2021 PHP Classic interview issues summary, including PHP Foundation, Database Section, Object-oriented Part, ThinkPHP Part, smarty template engine, secondary development system (DEDE, ecshop), development of the CVP Platform, description of the technology in its possession, etc.
Date of update: 06/02/02/04/02
! [Photo description inserted here] (https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/20209092620307.png?x-oss-process=image/watermark, type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk, shadow_10, text_aHR0-M6Ly9ibnnlmNzZubmV0L3FxzM5MjIxNDM2 size_16, color_FFM_70)
2021 PHP Classic interview issues summarized in
I: PHP Foundation
II: Database Part
III: Object-oriented Part
IV: ThinkPHP Part
V: Smarty Template Engine
VI, Secondary Development System (DEDE, ecshop)
VII, Development of Micro-Credit Public Platforms
VIII, description of technology in their possession
I: PHP Foundation
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One of the main advantages of the PHP language is the cross-platform, and what is the cross-platform?
PHP operates with an optimal mix of Apache+MySQL+PHP, which can be configured on different operating systems (e.g. Windows, Linux, etc.) and is therefore called the cross-platform.
1. Get从服务器获取数据,post向服务器传送数据
2. Get传值在url中可见,post在url中不可见
3. Get传值一般在2KB以内,post传值大小可以在php.ini中进行设置
4. get安全性非低,post安全性较高,执行效率却比Post高
How can data be submitted in the WEB development? What is the difference?
Get and post are used differently:
1. Get access to data from the server, post transmits data to the server
2. Get fax values in url are not available in
3. Get fax values are generally within 2 kB, post-sizes can be set in php.ini
4. get safety is not low, post security is higher, implementation is more efficient than Post
1, the get security is less than the Post type suggests to include classified data submissions;
2, data queries are recommended in Get; data additions, modifications or deletions are recommended in Post mode;
centiles are visible in its URLs.
PHP interview library disk downloads
! [Pocket image description is inserted here] (https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/20209092738562.png?x-oss-process=image/watermark, type_ZmFuZ3poZW5GVpdGk, shadow_10, text_aHR0-M6Ly9ibnLmzZ4ubmV0L3FxXM5MjIxNDM2, size_16, color_FF(T_70)
3; what framework, template engines, systems, etc. of the PHP are
framework: there are many frameworks, such as zendframe, CI, Yii, etc., we've learned the thinkphp
template engine: there are many, and in textbooks we've learned the smarty br: there are many, such as: uchome, supeseite, discuzX, imperial systems, DECE (weaving dreams), ecshop, etc., we've learned DECMS, Ecshop, etc.
4. What's your front-end technology?
is good at DIV+CS, JavaScript, jQuery framework, photoshop photo processing.
What's the advantage of AJAX?
ajax is an astrotransmission technology that can be achieved through javascript or through the JQuery framework, which allows for local refreshing, reduces server pressure and enhances user experience.
6. Safety is essential to a set of procedures. Please indicate which security mechanisms should be noted in the development?
1 to prevent remote submission; 2 to prevent SQL injection and filtering of special codes; 3 to prevent registration machines from filling water and using certification codes;
①优化SQL语句,查询语句中尽量不使用select *,用哪个字段查哪个字段;少用子查询可用表连接代替;少用模糊查询;②数据表中创建索引;③对程序中经常用到的数据生成缓存;
7. How to improve the efficiency of the operation of the program in the development of the program?
1 optimizes the SQL statement, using as much as possible the select * in the query statement and identifying which fields in which field to use; replaces by less sub-checking with table connections; less vague queries; 2 creating indexes in the data table; 3 generating caches of data frequently used in the process;
8. Could PHP be used in combination with other databases?
PHP and MYSQL databases are best matched. Of course, PHP can be used in combinations with other databases, such as MSSQL, where functions for operating MSSQL are reserved and can be used as long as they are turned on
9- What are the advantages of the three layers of MVC, which are often used in programming?
MVC, which refers to business models, views, controllers, which are called by the control layer to process the data, and then map the data to the view layer. The advantages are: 1 can be used to re-use the code and avoid creating redundancies; 2M and V can be separated so that the same program can use different expressions.
JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,json数据格式固定,可以被多种语言用作数据的传递
PHP中处理json格式的函数为json_decode( string $json [, bool $assoc ] ) ,接受一个 JSON格式的字符串并且把它转换为PHP变量,参数json待解码的json string格式的字符串。assoc当该参数为TRUE时,将返回array而非object;
10, Understanding a json data format?
JSON (JavaScript Object Note) is a lightweight data exchange format, and json data formats are fixed and can be used in multiple languages for data transmission
PHP The function for processing json formats is json_decode (string US$json [, bool US$assoc]]), accepting a string in a JSON format and converting it to a PHP variable, and the parameter json string in which the json string is to be decoded. Assoc returns the string instead of object when the parameter is TRUE;
Json_encode: Converting the PHP variable into a json format
① echo和print都可以做输出,不同的是,echo不是函数,没有返回值,而print是一个函数有返回值,所以相对而言如果只是输出echo会更快,而print_r通常用于打印变量的相关信息,通常在调试中使用。
② print 是打印字符串
③ print_r 则是打印复合类型 如数组 对象
What difference does it make?
1 root and print_r can do output, unlike when the function is not a function and the value is not returned, and the function is a function has a return value, so it's faster if it's just a function, and the information that print_r usually uses to print variables is usually used in deburetation.
2 print string
3 print_r is a print complex type such as array objects
12, the difference between SESION and COOKIE?
