波动性/ Volatility
Volatile/ Volatility
Volatility is widely used to measure the riskability of assets, linked to the range of potential rates of return and the likelihood of their occurrence, to measure the magnitude of possible changes in asset prices over time; the market for encrypted currency transactions is more volatile than the stock market, and the market prices for encrypted currencies are therefore likely to change significantly in one day.
供应量/ Circulating Supply
Supply/Circulating Supply
The supply is the total amount of encrypted money in circulation held by market participants that can be purchased, sold and traded through the market, while the locked, retained or unable to be sold and circulated encrypted currency is not within the range of supply.
总供给/ Total Supply
Total Supply/ Total Supply
The total supply is the total amount of encrypted money currently available, which refers to the total amount of all current or non-negotiable encrypted currency in the market, while the destroyed currency is not covered by the total supply. The destruction of the currency is an irreversible act of sending the encrypted currency to an unreliable address.
最大供应量/ Max Supply
Maximum supply/ Max Suply
最大供应量是指加密货币的最大数量,如:比特币的最大供应量约为2100 万枚、瑞波币的最大供应量约为 1000
亿枚,而不同的加密货币则有不同的数量上限,如EOS 没有最大供应量,所以其货币数量将持续增长。
Maximum supply means the maximum quantity of encrypted currencies, e.g., the maximum supply of bitcoins is about 21 million, the maximum supply of ripoons is about 100 < b> billion, while different encoded currencies have different ceilings, e.g., EOS does not have the maximum supply, so the amount of its currency will continue to grow.
投资回报率/ Return on Investment / ROI
Return on Investment/ ROI
The return on investment (ROI) =
(profits/total investments for the pre-tax year)* is 100 per cent. It refers to the economic return of an enterprise from investment in an investmentable business activity, which is the ratio used to measure the profitability of an enterprise and a comprehensive indicator of the effectiveness and efficiency of an enterprise's operations.
套利/ Arbitrage
arbitrage/ Arbitrage
A arbitrage is an act in which the same or essentially the same securities, goods or assets are bought and sold at a favourable price at the same time or sold and purchased in two different markets in order to earn a price difference. A low-risk gain is usually obtained through a arbitrage where a physical or financial asset has two prices.
杠杆/ Leverage
Leverage/ Leverage
Leverage is a common financial transaction system in which investments in assets are financed through a bond system that increases the investment capacity of investors while the tradable amount is magnified and the results of investments are scaled up; it also increases the returns and risks that investors receive, with a fixed increase in both the returns and the losses that ultimately result.
做空/ Shorting
Frustration is the expectation that the future will fall, that the shares or assets in hand will be sold at current prices, that they will be bought and returned when they fall and that the balance will be retained as a profit.
Shilling 意味着欺骗尽可能多的人,让他们认为该加密货币是有价值的,并且借由价格上涨卖出并赚取利润。
Shilling means deceiving as many people as possible to think that the encrypted currency is valuable and to sell and profit from price increases.
鲸鱼/ Whales
Whales/ Whales
Whales are people or organizations that hold large amounts of digital money, stocks, titles in secondary markets because they have the ability to buy or sell large amounts of money and can operate through secondary markets to significantly influence current market prices, resulting in high market price volatility, and are thus known as whales.
With regard to volatility, there should be a perceptive understanding, after all, even those who do not pay their shares know that the stock market is high risk, which means buying a stock and the risk of a stock falling.
The so-called fall or rise refers to price fluctuations. China’s A shares impose a 10 per cent stop-down limit, and encrypted currencies are not limited by ups and downs.
As encrypted currencies are not mature enough in themselves, their value is not strong and their atmosphere is high, they are highly volatile, and even the most robust bitcoins may drop by half or double in a short period of time.
Investment in encrypted currencies must be researched, psychologically prepared, etc., otherwise there is not only a risk of zero investment, but also a risk of failure to cope with large fluctuations.
Supply refers to the amount in circulation, such as the total of 21 million Bitcoins, which has been dug up by 17 million, or 17 million.
The 21 million in Bitcoin is the maximum supply, and if 10,000 bitcoins have been destroyed, and in fact not a few bitcoins have been lost as a result of forgetting private keys, then the remainder is the total supply, after deducting the amount destroyed and lost.
In the currency circles, arbitrage usually refers to the removal of bricks and the quantification of these acts, primarily taking advantage of price differentials between different markets.
Leverage circles generally refer to futures (contractual) transactions, where futures transactions can be leveraged to do more or to do more than nothing, and when the market moves in line with judgement, larger gains can be made from a small amount of money. Futures have high-risk characteristics and are not recommended for operation.
Whales are people with large chips and, more commonly, bitcoin giants, those with large bitcoins, whose behaviour can influence the direction of the market and have a greater impact on the market.
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