札幌因地震受灾生退意 或放弃2026冬奥申办
Sapporo died as a result of the earthquake or abandoned 2026 Winter Osten.
According to the Japanese Times and the Commons Agency, the Mayor of Sapporo, Mr. Takada, met with the Chairman of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, to explain the impact of Hokkaido and to express his intention to withdraw from the 2026 Winter Olympic and Winter Paralympic Games.
大众拟明年停产甲壳虫汽车 期间曾停产近十年
The public is planning to stop the production of beetles next year for almost a decade.
Earlier today, according to Reuters, Volkswagen stated that on Thursday, 2019, production of “ Beatles & rdquo; and compact sedans would cease, ending the one-time pattern that had prevailed in the anti-mainstream culture of the 1960s. In a statement declaring a cut-off, Volkswagen CEO Sinridge of North America said that the company currently had no plans to introduce a replacement type of Beatles, but he did not rule out the possibility of introducing such a model in the future.
Major changes have been made in the organizational structure of Mi, with the creation of the new Group Staff and Group Organization Department, while simultaneously adjusting the division of labour among the executives Wangchuan, Liu De, Hung Fong and Sang-jin; restructuring the four operational departments of Television, Ecolink, MIUI, and Recreation, which will be responsible for the recruitment, promotion, training and evaluation incentives of senior and middle management cadres, as well as for the organization and preparation of the various departments, with the co-founder, Senior Vice-President, Minister Liu. The Group Staff Department will assist the CEO in developing the Group's development strategy and oversee the implementation of the strategy by the operational departments, with the co-founder, Senior Vice-President, and the Chief of Staff of Wang Kawa.
据IPO Boutique最新公告显示,趣头条IPO发行价定为7美元,为发行价格区间7美元至9美元的低端。按照计划,趣头条将于今日在纳斯达克证券市场挂牌交易。 According to the latest IPO Boutique announcement, the fun headline IPO is set at $7, the lower end of the distribution price range of $7 to $9. According to the plan, the fun headline will be traded today at the NASDAQ securities market. 看完苹果秋季发布会 华为余承东发话:稳了! After watching the Apple Fall launch, China speaks for the rest of the world: Steady! 9 月 13 日,苹果终于正式发布了新一代 iPhone 智能手机 iPhone Xs 和 iPhone Xs Max。在苹果来看,这一代是最先进、最大的 iPhone。而大多国人看来,应该说这是史上最贵 iPhone 了,因为要从 8699 元起售,最贵的 12799 元。凌晨 3 点,余承东在微博上声称:“稳了,我们十月十六日伦敦见! ” On September 13, Apple finally officially released a new generation of iPhone smartphones iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max. The generation is the most advanced and the largest iPhone in apples. In the view of many, it is the most expensive iPhone in history, because the most expensive $12799 is to be sold from 8699 won. At 3:00 a.m., Sundong claims on microblogging: & ldquao; steady, we see London on October 16th! & rdquao; 百世物流起诉ofo:因公路货物运输合同纠纷 Centennial Logistics Litigationofofo: Dispute over Contract for Carriage of Goods by Road 有媒体报道称,因为公路货物运输合同纠纷,百世物流科技(中国)有限公司起诉了ofo的运营主体东峡大通(北京)管理咨询有限公司。开庭日期为9月13日。对此,百世物流方面未做出回应,ofo方面表示将按法律程序处理。 According to media reports, as a result of a dispute over a contract for the carriage of goods by road, Centurion Logistics Technology (China) Ltd. filed a lawsuit against Ofo’s operator, Chase East (Beijing) Management Consulting Ltd. The hearing was held on 13 September. There was no response from the Centurion Logistics side, and the ofo side indicated that it would be dealt with in accordance with the legal procedures. 华为否认“被收购”传言,100%由员工持股 近日有传言称华为将被“国资收购”,对此,华为今日予以否认。针对关于业务分拆、剥离部分业务的传闻,华为同样表示不属实。 Recently, there have been rumours that China will be & & & & & & & & & & & & acquisition of State capital, which China denies today. The same is true of rumours that businesses are split up and severed. 腾讯大涨4.99%,创逾2年来最大日涨幅 "Strong" skyrocketed by 4.99 per cent, the largest daily increase in more than two years. 