监管层进驻比特币平台 杠杆交易恐被暂停

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:53 评论:0



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On 11 January, following a meeting between the central bank in Beijing and the Shanghai headquarters in Beijing with the heads of the three Bitcoin trading platforms, the central bank headquarters in Shanghai and the central bank in Beijing, together with the local financial regulators in Shanghai and Beijing, formed a joint unit to conduct a week-long on-site inspection of the three well-known Bitcoin trading platforms in the country, namely, “bitcoin China”, “ign currency network” and “currency bank”. According to reporters in Beijing, this regulatory level is primarily investigating leverage violations of the Bitcoins trading platform, suspected of violating foreign-exchange policies, money-laundering, etc.


Supervising will be in place for one week


Several Bitcoin platform figures confirmed to journalists on 12 January that the Joint Inspection Unit, currently composed of central bankers and local financial authorities, had indeed been placed in three trading platforms and would be based for one week.


Just on the evening of 11 January, the Shanghai Financial Office issued information that the relevant joint supervisory authorities of the Shanghai headquarters of the People's Bank and the Shanghai City Financial Office had conducted on-site inspections of the Bitcoin trading platform company, “bitcoin China”, located in Shanghai, focusing on whether the enterprise was operating beyond its scope, whether it was carrying out credit, payment, exchange, etc. without permission or licence; whether there had been market manipulation; the implementation of the anti-money-laundering regime; and the risk of financial security.


On the same day, the Central Bank's Department of Finance issued a circular stating that, in accordance with the Circular of the Office of the State Council on the publication of special programmes for the management and enforcement of Internet financial risks (No. [2016]21) and the relevant laws and regulations, the Ministry of People's Banking Operations and the Beijing Municipal Financial Work Bureau, among others, formed a Joint Inspection Unit to establish, as of 11 January 2017, a “bitcoin China”, “twilightnet” and “coin bank” Bitco” platform to carry out on-site inspections on the implementation of foreign exchange management, anti-money-laundering and related financial laws and regulations, as well as regulations on the management of trading premises.


After supervising entry into the Bitcoin trading platform, Bitcoin prices continued to fall, falling by 4.71% at 1800 hours on 12 January. The lowest fell to $4902 on that day, and just on 5 January, Bitcoin prices reached an all-time high of nearly 9,000.


Suspected violation of the money transfer policy


Is there a problem with the Bitcoin trading platform? A local regulator revealed to journalists that the platform is currently suspected of violating foreign exchange policy, money laundering, etc.


One insider revealed that investors could buy bitcoins denominated in renminbi at a domestic Bitcoin trading platform and then sell bitcoins denominated in United States dollars at another Bitcoin trading platform (in addition to foreign bitcoins trading platforms, several domestic trading platforms are similarly online denominated in United States dollars), thus enabling the exchange of renminbis into United States dollars and the theoretical break-out of the limit on remittance policies.


An insider of the Bitcoin trading platform confirmed to a Beijing businessman that, while the platform had been able to find the location of the investor's current bitcoin denominated in United States dollars, it could not control the current reference.


However, in the view of Sun Zewoo, a senior investor in Bitcoin, it is unlikely from a practical point of view that the issue of Bitcoin exchange is likely to arise. “Because Bitcoin surges and most of the time, domestic prices are higher than foreign platform prices. Domestic bitcoin prices are normal when calmly higher than foreign prices of $10-20; domestic prices were 100-200 more than foreign prices at the end of last year and at the beginning of this year, which means that domestic purchases of a bitcoin into foreign dollars are immediately at a loss.


According to Shaw, the chief researcher on gold wallets, there are many risks involved in transferring property in bitcoin, the first being the risk reported by the platform, the second being the risk of rapid realization of international market transactions, large-scale transactions to markets such as the United States, and the third being the risk of highly volatile prices in bitcoin, which have fallen by more than 45 per cent in the last 10 days or less, with very heavy losses if they are not realized in one and a half hours.


Trade platform leverage may be suspended


In addition to the violation of foreign exchange policy, the above-mentioned local financial regulators pointed to irregularities in Bitcoin transactions such as futures and leverage financing.


In addition, some Bitcoin trading platforms also have billings that are suspected of price manipulation, which is also part of the regulatory scope.


Professionals interviewed by a Beijing newspaper reporter have said that it is necessary to regulate leverage transactions. Wang Hong Hing, President of the China (Hong Kong) Institute of Financial Derivatives and Investment Studies, has stated that Bitcoin leverage transactions, T+0 trading patterns are very similar to futures transactions, that futures transactions are financial derivatives, both domestic and foreign, and that financial derivatives are strictly regulated, and that the Bitcoin trading platform has no national endorsement, and that it is difficult to guarantee that transactions are open, fair, risk-prone and regulatory.


Shaw said that the purpose of the regulation was actually two, one being that, as bitcoin prices continued to rise, money began to chase bitcoin, and even grandpa’s mother ran for it. Many liars would be even more frightened if they did not intervene. And, on the other hand, a lot of understandable analyses magnified the role of bitcoin in the transfer of assets and money-laundering, leading to greater pressure at the regulatory level, such as central banks, and had to start checking.


“Bitcoin-type futures trading is a violation and, once the platform begins to reshuffle, future leverage may be shut down.” Sun Zewoo said.


Bitcoin market needs to be regulated


With the presence of regulation, the market is beginning to be pessimistic about Bitcoin’s prospects, and there are even fears that the Bitcoin trading platform may be banned. In response, Shaw said that it is difficult to regulate this time, because Bitcoin itself is an experiment and there is no one-sided ban in China, and central banks need research and talent in this area.


Shaw said that the trial of Bitcoin as a digital currency was bound to be long-term, no country and the ability to destroy Bitcoin, but that the Bitcoin trading platform also needed to understand that bitcoin could not replace French currency or possess complete monetary attributes. If transactions as a virtual asset were to continue as an observation of technological development, the Bitcoin trading platform could continue to exist. Moreover, if regulations were to stop those large trading platforms, it would be much less regulated, given that bitco dealings would go underground, it would be more likely to appear as a fraud platform, more difficult to regulate, and what was needed now was financial regulation and wind control of the trading platform, as well as deleveraging.


As a new thing, Bitcoin is innovative, and the government can look forward to it, allowing it to be traded as an ordinary commodity for investors. Once regulatory checks have been completed, a trading platform may be cleaned up, but the Bitcoin trading platform will not be completely banned in our country, and it is believed that these trading platforms will find a way to deal as legally as possible within the regulatory sphere.

(原标题:监管层进驻比特币平台 杠杆交易恐被暂停)




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