多家金融科技公司更新招聘信息 美团挖掘区块链相关人才
3月15日,多家金融科技公司更新招聘信息,其中,建信金科、美团还在“挖掘”区块链相关人才。其招聘岗位主要包括金融业务HRBP-产研方向、金融研究员、区块链产品经理等。根据描述,区块链产品经理则负责探索区块链技术在美团各业务场景的应用价值,设计适用于行业场景的区块链产品,并推动落地实施等,要求有三年以上产品经验,有金融/供应链、计算机相关专业背景等。 On March 15, a number of financial technology companies updated their recruitment information, including, for example, ISKU and the USA, “excavating” the chain of blocks. Their recruitments included HRBP-Producer orientations, financial researchers, block chain product managers, etc. The sector chain product managers were described as exploring the application value of block chain technology in the business scenes of the United States, designing sector chain products suitable for the industry scene, and promoting site implementation, requiring more than three years of product experience, financial/supply chain, computer-related professional background, etc. TorusLabs联合创始人确认感染新冠肺炎 曾参与两场以太坊线下会议 TorusLabs co-founder confirmed new coronary pneumonia. TorusLabs联合创始人Zhen Yu Yong在推特上表示自己被诊断为新冠肺炎。他近期曾参与了以太坊社区会议(EthCC)和以太坊伦敦会议(ETHLondon),他提醒所有在这两个会议中与他进行过近距离接触的人最好进行额外的预防措施或进行测试。 The founder of the TorusLabs coalition, Zhen Yu Yong, stated on Twitter that he had been diagnosed as a new coronary pneumonia. He had recently participated in the EthCC and ETHLONdon meetings, reminding all those who had approached him in close contact with him at both meetings that it would be better to undertake additional preventive measures or tests. 央行向区块链交易平台注资470万美元 The Central Bank has invested $4.7 million in block chain trading platforms
中国人民银行(PBoC)为其区块链贸易融资平台从政府获得470万美元融资。这笔资金将管理三年,并已指定用于研究和发展项目。 区块链平台最初是由中国人民银行于2018年9月在深圳披露的。该平台旨在为企业和政府部门之间的信息安全共享提供便利,并创建一个不可篡改的账簿。 The block chain platform was first disclosed by the People’s Bank of China in Shenzhen in September 2018. The platform was designed to facilitate the secure sharing of information between businesses and government departments and to create an undisguised book of accounts. 全国首个区块链中心“云南省区块链中心”成立 the first block chain centre in the country's Yunnan Province Block Chain Centre established 3月15日上午,由云南省人民政府主办的全国首个区块链中心——云南省区块链中心挂牌仪式在昆明市五华科技产业园举行。阿里巴巴科技(北京)有限公司、杭州趣链科技有限公司、中思博安科技(北京)有限公司、圣加南生物科技有限公司等24家顶级区块链企业作为首批入驻企业入驻中心,初步形成“龙头聚集、平台多元、投资活跃、活动丰富”的产业发展环境。 On the morning of March 15, the first block chain centre in the country hosted by the People's Government of Yunnan Province was inaugurated at the Fifth China Science and Technology Park in Kunming City. Twenty-four top sector chain companies, namely, Alibaba Technology (Beijing) Ltd., Hangzhou Fun Chain Technology Ltd., China Sbon Science and Technology (Beijing) Ltd., and San Kanan BioTech Ltd., entered the centre as the first hosts, initially creating an industrial development environment of “twinhead gathering, platform diversity, investment activity and activity.” 湖南发布数字经济发展规划 重点实施区块链集成应用工程 Hunnan Launched Digital Economic Development Planning Focused on Block Chain Integration Application 近日,湖南省工业和信息化厅印发《湖南省数字经济发展规划(2020-2025年)》,《规划》提出实施10个重点工程,其中包括区块链集成应用工程。《规划》指出,要加快核心关键技术突破,培育区块链产业生态,积极拓展区块链应用场景,到2025年,建立5个省级区块链产业园,拓展一批典型应用场景,形成10家具有全国影响力的区块链龙头企业。 In recent days, the Hunan Province Department Department of Industry and Informatization has published the Hunan Province Digital Economic Development Plan (2020-2025), which provides for the implementation of 10 priority projects, including block-link integration applications. The Plan states that it is necessary to accelerate key technological breakthroughs, foster block-chain industrial ecology, actively expand the application of block-chains, and by 2025, establish five provincial sector-chain industrial parks, and expand a set of typical applications to form 10 sector-link-head enterprises with national influence. 