Yes, it's commonly called "carrying bricks."
Any trading platform can be traded as long as the currency is presented in your wallet.
The digital currency is more like an investment product at this stage, because of the lack of a strong guarantor body to maintain price stability, and its role as a measure of value is not yet apparent and cannot be used as a means of payment. As an investment product, the digital currency is developed in isolation from trading platforms, operating companies, and investors.
扩展资料 数字货币的特点 Features of digital currencies 1、交易成本低 1. Low transaction costs 与传统的银行转账、汇款等方式相比,数字货币交易不需要向第三方支付费用,其交易成本更低,特别是相较于向支付服务供应商提供高额手续费的跨境支付。 Compared to traditional bank transfers, remittances and so on, digital currency transactions do not require payment of fees to third parties and their transaction costs are lower, especially as compared to the provision of high cross-border payments to service providers. 2、交易速度快 2. Fast pace of transactions 数字货币所采用的区块链技术具有去中心化的特点,不需要任何类似清算中心的中心化机构来处理数据,交易处理速度更快捷。 The block chain technology used for digital currencies is decentralized and does not require any centralised agency similar to a clearing centre to process data and transactions more quickly. 3、高度匿名性 3. High level of anonymity 除了实物形式的货币能够实现无中介参与的点对点交易外,数字货币相比于其它电子支付方式的优势之一就在于支持远程的点对点支付,它不需要任何可信的第三方作为中介,交易双方可以 在完全陌生的情况下完成交易而无需彼此信任,因此具有更高的匿名性,能够保护交易者的隐私; In addition to the fact that currencies in physical form can achieve point-to-point transactions without intermediary participation, one of the advantages of digital currencies over other electronic means of payment is that it supports remote point-to-point payments, that it does not require any credible third party to act as an intermediary, that the parties to the transaction can complete the transaction in a completely unfamiliar situation without trust, and that it is therefore more anonymous and protects the privacy of the traders; 但同时也给网络犯罪创造了便利,容易被洗钱和其它犯罪活动等所利用。 At the same time, however, cybercrime is facilitated and vulnerable to exploitation, such as money-laundering and other criminal activities. 参考资料来源:百度百科-数字货币 Source: 100-digital currency
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