After the incident, there was no positive response from the government.
虽然此前也有平台出现过爆仓 事件,但当时是10倍杠杆,但这一次仅为2倍杠杆。
Although , it was 10 times leveraged at the time, but only two times.
“Two times as much leverage as it can be, and it's a prudent way to leverage the gun, it's the old black platform.” We have a comment on Twitter.
According to a coin, the cost of the explosion was at least $500 million. Some of the damaged large households were excited and even prepared to form groups to defend their rights.
More people pointed at the platform's pyrotechnics, arguing that they were playing "flash harvests".
理由四:火币网在平时的宣传中经常使用“以小博大、收益翻倍”、“翻倍盈利”、“做空下跌也赚钱”这样的说法来彰显杠杆交易 的赚钱效应,甚至在五一前推出“杠杆免息喜迎五一”的优惠活动,鼓励用户使用杠杆。
以ONT为例,Okex最低为72000聪,币安 最低72330聪,对比上图火币最低70951聪,这些差距也直接导致火币中的用户爆仓。
In the case of ONT, Okex has a minimum of 72,000 deaf, a minimum of 72330 deaf with a comparison of the 7,0951 lowest literals, which also directly results in the bursting of user warehouses in the tender.
In the case of BTM, the Btm/usdt transaction pair is 0.55 at the bottom of kex, 0.543 at the bottom of bits and 0.46 at the bottom of the currency, with a difference of almost 15 per cent.
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange? {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange?
It is worth noting that not every leverage user who touches the silo line has been put in place, some have been scattered to the silo, but not to the silo, which is mostly owned by large households. This raises suspicion that the platform is playing “selective silos” and is looking for “fat sheep”.
以iost为例,当时火币iost/usdt的最低点位 为0.0285,下图中均已到达爆仓点位,但都没有没爆仓。
Take the example of iost .
Early Warning .
May 12th at 14:09 p.m.
“【Houbi】您的dtausdt借贷账户已经接近爆仓线,请即时调整操作策略 。”
"[Houbi] Your dtausdt lending account is close to the blast line and please adjust .
is almost at the same time:
"[Houbi] Your dtausdt lending account has reached the silo line and the system has triggered the silo operation."
Users have been warned of the explosion and text messages that have exploded, and there is no time to respond, such as partial siloing or additional capital money!
undertakes preferential activities to promote leverage trading
Fire money introduced interest-free leverage, and the website's front page dedicated to coaching newcomers to leverage, attracting users to leverage through advocacy words such as “biggling, doubling returns”, “double profits” and “bringing down and making money”, with little explanation on risk alerts.
That is one of the reasons why, after the explosion, many people have targeted the platform.
An inventory of the cases of the firing of the gun
In fact, it was not the first time that the flares had exploded.
On 22 March this year, between 1800 and 1830, many of the users of the coin exploded.
Users indicated that the presence of BUG in the currency lending system had led to a much greater accounting for funds than actually borrowed, and the account had exploded directly without touching the silo line.
Originally, it was only a systemic problem, but it was not handled in a timely manner, resulting in heavy user losses and grievances.
Users spit: First of all, the currency circle is risky and the risk is likely to be lost, and now that I've chosen to play, I think I'm ready to lose. But, when my account didn't reach the hatchline, the gunnet forced me to blow up the barn, and it's funny that I made thousands of dollars, an unprecedented one!
On 21 March 2014, at about 18:40, the quiet currency market began to collapse and the decline spread, with the price of ltc in the gunnet immediately touching the price of each dollar jumping back from $100 to $90.
WAX Ulong case review
Again and again, problems with the platform have long upset users. Users suspect that there may be more nausea behind it.
此前媒体报道的杜均 坐庄事件,已经暗指火币网内有黑幕控盘。
Earlier media reports of sit-in of Duang > have implied a black screen in the ring.
2017年12月,一家叫做OPSkins的游戏虚拟资产交易平台 宣布ICO ,公开发行自己的代币WAX。按照原定计划,WAX将在2017年12月20日在火币Pro上线交易。
In December 2017, a virtual game asset called OPSkins announced that , and announced that , which was originally planned, WAX would be traded online on 20 December 2017.
However, just two days before the official deposit, the WAX team announced on social networks, such as Twitter and Medium, that the number of coins would be split up to 10 times the original amount, and that the currency price would immediately depreciate to 10 per cent of the original price.
但火币Pro在20日却仍以原价格上线WAX,这使许多没有看到通知的散户投资者 ,在不知情的状况下以原价买入。
However, the fire money Pro was still on the line at the original price of WAX on 20th, which has led many of the non-notification slobs to buy in unwittingly at the original price .
Unexpectedly, the value of the currency fell by 99 per cent when WAX went online, and a large number of investors were trapped.
WAX乌龙事件震惊币圈。6天后,12月27日,火币网就此事件召开发布会,CEO李林 称:此事并非WAX团队恶意增发,而是因为双方商务团队没有及时沟通所致。火币网随后出台了一项赔偿计划,称会拿出1亿元全额赔付用户,并承诺在2018年1月31日前赔付完毕。
Six days later, on 27 December, the Fire money Network held a press conference on the incident, https://www.tianfucaijing.com/tag/%e6%9d%8e%e6%9e%97" title="Lilin flickr.photos.notes.notes.edit target="_blank" said that the incident was not a malicious increase by the WAX team, but was due to the failure of business teams on both sides to communicate in a timely manner.
In conjunction with the Compensation Plan, the Coin Pro announced the immediate cessation of the free currency service, the charging of a coin fee to Project ICO and the carrying out of qualification checks.
上述文章评论称,杜均 是火币网独立董事及股东、区块链 垂直媒体金色财经实控人、WAX项目私募 投资方,身兼承销商、证券媒体以及坐市商三大角色于一身,并且亲力亲为砸盘护盘的“超级庄家”,收割了谁的野心、贪欲和财富?谁又将收割他们?
The above-mentioned article comments that independent director and shareholder of the TPN, , vertical media owner and owner of >, and that > < 8%d > , %taft>, %treftreftrefts. %tet. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
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