A lot of people don't know new bitcoin news.
比特币BTC当前最新价格是¥188405.28元人民币 - 这是实时价格哦,折合美元的价格是27408.79美元。
The latest current price of the Bitcoin BTC is RMB 18845.28 - which is real-time and US$ 27408.79 which is equivalent to US$ 27408.79.
The increase in 24-year-olds today was -0.63; 24-year-olds had the highest price of RMB 18,897,572.77; 24-year-olds had the lowest price of RMB 18,845.66; 24-year-olds had a volume of 77,288.66 BTC; 24-year-olds had a value of $14,588 million; and the total market value of Bitcom BTC was $3,65 trillion.
比特币 - BTC作为加密货币的代表,自2009年诞生以来就引起了广泛关注。尽管比特币的潜在应用和技术优势让很多人看好它,但它在价格上的剧烈波动也让许多投资者感到困惑。
1.市场情绪 :市场情绪在加密货币市场中起着至关重要的作用,尤其是比特币。投资者的贪婪和恐惧往往会导致比特币价格的剧烈波动。当市场情绪过于乐观时,投资者可能会过度购买比特币,导致价格飙升;而在恐慌情绪蔓延时,投资者可能会大量抛售,引发价格暴跌。
2.新闻和事件 :新闻和事件往往会对比特币价格产生显著影响。比如监管政策、大型企业投资比特币、技术突破等消息,可能会导致比特币价格迅速上涨或下跌。
3.市场流动性 :加密货币市场的流动性相对较低,这意味着即使是较小的交易也可能对比特币价格产生显著影响。大额交易或机构投资者的进出可能导致价格剧烈波动。
4.市场操纵 :市场操纵是另一个可能导致比特币价格波动的因素。一些不道德的交易者可能会利用“抬轿子”和“砸盘子”等手法来操控价格,从而获利。
2022年 - 截止12月31日,比特币开盘价最高¥320334.05元
2023年 - 截止2月27日比特币开盘价最高¥161837.14元
比特币的发展历程 - 2008-2023年2022年9月,比特币出现“自由落体式”下跌,连续10多天走低,一度跌破2万美元,距历史高点6.9万美元跌去超70%,创近18个月以来新低,虚拟货币总市值跌破1万亿美元。
2017-12-17,比特币触及19783 .06点美元的高点。 在一天结束的时候,比特币将降至19500美元。总的来说,比特币的价格1月1日至12月17日上涨了1824%。
2017年,比特币分叉出BTG和BCH两种货币;芝加哥期权交易所 - Cboe推出比特币期货合约。
2014年,比特币网络算力达到100PH/S;HMRC - 英国税务局将比特币归类为资产或私人资金,意味着比特币的采矿或交换不会收取增值税;美国政府拍卖超过29000个从丝绸之路没收的比特币,表明比特币不再被视为非法交易货币;进行第一笔比特币衍生品交易;微软、戴尔等接受比特币支付。
2010年,Mt . Gox网站建立:Mt . Gox允许用户购买和出售比特币。 到2013年,Mt . Gox负责处理有关三分之二的比特币支付。
2010年5月,发生第一次比特币交易;7月,世界第一家比特币交易平台MT.GOX在东京创立;8月,攻击者利用整数溢出的漏洞凭空创造出1840亿个比特币;9月,世界上最早“矿池” Slush’s pool,首次**成功;中本聪隐退并将开发权转交给美国人加文·安德森。
2010-05-22,有人用比特币买披萨:在这个日期,是比特币价值在真实世界体现的第一次。一个名叫Laszlo Hanyecz花10000 BTC,买了两个披萨。在今天,它被称为“比萨日”加密的社区。
2009-01-09,比特币发布开源客户端:它可以从SourceForge下载。 从这里开始,任何technologically-literate人可以下载客户端和开始采矿对比特币。
2008-10-31,中本聪 - Satoshi Nakamoto发表比特币的创世论文:《比特币:一种点对点的现金支付系统》。
2008-08-18,Satoshi Nakamoto注册Bitcoin.org域。
The Sandbox 今日价格 为 ¥4.80 CNY,其 24 小时的交易量为 ¥1,534,644,586 CNY。 我们会实时更新SAND兑换为CNY的价格。 The Sandbox 在过去 24 小时内增长了 2.98。 目前的 CoinMarketCap 排名为第 #54 位,其市值为 ¥7,193,413,565 CNY。 其流通供给量为 1,499,470,108 SAND 个货币 此外,供给量上限为3,000,000,000 SAND 个货币。
The Sandbox today's price is 4.80 CNY, with a 24-hour turnover of 1,534,644,586 CNY. We will update in real time the price of SAND converted to CNY. The Sandbox has increased by 2.98 in the last 24 hours. The current CoinmarketCap is ranked #54, with a market value of 7,193,413,565 CNY, with a circulation supply of 1,499,470,108 SAND currencies and a supply ceiling of 3,000,000,000 SAND currencies.
如果您想知道以当前价格在哪里购买sand币,目前 The Sandbox 交易量最大的平台为 Binance, BTCEX, Deepcoin, Bitrue。 您可以在我们的加密交换页面上找到其他列表。
If you want to know where to purchase the sand currency at the current price, the platform currently with the largest volume of The Sandbox transactions is Binance, BTCEX, Deepcoin, Bitrue. You can find other lists on our encrypted exchange page.