1 storage location: session stored on the server, cookie stored on the browser
2 security: session security is higher than cookies
3session for `meeting service', needs to be opened when used, cookies do not need to be opened and can be used directly
13, a commonly used function of PHP to process arrays? (focus on `parameters' and `return values' of the function)
1array() creates arrays; 2 Count() returns the number of elements in arrays; 3array_push() inserts one or more elements into the end of arrays (tocking); 4rray_collumn() returns the value of a single column in the input array; 5rray_combine() creates a new array by combining two arrays; 6rray_reverse() returns the array in a reverse order; 7rray_unique() removes the duplicate value in array; 8in_array() inspects the existence of a specified value in the array;
14, commonly used functions of PHP processing strings? (focus on `parameters' and `return values' of the function)
1trim() removes blank characters and other characters on both sides of the string;
2substr_replace() replaces part of the string with another string;
3substr_count() calculates the number of times in the string;
4substr() returns part of the string;
5strtolower() converts the string to lower letter;
6strupper() converts the string to upper letter;
7strtr() converts a specific character in the string;
8strchr() find the string for the last time in the other string;
9strstror() search whether the string appears for the first time in the other string (sensitically sensitive); strev(s) reverse; strlen(s) returns the string(s) (s) strint(s) is used as a single string (s) of a single string (s)
mktime()返回一个日期的 Unix时间戳。
strtotime()将任何英文文本的日期或时间描述解析为 Unix时间戳。
time()返回当前时间的 Unix时间戳。
15, a common function of PHP processing time? (Effort focus on function `parameter' and `return value')
date_default_timeone_get() returns the default time zone.
date_default_timeone_set() sets the default time zone.
date() formats local time/date.
getdate() returns date/time information.
gettimeofday() returns the current time information.
microtime() returns the number of seconds of the current time.
mktime() returns the Unix time stamp of a date.
strectime() interprets any English text as Unix time stamp.
setme() returns the Unix time stamp of the current time.
16, commonly used functions of PHP processing databases? (Specify `parameters' and `return values' of functions)
See the php manual carefully. This is very important.
17, the usual function of the PHP operating file? (Focus `parameters' and `return values' of the function)
1 opens the file; 2 deletes the file; 3 reads the file; 4 writes the file; 5 changes the file; 6 closes the file; 7 creates the file, etc., which is very important and is often used to generate caches or static files in the work. See the php manual for careful viewing.
18, a common function of the PHP operating directory (folders)? (focus on `parameters' and `return values' of the function)
1 opens the directory; 2 deletes the directory; 3 reads the directory; 4 creates the directory; 5 changes the directory; 6 closes the directory, etc., which is very important and is often used in the work to create or delete directories for uploading files, create or delete directories for caches, static pages. See the php manual for careful viewing.
II: The database section
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1. 常见的关系型数据库管理系统产品有?
答:Oracle、SQL Server、MySQL、Sybase、DB2、Access等。
Common relationship database management system products are:
Answers: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Sybase, DB2, Access, etc.
2. SQL语言包括哪几部分?每部分都有哪些操作关键字?
数据定义:Create Table,Alter Table,Drop Table, Craete/Drop Index等
数据操纵:Select ,insert,update,delete,
What parts of SQL language do you have?
Answer: SQL language includes data definition (DDL), data manipulation (DML), data control (DCL) and data query (DQL) four parts.
Data definition: Create Table, Alter Table, Drop Table, Crae/Drop Index and others
Data manipulation: Select, insert,update,delete,
Data control: Grant,revoke
Data query: Select
3. 完整性约束包括哪些?
答:数据完整性(Data Integrity)是指数据的精确(Accuracy)和可靠性(Reliability)。
1) 实体完整性:规定表的每一行在表中是惟一的实体。
2) 域完整性:是指表中的列必须满足某种特定的数据类型约束,其中约束又包括取值范围、精度等规定。
3) 参照完整性:是指两个表的主关键字和外关键字的数据应一致,保证了表之间的数据的一致性,防止了数据丢失或无意义的数据在数据库中扩散。
4) 用户定义的完整性:不同的关系数据库系统根据其应用环境的不同,往往还需要一些特殊的约束条件。用户定义的完整性即是针对某个特定关系数据库的约束条件,它反映某一具体应用必须满足的语义要求。
与表有关的约束:包括列约束(NOT NULL(非空约束))和表约束(PRIMARY KEY、foreign key、check、UNIQUE) 。
2) Area integrity: refers to the column in the table that must satisfy a particular type of data constraint, which includes a range of values, accuracy, etc.
3) Reference integrity: refers to the consistency of data between the primary and extra-key characters of the two tables, which ensures consistency of data between the tables and prevents the dissemination of lost or meaningless data in the database.
4) Completeness of user definitions: Different relationship database systems, depending on the environment in which they are applied, often also require special constraints. The completeness of user definitions is defined as the binding conditions for a particular relationship database, which also includes the range of values, accuracy, etc.
3) Reference integrity: refers to the consistency of data between the primary and extra-key characters of the two tables, which ensures consistency of data between the tables and prevents the spread of data in the database.
) The integrity of user definitions: Different relationship database systems, depending on the environment in which they are applied, often requires a number of constraints.
4. 什么是事务?及其特性?
(4) 持久性。事务正确提交后,其结果将永久保存在数据库中,即使在事务提交后有了其他故障,事务的处理结果也会得到保存。
What is the matter?
Answer: Matters: A series of database operations are the basic logical units for the application of the database.
The service characteristics:
(1) Atomism: Indivisibility, where the matter is either fully executed or not implemented.
(2) Consistency or collusiveness. The execution of the transaction allows the database to be converted from one correct state to another
5. 什么是锁?
