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We've been looking for ourselves all our lives.


How many people in the world think about the question, "Who am I?" and how many people find answers. In life, we run in haste, we run after time, we sometimes stop looking, we think we're looking for the truth of life, but in fact we're just looking for ourselves.


The story of Einar, who was accidentally awakened to the female personality in the body, began to loathe his male body and tried to become a real woman and a true woman through a sex reassignment procedure.






The film began with the beautifully nuanced piano tunes, and the charming view of Vaeler was spread, hiding in the marshlands of Einar’s childhood memory, and buried the most beautiful dream in his heart. Einar, a Danish landscape painter, was mysterious and elegant and attracted a lot of people.


The trees, snow, and swamps in that painting are memories that Enar could not remember, or the shadow of "Lilly" that he thought had forgotten long ago. He paints the same view day after day and hides himself under paint-filled brushes, and his wife, too, fears that he will suddenly disappear into the swamps of Vallelle.


One time, Einar's wife convinced him to wear a dress to finish the painting on time, an accident that woke up Einar's sleeping female personality, Lily. After a party with Lily, Einer gradually found out that Lily might be herself.


Maybe that's what he was supposed to be. The idea grew into a tree in Einar's heart, and then he couldn't stand his male body and took the risk of an unprecedented mutation surgery.


Einar, no, I'd rather call him "Liilly," with a beautiful look, a fine five officers, a man's body that does not limit Lily's charm, nor does it limit a woman's self-fulfilment.


In Lily's mind, the first half of a man's identity seemed to be a trick of fate and created her despair at the moment, and Dr. Waxros' idea of a transgenic surgery was her life-saving straw and her only chance. Correcting the wrongs and becoming herself, Lily fell on her fate like a moth with such courage and fear.


The film has a lot of moving footage. Before the surgery, Lily stood in front of the mirror and smiled at herself in the mirror, smiling, blinking, looking at hope and a beautiful vision of the unknown future, and this long, delicate and elegant image conveyed to the audience her desire to be true to my heart and her firmness and fearlessness.


The first words of Lily, who has a fever after surgery and a pale face, are: I am, finally, myself. In tears, I believe that there is more joy in Lily's heart than pain, more satisfaction than pain. We are on our way to life, and it is a pilgrimage in itself, and we are going to the sacred place of our hearts to become ourselves.


Copenhagen, a dream, fairy tale-like place where Lily eventually failed to defeat Death, but I believe that she found herself and went where she wanted most. When she died, she was Einar's wife and her most loyal friend, Gerda, came to Einar's painting, Vaeler.


The whistling wind, the sound of the waves on the shore, all strangers and acquaintances, the silk towels brought by Lily were blown up by the wind and danced in the high air, as if they had finally become their own Lily, warm and free, telling people their joys and no regrets.