济南市推出基于区块链的供应链金融平台 Jinan City launched the block-based supply chain finance platform 3月12日,在济南举办的新闻发布会上,济南市副市长、自贸试验区济南片区管委会主任郑德雁表示,济南直击进出口贸易企业发展短板,搭建“泉贸通”供应链金融平台。政府通过区块链等技术,将金融机构、企业、税务、海关等进出口链条完整串联,并出台相应政策。 On March 12, at a press conference held in Jinan, the Deputy Mayor of Jinan City and the Director of the Zhenan District Board of the Free Trade Trial Area, Zheng Deguang stated that Jinan had directly hit the short board for the development of export-import and trade enterprises and set up the “Foundine Trade and Trade” supply chain finance platform. The Government, through technology such as block chains, has integrated the export and import chains of financial institutions, businesses, taxes, customs, etc., and has put in place appropriate policies. 陕西省:加快区块链等现代信息技术在农业领域的应用 Shaanxi Province: Accelerating the application of modern information technologies such as block chains in agriculture 近日,《中共陕西省委 陕西省人民政府关于抓好“三农”领域重点工作 确保如期实现全面小康的实施意见》印发,其中包括发挥科技支撑作用,加强农业关键核心技术攻关。文件指出,要建设农业农村大数据中心、加快物联网、区块链、人工智能、第五代移动通信网络、智慧气象等现代信息技术在农业领域的应用。 In recent days, the implementation opinion of the People's Government of Xiaoxi Province of China's Communist Party of China on the need to focus its efforts in the area of the “Three Agricultures” has been issued to ensure that full health is achieved as scheduled, including as a support role for science and technology and to strengthen critical core agricultural technologies. The document states that modern information technologies such as rural data centres, accelerated physical networking, block chains, artificial intelligence, fifth-generation mobile communication networks, and intelligent meteorology will be used in the agricultural sector. 首批八家香港虚拟银行均已进入或内测或准试业阶段 the first eight virtual banks in Hong Kong have entered or in-house or pre-testing stages
目前,首批八家香港虚拟银行均已进入或内测或准试业阶段。其中,众安银行在经过267日的筹备后,将率先成为香港首家试业的虚拟银行。 At present, the first eight Hong Kong virtual banks are in the stages of in-house or pre-testing. 阿里巴巴申请区块链交易系统专利“蚂蚁独角兽” Aliba applied for the patent “Ant Unicorn” for the block chain trading system. 根据巴西《工业产权杂志》(Industrial Property Magazine)披露的信息,电商巨头阿里巴巴已经在巴西注册了一项区块链交易系统专利,专利类别为保险、金融业务和货币业务。据报道称,该区块链交易系统的名称是“蚂蚁独角兽”(Ant Unicorn)。 According to information disclosed by the Brazilian Journal of Industrial Property, the electrician giant Alibaba has registered in Brazil a patent for a block chain trading system in the categories of insurance, financial and monetary operations, which is reported to be called Ant Unicorn. 建行推出“慈善组织综合服务平台” 运用区块链等技术
中国建设银行履行大行责任,借助金融科技力量,创新推出“慈善组织综合服务平台”,助力慈善组织、红十字会和基金会等机构高效、系统进行募捐管理。该平台运用区块链、云计算、大数据等先进科技手段,实现慈善事务和基金管理科学化、规范化、透明化;依托建行遍布全国的服务网络,为基金会和慈善组织提供便捷服务。 China’s construction bank fulfils its responsibilities as a major bank, drawing on the power of financial science and technology, and has innovatively launched the “Integrated Service Platform for Charitable Organizations” to help charitable organizations, Red Cross societies, and foundations to manage donations efficiently and systematically. The platform uses advanced scientific and technological tools such as block chains, cloud computing, and big data, to scientificize, standardize, and make transparent the management of charitable affairs and funds; it is based on a network of services throughout the country, which provides easy services to foundations and charitable organizations. 迅雷发布2019年财报 两项区块链业务进展被披露