What's a lock?
answer: The database is a multi-user shared resource. When multiple users access data simultaneously, multiple transactions will occur in the database to access the same data at the same time. If there is no control over simultaneous operations, reading and storing incorrect data may undermine the consistency of the database.
6. 什么叫视图?游标是什么?
What is the view? What is the cursor?
Answer: The view is a virtual table with the same function as the physical table. It can be increased, modified, checked, operated, usually with a subset of rows or columns of one or more tables. The changes to the view do not affect the basic table. It makes it easier for us to get data, compared to multiple tabs.
Curtains: is an effective treatment of the search results set as a unit. The cursor can be assigned to a particular line in the module and retrieve one or more rows from the current row in the result set. It can be modified for the current row in the result set.
7. 什么是存储过程?用什么来调用?
What is the storage process? What is called?
Answer: The storage process is a pre-edited SQL statement, which has the advantage of allowing modular design, i.e. it can be created only once and then called several times in the process. If a single operation requires multiple SQLs, the storage process is executed faster than a simple SQL statement. A command object can be used to call the storage process.
8. 索引的作用?和它的优点缺点是什么?
What is the role of the index? And what are its strengths?
Answer: The index is a special search table, which can be used by the search engine of the database to speed up the search for data. It is similar to a directory of books in real life and can find the desired data without having to search for the contents of the entire book. The index can be the only one, creating an index that allows for the assignment of individual columns or multiple columns. The disadvantage is that it slows data entry and increases the size of the database.
9. 如何通俗地理解三个范式?
第二范式:2NF是对记录的惟一性约束,要求记录有惟一标识,即实体的惟一性; 第三范式:3NF是对字段冗余性的约束,即任何字段不能由其他字段派生出来,它要求字段没有冗余。。
9. How can three paradigms be understood in general terms?
Answers: first paradigm: NF is an atomic constraint on properties, requiring properties to be atomic and non-dissoluble; second paradigm:
is the sole constraint on records, requiring records to be uniquely marked, i.e. physical uniqueness; third paradigm: NF is a constraint on field redundancy, i.e. no field can be derived from other fields, and it requires that fields be free of redundancy.
10. 什么是基本表?什么是视图?
答:基本表是本身独立存在的表,在 SQL 中一个关系就对应一个表。 视图是从一个或几个基本表导出的表。视图本身不独立存储在数据库中,是一个虚表
What is the basic table? What is the view?
Answer: The basic table is a self-contained table, and a relationship in SQL corresponds to a table. The view is a table derived from one or several basic tables. The view itself is not stored independently in the database.
11. 试述视图的优点?
答:(1) 视图能够简化用户的操作 (2) 视图使用户能以多种角度看待同一数据; (3) 视图为数据库提供了一定程度的逻辑独立性; (4) 视图能够对机密数据提供安全保护。
Advantages of the recapitulation view?
answer: (1) The view can simplify user operations (2) The view allows users to view the same data from multiple angles; (3) The view provides a degree of logical independence for the database; (4) The view can provide security for confidential data.
12. NULL是什么意思
答:NULL这个值表示UNKNOWN(未知):它不表示“”(空字符串)。对NULL这个值的任何比较都会生产一个NULL值。您不能把任何值与一个 NULL值进行比较,并在逻辑上希望获得一个答案。
NULL means
answer: NULL this value means UNKNOWN (unknown): it does not mean " (empty string). Any comparison of NULL this value produces a NUL value. You cannot compare any value to a NULL value and logically want an answer.
uses ISNULL for NULL judgement.
13. 主键、外键和索引的区别?
外键–表的外键是另一表的主键, 外键可以有重复的, 可以是空值
The difference between master, external and index keys?
The difference between primary, external and index keys
Main Keys - The only identifier is a record that cannot be repeated, is not allowed to empty
Foreign Keys - The external key of the table is the main key of the other table, and the external key can be repeated, which can be an empty value
Main Keys - The main key - the primary key can only have a
14. 你可以用什么来确保表格里的字段只接受特定范围里的值?
What can you use to ensure that the field in the table only accepts values in a given range?
Answer: Check limits, which is defined in the database table to limit the entry of values in that column.
triggers can also be used to limit the acceptable values of fields in the database table, but this approach requires that the trigger be defined in the table, which may affect performance in some cases.
15. 说说对SQL语句优化有哪些方法?(选择几条)
(3) 避免在索引列上使用计算
(4)避免在索引列上使用IS NULL和IS NOT NULL
(5)对查询进行优化,应尽量避免全表扫描,首先应考虑在 where 及 order by 涉及的列上建立索引。
(6)应尽量避免在 where 子句中对字段进行 null 值判断,否则将导致引擎放弃使用索引而进行全表扫描
(7)应尽量避免在 where 子句中对字段进行表达式操作,这将导致引擎放弃使用索引而进行全表扫描
Say, what are the ways to optimize the SQL statement? (Selection of several)
(1)Where clause: connections between where tables must be written before other Wheel conditions, those conditions that can filter out the maximum number of records must be written at the end of the Wheel clause.
(2) replace IN with EXISTS, NOT EXISTS replace NOT IN.
(3) avoid using
on the index column to calculate >br>(4) avoid using ISNULL and ISNOTNUL
(5) on the index column to optimize queries, avoid as much as possible scanning the full list as possible, and first consider creating an index on the column where and order by.
(6) avoid using the net value of the word in the lower sentence where it is used, otherwise the engine should be removed from the full-screening table instead of indexing
16. SQL语句中‘相关子查询’与‘非相关子查询’有什么区别?
What is the difference between `relevant sub-Query' and `non-relevant sub-Query' in the SQL statement?
Answer: Sub-Query: Embedded in other queries referred to as queries.
