从2009年BTC比特币正式推出以来,BTC于每210,000个块之后减半,并且每4年增加一次,这是一种常识性概念,而此减半时间与行情走势有着千丝万缕的联系。 从2009 年12 月,BTC 第一次减半以来,累计减半7 次,每次减半都表现出强劲的价格重启效应。减半期间,投资者的期望会被较大的焦虑所取代,引起加密货币市场的急剧波动,而普遍认为减半短期内会对市场给出强大的推动力。 第一次减半,BTC 跌破1 美元以下,但在减半结束前后价格飙升,2 个月内最高见顶30 美元;第二次减半,短暂的跌势之后,也出现涨势,在减少周期结束后,价格达到260 美元,几乎是第一次减半的8 倍;第三次减半,期间因受中国政府禁令的影响突然出现波动及下跌,但最终在减半期结束2 个月后,价格上涨1331.68 美元,是一个全新的纪录;而第四次减半,价格也在减半前后迎来暴涨,2 个月内,价格刷新纪录,最高达19609 美元。 整体来看,每次减半之后,都可以看到市场表现出强势上涨的潜力,而减半期间,也会出现一些急剧的价格波动,但最终的走势还是会受分散性的影响,BTC的实用性、算力/成本平衡等其他因素影响比较大,同时也因每次减半对市场投资者的预期产生一定推动作用,促使价格上涨。因此,BTC每次减半周期与行情走势是息息相关的,而这次减半也不例外,有望再次创造历史最强涨幅。
Since the official launch of BTC/BTC/bitcoin in 2009, BTC has been cut by half after every 210,000 blocks in 2009, and is generally thought to give a powerful boost to the market in the short term. The first to halve BTC has fallen below $1, but prices have risen by up to $30 in two months before halving; the second to halve, prices have also been reduced by 260 times since the end of the reduction cycle, almost eight times as much as the first to halve; the third to halve, the effects of sudden fluctuations and drops in the Chinese government’s ban, but the second to halve the impact of the second to half of the second to reduce the impact of the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the third to the second to the second; the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the third to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to be of the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to the second to
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