北京时间3月12日晚,迅雷集团发布了截至2019年12月31日的第四季度及全年未经审计财报。本次财报迅雷披露了两项区块链业务的进展。即再次获得重大海外区块链项目订单,为泰国学术联盟搭建泰国教育学历标准认证链Certory。同时,迅雷链还在Q4对市场推出了成熟的产品解决方案,覆盖金融、民生、司法、医疗、政务、工业等6大核心领域。 On the evening of March 12, Beijing time, the Thundergroup released its fourth quarter and year-round unaudited financial statements for the period up to December 31, 2019. This report reveals the progress of two block chain operations. 詹克团新任深圳算能科技有限公司法定代表人 为第二大股东 The new statutory representative of the Shenzhen Science and Technology Company of the Yank Regiment is the second largest shareholder . 3月11日,比特大陆联合创始人詹克团成为深圳算能科技有限公司法定代表人,并担任总经理执行董事一职。 据悉,深圳算能科技有限公司成立于2019年4月,此前法定代表人为李骐,同时也是该公司实际控制人,持有66.7%的股份,詹克团为第二大股东,持股33.5%。该公司主要经营范围为集成电路芯片及半导体产品的设计、开发、销售、技术咨询。 On 11 March, Jang, the founder of the Bit Continent, became the statutory representative of Shenzhen Science and Technology Co. Ltd., which is known to have been the executive director of Shenzhen Science and Technology Co. Ltd., which was established in April 2019 by Li Xing, who also holds 66.7 per cent of the shares and the 2nd largest shareholder, with 33.5 per cent of the shares. The company operates primarily in the design, development, marketing and technical advice of integrated circuit chips and semiconductor products. 卫士通:控股股东中国网安参与制定贵州省区块链标准 Secret shareholder, China Netin, participated in the development of . 卫士通公司近日透露,贵州省近日正式发布4项地方区块链标准,其中公司控股股东中国网安直接参与制定了《DB52/T 1466-2019 区块链应用指南》和《DB52/T 1468-2019 基于区块链的数据资产交易实施指南》两项标准,间接参与制定了《DB52/T 1467-2019 区块链系统测评和选型规范》和《DB52/T 1469-2019 基于区块链的精准扶贫实施指南》两项标准。 Wetton recently revealed that in the province of Guizhou, four local block chain standards have recently been officially published, in which China Net, the controlling shareholder of the company, participated directly in the development of two standards: DB52/T 1466-2019 Guidelines for the Application of Block Chains and DB52/T 1468-2019 Guidelines for the Implementation of Data Asset Transactions Based on Block Chains, and indirectly in the development of DB52/T 1467-2019 Guidelines for the Measurement and Selection of Block Chain Systems and DB52/T 1469-2019 Guidelines for the Precision of Poverty Alleviation Based on Block Chains. 英国贸易谈判代表将在即将举行的美国贸易谈判中关注区块链条款 The UK trade negotiators will focus on the block chain clause in the upcoming US trade negotiations 根据英国公布的谈判目标,英国国际贸易部(DIT)谈判代表希望在即将与美国举行的自由贸易谈判中影响全球区块链规则。英国退欧后贸易经纪人在3月2日发布长达184页的行动计划中表示,将寻求为包括区块链在内的中小型企业提供优惠的数字贸易条款。该文件指出,“在数据流、区块链、无人驾驶汽车和量子技术等领域,我们有机会通过雄心勃勃的数字贸易条款帮助塑造全球规则。” In a 184-page action plan issued on 2 March, UK post-European trade brokers indicated that they would seek preferential digital trade provisions for small and medium-sized enterprises, including block chains. The paper states that “in areas such as data streams, block chains, unmanned vehicles and quantum technology, we have an opportunity to help shape global rules through ambitious digital trade provisions.” 日本金融监管机构启动全球区块链治理倡议 The Japan Financial Supervisory Authority launched the Global Block Chain Governance Initiative 日本金融监管机构周二宣布启动其全球区块链治理倡议网络(BGIN)。 BGIN旨在促进“区块链社区的可持续发展”。日本金融服务局(JFSA)在和日经新闻社合作举办“BG2C”论坛期间宣布了这项新举措。 On Tuesday, Japan's financial regulators announced the launch of their global network of block chain governance initiatives (BGIN). BGIN aims to promote “sustainable development of block chain communities.” The new initiative was announced by the Japan Financial Services Agency (JFSA) during the “BG2C” forum, organized in cooperation with the Japan-Japan Economic News Agency. 