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With the rise of digital money, more and more people are investing in and participating in the mining of digital money. However, with the increase in the number of miners, it is difficult for individual equipment or small calculus to get high-value block incentives. To address this problem, the ponds are born.


In this mechanism, the block incentives generated by the mining of ponds are distributed according to the share of each miner’s contribution. Simply put, the pond is a fully automated platform for mining, that is, a mine machine that connects to the pond, and the miner provides the money for the pond.



The role of the ponds is to pool fragmented and independent computing resources, split and distribute the calculations of the excavators through a unified software schedule, creating a strong virtual miner, increasing the steady returns of individual miners and reducing the risk of failure. The pool brings together the computing capacity of multiple miners to find blocks, thereby increasing the opportunity for each miner to get incentives for mining, while individual miners independently dig new blocks with a lower probability of being dug because of competition, but with a higher frequency of receiving incentives in the pits.


Mining incentives will be distributed according to the computing capacity of each miner, which means that even if a miner is less able to calculate, he/she will still have the opportunity to receive a percentage of the incentives, not entirely dependent on his/her luck and ability to calculate. The ponds will automatically process the allocation of the incentives, reducing the complexity of the miners’ self-calculating incentives and making it easier for the miners to receive the incentives to which they are entitled.


Artisanal miners may experience fluctuations in incentives in the process of mining, sometimes in large numbers, and sometimes with little or no incentives. However, joining a pond can stabilize the miners’ earnings, as incentives are regularly distributed to every miner. For less able artisanal miners, it may take a long time to excavate independently, and the ponds can increase their mining motivation by involving small-scale miners in mining and receiving some incentives.


The usual bitcoin ponds can be divided according to the distribution pattern into four types: PPS, PPLNS, DGM, and PROOP.


Pay-Per-Share (PPS)方式立即为每个share支付报酬,这意味着矿工可以立即取得报酬,而不需要等待区块生成完毕或确认,从而减少了风险。此外,PPS也可以避免矿池运营者的潜在操纵。为了解决PPLNS模式在某些时候收益高,而在其他时候没有收益的问题,PPS采用了一种新的算法。它根据矿工在矿池中的算力占比,并估算出矿池每天可以获得的矿产,从而为用户提供每天基本稳定的收益。

The Pay-Per-Share (PPS) approach provides immediate remuneration for each share, which means that miners can be paid immediately without having to wait for blocks to be created or confirmed, thereby reducing risk. Moreover, the PPS can avoid potential manipulation by pond operators. To address the PPLNS model’s high returns at some point, while at other times it has no benefits, the PPS has introduced a new algorithm. It provides users with an essentially stable daily return, based on the miners’ arithmetic weight in the ponds and estimates of the minerals that they can get from the pits on a daily basis.



The luck component of this model (the purest group digs) is very important, “to pay for the proceeds based on the N shares of the past”, which means that once all miners discover a block, they will contribute to each of them, but this pool has a certain inertia of lag. If the pond does not come down for a day, there will be no profit until the participating blocks are fully excavated and the mining proceeds will be delayed. If the PPLNS pits are no longer mined, the contribution share of the share will remain, and for some time to come, until the contribution share of the share is settled.


Double Geometric Method双几何制结合了PPLNS和几何奖励类型, 使得矿池运营者能规避一部分风险.矿池运营者在短期内收取部分出货的区块奖励, 然后在之后以正规化过的值返还给矿工。

The two geometry of Double Gemetric Method combines PPLNS with the type of geometric incentive that allows a pool operator to avoid part of the risk. The pool operator collects a block reward for part of the shipment in the short term and then returns it to the miners at a regularized value.



Bitcoin blocks are generated by back-broadcasting to the entire network of blocks discovered by the pond, after 120 confirmations.


The difference is that, under the pps model, the coins of the ponds are generated from real blocks, and the miners pay the miners in advance for every bit of their contribution before they do. The PROP model is that, after 120 confirmations of the pit’s creation of real blocks, Bitcoin is allocated to the miners on the basis of the contribution of each miner.


It is to be hoped that all of this will lead to a better understanding of the role of the ponds. There are relative advantages in terms of greater stability, lower risks, higher returns, and better communities and support. Thus, for new miners and small-scale miners, the choice of a pond for mining can improve the efficiency and benefits of mining, reduce risks and costs, and obtain better mining experience and technical support.


These are details of the role of the Bitcoin pond and the list of common ponds. Please pay more attention to php and other relevant articles in Chinese!




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