台怎么看呢?OKCoin币行一位工作人员介绍,目前不支持交易BCC,目前也没有上线BCC。而火币Pro站已于8月2日正式开启BCC/BTC交易。 Some believe that this is part of the Bitcoin and others that a new competitor is emerging. What do the platforms look like? A staff member in the OKCoin line introduced that he does not currently support the BCC transaction, nor does he currently have access to the BCC. 玩法激烈博弈 {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Heavy game. 数字资产玩家还需谨慎 目前BCC的算力在缓慢增长,其价格走势剧烈波动,从400美元的高位一路下跌到220美元。 The BCC is now growing slowly, and its prices have fluctuated sharply, falling from a high of $400 to $220. 田颖认为,不可否认BCC的出现对比特币的价格产生了影响,8月1日晚19:00到20:00期间比特币价格跳水,下跌幅度10%。但下一步如何还需继续观察。火币网COO朱嘉伟表示,市场上出现另一个交易品种BCC,玩家产生一定的认知混乱。比特币目前并未分叉,BCC是一种新型区块链资产,对该资产将根据运营实际情况,依据对待创新区块链资产的一贯标准,同时考虑到用户资产的流通性进行相应的支持。 In his view, it is undeniable that BCC’s rise in the price of bitcoin has had an impact, with a 10% drop in bitcoin prices between 1900 and 2000 on the night of 1 August. But the next step will have to be continued. Coyote’s network, Cio Jiave, states that there is another trade type in the market, BCC, with a certain degree of confusion among players. Bitco’s new block chain asset, based on operational realities, will be supported by consistent criteria for the treatment of innovative block chain assets, taking into account the liquidity of the user’s assets. 肖磊认为,BCC一出现,比特币价格将短期内将出现大幅度波动,相关玩家群体争议较大,价格将出现博弈,比特币短期内会调整的概率较大,接下来如何发展还需市场检验。数字资产投资风险较高,监管还未完全明确,且易受外界因素影响,价格波动剧烈,玩家还是提高风险意识、谨慎为宜。 As soon as BCC emerges, Bitcoin prices are expected to fluctuate significantly in the short term, with a much more controversial group of players involved, prices are expected to compete, bitcoins are more likely to adjust in the short term, and then market tests are needed. Digital asset investment risks are high, regulations are not yet well defined, subject to external factors, prices are volatile, players are more aware and cautious. 比特币从2009年前后面世以来,市场人士争议较大。华商报记者采访了中国电子商务研究中心主任曹磊了解到,研究表明,近年来各类披着互联网外衣的传销组织屡禁不止,假借微商、数字货币、校园贷、资金盘、消费返利、网络广告、网络游戏等名义的互联网行业成为网络传销“重灾区”。根据中国反传销志愿者联盟等机构掌握的资料,目前珍宝币、百川币、SMI、MBI、马克币、暗黑币、MMM、美国富达复利理财、克拉币、V宝、维卡币、石油币、华强币、币盛、摩根币、贝塔币等,都是披着或疑似披着数字货币的外衣进行非法传销的项目。曹磊提醒玩家提高鉴别能力,投资理财或者满足相关兴趣爱好,一定要选择官方认可、合法合规的项目。 华商报记者 黄涛 According to China’s Alliance of Anti-Sales Volunteers, which is known as China’s Centre for E-Commerce Research, China’s reporter Cao found that in recent years various distribution organizations in the form of micro-businesses, digital money, school loans, money pools, consumer returns, Internet advertising, Internet games, etc., have become Internet-based “heavy zones.” According to information available to such agencies as China’s Alliance of Anti-Sales Volunteers, it is now important for players to choose between officially recognized and legally complied items to improve their identification capabilities, invest in money, or meet their interests. 进入【新浪财经股吧】讨论
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