加入国际区块链组织BGIN 火币中国推动全球化生态建设 joined BGIN, an international block chain organization, to promote the ecological construction of globalization in China 近日,区块链治理倡议组织BGIN成立,来自乔治敦大学、日本金融厅(JFAS)、斯坦福、剑桥大学、火币中国等在内的23个机构和组织的代表成为首批成员。未来,火币中国将和火币日本一起通过BGIN组织,致力于全球化的区块链生态建设和公开对话。 In recent days, representatives of 23 institutions and organizations, including Georgetown University, the Japan Financial Services Agency (JFAS), Stanford, Cambridge University, and China, have become members. In the future, China, together with Japan, will work through BGIN on the ecological construction and open dialogue of the global block chain. 德国软件工程师确诊感染新冠病毒 近期曾参加以太坊社区会议EthCC The German software engineer diagnosed new coronary virus. 近期曾参加巴黎以太坊社区会议(EthCC)的德国软件工程师Afri Schoedon发推表示自己已确诊感染新型冠状病毒。Schoedon称,考虑到症状和时间,自己很可能是在EthCC期间被感染,并提醒参与EthCC后出现流感症状的人员接受测试并留在家中隔离。 Afri Schoedon, a German software engineer who recently participated in the EthCC conference in Paris, states that he has been diagnosed with a new coronary virus. Schoedon states that he is likely to be infected during EthCC, given the symptoms and timing, and reminds those involved in EthCC that they are tested for influenza symptoms and remain isolated at home. Consensus共识大会将由线下活动转为线上会议 可免费参与
Consensus共识大会的组织者Coindesk在官方网站发布公告,表示随着全球新冠肺炎疫情的恶化,原定于今年5月举办的Consensus共识大会以及纽约区块链周活动将由线下活动转变为网络线上虚拟会议,并将允许世界各地的参与者免费在线参加。Coindesk同时表示,正在与一流的媒体平台提供商合作以支持此次线上会议,并将对已购票的与会者进行退款。 The organizers of the Consensus Consensus Conference, Coindisk, published an announcement on the official website that, with the worsening of the global new coronary pneumonia epidemic, the Consensus Consensus Conference and the New York block-link week, which were scheduled to take place in May this year, would be converted from offline activities to virtual online meetings and would allow participants from all over the world to participate online free of charge. Coindisk also indicated that it was working with leading media platform providers to support the online meeting and would refund those who had already purchased their tickets. 阿里巴巴在巴西注册区块链交易系统专利
中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴已在巴西注册了基于区块链的系统专利,名称为“蚂蚁独角兽”(Ant Unicorn),类别为“保险”、“金融业务”和“货币业务”。在财务解决方案方面,该专利涵盖房地产服务、信用卡支付系统、发票处理以及加强处理交易的安全性。该报告没有具体说明该系统是否将在巴西实施。 China's e-commerce giant, Ali Baba, has registered in Brazil a system patent based on block chains called Ant Unicorn, in the categories of “insurance”, “financial operations” and “currency operations”. In terms of financial solutions, the patent covers real estate services, credit card payment systems, invoice processing and enhanced security in dealing with transactions. The report does not specify whether the system will be implemented in Brazil. 渣打银行加入区块链平台TradeLens 渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank)已加入由马士基(Maersk)和IBM开发支持的区块链平台TradeLens,成为首家使用该平台的金融机构。 The Standard Chartered Bank has joined TradeLens, a block chain platform supported by Maersk and IBM, as the first financial institution to use the platform. 第三家美国律师事务所号召嘉楠科技投资者对其提起集体诉讼 The third American law firm called on KANO technology investors to bring a class action against him . 3月10日,嘉楠科技面临第3起集体诉讼案件。美国律师事务所Bronstein,Gewirtz&Grossman,LLC在其官网寻找嘉楠耘智的投资者,号召投资者联系律所以提起集体诉讼,调查嘉楠科技(NASDAQ:CAN)是否违反美国1933年证券交易法。这是继2月美国律师事务所Schall Law宣布调查嘉楠耘智后,第三家欲对嘉楠科技进行集体诉讼的律师事务所。此前,美国律所Rosen也对嘉楠科技提起诉讼,指控其IPO涉嫌虚假陈述。 On March 10, Carnan Technology faced its third class action. Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC, a law firm from the United States of America, sought out KANO investors on its network, and called on investors to contact the law by filing a class action to investigate whether KANO was in violation of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1933. This is a third class of law firms who wanted to pursue a class action suit against KANO, following a February announcement by Schall Law, a law firm from the United States of America, who also filed a lawsuit against KANO for alleged false statements. 2020胡润全球40岁以下白手起家富豪榜:加密货币领域三位上榜 2020 Hu-Yun's global list of rich people under 40 years of age: three rankings in the area of encryption money
胡润研究院3月9发布《2020胡润全球40岁以下白手起家富豪榜》(Hurun Global 40 & Under Self-Made Billionaires 2020),统计了全球40岁以下(含40岁)且白手起家的十亿美金企业家。加密货币领域有三位上榜,分别为虚拟货币交易平台Coinbase、OKCoin和火币的创始人。 On 9 March, the Huun Institute released the "Hurun Global 40 & Under Self-Made Billionaires 2020 ", a book of $1 billion entrepreneurs under 40 years of age and starting with nothing. In the area of encryption, there are three highs, the founders of the virtual currency trading platform Coinbase, OKCoin and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 美国国会众议员正式提出2020年加密货币法案 明确加密货币监管机构 The Congress of the United States formally introduced the Encrypted Currency Bill 2020, which specifies the Encrypted Currency Regulator . 3月9日,美国国会众议员Paul Gosar提出了《2020年加密货币法案》(Crypto-Currency Act of 2020),该法案旨在明确相应的监管机构来监管一系列加密资产。Paul Gosar立法助理Will Stechschulte表示,该法案不仅要为美国的加密资产提供明确性,还要提供合法性。Paul Gosar提议将数字资产分为三类:加密商品、加密货币和加密证券。 On March 9, Congressman Paul Gosar introduced the Crypto-Current Act of 2020, which aims to identify the appropriate regulatory body to regulate a range of encrypted assets. Paul Gosar, Legislative Assistant Will Stechschulte, stated that the bill would not only provide clarity but also legitimacy for encrypted assets in the United States. Paul Gosar proposed three categories of digital assets: encrypted goods, encrypted money, and encrypted securities. 纽约州金融服务部要求多家加密企业提交新冠病毒防范计划 Coinbase、Ripple、Circle等18家已注册的加密相关企业已收到纽约州金融服务部(NYDFS)提出的有关提交新冠病毒防范计划的请求。NYDFS要求这些加密公司为有关疫情爆发所带来的运营和财务风险提供保证。企业必须在收到通知后的30天内提交答复,概述他们计划如何管理其服务和运营中断的风险。公司还被要求对因疫情爆发而导致网络攻击和欺诈的潜在风险增加做出评估。 Eighteen registered encryption-related businesses, such as Coinbase, Ripple, and Circle, have received a request from the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) to submit a new coronary virus prevention plan. NYDFS requires these encryption companies to provide assurance about the operational and financial risks associated with the outbreak. 美国伊利诺斯州新法案草案将“虚拟货币”添加到可考虑放弃的资产清单 The new draft bill for Illinois in the United States adds “virtual currency” to the list of assets that may be considered for abandonment 伊利诺斯州立法机构提出的一项新法案草案将“虚拟货币”添加到可以考虑放弃的资产清单中。该草案特别增加了两项与虚拟货币相关的规定。该法案规定了所有被原所有者视为放弃的资产。其中可能包括房地产、保险箱、汇票和证券。一旦一项资产被认为无人认领,该州就有义务尝试联系其最后报告的所有者。如果无法联系到原始所有者,州财务主管可以“要求”资产——实质上是收回资产。 A new draft bill proposed by the Illinois legislature added “virtual currency” to the list of assets that could be considered for abandonment. It added two provisions relating to virtual currency. The bill provided for all assets that were considered abandoned by the original owner. It might include real estate, safe deposit boxes, bills of exchange and securities. Once an asset was considered unclaimed, the state was obliged to attempt to contact the owner of its final report. If it was not possible to reach the original owner, the state finance manager could “reclaim” the asset — essentially to recover it. 