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1. In the recent past, it became clear that the Tatco was much stronger than the Bitcoin, which was only slightly higher in this wave, with a short return of $60,000 +, while the Tatco significantly increased its previous heights ($2041), with a peak of over $2,600.


2- A major advance in the dyke based on the principle of block chain, although Bitcoin is also supported by , is not competing with Bitco. Bitcoin and Taicha operation are based on the principles of distributed ledgers and encryption technology, but they are still different in many technical areas.



3. First, with DeFi’s heat, market attention has gradually shifted from bitcoin to Etheria, although the price of bitcoin has fluctuated considerably, and the trend has been relatively moderate at the same price. Second, the Taiyu price projection model shows that over 30 days, the dollar value of Taicha is expected to rise by 195 per cent, to between $573 and $750 in the region.

4、因为比特币是龙头,是加密货币市场的风向标,如果比特币涨,意味着其他币都会跟涨。而很多区块链股票,无外乎是持有比特币,或者有挖矿业务,无论哪种情况,对企业来说币价上涨能多赚钱就是好事。这种情况可以类比一下 茅台和其他白酒股票的关系,宁德时代和其他锂电池股票的关系。

Because bitcoin is the leader, the wind sign of an encrypted currency market, and if bitcoin rises, it means that the rest of the currency will rise. And many block-chain stocks, whether by holding bitcoin or by mining operations, are good for businesses.



5. The question of whether or not ETA can move beyond Bitcoin is striking, but the answer is not absolute. As far as current markets and values are concerned, Bitcoin continues to dominate, but it does have certain advantages, possibly going beyond Bitcoin in some ways.

柴犬币(Shib),虚拟货币,诞生于2020年8月,发行量为1000万亿,截至2021年5月9日,柴犬币一日内暴涨近1200%。5月10日消息,柴犬币走进人们的视野,仅仅2天,它就从廉价的山寨币成为全球涨幅第一加密货币,2021年5月17日 以太坊创始人V神销毁45%的柴犬币SHIB币。

Shib, a virtual currency, was born in August 2020 with a circulation of 100 trillion dollars and, as of May 9, 2021, it rose by almost 1,200 per cent in a single day. On May 10, it entered into the eyes of the people and, in just two days, it became the first encrypted currency to increase the world from a cheap mountain coin, and on May 17, 2021, it destroyed 45 per cent of its SHIB with the founder V.


SHIB is a decentralised, encrypted currency that has recently become a hot topic for the investment community, and its attention has grown rapidly, in part because of the references to the dog price and the Elon Mask. Although SHIB has experienced significant price fluctuations in a short period of time, many observers believe that this growth will not continue and is expected to return.

SHIB中文名柴犬币,英文全称为SHIBA INU,是去中心化自发社区建设的实验。发起人最初成立后,电报界的知名人士组成了一个领导小组,该小组的目的是将社区内的技能分配给SHIB发展中的适当角色,并就SHIB未来的决策达成一致。任何人谁有技能或时间,他们可以贡献给SHIB将被邀请去帮助发展和推进SHIB。

SHIB, known in Chinese as SHIBA INU in English, is an experiment to decentralize spontaneous community building. When the initiators were first set up, prominent telegraphists formed a leadership group to allocate skills within the community to the appropriate role in the development of the SHIB and to agree on decisions about the future of the SHIB. Anyone who has the skills or time, they can contribute to the SHIB to be invited to help develop and advance the SHIB.

shib英文全称Shiba Inu,中文名称为柴犬币,发布于2020年8月,总发行量为1000万亿,柴犬币起初发行的目的是为了成为“狗狗币杀手”,为了凸显其巨大的供应量,发行者表示用户可以持有数十亿甚至数万亿的代币.2021年5月17日以太坊创始人V神销毁了45%的柴犬币,目前销毁量410万亿。

In an effort to highlight the huge supply of Shiba Inu, published in August 2020 under the full name of Shiba in Chinese, with a total circulation of $100 trillion, the publisher indicated that users could hold billions, if not trillions, of the tokens destroyed 45 per cent of it on 17 May 2021 by the founder V of Taiku, currently destroying 4.1 trillion.


It is also called Shib, which is a foreign-made coin, and the hot dog-bill has caught fire with a bunch of animal coins. AkiTA, SHIB, pet-coin, and so on, a number of species of animal-related coins have emerged.

SHIB币,亦称为柴犬币,其英文全称为SHIBA INU,是一个去中心化、由社区自发建设的实验项目。 项目最初由一位发起人创建,随后一个由电报社区知名人士组成的领导小组成立,他们负责将社区内的资源分配至SHIB发展的各个环节,并在SHIB的未来发展方向上达成共识。

SHIB, also known as SHIBA INU in English, is a decentralised pilot project built by the community on its own initiative, which was originally created by a sponsor, followed by a leadership group of leading community figures, who are responsible for allocating resources within the community to the various links of the development of the SHIB and for reaching consensus on the future direction of the SHIB.

1、在数字货币的世界里,信仰往往与价值并肩,Shib凭借其亲民特性,正在快速凝聚着信徒们的信念。重量级人物如Nick Carter、V神和薛蛮子等大佬的加入,无疑为Shib增添了光环,使其在众多加密货币中脱颖而出,引发了广泛关注。

1. In a world of digital money, faith often goes hand in hand with value, and Shib, by virtue of his personal identity, is fast condensing the faith of believers. The inclusion of heavyweight figures such as Nick Carter, V God, and Baron Xue has undoubtedly added a halo to Shib, making it out of a multitude of encrypted currencies and generating widespread concern.

2、shib交易越多,化粪池里的ETH就越多,最糟糕的情况就是以后shib一个买家也找不到了,你到化粪池里可以换回或多或少的ETH,从某种意义上来说可以避免归零 最后再次提醒,数字货币风险极大,投资需谨慎,多多学习,形势自行判断,此处不给投资建议。

The more the shipb deals, the more ETHs in the septic tank, the worse the situation is that no buyer in the future will be able to find it, and you can get more or less ETHs in the septic tank, and you can avoid zero in a sense.


Three. Origins of dog money: originally created to satire bitcoin, the founder of which saw the prevalence of a virtual currency such as bitcoin, created it as an irony. But, because of its ease and funness, and its ability to complete transfers within a second, it was favoured by many and became the second largest virtual currency in the world.


Four, SHIB is a decentralised, encrypted currency that has recently become a hot topic for the investment community, and its attention has grown rapidly, in part because of the references to the puppies and Elon Mask. Although SHIB has experienced significant price fluctuations in a short period of time, many observers believe that this growth will not continue and is expected to return.


And why should the SHIB rise? The main reason should be that, after they're done with dog coins, the passions of the hypes are still on, people's emotions rise, so that SHIB, as a new virtual currency on the market, becomes the focus of attention, is bought, increases, and continues to attract new hot money in, a virtuous circle until the earning effect is declining.




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