Sub-Query also referred to as internal and included sub-Query external (also known as main query). All sub-Query of
Sub-Query is therefore more efficient than related sub-Query.
17. char和varchar的区别?
The difference between char and varchar?
answer: is a fixed length type, and varchar is a variable length type:
char(M) type data columns, each value takes an M byte, and if a length is smaller than M, MySQL fills it with a space character on the right. (The filled spaces will be removed in the search operation) In the varchar (M) type data columns, each value is only by just enough bytes to record its length (i.e. the total length is L+1 bytes).
18. Mysql 的存储引擎,myisam和innodb的区别。
MyISAM 是非事务的存储引擎;适合用于频繁查询的应用;表锁,不会出现死锁;适合小数据,小并发
Mysql's storage engine, the difference between Myisam and innodb.
Answer: Simple expression:
MyISAM is a non-contingent storage engine; suitable applications for frequent queries; table locks, no dead locks; suitable for small data, small and distributed
innodb is a supporting service memory engine; compatible with a greater number of applications for insertion and updating; reasonably designed locks (the maximum difference is at the level of the lock); appropriate large data, large and sent.
19. 数据表类型有哪些
Answers: MyISAM, InnoDB, HEAP, BOB, ARCHIVE, CSV, etc.
MyISAM: mature, stable, easy to manage, quick to read. Some functions do not support (services, etc.), table locks.
InnoDB: Support services, external keys, etc., data line locking. Space is occupied large and does not support full-text indexing, etc.
20. MySQL数据库作发布系统的存储,一天五万条以上的增量,预计运维三年,怎么优化?
a. 设计良好的数据库结构,允许部分数据冗余,尽量避免join查询,提高效率。
b. 选择合适的表字段数据类型和存储引擎,适当的添加索引。
c. mysql库主从读写分离。
d. 找规律分表,减少单表中的数据量提高查询速度。
f. 不经常改动的页面,生成静态页面。
g. 书写高效率的SQL。比如
a. A well-designed database structure that allows partial data redundancy and avoids as much as possible join queries and efficiency gains.
b. Select the appropriate table field data type and storage engine, appropriate index additions.
c. Mysql Library master separates from reading and writing.
d. Find regular tabs that reduce the amount of data in the list to increase the speed of searching.
e. Add cache mechanisms, such as metcached, apc.
f. Make static pages that are not often changed and generate static pages.
g. Write efficient SQL, for example.
SELECT * FROM TABEL 改为 SELECT field_1, field_2, field_3 FROM TABLE.
SELECT * FROM TABEL 改为 SELECT field_1, field_2, field_3 FROM TABLE.
21. 对于大流量的网站,您采用什么样的方法来解决各页面访问量统计问题?
a. 确认服务器是否能支撑当前访问量。
b. 优化数据库访问。
c. 禁止外部访问链接(盗链), 比如图片盗链。
d. 控制文件下载。
e. 使用不同主机分流。
f. 使用浏览统计软件,了解访问量,有针对性的进行优化。
SELECT * FROM TABEL becomes SELECT Field_1, Field_2, Field_3 FROM TABLE.
SELECT * FROM TABEL becomes SELECT Field_1, Field_2, Field_3 FROM TABLE.
21. For large traffic websites, how do you solve the statistical problem of page access?
a. Confirms whether the server can support the current number of accesses.
b. Optimize database access.
c. Bans external access links (the chain of theft), such as photo thefts.
d. Control document downloads.
e. Use different mainframe streams.
f. Use br>
III: The object section
returns to the top
答:面向对象OO=面向对象的分析OOA + 面向对象的设计OOD + 面向对象的编程OOP;通俗的解释就是“万物皆对象”,把所有的事物都看作一个个可以独立的对象(单元),它们可以自己完成自己的功能,而不是像C那样分成一个个函数。
1 What is object-oriented? (understand the answer)
Answer: Object-oriented OO = object-oriented analysis OOA + Object-oriented design OOD + object-oriented programming OOP; the general explanation is “everyone object” and treats everything as a stand-alone object (unit) that can perform its functions on its own rather than as a function as C.
Now pure OO languages are mainly Java and C#, PHP, C++ also support OO, and C is process-oriented.
2、简述 private、 protected、 public修饰符的访问权限。
答:private : 私有成员, 在类的内部才可以访问。
A brief description of access rights for privaté, protected, public emulators.
Answer: private: Private members can only be accessed internally in the class.
protected : 保护成员,该类内部和继承类中可以访问。
Protected: Protection of members, which is accessible both internally and in the succession category.
public : 公共成员,完全公开,没有访问限制。
Public: Public members, totally public, with no access restrictions.
Three, the difference between stacks and stacks?
Answer: The storage space is allocated during the compilation, so that there must be a clear definition of the size of the stack in your code;
A stack is the memory space that is dynamically assigned during the program's operation, and you can determine the size of the stack's memory to be allocated according to the program's operation.
4、XML 与 HTML 的主要区别
答:(1) XML是区分大小写字母的,HTML不区分。
(2) 在HTML中,如果上下文清楚地显示出段落或者列表键在何处结尾,那么你可以省略
之类的结束 标记。在XML中,绝对不能省略掉结束标记。
(3) 在XML中,拥有单个标记而没有匹配的结束标记的元素必须用一个 / 字符作为结尾。这样分析器就知道不用 查找结束标记了。
(4) 在XML中,属性值必须分装在引号中。在HTML中,引号是可用可不用的。
(5) 在HTML中,可以拥有不带值的属性名。在XML中,所有的属性都必须带有相应的值。
4. The main difference between XML and HTML
answer: (1) XML is case-sensitive and HTML is not.