美国南卡罗来纳州新决议鼓励推广区块链技术 The new resolution in South Carolina, United States, encourages the promotion of block chain technology 南卡罗来纳州参议院3月10日通过了一项决议,承认了区块链技术的潜力。该法案被冠以“参议院决议案,以承认新兴区块链技术的重要性,并呼吁南卡罗来纳州居民加入以鼓励在本州推广区块链技术”。具体而言,该法案强调了在全州范围内采用新兴技术的当务之急,其目标是“成为现实应用区块链新兴技术的都会”。 On 10 March, the Senate of South Carolina adopted a resolution recognizing the potential of block chain technology. The bill was crowned with a “Senate resolution to recognize the importance of emerging block chain technology and to call upon South Carolina residents to join in order to encourage the extension of block chain technology in the state.” Specifically, the bill stresses the imperative of introducing emerging technologies throughout the state, with the objective of “becoming the city of the new technology of the practical application of the block chain”. 美国罗德岛州议员提出“经济增长区块链法案” The Rhode Island Member of the United States introduced the Economic Growth Block Chain Bill . 3月11日,美国罗德岛州两名共和党议员提出建立“经济增长区块链法案”。该法案的目的是创建一个对区块链友好的商业环境,以鼓励创新者在该州开发下一代数字产品和服务。该法案还解决了现有法律框架不足的事实。 On 11 March, two Republican Congressmen from Rhode Island, United States, introduced the “Letters for Growth Blocks” bill, which aims to create a business environment friendly to the block chain in order to encourage innovators to develop the next generation of digital products and services in the state. The bill also addresses the fact that the existing legal framework is inadequate. 英格兰银行:对央行数字货币感兴趣 货币和支付领域将发生巨变
英国央行英格兰银行周四正式发布了有关数字货币的讨论报告。英格兰银行表示,“我们对央行数字货币感兴趣,因为这是一个货币和支付领域发生巨变的时代。世界各国银行最容易控制的纸币的使用量正在减少,并且随着技术变革推动创新,私人发行货币的使用量也在继续增加。” The British Central Bank of England officially released its discussion report on digital currency on Thursday. The Bank of England said, “We are interested in central bank digital currency, because this is an era of dramatic changes in money and payments. 韩国新加密法或将迫使190家交易所关闭
目前韩国约有200家加密交易所,其中多数是中小企业。到明年这个时候,这个数字可能会减少到10个。根据新法案的条款(对现有金融交易法的修订),交易所将很快必须遵守严格的银行监管规定。该准则要求所有客户使用由社会保险号保证的个人,实名,与交易所挂钩的银行帐户。 There are currently some 200 encrypted exchanges in Korea, most of which are small and medium-sized enterprises. By this time next year, this number may be reduced to 10. 新一代7nm矿机电费占比已过半 多数矿机处于关机状态 The new generation of 7nm mining machines has already spent more than half of their electricity costs and most of them are shut down . 比特币的再次暴跌导致多款矿机关机,据币印矿池数据显示,目前全网算力115.71EH/s,若电费在0.35元左右,那么老一代S9早已关机,蚂蚁矿机T17、神马M20以及芯动T3系列电费占比超90%,应已关机。新一代矿机中蚂蚁S19系列,神马M30系列电费占比已经超过50%,其中蚂蚁S19Pro日净收益近为31元,神马M30s日净收益为18元左右。 The reshuffle of Bitcoin led to a multi-mine machine, and according to the money printing pool data, the current full-web capacity of 115.71EH/s, if the electricity cost was around 0.35, the older S9 would have been shut down, the ant miner T17, the XM20 and the core T3 series would have been shut down by more than 90%. In the new generation of miners, the ants S19 series, the XM30 series had already received more than 50% of the electricity, of which the net gain of the ant S19Pro was close to $31 a day, and the net gain of the XM 30s would have been around $18 a day. 新全球数字货币Celo四月将发行 作为天秤币“备胎” The new global digital currency, Celo, will be released in April as
