The word "font" means "mining." The process of calculating and eventually obtaining bitcoin is commonly called "mining." Now, many investors around the world are in the "mining" category, the purpose of which is to get more bitcoin.
“币圈”火爆背后:1枚价值超37万元 Behind the Ring of Currency Explosion: 1 over $370,000 尤其是在2021年,比特币更是“众星捧月”,获得了许多投资者的青睐,更有人将其称之为数字化的黄金与钻石,在2021年刚开年,比特币就赚足了“眼球”。 Especially in 2021, Bitcoin was “the moon of stars” and was favoured by many investors, more so by what some call digitized gold and diamonds. In the early years of 2021, Bitcoin earned the eye. 首先是特斯拉向比特币投资15亿美元,其次是推特CFO奈德赛德尔表示未来或将用比特币支付员工工资,最后,就连美国纽约梅陇银行也公开表示,将为用户提供比特币存储功能。一连串的“支持”,把比特币推向了“巅峰”。 begins with Tesla investing $1.5 billion in Bitcoin, followed by Twitter, CFO Ned Saidel, indicating that they will pay their employees in bitcoin in the future, and finally, even the United States Bank of New York Metz, has publicly stated that it will provide users with bitcoin storage. A series of “supports”, pushing bitcoin to the top. 据悉,自2021年以来,比特币的最高价格已经达到了5.8万美元,换算成人民币已经超过了37万元,而这仅仅才是1枚比特币的价格,且在短短6个月之内,就上涨了超过350%。 has been informed that since 2021, the highest price of Bitcoin has reached $58,000, converted to more than $370,000, which is only one bitcoin price and increased by more than 350% in just six months. 同时,这个价格已经超过了1公斤黄金的价格,怪不得有人称比特币为数字化的黄金和钻石。而这就是为何现如今人人都要去“挖矿”,“币圈”如此火爆的背后,就是其超高的价格,一旦获得比特币,那就是极高的利润。 At the same time, the price has exceeded the price of 1 kilogram of gold, so no wonder someone calls Bitcoin a digitized gold and diamonds. And that's why everyone's going to “mining mine” now, and the ring is so hot that it's super-high, and once it gets bitcoin, it's very high profits. 对此,有不少人都问,如果用自家电脑来“挖矿”,连续24小时,能不能挖到比特币呢? A lot of people ask if you can dig up bitcoin for 24 hours using your own computer. 家用电脑挖“币”,1枚需要1.8万年 Domestic computer digs a coin, one takes 18,000 years 实际上,早期的“挖矿”都是可以在家用普通电脑中进行的,只不过现如今随着比特币的价格“水涨船高”,“挖矿”的难度也较从前增长了几百倍。只有“专业”的矿机,才能有效率的“挖”到比特币。 In fact, early “mining” can be done on a common computer in the home, but now, with the price of bitcoin “watering the ship”, “mining” is hundreds of times more difficult than before. Only a “professional” miner can be efficient in digging to bitcoin. 曾经有专家计算过,现如今,如果用家用电脑连续24小时不停的“挖矿”,那么一天大约也只能“挖”到0.00000015个比特币,也就是说,如果要挖1枚比特币,大概需要1.8万年,这就是人们无法用家用电脑获取比特币的原因。 It's been calculated by an expert that now, if the “mining” of a 24-hour-long home computer is used, it can only be “digging” to about 0.000000015 bitcoins a day, that is, if one bitcoin was to be dug, it would take about 18,000 years, which is why people can't get bitcoins from a home computer.
So now, many investors have chosen a “professional” mine to dig for money, although the cost is very high. In addition to the high cost of electricity, the price of a specialized miner is too much for ordinary people.
, but even with a specialist miner, do people really get a lot of wealth? All this is based on the price increase of bitcoin, and if bitcoin falls, these diggers will not only lose their profits, but even this.
"B" Bitcoin is going up or down in the future?
Is the bitcoin up or down? A lot of experts at home and abroad have given their views on this issue. Like Tesla's Musketeer, there's a lot of experts who really like the bitcoin's movement.
The CEO Powell of the digital encrypted currency exchange Kraken said that Bitcoin would eventually move around the globe and become a world currency, and that it believed that bitcoin prices would rise to $1 million in 10 years. This represents a 17-fold increase in comparison to the current $58,000.
With these experts' endorsements of Bitcoin, Bitcoin owns a “celebrity halo”, and more and more people will invest in the “currency ring” in the future, and the price will probably rise.
, however, there are a number of experts who are opposed to it. For a digital encrypted currency like Bitcoin, the current rise is likely to be a “foam” and Bitcoin is not a mainstream currency for the moment and is hardly useful.
, and the vast majority of current investors do not really know bitcoins. According to Cardify's research, more than 33.5% of buyers know nothing about bitcoins. At the same time, more than 40% of buyers in the buying population are “new” investors.
they buy bitcoin just because of the current “upturn” boom, trying to reap short-term benefits. William Lee, the chief researcher at the OIL Institute, argues that once the economy recovers and monetary policy tightens, bitcoin is likely to “sale the tide” and that it will also cause bitcoin prices to “shock down” .
concludes that investing in bitcoin is a high-risk investment in itself, and that once the future “breaks down” and the “bloodless” situation is easy to emerge, so it is better not to simply enter the circle without knowing it. As for bitcoin's future, whether it rises or falls, everyone says, let's keep looking at it.
Do you think Bitcoin's gonna go up or down? Have you noticed bitcoin? You're welcome to leave a message.
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