(2) In HTML, if the context clearly shows where the paragraph or list key ends, you can omit the end mark
or the end mark
. In XML, the end mark cannot be omitted.
(3) In XML, elements with a single mark without a matching end mark must end with a character.
(4) In XML, the attribute value must be separated into a quote.
(5) In HTML, all attributes must bear the corresponding value.
5. What are the aspects of client-oriented features?
Answer: there are mainly seals, successions, multi-states. If there are four aspects, add: abstract.
is interpreted to read:
6 The concepts of abstraction and interfaces, as well as differences?
Answer: The abstract category: it is a special, non-example class, which can only be used as a parent for other classes. Use the abstrat keyword statement.
It is a special abstract category and a special class, which uses the interface statement.
(1) The operation of the abstract class is accomplished by succession to the keyextencs, whereas the interface is used only by the key words of the invocations.
(2) There are data members in the abstract category who can achieve the data encapsulation, but there are no data members in the interface.
(3) The abstract method of the interface can be constructed in the abstract category, but there is no method of construction in the same.
The abstract category method of the abstract category can be achieved through private, protected, public key modifier (the abstract method cannot be private), whereas the interface method of the interface can be achieved only by the public keyword.
7, what is a construction function, what is an analysis function, and what is the function?
answer: The construction function (the method) is the first way to be called automatically by the object after the object has been created. It exists in each declaration category, and is a special member approach. It is used to perform some initialization tasks. Php uses _construct() to declare the method of construction, and only one.
the function and the method of construction are exactly the opposite, the last way to be called automatically by the object before it is destroyed. It is the newly added content in PHP5 that is used to perform certain operations, such as closing files and releasing memory, before an object is destroyed.
8- How to reload a parent, for example
answer: Reload, i.e. the method of covering a parent, i.e. the method of replacing a parent with a subcategory method, is also called a rewrite of the method. The key to
's method of covering a parent is that the same method is created in a subcategory, including the name of the method, the parameters and the type of return value. The PHP only requires the same name for the method.
__construct() 实例化类时自动调用。
__destruct() 类对象使用结束时自动调用。
__set() 在给未定义的属性赋值的时候调用。
__get() 调用未定义的属性时候调用。
__isset() 使用isset()或empty()函数时候会调用。
__unset() 使用unset()时候会调用。
__sleep() 使用serialize序列化时候调用。
__wakeup() 使用unserialize反序列化的时候调用。
__call() 调用一个不存在的方法的时候调用。
__toString() 把对象转换成字符串的时候会调用。比如 echo。
__invoke() 当尝试把对象当方法调用时调用。
__set_state() 当使用var_export()函数时候调用。接受一个数组参数。
__clone() 当使用clone复制一个对象时候调用。
9, what are the usual magic methods? Example: 10、$this和self、parent这三个关键词分别代表什么?在哪些场合下使用? What are the three key words, 10, $this, and Self, and parent, respectively? On which occasions? 11、类中如何定义常量、如何类中调用常量、如何在类外调用常量。 11, How constants are defined in the class, how constants are called in the class, how constants are called in the class, how they are called in the class. 12、作用域操作符::如何使用?都在哪些场合下使用? 12 Field operator: How do you use it? Under what circumstances? 13、__autoload()方法的工作原理是什么? 13, _autoload() how is the method working? 四:ThinkPHP部分 IV: The ThinkPHP section 1、常见的PHP框架 1. Common PHP framework 2、如何理解TP中的单一入口文件? 2- How to understand the single entry document in the TP? 3、ThinkPHP中的MVC分层是什么?(理解) The MVC layer in ThinkPHP is largely defined in 4、如何进行SQL优化?(关于后边的解释同学们可以进行理解,到时根据自己的理解把大体意思说出来即可) Four, how can SQL be optimized? (You can understand that even if you need a update field, the whole table will be locked up, and even if you do not use more, you will be better off if you don't use more, and MySQL, including two storage engines Myimam and InnoDB. 5、如何理解 ThinkPHP 3.0 架构三(核心 + 行为 + 驱动)中的行为? 5- How do you understand the behavior in the TinkP 3.0 architecture (core + behavior + drive)? 6、什么是惯例配置? 6 and what is the custom configuration? 7、什么是SQL注入?(理解) 7 and what is SQL injection? (understand) 8、ThinkPHP如何防止SQL注入?(理解) 8. How does ThinkPHP prevent SQL injection? (understand) 9、如何开启调试模式?调试模式有什么好处? How to start debug mode? What good is debug mode? 开启调试模式 The advantage of starting debug mode 10、TP中支持哪些配置模式?优先级? 10, which configuration models are supported in TP? Priority? 11、TP中的URL模式有哪几种?默认是哪种? How many URLs are in TP? Which is the default? 12、TP中系统变量有哪些?如何获取系统变量? 12. What are the system variables in TP? How do you get the system variables? 13、ThinkPHP框架中D函数与M函数的区别是什么? 13, What is the difference between function D in the ThinkPHP framework and function M? 五:smarty模板引擎 Five: smarty template engine 1、编译和缓存区别? The compilation process is to bring the template and replace the labels with the corresponding php code, which is the compilation of the pharty, which is the process that mixes the php and html 2、什么是smarty? Smarty的优点是什么? 