去年,Facebook提出发行一种全球范围的数字货币天秤币,结果遭到了全世界国家金融监管机构和央行的集体反对。如果天秤币失败,天秤币协会的所有会员该怎么办呢?据外媒最新消息,3月11日,天秤币协会的诸多会员宣布支持另外一个全球性加密货币Celo。换言之,他们开始支持天秤币的一个竞争对手,作为自己的备份计划。 Last year, Facebook proposed the release of a global digital currency scale, which was collectively opposed by national financial regulators and central banks around the world. What about all the members of the Society if it fails? 由于冠状病毒蔓延 芝交所将于周五关闭交易大厅 Due to the spread of the coronary virus, the trading hall will be closed on Friday. 由于冠状病毒蔓延,芝加哥商品交易所(CME)集团将于周五收盘时关闭芝加哥交易大厅。目前尚不清楚何时重开交易大厅。据悉,芝交所是美国为数不多的提供比特币衍生品合约的交易所之一。 As a result of the spread of the coronary virus, the Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME) group closes the Chicago trading hall when it closes on Friday. It is not yet clear when the trading hall will be reopened. YouTube出现埃隆马斯克以太坊诈骗视频 诈骗者谎称可获得2倍投资回报 {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Youtube appears on the Eronmask fraud video, and the fraudster falsely claims to have earned two times the return on his investment. YouTube上出现了一个新的以太坊骗局,用特斯拉创始人埃隆·马斯克做诱饵。诈骗者要求受骗者为验证加密地址而进行以太坊存款,还称“投资者”有资格获得2倍的投资回报。黑客们设置了各种马斯克访谈的直播,在这些访谈中,他谈到了特斯拉、加密货币、技术创新,以及最重要的以太坊。直播已经持续了12个多小时,而且直播暗示将会有“特斯拉以太坊空投”。 There is a new eBay scheme on YouTube, using Tesla’s founder, Ellen Muske, as a decoy. The fraudster requires the defraudee to make an ePa deposit to authenticate an encrypted address, and also calls the “investor” eligible for two times the return on investment. The hackers set up a live stream of Mask interviews, where he talks about Tesla, encrypted money, technological innovation, and, most importantly, Ether. 周小川谈虚拟货币:让人有“一夜暴富”幻想 这不是什么好事 {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Chou {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}Shou {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}{\cH00FFFF}Strange {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00}Strange {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}{\cH00FFFF} 十三届全国人大一次会议新闻中心3月9日在梅地亚中心多功能厅举行记者会,邀请中国人民银行行长周小川在谈及虚拟货币时表示,在考虑新技术的同时,在服务的方向上要清楚,我们不太喜欢那种创造一种可投机的产品,让人家都有“一夜暴富”的幻想,这不是一件什么好事,而是强调要服务实体经济。 The information centre of the thirteenth National People's Congress, which had held a press conference on 9 March at the Multipurpose Hall of the Media Centre, had invited the Governor of the People's Bank of China, Zhou Xiaochuan, in reference to the virtual currency, to state that, while considering new technologies, it was clear in the direction of the service that we did not like the idea of creating a speculative product with a “one-night boom” in the family, which was not a good thing, but rather an emphasis on serving the real economy. 衍生品交易所Phemex完成350万美元A轮融资
总部位于新加坡的加密衍生品交易所 Phemex 完成由 NGC Ventures 领投的 350 万美元 A 轮融资,Morgan Stanley 部分管理层及量化团队成员参与此轮融资。Phemex 计划使用此轮融资资金扩展至俄罗斯、韩国、日本市场,并扩大团队规模。 The Singapore-based encrypted derivatives exchange, Phemex, completed a $3.5 million A round of financing led by NGC Ventures, with Morgan Stanley’s management and members of the Quantified Team participating in the round. Phemex plans to use this round to expand to the Russian, Korean, and Japanese markets and to expand the size of the team. 托管商First Digital Trust获300万美元投资 Fairst Digital Trust received $3 million in investments 香港公共信托公司 Legacy Trust 旗下的数字资产托管业务 First Digital Trust 获得风险投资机构 Nogle Capital 的 300 万美元融资,First Digital Trust 计划用这笔新资金在 5 月推出全新的服务。 First Digital Trust, a digital asset hosting operation under the banner of the Hong Kong Public Trust, received $3 million in funding from the venture capital agency Nogle Capital, and First Digital Trust plans to launch a brand-new service in May with this new funding. 以太坊钱包Argent完成由加密风险基金Paradigm领投的1200万美元融资