传统的哲学问题“我是谁?”有的人很幸运,不用特别寻找就能回答这个问题。而有的人,上帝和他开了一个玩笑,他却需要用命去寻找和解答。《丹麦女孩》是根据第一个变性人的真实故事改编。以埃纳寻找莉莉和戈达与埃纳的爱情为一明一暗两条线,纠缠成了一部感人至深的故事。 最喜欢的图片,也是整部电影的基调这部电影是2015年的作品,豆瓣评分达到8.1。一开始只知道是一部讲同性恋的作品,极致的题材,往往会因为各种原因吸引眼球,但也往往落入各种窠臼,卖惨,曲解,甚至是别样的“性”。有时候单单“同性恋”这个词就已经吸引了太多了眼球。但我从不觉得“猎奇”来的故事就是一个好故事,更不觉得这样的就值得高分了。而这部电影不同,他讲的是一个人的自我寻找的过程,自我认知,自我认同,最终接纳自己,成就自己。虽然“同性恋”的主题让这一切变得更加曲折,但是“我是谁”是每个人都会面对的问题。所以,在看的时候,观众即在故事里,又在故事外。即沉浸在那个时代那个事件里,又脱离于那个时代那个事件。听其言,观其行,同时也是一个自省的过程。这部电影,感动的同时,可以让你学到很多很多。再来说电影。最感动我的有两点。一是埃迪.雷德梅恩(也就是小雀斑,我喜欢这个昵称)表演的埃纳寻找莉莉的整个表演。作为一个同性恋,他自小时候的一次任性被打压之后,一直压抑着心中的欲望。开始时,小雀斑把这种对自身是女性的认同藏的简直太好了,那种小心思从眼睛里,从一个指尖的动作里表现出来,看的人心里痒痒。然后因为老婆的一个小玩笑,小雀斑把心里的莉莉释放出来了,那种惊喜,那种快乐和不可思议,连观看的人都觉得这是真的吧?然后一个吻,唤醒了莉莉,让埃纳变得讨厌男装了,扮演莉莉上了瘾。这里最细腻的是,此时,这里只是埃纳扮演的莉莉。到底是谁?不管是小雀斑,就是观众也会问的。然后,就是更激烈的“同性恋”治疗。一切身心的折磨,反而让莉莉活了过来。此时又变成了莉莉扮演的埃纳,虽然有妻子的接纳,但是莉莉还不是完整的莉莉。之后才有了搭上整个命的莉莉回归。可以说,小雀斑把埃纳、莉莉扮演活了。尤其是在身份寻找的间隙,并没有爆发力的大喊大叫,但是那种压抑的表达,胜过千言万语。一个眼神,一个指尖的摩挲,都挑逗着心尖一痛。这样的表演,是引人入胜的,引人入情的,让人情不自禁的跟着他走了一段不一样的人生,他的痛,他的泪,他的心酸,他的惊喜,都让你感同心受。二是,戈达无处安放的爱情。一个失落的肖像画家戈达是那么爱埃纳,不惜接受埃纳的一切,好的坏的都接受。甚至在1926年的时候,在无人接受同性恋的时代,她也依然爱着埃纳,甚至不惜把埃纳自认为的初恋情人找来,为成了莉莉的埃纳纾解痛苦。她的爱那么伟大而卑微。但是在电影主线,埃纳寻找莉莉的过程中,戈达却在一步一步的失去自己的丈夫埃纳。埃纳每接近一步莉莉,戈达就在失去埃纳的路上走远了一步。我为寻找莉莉的痛苦慨叹,但却为戈达的爱情痛哭。世界上爱而不得的爱情有那么多,罗密欧与朱丽叶,梁山伯与祝英台,但是他们的爱情却是在极致的爱里面,一步一步的“失去”的。真是一个傻女孩。但是又不得不佩服戈达的坚强,莉莉是脆弱的,他虽然鼓足了勇气去寻找自己,甚至不惜搭上生命,但是那条路太痛苦了,她不愿意戈达一起来承受,但是戈达总在最关键的时候,义无反顾的走到莉莉的身边,只因为戈达说,自己答应过埃纳要照顾好莉莉。但是,戈达,谁来照顾你啊?为这段极致的爱情,我哭了好久。一部电影,两条线,一条明线,埃纳寻找莉莉,完成自我认知;一条暗线,戈达与埃纳无处安放的爱情。这两条线逆向而行,注定会擦身而过。佩服演员细腻极致的表演,以及那种奉献精神,又佩服导演与编剧的故事叙事能力。一部好的电影,必将是各个方面都做到了出人意料又情理之中,这部电影的高分来自于所有人奉献的才华与专注。高分,值得!

The traditional philosophical question of

, “Who am I?” was lucky to be able to answer the question without looking specifically for the movie in 2015. Some people, God and he joked about it, needed to find and answer with their lives. The Danish Girl was based on the true story of the first transgender person. The search for Lilly and Golda's love was a dark line, entangled into a moving story. The favorite picture, the story of the whole movie, was the one from 2015, the bean from the bells, reached 8.1. The first was just a fascination from a fascination, the second from a fascination, the second from a fascination, the second from a fascination, the second from a fascination, the second from a fascade, the second from a fascade, the second from a fascade, the second from a fascade, the second from a fascination.



"P" is one of the evaluation criteria for the quality of films, but also for the ability of a group to take stock of the amazing films. Look at them. I don't need the drama!


I. The Danish Girls


The story of "Danish Girls ", drawn from the real story of the 20th century, was directed by Tom Hopper, and stared by Eddie Redmain, Erica Vikand, among others. The film tells the story of Einar Wegger, who bravely underwent a sex-transformation surgery with the encouragement of his wife, Gerda Wegner, and became a true woman.