2 and what's the merit of smarty? 3、在模板中使用{$smarty}保留变量 3; use of {$smarty} in the template to retain variables {$smarty.const._MY_CONST_VAL} {$smarty.cost._MY_CONST_VAL} {br}$smarty.cost.FILE} 7、缓存机制 7. If the cache 8、smarty的赋值和载入模板 8, value assigned to and contained in template 10、smarty配置主要有哪几项? 11、smarty在使用过程中需要注意哪些细节? What details do you need to take into account in using it? 12、smarty运用过程中要注意以下几个问题: The following questions should be noted during the use of 六、二次开发系统(DEDE、ecshop) The secondary development system (DEE, ecshop) 1、对二次开发的理解 The second development of the understanding of secondary development 2、MVC 2 MVC 3、二次开发程序安装后访问时候出现一些警告以及错误 3. Some warnings and errors 4、功能,模板的更换,功能的添加修改 4. Functions, changes in templates, addition changes in functionality 5、用过哪些二次开发的东西? What do you use for secondary development? 6、像php做一次开发好,还是二次开发好? Six, like php, for development or secondary development? 7、二次开发过程中很多类与类之间进行之间的方法访问,是通过什么方式传递的? How does methodological access between categories and classes in the secondary development process pass through? 8、dedecms如果更换目录,后台某项就进不去了如何解决? How is it that if you change the directory, you can't get one in the backstage? 9、dedecms中自定义模型的理解? 9, understanding of custom models in dedecms? 10、dede中概念,设计和使用模板,必须要理解下面几个概念 The concepts in 10, dede, and the design and use of templates, must understand the following concepts 11、dede中几种标签的使用? The use of several labels in 11, dede? 12、熟悉常用类库 12; familiar with common library 七、微信公众平台开发 The development of the micro-credit public platform 1、微信运行机制 1. What language does the micromail operating mechanism $postStr=$GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"];//接收数据 XML数据 $potstr=$GLOBALS ["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"];// Receive data XML data 3、将整个文件读入一个字符串的函数是 3. The function to read the entire file into a string is 4、常用函数 4. The usual function 5、Sprintf函数的作用 5. The role of the Springf function 6、微信公众号出现无法提供服务的原因? 6. The cause of the unserviceability of the CVC? $myfile=fopen("newfile.txt", "w"); $myfile=open("newfile.txt", "w"); 8、token的作用 8. Token role 9、Appid与secrect的作用 9. The role of Appid and secrect 八、对于自身掌握的技术描述 VIII. There is some understanding of target-oriented secondary development systems such as the
set() is used when assigning value to undefined attributes.
set() is used when using undefined attributes, so it is suggested that the function name is better not to start with.
cost() is used automatically when reloading an existing magic method.
_default() objects are called automatically at the end of their use.
答:$this 当前对象
self 当前类
parent 当前类的父类
Answer: $this current object
self is used in the current class of parent
$this is used in the current class, using -> calling attributes and methods.
self is also used in the current class, but it needs to be used: calling.
pent is used in the class.
例如:const PI=3.1415326;
即:类名 :: 类常量名;
Answer: Constants in the class are members constants, constants are constants.
Defines constants using keywords const.
e.g.: const PI=31415326;
has different access to constants and variables, both within and outside the class, with no need for exaggeration objects, and the format of
Defines constants using keywords.
, i.e., generics.
Answer: Call a class constant
Answer: The basic condition for using this magic function is that the filename of a class file is identical to the name of the class.
When the program is implemented to exemplify a class, if this category is not introduced before the expository version, then the _autoload() function will automatically be performed.
will search the path of this class of documents by the name of an exemplified class. When
is judged to exist under a file path of this class,
will perform the include or require to enter the class, and then the program will continue, if the file does not exist under this path, it will cause errors.
using the automatically loaded magic function could unnecessarily write many include or require functions.
returns to the top
answer: thinkPHP, yii, ZendFramework, CakePhp, sy
Answer: ThinkPHP uses a single entry mode for project deployment and access, with a single (but not necessarily the only) entry point for a project regardless of function. It should be said that all items start with the entry file and that all items have a similar entry document, which mainly includes:
definition of the frame path, project path and project name (optional)
definition of the debug mode and associated constant (optional) of the operation mode
entry into the framework entry document (must be)
答:MVC 是一种将应用程序的逻辑层和表现层进行分离的方法。ThinkPHP 也是基于MVC设计模式的。MVC只是一个抽象的概念,并没有特别明确的规定,ThinkPHP中的MVC分层大致体现在:
但实际上,ThinkPHP并不依赖M或者V ,也就是说没有模型或者视图也一样可以工作。甚至也不依赖C,这是因为ThinkPHP在Action之上还有一个总控制器,即App控制器,负责应用的总调度。在没有C的情况下,必然存在视图V,否则就不再是一个完整的应用。
controllers (C): Application controllers (Core controllers App Class) and Action controllers assume the role of controllers. The Action controller completes business process controls and the application controller is responsible for movement control.
view (V): The template is 100% separated by View and template files, and can be read and produced independently.
But in practice, ThinkHP is not dependent on Model and M or V, that is, it is not a model or view that can work.