支持 DeFi 的以太坊智能钱包 Argent 完成一轮由加密风险基金 Paradigm 领投的 1200 万美元融资,Compound 创始人 Robert Leshner、投资机构 Index Ventures 参投,目前 Argent 的总融资金额达到 1600 万美元。Argent 首席执行官 Itamar Lesuisse 表示,“为期六个月的内测期间,Argent 已经有 3000 多个活跃用户,同时超过一半的人已使用 DeFi 功能”。 In support of DeFi, Argent completed a 12-million-dollar round of financing by the Encrypted Risk Fund Paradigm, with the participation of Robert Leshner, founder of Compound, and Index Ventures, an investment agency, which currently amounts to $16 million. Argent's CEO, Itamar Lesuisse, said that “Argent has more than 3000 active users over a six-month period of internal testing, and more than half of the people have used the DeFi function”. Horizon 获 500 万美元融资 旗下游戏 SkyWeaver 将进行公开测试 Horizon gets $5 million to finance the SkyWeaver game for public testing 区块链游戏开发商 Horizon 宣布在年初获得了新一轮 500 万美元的融资,由 Initialized 资本领投。去年夏天 Horizon 发布了首款卡牌收集竞技类游戏 SkyWeaver,有 1.2 万名用户参与了封闭测试阶段,他们将根据测试反馈平衡游戏并优化界面和用户体验。Horizon还宣布将在今年进行 SkyWeaver 的公开测试。 The block chain game developer, Horizon, announced a new round of $5 million at the beginning of the year, financed by Initialized capital. The first card collection game, SkyWeaver, was released last summer, and 12,000 users participated in the closed testing phase, balancing the game with the test feedback and optimizing interfaces and user experiences. Horizon also announced that an open test of SkyWeaver would be conducted this year. 2016年-2018年,中国区块链企业从165家增加至672家 2016-2018, the number of Chinese block chain businesses increased from 165 to 672 根据前瞻产业研究院发布的《中国区块链行业市场前瞻与投资战略规划分析报告》显示:从国内范围来看,2016-2018年,大型IT互联网企业纷纷布局区块链,初创企业进入井喷模式,投融资频次及额度剧增,产业规模不断扩大。在企业数量方面,截至2018年12月,我国提供区块链专业技术支持、产品、解决方案等服务,且有投入或产出的区块链企业共672家。 According to the Strategic Planning Analysis of the Market Outlook and Investment in the Block Chain Industry, published by the Institute of Forward-looking Industries, large IT Internet enterprises have been able to create a chain of blocks in 2016-2018, and start-ups have entered the well blow-out model, and the number and amount of financing have increased dramatically. In terms of the number of enterprises, as of December 2018, the country provided specialized technical support, products, solutions, etc., with a total of 672 sector chains with input or output. 截至2019年上半年,我国区块链公司分布呈现四大区块链产业区聚集区 As of the first half of 2019, the distribution of the country's block chain companies had four clusters of industrial areas
根据前瞻产业研究院发布的《中国区块链行业市场前瞻与投资战略规划分析报告》显示:在公司地区分布情况方面,截至2019年上半年,我国区块链公司地域分布形成了环渤海、长三角、珠三角及湘黔渝四大区块链产业区聚集区。从各聚集区企业占比和估值占比看,环渤海区块链聚集产业区以北京和青岛为主体,辐射天津、河北、山东等地区;长江三角洲聚集区以上海、杭州为主体,南京、苏州及周边城市;珠江三角洲以深圳、广州为主体,辐射佛山、海南等城市;湘黔渝聚集区以贵阳、重庆和长沙为主体,辐射中西部地区。 According to the Strategic Planning Analysis of the Market Outlook and Investment in the Sector Chains, published by the Institute of Forward-looking Industries of China, the geographical distribution of the sectoral companies in China as of the first half of 2019 formed a cluster of industrial areas in the four main clusters of the Ring Sea, the Long Triangle, the Pearl Triangle, and the Tianqin. From the point of view of the ratio and valuation of enterprises in each of the clusters, the sector was dominated by Beijing and the Qingjiang Islands, the regions of Xianjin, Hebei and Shandong, the regions of the Yangtze Delta and Hangzhou, the cities of Nanjing, Suzhou and the surrounding regions, the cities of Shenzhen and Guangzhou, the cities of Fu and Hainan, and the central and western regions of the Qing River Delta, which were dominated by Guiyang, Chongqing and Changsha, and the regions of the Central and Western Region.
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