腾讯昨日大涨4.99%,创2016年8月18日以来最大日涨幅,收报323.8港元,成交98.4亿港元,最新总市值30835亿港元,重回3万亿上方。腾讯发言人表示,“回购反映我们对公司的基本因素和业务的长远价值充满信心。” Yesterday, the news surged by 4.99%, the largest increase since August 18, 2016: HK$ 323.8 for HK$ 984 billion, the latest total market value being HK$ 3083.5 billion, returning over HK$ 3 trillion. & &ldquo, according to the spokesman, repurchases reflect our confidence in the company’s underlying factors and the long-term value of its operations. FF91被指运抵广州恒大中心,法拉第称供用户私密鉴赏 FF91 is meant to arrive at the Grand Central Centre in Guangzhou, which Faraday calls for privacy of users 近日有媒体报道称一辆FF91运抵广州恒大中心门口,但今日记者到访恒大中心,发现车辆已经被挡板遮盖。对此,法拉第中国相关负责人回复称,确有FF91在广州亮相,系FF裂变营销活动的一个组成部分,供高端用户私密鉴赏,但具体亮相时间不便透露。此外,特斯拉前副总法律顾问兼首席知识产权诉讼律师Jeff Risher加盟了FF。 In response to a recent press report that a FF91 arrived at the gate of the Hong Kong Grand Center, a journalist visited the Hong Kong Centre today and found that the vehicle had been blocked. The Chinese officials in Faraday responded that FF91 did appear in Guangzhou and was an integral part of the FF fission marketing campaign, which was private to high-end users, but could not be revealed. Moreover, Jeff Fisher, former Deputy General Counsel and Chief Intellectual Property Litigator in Tesla, joined the FF. 中概股疯涨!蔚来汽车涨超20% 拼多多三天累计涨40% In the strong, the car rose by more than 20%, with a cumulative increase of 40% over the next three days. 受中美贸易情绪缓解影响,美股三大指数今日盘中均线明显上涨走势,目前标普500和道指涨幅均在0.6%左右,纳指涨幅逼近1%。中概股的表现更是异常火爆。值得一提的是,获高盛看高至31.9美元,拼多多盘中一度涨超20%,创上市以来新高价28.66美元,拼多多已连续五个交易日上涨,而近三天累计涨幅一度超40%。昨日上市的蔚来汽车近日盘中更是一度涨超40%,最高至9.77美元,市值突破90亿美元。此外,微博、陌陌、唯品会,三大视频股等均出现明显上涨。 As a result of the easing of trade sentiment in the US and China, the average of the three major indices of the US share has risen significantly today, at about 0.6 per cent for both the standard 500 and the street finger increases, with the fingerlines rising by almost 1 per cent. The performance of China’s headlines has been particularly intense. It is worth mentioning that the tally was high at $31.9, with more than a 20 per cent increase in the multiplicity of disks, and the new high value of $28.66 since the market, which has risen by up to five consecutive days, and by up to 40 per cent in the last three days. 苹果大屏手机遭女性消费者批评:我们手小握不住 据外媒最新消息,苹果新发布的大屏手机引发了许多女性消费者的不满和抱怨,她们表示这样的大屏幕根本不适合女性一般的手掌尺寸。英国女性权益活跃人士佩雷兹表示,由于自己长期使用的智能手机屏幕并不适合,因此导致手腕出现了重复性肌肉拉伤症状。 According to the latest news from the external media, Apple’s new big screen phone has generated resentment and complaints from many female consumers, who say that such a big screen does not fit the average size of a woman’s hand. British female rights activist Peretz says that, because her own smartphone screen is not suitable for long-term use, it has led to repeated muscle pull injuries on the wrists. Facebook开发AI技术工具:自动扫描代码找漏洞 今日上午消息,Facebook低调开发和部署了一种名为SapFix的人工智能工具,可以自动扫描代码,寻找漏洞,然后测试不同的补丁,并向工程师推荐最佳修补方案。这款工具是在Facebook的@Sacle工程大会上宣布的,目前已经应用于Facebook庞大的代码库。该公司还计划最终向外部开发者分享该工具。 As reported this morning, Facebook has developed and deployed an artificial intelligence tool called SAPFix, which automatically scans codes, looks for holes, then tests different patches, and recommends the best fixes to engineers. This tool, announced at the @Sackle Engineering Congress on Facebook, is now being used in a large Facebook code library. The company also plans to share the tool eventually with outside developers. 苹果下架iPhoneX 成最短命旗舰手机 iPhoneX under the apple becomes the shortest flagship phone 9月13日凌晨,苹果正式发布了三款新iPhone,国行最低价格6499元。而作为上一代的旗舰机型,iPhone X已被从官网悄然下架。除iPhone X外,苹果还下架了iPhone 6S系列和iPhone SE。目前在销售的iPhone有4款,加上最新发售的3款,未来苹果官方将有7款iPhone在售。如果iPhone X被降价销售,将影响iPhone XR的销量,苹果此举是在主动减少品牌内部产品互相“打架”影响销量的行为。 