以 MySQL为例,包括有两个存储引擎 MyISAM 和 InnoDB,每个引擎都有利有弊。
MyISAM 适合于一些需要大量查询的应用,但其对于有大量写操作并不是很好。甚至你只是需要update一个字段,整个表都会被锁起来,而别的进程,就算是读进程都无法操作直到读操作完成。另外,MyISAM 对于 SELECT COUNT(*) 这类的计算是超快无比的。
InnoDB 的趋势会是一个非常复杂的存储引擎,对于一些小的应用,它会比 MyISAM 还慢。但是它支持“行锁” ,于是在写操作比较多的时候,会更优秀。并且,他还支持更多的高级应用,比如:事务。
记住一个原则,越小的列会越快。如果一个表只会有几列罢了(比如说字典表,配置表),那么,我们就没有理由使用 INT 来做主键,使用 MEDIUMINT, SMALLINT 或是更小的 TINYINT 会更经济一些。如果你不需要记录时间,使用 DATE 要比 DATETIME 好得多。当然,你也需要留够足够的扩展空间。
(4)避免使用Select *从数据库里读出越多的数据,那么查询就会变得越慢。并且,如果你的数据库服务器和WEB服务器是两台独立的服务器的话,这还会增加网络传输的负载。即使你要查询数据表的所有字段,也尽量不要用*通配符,善用内置提供的字段排除定义也许能给带来更多的便利。
(5)使用 ENUM 而不是 VARCHAR
ENUM 类型是非常快和紧凑的。在实际上,其保存的是 TINYINT,但其外表上显示为字符串。这样一来,用这个字段来做一些选项列表变得相当的完美。例如,性别、民族、部门和状态之类的这些字段的取值是有限而且固定的,那么,你应该使用 ENUM 而不是 VARCHAR。
(6)尽可能的使用 NOT NULL
除非你有一个很特别的原因去使用 NULL 值,你应该总是让你的字段保持 NOT NULL。 NULL其实需要额外的空间,并且,在你进行比较的时候,你的程序会更复杂。 当然,这里并不是说你就不能使用NULL了,现实情况是很复杂的,依然会有些情况下,你需要使用NULL值。
如果表中的所有字段都是“固定长度”的,整个表会被认为是 “static” 或 “fixed-length”。 例如,表中没有如下类型的字段: VARCHAR,TEXT,BLOB。只要你包括了其中一个这些字段,那么这个表就不是“固定长度静态表”了,这样,MySQL 引擎会用另一种方法来处理。
Myisam are suitable for applications requiring a lot of queries.
答:核心 + 行为 + 驱动
行为(Behavior) :行为在新版ThinkPHP的架构里面起着举足轻重的作用,在系统核心之上,设置了很多标签扩展位,而每个标签位置可以依次执行各自的独立行为。行为扩展就因此而诞生了,而且很多系统功能也是通过内置的行为扩展完成的,所有行为扩展都是可替换和增加的,由此形成了底层框架可组装的基础。
驱动( Driver ):数据库驱动、缓存驱动、标签库驱动和模板引擎驱动,以及外置的类扩展。
Answer: Core + behaviour + driver
TP official acronym: CBD
core (Core): is the core code of the framework, which is indispensable, and the TP itself is based on the MVC idea development framework.
Behaviour: The behavior in the new version of the ThinkHP structure plays a significant role in setting up label extensions over the core of the system, and each label location is capable of performing separate behaviours in turn.
Answer: The custom on the previous page of the custom configuration is more important than the configuration is an important idea that the system follows, with a custom configuration file (Conf\convention.php, located under the system directory) and default configuration of the usual parameters according to most uses. Therefore, the configuration of the application item often requires only different configurations or additional configuration parameters, and if you fully use the default configuration, you may not even need to define any configuration file.
the custom configuration file will be automatically loaded on the system and will not need to be loaded in the project.
answer: SQL infusion is one of the most common means of hacking a database. Some programmers do not judge the validity of user input data when compiling the code. Injectors can enter a database query code in their form and submit it. The program creates a complete sql statement from which the submitted information is congested and the server is deceived to execute the malign SQL command.
answer: (1) search conditions use as many arrays as possible, which is a safer way;
(2) use pre-processing mechanisms if string search conditions are not required;
(3) open data field type validation to enable mandatory conversion of numerical data types; (3.1 version begins to force field type validation)
(4) use of automatic validation and auto-completion mechanisms for custom-defined filtering of applications;
(5) use field type checks, auto-certification and auto-completion mechanisms to avoid malicious data entry.
Answer: Starting debug mode is simple. Just add a line of constant definition to the entry file:
在完成开发阶段部署到生产环境后,只需要删除调试模式定义代码即可切换到部署模式。开启调试模式后,系统会首先加载系统默认的调试配置文件,然后加载项目的调试配置文件,调试模式的优势在于: 开启日志记录,任何错误信息和调试信息都会详细记录,便于调试; 关闭模板缓存,模板修改可以即时生效; 记录SQL日志,方便分析SQL; 关闭字段缓存,数据表字段修改不受缓存影响; 严格检查文件大小写(即使是Windows平台),帮助你提前发现Linux部署问题; 可以方便用于开发过程的不同阶段,包括开发、测试和演示等任何需要的情况,不同的应用模式可以配置独立的项目配置文件。
to start deburetation mode
after completion of the development phase to the production environment is simply to remove debugging mode definition codes from the deployment mode. After opening debugging mode, the system first loads the default debugging configuration file of the system and then loads the debugging configuration file of the project, and the debugging mode is that: (a) log records are opened and any error and debugging information is recorded in detail to facilitate debugging; (b) templates caches are closed and template modifications can take effect immediately; (c) SQL logs are recorded to facilitate analysis of SQL; (d) field caches are closed and data sheet field changes are not subject to cache; (d) file sizes (even the Windows platform) are scrutinized to help you identify Linux deployment problems in advance; (d) different application models can be easily used to develop any need, including development, testing and demonstration, and stand-alone project configuration documents can be configured.
答:ThinkPHP在项目配置上面创造了自己独有的分层配置模式,其配置层次体现在: 惯例配置->项目配置->调试配置->分组配置->扩展配置->动态配置
answer: ThinkPHP created its own unique layer configuration model on the project configuration, with the following configuration levels: Practice Configuration - > Project Configuration - > Debug Configuration - > Group Configuration - > Extension Configuration - > Dynamic Configuration
is the loading order of the configuration file, as the later configurations cover the same profile as before (without entry into force), so the priority is from the right to the left.