In every setup, precision and beauty are revealed by the fact that the film does not dig deep enough into the inner world of Einar, an intersex man, whether he has an emotional relationship with his childhood partner Hans, an indistinguishable depiction of his home country, or a conflict with his wife’s dual identity. This inevitably brings a glimmer of illusion to the audience, as if through a few changes alone, Einar Wegener had slid flatly into the gender maze represented by the luminous world, and did not enter that night in a gentle pursuit of a woman’s beauty.


"The Great Gatsby."


The film Gatsby is a love drama film directed by Baz Ruhman, led by Leonardo Dicapriaux, Carey Muregen, and Tobey Maguire. Based on Fitzgerald’s same novel, the whole dress is perfect only to show the luxury of an upper society.


iii. "Society of the Generations "


The film, which is directed by Hong Kong director Wang Jiabei, is a kung fu film by Leung Dynasty, Zhang Ziao Yi, Zhang Chi, among others. The film describes the history of the “North-South Warfare” in the country, as well as the legends of a generation of martial arts masters Ipji. The presentation of the scene is accompanied by light aid, and the original juice presents the troubled rivers and troubled countries in very small places, while the characters are very well-structured.


French edition of Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast is a fantastic love film by Christopher Gans himself, led by Raya Sydoo, Vincent Casso, and Dosori. In many of the editions of Beauty and the Beast, the French version of Reyassedu is the most gorgeous edition, and the daily changing costumes, coupled with the detailed layouts and effects, are enough to melt every girl's heart.


This is all for today. Thank you for your reading.



You're on the top of a high school exam, and you're stunned by the performances of a small show business:


Zhao Jianmaye, who once appeared in the popular film “The Youth School” “The Wild Planet”, was first in the professional performance exam of the Central Theatre Institute.


The performance was inspired by the popular “sister” Zhang Zi-mae, who won the third place at the Beijing Film Academy.


The “Black Horse Queen” who has just entered the world's horizons has won the first place in the performances of the Beijing Film Institute, the Chinese Media University and the Shanghai Theatre Institute, respectively.


In the British show business, there's a lot more than a lot of "toughs" with outstanding performances. Do you know what they all have?

▍艾玛·沃森 Emma Watson

Emma Watson.



小学:牛津龙小学(Dragon School, Oxford)

Primary school: Dragon School, Oxford

中学:海丁顿中学 (Headington School)

Secondary: Highdington School

大学:布朗大学(Brown University)

University: Brown University


The goal of being an actor was set at the age of six when the little “Hermione” who was reded out through Harry Potter. She was also attending Oxford Dragon Elementary School, one of the top Oxford prep primary schools.


As one of the leading pre-primary schools in many private schools, Oxford Dragon Elementary School graduates are often enrolled in well-known public schools such as Eton, Harold, Radley, and Lagby. Later, Emma Waterson successfully moved to Heddington High School, a well-known private school for girls. After graduating from Brown University, one of the United States Ivy Leagues, Emma became a “UN-Women Goodwill Ambassador” dedicated to the global feminist movement of women.

▍ “小雀斑”Eddie Redmayne

Eddie Redmayne of Little Freckles



小学:圣保罗小学(St Paul's Juniors)

Primary: St Paul's Juniors

中学:伊顿公学(Eton College)

Secondary: Eton College

大学:剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)

University: University of Cambridge


“Freckles” Eddie Redmeni won the 72nd Golden Ball Award, the 68th British Film Academy Award and the 87th Oscar Gold Picture Award in 2015 on the tip of the biographical film Theory of Everything.

2016年,凭借传记电影《丹麦女孩》再次获得奥斯卡提名 ,并主演了《神奇动物在哪里》。他的中学时光也是在伊顿公学度过的,和英国威廉王子是同班同学。

In 2016, a biographical film, Danish Girls, was renominated by Oscar and stared in Wonder Animals. His high school was also in Eton, where he was in the same class as Prince William of England.

▍“卷福” Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch



小学:布兰伯特学校(Brambletye School)

Primary school: Brambletye School

中学:哈罗公学(Harrow School)

Secondary: Harrow School

大学:曼彻斯特大学(The University of Manchester)

University: The University of Manchester

硕士:伦敦音乐与戏剧艺术学院(London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art)

Master's degree: London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art


Benedikt Campbell was also a brilliant actor from a private school. He was ranked first in the Daily Telegraph as the “Twenty greatest Holmes in history” with the lively performance of Great Detective Holmes in the English play The Shining Sherlock.