In the early hours of September 13, Apple officially released three new iPhones, with a minimum price of $6499 for the National Bank. And, as the last-generation flagship, iPhone X has been removed from the official network. In addition to iPhone X, apples have been placed in the iPhone 6S series and iPhone SE. Four of the iPhones that are currently being sold, plus three of the latest sales, will be sold in the future. If iPhone X is sold down, it will affect iPhone XR sales, which will actively reduce intra-brand products & ldquao; fighting & rdquo; and influencing sales. 投行高盛预计存储芯片需求将下滑,美芯片股应声普跌 . 据美国财经网站CNBC报道,高盛分析师马克·德莱尼表示,在今年第四季度和明年上半年,随着供应增长加快,预计内存芯片的需求量将逐渐减弱。受此影响,美国芯片股于当地时间周三普遍下跌。 According to the US financial website CNBC, Goldman Sachs analyst Mark & Middot; Delaney states that demand for memory chips is expected to diminish as supply growth accelerates in the fourth quarter of this year and the first half of next year. As a result, the US chip unit generally falls on Wednesday, local time. 马斯克的Boring Company获批在批在私宅车库内建隧道入口 Boring Company of Mask was approved to build a tunnel entrance inside a private garage . 据TheMercuryNews报道,马斯克的地下隧道公司Boring Company今日获得Hawthorne市议会批准,在其最近买下的一座私宅上建一个通向隧道的新型车库原型,未来会在这个车库上装上一部电梯,可以让汽车在不离开车库的情况下进入隧道。 According to The Mercury News, the Mask underground tunnel company, Boring Company, was approved today by the Hawthorne City Council to build a new garage prototype for the tunnel on a private house that it recently bought, which will be equipped with an elevator in the future to allow cars to enter the tunnel without leaving the garage. Uber将向多伦多无人驾驶汽车中心投资1.5亿美元 今日早间消息,Uber宣布该公司将在多伦多投资逾1.5亿美元支持无人驾驶汽车研究。这项为期5年的投资计划包括2019年初在这个加拿大最大城市开设一个技术中心,以及扩张该公司的先进技术事业群,后者负责开发了Uber的许多无人驾驶汽车技术。 Early today, Uber announced that it would invest more than $150 million in Toronto to support unmanned vehicle research. This five-year investment plan includes the opening of a technology centre in the largest Canadian city in early 2019, as well as the expansion of the company’s advanced technology community, which is responsible for developing many Uber’s unmanned vehicle technology. 数字货币浏览器Brave对谷歌提出申诉 数字货币浏览器Brave对谷歌提出申诉,称其对数据保护隐私进行了侵犯。用户每次访问网站时,他们的数据在不知不觉中被发送几十到数百家企业。 Digital money browser Brave complains to Google, claiming that it has violated data privacy. 蚂蚁金服:推出全国首个区块链电子处方 ant gold suit: Introduction of the country's first block chain electronic prescription 日前,上海复旦大学附属华山医院和蚂蚁金服一起,推出全国首个区块链电子处方。据悉,该技术能解决医院里处方精准无误且不可篡改、复诊患者拿着处方在不遵医嘱在外面重复开药风险等多个问题。此外,如果出现问题,处方的物流信息全都能追溯。 Today, the University of Shanghai-affiliated Mount Hua Hospital, together with the ant gold suit, launched the first electronic prescription of the country’s block chain. The technology is known to solve a number of problems, such as the fact that the prescriptions are precise and indeterminable, and that the patients who repeat the risk of prescriptions outside the hospital without medical instructions. BitMEX被指操控ETH价格 据Trustnodes报道,BitMEX首席执行官Arthur Hayes疑似通过BitMEX官方账号唱空以太坊。Hayes称,以太坊将降至100美元以下。Bitmex此前推出50倍杠杆的ETH/USD永续掉期合约,仅使用比特币进行交易,不能使用以太坊或美元。且提供除ETH之外的EOS、BCH、Cardano和其他一些加密期货。 According to Trustnodes, the Chief Executive Officer of BitMEX, Arthur Hayes, appears to be singing through the official account of BitMEX. Hayes claims that it will be reduced to less than $100. Bitmex previously launched a 50-fold leveraged ETH/USD permanent contract, which deals only in bitcoin and cannot be used in Taiga or the United States dollar. It also provides EOS, BCH, Cardano and some other encrypted futures other than ETH. 美国“舞神医生”用舞蹈为患重病儿童送欢乐 据英国《每日邮报》9月12日报道,在美国奥兰治县儿童医院,42岁的儿童外科助理医师托尼•阿德金斯常与患者共舞,舞步活力四射,大家因此昵称他为“舞神医生”。阿德金斯,曾为一位术后的病人自发跳起舞,使病人精神振奋起来。此后,阿德金斯就把他充满激情的霹雳舞加入到了为儿童患者的治疗中。 According to the United Kingdom Daily Post, on September 12, at the Orange County Children's Hospital in the United States, 42-year-old assistant surgeon Tony & Bull; Adkins, who danced with patients and danced with them, was called “ Dancing Doctor & & rdquo; Adegins, who danced spontaneously for a post-operative patient, cheered the patient. After that, Adegins added his passionate tremor to the treatment of a child patient.
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