The Sandbox 由 Pixowl 于 2011 年推出,是一个基于区块链的虚拟世界,允许用户以游戏的形式创建、构建、购买和销售数字资产。通过结合去中心化自治组织 - DAO 和不可替代代币 - NFT 的力量,The Sandbox为蓬勃发展的游戏社区创建了一个去中心化平台。
The Sandbox, launched by Pixowl in 2011, is a virtual world based on block chains that allows users to create, build, purchase, and sell digital assets in the form of games. By combining the forces of decentralizing autonomous organizations - DAO and irreplaceable token - NFT, The Sandbox created a decentralized platform for a thriving game community.
根据官方白皮书,The Sandbox平台的主要任务是将区块链技术成功引入主流游戏。该平台专注于促进创造性的“赚钱”模式,允许用户同时成为创造者和游戏玩家。The Sandbox通过引入 SAND 实用代币来利用区块链技术的力量,从而促进平台上的交易。
According to the official white paper, the main task of the Sandbox platform is to successfully introduce block chain technology into mainstream games. The platform focuses on promoting creative “profit-making” models that allow users to be both creators and game players. The Sandbox uses the power of block chain technology by introducing SAND practical tokens to facilitate transactions on the platform.
The Sandbox的创始人?Arthur Madrid是 Pixowl 的联合创始人兼首席执行官,他是 The Sandbox 背后的推动力之一。他于 2000 年毕业于巴黎第九大学,获得经济学学位。马德里的职业生涯始于 Eurogroup Consulting France 的顾问,但他很快找到了自己的创业精神。2001 年,他创立了 1-Click Media,后来被 Ipercast 收购。
Arthur Madrid, a co-founder and CEO of Pixowl, was one of the driving forces behind The Sandbox. He graduated from Paris IX University in 2000 and obtained a degree in economics. Madrid's career began with an adviser to Eurogroup Consulting France, but he quickly found his entrepreneurship. In 2001, he created 1-Click Media, which was later acquired by Ipercast.
Sebastien Borget也是 Pixowl 的联合创始人,并担任该公司的首席运营官。他于 2007 年毕业于 Institut National des Télécommunications,获得计算机系统网络和电信学位。他的职业生涯始于 1-Click Media 的项目负责人,从那时起,Arthur Madrid 和 Sebastien Borget 一直是创业二人组。他们于 2011 年创立了 Pixowl,并一直共同致力于项目。
Sebastien Borget is also a co-founder of Pixowl and the CEO of the company. He graduated from the Institute National des Télécommunisations in 2007 and received a degree in computer systems networks and telecommunications. His career began with Project Leader 1-Click Media, and since then Arthur Madrid and Sebastien Borget have been in the group of two entrepreneurs. They created Pixowl in 2011 and have been working together on the project.
The Sandbox是一个独特的平台,因为它将区块链技术引入了游戏世界。在采用区块链技术方面,游戏行业是一个尚未开发的巨大市场,Pixowl 在 2011 年就看到了这一点。通过创建一个游戏玩家可以创建和收集基于区块链的资产的世界,The Sandbox旨在彻底改变市场。它在全球游戏市场为自己创造了一个利基市场。通过专注于用户生成的内容,The Sandbox创建了一个由参与的玩家组成的元世界,他们为平台的进一步发展做出了贡献。不仅如此,通过引入 SAND 代币,The Sandbox促进了去中心化治理,并允许用户分享他们对项目发展的看法和想法。由于不断发展的技术,去中心化治理正成为基于区块链的项目的必备条件。
By focusing on user-generated content, The Sandbox has created a metaworld of participating players who have contributed to the further development of the platform. Moreover, by introducing SAND tokens, The Sandbox promotes decentralized governance and allows users to share their views and ideas on project development.
公司起步一帆风顺,吸引了游戏行业众多知名人士的支持和投资。其中包括 Atari、Helix 和 CryptoKitties 等品牌。
The company started off smoothly, attracting support and investment from a large number of prominent players in the game industry, including Atari, Helix and CryptoKittys.
最大和总供应量为 3,000,000,000 个 SAND 代币。目前,约有 680,266,194 个 SAND 代币处于活跃流通中,占截至 2021 年 3 月可用总供应量的 23%。
The maximum and total supply is 3,000,000,000 SANDs. At present, about 680,266,194 SANDs are in active circulation, accounting for 23 per cent of the total available supply as of March 2021.
在总代币供应中,约 25.82% 被留作公司储备。另外 17.18% 被分配用于代币的种子销售。创始人和团队成员获得了大约 31% 的代币供应总量。总供应量的约 12% 用于专门的 Binance Launchpad 销售,另外 10% 用于奖励项目顾问。
Some 25.82 per cent of the total supply of coins was set aside for corporate reserves. Another 17.18 per cent was allocated for seed sales of tokens. Founders and team members received about 31 per cent of the total supply of coins. About 12 per cent of the total supply was used for specialized Binance Launchpad sales and another 10 per cent to reward project consultants.
由于The Sandbox虚拟世界建立在以太坊区块链之上,因此受到权益证明 - PoS 共识机制的保护。SAND 代币是标准版本的 ERC-20 代币,这意味着所有者可以质押它并从质押奖励中受益。
Since the Sandbox virtual world is built on the Etherm block chain, it is protected by the Proprietary-Poss consensus mechanism. SAND is the standard version of ERC-20, which means that the owner can pledge it and benefit from the pledge incentive.
与比特币区块链采用的工作量证明 - PoW 共识机制不同,PoS 不需要大量的电力或计算能力来验证交易。它依赖于持有最多 SAND 代币的利益相关者。PoS 共识机制在保证质押资金安全的同时,允许多种不同的应用。
Unlike the workload proofs used in the Bitcoin block chain - the PoW Consensus mechanism, PoS does not require large amounts of electricity or computing capacity to validate transactions. It relies on stakeholders holding the largest SAND in currency. The PoS Consensus allows for a variety of applications while ensuring the security of pledged funds.
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