“Refugee” primary school attended the Blanbert Preparatory Primary School in West Sussex County. Secondary school went to the famous Harlow public studies and graduated to play at the University of Manchester.

▍“抖森” Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston



小学:牛津龙小学(Dragon School, Oxford)

Primary school: Dragon School, Oxford

中学:伊顿公学(Eton College)

Secondary: Eton College

大学:剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)

University: University of Cambridge

深造:英国皇家戏剧艺术学院(Royal Academy of Dramatic Art)

Further studies: Royal Academy of Dramatic Art


After Eden’s aristocracy, he went to Cambridge University to study classical literature. After Cambridge University, he went to the Royal School of Theatre Arts to continue his studies.

▍“大表哥” Dan Stevens

Dan Stevens.



中学:汤布里奇公学(Tonbridge School)

Secondary school: Tonbridge School

大学:剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)

University: University of Cambridge


Dan Stevens played three cousins of the Downton family in an award-winning English play, Downton Park. The big cousin came up with his name. He went to Tombridge High School, a top traditional boy's school. After high school, the big cousin went to Cambridge University.


Success is not an accident. Many of the British actors who have taken out Little Goldmen are the top private school masters.

最新一届奥斯卡影后Olivia Colman曾就读于私校格瑞萨姆学校(Gresham’s School)和剑桥大学;

Olivia Colman attended Gresham's School and Cambridge University after the last Oscar.

以BBC犯罪剧《沉默的证人》而闻名的英国著名女演员Emilia Fox,曾就读于艺术科目蜚声全国的私校布莱恩斯顿学校(Bryanston School)。

Emilia Fox, a prominent British actress known for the BBC crime play " Witness of Silence ", was enrolled in the Bryanston School, a private school throughout the country.

蜘蛛侠“加菲”Andrew Garfield曾就读于私校伦敦城福瑞曼学校(City of London Freemen’s School);

Spider-Man Andrew Garfield was at City of London Freemen's School, a private school in London.

“豪斯医生”Hugh Laurie先后毕业于伊顿公学和剑桥大学;

“Doctor Haus” Hugh Laurie graduated from Eton University and Cambridge University;

曾三斩奥斯卡奖的Daniel Day-Lewis曾就读于英国顶尖IB院校七橡树中学(Sevenoaks School);

Daniel Day-Lewis, who was awarded the Oscars, attended the Seven Oaks High School at the top IB school in England (Sevenoaks School).


It's as much as "theatrical" it's a "theatrical" it's almost a sign of the British theatre!



Wilbur and Tyler Swift, the lead actress of Cats.


Timelines took Oscar's best film and the best director, Tom Hopper, on the basis of King's Speech, and at the end of last year they met professional Waterloo, whose director, Cat, was criticized by the audience and the media. In March of this year, six of the worst films, including the Goldenberry Prize, were taken by the original author of the musical, Andrew Lloyd Weber, who was “irresconcted.”


The creator of the musical, Weber, in a recent interview with The Sunday Times, talked about the failure of the boxing house and the "Cat" that caused the public to spit, calling it "Fraud." Weber said: "The problem with this movie is that Tom Hopper (director) doesn't want any of the original musicals to be involved, and this whole thing is ridiculous."


Weber and the Cat artist from the musical.


As a matter of fact, Tom Hopper is not a regular photographer, and besides the King’s Speech, his 2012 " Tragic World" has been adapted from the same musical and featured in Oscar’s best film. The 2015 "Danish Girls" has also nominated four Oscars.


[Source: Mtime Time Network]

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"P" is a sad story. A casual change of clothes awakens a man's inner confusion about his identity, and then he begins to walk on the path of contradiction, irritation, and then steadfastness and sorrow.


The man was a freckle, and he had freckles on his face, but because of his skill, the fans gave him the nickname.



Hello, everyone. Here's the little squid.


The Danish Girl, a film adapted from the same novel and directed by director Tom Hopper, focused on the first recorded transgender person in human history in the 19th and 20th centuries.


