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伴随着底层技术的发展突破以及用户需求的演化升级,互联网的范式也在发生着演进。为了解决原始web网络无法支持普通人进行信息交流和分享的难题,一个“可读”的Web 1.0时代伴随着万维网的发明而到来,各类搜索引擎和门户网站将信息大量搬上网,普通用户也能轻松访问各类资源。为了解决Web 1.0下用户无法主动创建内容,不享有网络发言权的难题,一个“可读+可写”的Web 2.0时代伴随着智能手机的普及、社交网络的兴起和云计算的发展而到来,所有用户都可以在社交媒体分享自己的所思所想并和他人交互,互联网世界的话语权从商业巨头转移到每一位终端用户手中。而现在,在经历了Web 1.0和Web 2.0时代后,互联网正在进行一场Web 3.0革命。

With the breakthrough of bottom-level technology and the evolution of user needs, the paradigm of the Internet has evolved. To address the challenge of the failure of the original web network to support the exchange and sharing of information among ordinary people, a “readable” Web 1.0 era has come with the invention of the World Wide Web, with a wide range of search engines and portals moving information online, and ordinary users have easy access to resources. In order to address the challenge of having users unable to create content voluntarily under Web 1.0 without having a voice on the Web, a “readable + writeable” Web 2.0 era has come with the development of smart cell phones, the rise of social networks and cloud computing, with all users sharing their ideas in social media and interacting with others, and the voice of the Internet has shifted from a commercial giant to every terminal user.


What technology does Web3.0 contain? It is based on and block chains.


In the Web3.0 era, cloud computing occurs in the form of clouds. When electric lights appear, the main purpose of electricity is to light, and then people discover that electricity can be used more for domestic appliances, such as refrigerators, colours, washing machines, etc. Because of electricity, we begin to create power tools for various end-uses. The same is true of cloud computing. Cloud computing was intended to provide platforms for data storage and terminals, but when cloud computing platform systems and ecology were established, a large number of applications were based on cloud computing. That is, cloud computing is expected to stimulate more cloud-based applications. When cloud computing applications arise, data and computing are still in cloud-based platforms. So, cloud computing becomes an application platform that helps to develop the applications of the metacosystem.

什么叫云原生?云原生即应用生在云里,长在云里,为云而生。其代表技术包括容器、微服务、DevOps、服务网格、声明式 API ,甚至是新兴的低代码开发等。云原生的技术范畴是丰富且快速演进的,切勿把云原生简单、狭隘地理解为“容器 + 微服务 + DevOps”。


In traditional ways, applications are developed in an environment of near-segregated local environments, unable to fully enjoy cloud capabilities and meet the demands of the business sector for rapid development and up-linking; on-line, applications run on servers in organic rooms with potential problems such as low resource utilization, high cost, low flexibility, and inelastic scalability. And cloud-based technologies provide developers with a “smarter way” to work by making full use of the various components and tool chains of the cloud-born world to significantly improve development, while shielding basic resources and technical details, focusing more on business value creation and operational and technological innovation; on-side, cloud-baseds fully exploit the technical advantages of containers, functions, etc., so as to easily achieve dynamic movement control, traffic monitoring and, at the same time, the ability of service grids to independently complete some of the business claims that former developers can engage in, such as traffic plugs, and provide greater security for stability while maintaining more focused and business-friendly.


What's the ability of the cloud?


Clouds are built around business development, and developers need only focus on the development of core business, while other capabilities can be acquired from the cloud.


According to the progress of Yunwon, China is entering the cloud’s age with the global market. In particular, China is increasingly becoming the best soil for technological innovation and experimentation, and it is likely that Yunwon will mature under China’s Internet landscape.


With the growing market acceptance and maturity of the entire industry, clouds have created two intuitive feelings for firms.


Many companies buy cloud resources for a month, but it may actually take only a week. The ability of firms to elasticize the cloud is weak.


The second is the optimization of R & D efficiency. The efficiency of R & D in enterprises often depends on the sophistication of the architecture. Clouds optimized the pantry of publication, on-line, on-line, on-vi, and on the development of tools, increasing the capacity of R & D units to produce vomit.




With regard to innovative practices in cloud-based technologies, for example, a large domestic head car manufacturing company, driven by a new technological revolution, seeks to initiate a digital transformation of enterprises to increase development efficiency, productivity and eventual profitability, moving from a cost centre to a collection centre.

在数字化转型具体实践中,行云创新助力该企业采用容器化、微服务、DevOps等云原生技术能力建设企业数字化业务研发及运行平台, 构建支撑数字化业务创新的公共能力,推动并加速企业数字化转型。

In the practical context of the digital transformation, the company's innovation aids the development and operation of a platform for digital business development and operation of enterprises that build capacity in cloud-based technologies such as containerization, micro-services, DevOps, building public capacity to support digital business innovations, and promoting and accelerating the digital transformation of enterprises.

行云创新助力该汽车制造公司建设一站式云原生开发平台,将汽车制造行业内使用的系统、应用等整合为统一平台。包括在开发侧,构建CI/CD流水线进一步优化开发者体验、提升开发效率;在测试侧,提供API Mock等一揽子测试能力,提升测试自动化水平和测试效率;在生态侧,提升业务的交互性,形成制造行业内部的开发者社区和创新生态平台;在运维侧,通过主动式运维能力实现技术、业务信息的动态、实时大屏展示。经过三期建设,行云创新一站式云原生开发平台已全面支撑该制造企业的所有工程类、协同类、营销类、供应链、运维等多个板块100多个项目的快速部署接入,实现业务的高效创新。

On the side of the development, systems, applications, etc. used in the auto-manufacturing industry are integrated into a unified platform. This includes building the CI/CD stream to further optimize developer experience and enhance development efficiency; on the side of the test, providing test packages such as API  on the side of the test, upgrading test automation and testing efficiency; on the ecological side, increasing the interaction of the business to form a community of developers and an innovative ecological platform within the manufacturing industry; and on the side of the transport, achieving technology, business information dynamics, real-time large screen displays through active transport capability. After three phases, the one-stop cloud innovation platform has fully supported the rapid deployment of more than 100 projects of the manufacturing enterprise, such as engineering, symbiosis, marketing, supply chain, and transport of vitamins, leading to efficient business innovation.





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