A couple of enviable painters, a husband known for the scenery, and his wife, Greta, loved the drawings, although the wife, who was a little less skilled than her husband, suffered from being unappreciated. One day, Gretar's drawing model failed to arrive on schedule and asked her husband to wear a woman's dress instead of a model. This time, however, a woman's dress gave her a strange impression of her childhood, and he liked to pretend to be a woman. Later, because of the wife's jokes, he dressed as a woman at a party and appeared as his cousin, Lily, no one recognized him, and everyone was surprised by his beauty.


After everything, Einar finally determined that he really wanted to be a woman at the heart of his heart. And his wife, Greta, slowly began to understand him from the initial incompatibilities and anger. Instead of leaving Lily, Greta has been accompanying her through another major event in her life. Einar successfully completed two surgeries, becoming the first transgender person in human history. But unfortunately, the surgery was so immature that, after the first surgery, Einar was weak, forced to undergo a second surgery, severely infected, and eventually died, in order to fulfil her desire to become a woman.


This film records the world's first transgender story, leaving this head behind, and the young squid think that it is just a process of self-identification and identity. Identity is an individual's perception and description of the subject itself. In short, it is a question of who I am. We are divided into boys and girls from birth because of our physical characteristics. Then, we follow the social convention that every child should like pink, should hold a doll, and the boy should be brave and not shed tears in front of others. It is a social habit that binds us personally, but we are not aware of it.


Little squids have always felt that Einar was brave. After realizing that he was actually a woman, he was not afraid of the rules of society, nor of the eyes of others. Instead, he was brave enough to express his thoughts, even if he was sent to a psychiatric hospital, without any timidness. A man who wanted to be himself sometimes needed a lot of courage. Einar was fortunate that he had an understanding of his wife and was willing to accompany him in what he wanted. And finally, because of the weakness of medical technology, Einar insisted on a second surgery in a state of extreme weakness. He knew that he was about to die, but he did not want to be a full woman, and that was his wish, and that he could give his life.


After watching the film, the young squid felt that, in modern times, even though people’s minds had been liberated, there was still nothing to be said about it, and they would not understand or even attack those minorities. Everyone had the right to know themselves. We were all seeking identity in our lives, but who could dictate that minority ideas must be wrong?


The Danish Girl is not just a story about a man who pursues gender change; it is a courage, a courage to pursue true love for himself. This deserves our respect, whether this “identity” corresponds to the mainstream perception. In any case, identity awareness is a rigid label of a person's natural choice rather than society.


Don't you know you've seen the Danish Girl movie? What do you think of the movie? You're welcome to leave a message and share it with the little squid.



In 1926, in Copenhagen, the viewer Eina and Gerda, who are good at drawing, married.


Gerda convinced Einar to put on a woman's dress for the successful completion of the painting because of the failure of the model.


The accident led to the creation of a female character called "Lilly" in Ernesto.


The latter became the wife's inspirational goddess, making Gerda famous.


Only with the awakening of a woman's personality, Einar began to dislike himself as a man's body.


He's finding out that Lily isn't just art, he's real himself.


Gerda didn't think it was just a temporary game, but he dropped a shock bomb on his life.


How can she continue to love her partner?


In the end, Gerda encouraged Eina to become Lily.


"We know what's wrong with you. Your body lives in Lily. Your soul is a beautiful young girl, Lily. It's that simple. It has nothing to do with being crazy."


"I just want to know what you think of me."


"I think you're the bravest man I've ever known."


"Artists can always see things they don't see and see things they don't even exist."


"The world they imagine is richer and more strange than anyone else. Artists also interpret reality to make it richer and more durable."


"Lilly Elbe's story is about art, about creation, about living the life she wants."


"The artists in this story, through their art, read the world before them, read themselves."



Beard Films: Take you a few minutes to finish the Danish Transgender movie, "Danish Girls."


Hello, I'm your uncle's beard. Today I'm going to tell you about a trans-gendered film called "The Danish Girl" called "How to Compromise Her Husband." Because it's a trans-gender work, the man in the back plays a man-dresser in two books, and in order for you to look at the lower male part of the man-dress, it's called Little Freckles. The man-dresser is called Lilly. The story happened in Denmark when a couple of painters lived a life of gelish love, a wife-love at a time when a model was missing, and in order to catch the time of writing, she had her husband put on stockings and dancing shoes to replace a model.


I didn't realize that Freckles, as soon as she entered the dress, was a man's body from the sea, and that he had an unprecedented interest in and obsession with Lily's dress. He began to wear her underwear and sleeping skirts, preferring to leak and not miss, and that it was no big deal, and suddenly wanted the freckles to come to the party. To dress her up, and teach him how to stand and sit, he just wanted to dress and not stop. And to paint her for the night, she showed up at the party, and it was not just a jook so simple that he reminded him to turn back on the side of the freckles, so don't play with fire.


But the freckles went back to their original beginnings, and he dissipated his clothes in E.O.'s audition room, first of all, his white-white flat belly, which was a beautiful body. He thought that the poor structure of his body was the presence of his male roots, and he went to a man's ass when he changed to a woman's dress. But the name of the freckles, which the man with the chin on his ass at the mouth opened deep down, was called by a man who was gay, not Lily, but freckles. The lost freckles came home and confessed to him that they were dating a man on the lower ass, but I was still in love with you and said that I was unconscious. The freckles sent to the hospital were diagnosed with masculinity and infertility.


Looking at little freckles like this, it's beautiful to see the girl's Katzilan's eyes. He's found little Putin's hair on little freckles, and brought Pkinco to his house to see lily sitting on the couch. Lily, as a freckle cousin, talked to Putin's tears, was embarrassed. The first step in the operation was to remove all male devices from the body when you were a little fat, and the second of her mause Putin's body injected a woman's ass into your body. Of course, there was a high risk of infection.


Little Freckles decided to go to the doctor for the second surgery, which turned to Lilly, and he wanted a husband to have a baby. That's the ultimate dream of every girl. To become a woman, Freckles wants to do a second surgery. It's hard to be around him from the second surgery, but it's bad, and Lily's body reacts and ends up in the garden. The movie is based on reality. It's about the first transgender person in the world, and the director tells us that love really requires courage to talk about it. It's hard to do it, but it's still a dream to try it. In case it's a ghost, the baby can go to see Danish Girls online.



Surrounding gossip. Welcome to the top right corner of "Concern."


More recently, the topic “Does actress feminisation damage the image” has been discussed with enthusiasm again.


In fact, there are a lot of good actors who say that they don't care about the role of women, and that they read stories that aren't good.


The film "Danish Girls ", starred by Oscar Shadow's Little Freckles, tells a story full of strange and marginal colors.

该片原型取材自世界上最早“变性手术”案例的主人公莉莉·埃尔伯(Lili Elbe)。

The prototype was taken from Lily Elbe, the owner of the world's early “transformation surgery” case.


During the 1930s, a couple of Danish couples were painters and had a reputation on their paintings.


By chance, the wife found hidden inspiration on her husband, encouraging him to dress up as a woman.


But the husband gradually discovered that his inner division was two: a man, a husband, and a beautiful woman as he imagined.


He gradually fell in love with a woman wearing a dress and wearing a wig and dating a man... and the husband that his wife loved was becoming less and less present, and finally, he was determined to summon the greatest courage to perform a sex-transformation surgery and become a real woman.


The wife, while trapped in a painful abyss, nevertheless accommodates and respects all her husband's decisions.


The end of the film was that the husband died in his wife's arms as a result of the failure of the operation.


Although the film has many elements to hunt for, its inner core remains a sad narrative poem.


Maybe someone thinks it's a story that won't die without doing it.


However, it was not the Lilys who lost their lives to be themselves, but the majority who lost themselves to live.


Every day we wake up trying to play another person, a good son, a good friend, a good employee, and being ourselves is the hardest thing to do.


It's good to have someone with you as long as you want.


The wife's feelings for Lily are quite fascinating. It even protects the pillowman from a man to a woman. She probably feels the same way when she finds out that her husband is a woman.


Whether love can move along with the sex of the partner. It seems to be a novel topic.


But from husband and wife to sister, the wife suffered too much loneliness, helplessness, fear. When she looked at Lily in front of her eyes, she collapsed and said, "I want to talk to my husband, I need him."


And the husband, after surgery, wakes up and says, "I'm full of myself." And he sighs and asks his wife, "How am I worthy of such love?"


The full film can be viewed on a top-of-the-art search, with members cut and autobiographical drawings of low quality, which are optional.


I have light entertainment. Welcome to the top right corner.


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