Answer: ThinkPHP supports four URL models, which can be defined by setting the URL_MODEL parameters, including the normal mode, PATHINFO, REWRITE, and compatible mode.
Default mode is: PATHINFO mode, setting the URL_MODEL to 1.
Answer: How to get the system variables:
just need to call the following in Action:
$this-> method name ("variant name", [`filter method'], [`default value']]
Answer: The M-methodial executory model does not require the user to define the model category for each data sheet, the D-method automatically detects the model category, and, if a custom model class exists, the custom model class automatically calls M to executor the Model base category if it does not exist. At the same time, the executory model will not be repeated (single model).
returns to the top.
smarty的编译过程就是把模板拿过来,把里面的标签替换成相应php代码,这就是smarty的编译, 其实就是php和html混合的过程
smarty, which needs to be opened manually.
1. 速度快:相对其他模板引擎。
2. 编译型:采用smarty编写的程序在运行时要编译成一个非模板技术的PHP文件
3. 缓存技术:它可以将用户最终看到的HTML文件缓存成一个静态的HTML页
4. 插件技术:smarty可以自定义插件。
1. 需要实时更新的内容。例如像股票显示,它需要经常对数据进行更新
2. 小项目。小项目因为项目简单而美工与程序员兼于一人的项目
Smarty is a PHP template engine written with PHP.
2. Compiler: PHP documents that use smarty programs to be translated into a non-template technology
3. Cache technology: it can save the HTML files that users end up seeing in a static HTML page
4. Intubation techniques: smarty can self-defined plugins.
{$smarty.get.page} //类似在php脚本中访问$_GET[page]
{$smarty.get.page} //类似在php脚本中访问$_GET[page]
4. 在模板中访问php中的变量
$smarty.get.page} / similar access to $_GET[page]
{smarty.copies.} {br} {br} {smarty.possion.} {br} {br} {smarty.server.} {br>1br>2>br>3br>4br>brbr>5$smartty.get.page} / similar access to the php scripts
1. 文件属性(另存为)
3. 连接数据库时编码设定
4. PHP文件中使用header函数确定编码
2$smarty.cost.MY_CONST_VAL} {br}$smarty.cost.FILE}br>5; variable mediator
br>; variable mediator
6; php query Mysql database; how does it work?
1. Document attributes (otherly saved)
2. Document Meta (when creating browsers)
is opened, Smarty produces a static html page at the same time, and if the set time is not expired, when you visit it again, you visit the html file, reducing access to the database, so being more efficient.
$Smarty-> assign(name, value)
$Smarty-> display('index.html')
2>$Smartty-> assign(name, value)
$Smartty-> display('index.html')
9; marty template technology?
for purposes of php separation from html, there is no interference between divisions of art and programmers.
1. 引入smarty.class.php;
2. 实例化smarty对象;
3. 重新修改默认的模板路径;
4. 重新修改默认的编译后文件的路径;
5. 重新修改默认的配置文件的路径;
6. 重新修改默认的cache的路径。
7. 可以设置是否开启cache。
8. 可以设置左侧和右侧定界符。
1. Introduction of smarty.clas.php;
2. Exampleal smarty objects;
3. Remodify the default template path;
4. Remodify the default compiled file path;
5. Remodify the default configuration file path;
6. Remodify the default cache path.
Smarty is a template engine based on the MVC concept, which divides a page program into two parts: the view and control layer,
which means that the smarty technology separates the user UI from the php code.
so that the programmer and the artwork division do not interfere with each other.
2.php页面中使用assign赋值 和display显示页面;
B. foreach
C. if else
D. include
E. Literal
1. The following questions should be noted:
1. The main example of smarty objects should be configured with the path of the smarty template file;
2.php page uses the sassigning value and display page;
3.smarty template files do not allow the presence of php code segments, and all notes, variables, are included in the delimiter.
A.br>B. Forach
C. if else
D. include
returns to the top.
simply involves customizing changes on existing software, extending the functionality and then reaching the desired function, which generally does not change the original systematic kernel.
View(视图) 模板显示。
Controller(控制器) 控制流程。
Model (mode) data processing.
View (view) template displays.
Controller (controlr) control process.
MVC concept. What is the primary job of the layers?
MVC (i.e. model-view-controller) is a software design model or programming idea.
M means Model layer, V is a View viewing layer (a display or user interface) and C is a Controller control layer.
uses mvc to separate M and V so that a program can easily use different user interfaces.
model layer in the web site development is generally responsible for adding to or modifying the database table information,
view level is responsible for showing page content,
the control layer plays a mode of alignment between M and V,
the control layer determines which mode to be used, and
the control layer decides which mode to use after the control level decides which mode to use.
occurred during the post-redevelopment program access to modify server configuration parameters and 100 degrees based on errors
其实也就是面向对象的应用 用,以及模板的更换类似smarty的使用
are actually object-oriented applications, and changes in templates are similar to the use of smarty
Dedecms phpcms ecshop,基本这些的东西如果基础好了 学习起来都是没问题的。
Dedecms phpcms ecshop, basically if they're well-grounded, they're all fine to learn.
Small and medium-sized enterprises use cms to develop them again, for efficiency. Of course, if they want to do so, they can use a framework and time. Large enterprises are developed by teams, and copyright issues are eliminated.
is not a sort of succession but a combination of objects, passing the examples through the global.
后台核心设置中修改成现在的 项目目录名称
changes the directory name to the current one in the back-office core set.
has the concept of content models in dream systems, where different content models can be used to build sites in different content forms, with the following models attached to the system: ordinary articles, atlases, software, commodities, taxonomic information, topics. Through the system's own models, we can build different types of sites, for example, using an atlas to make a picture station and a software model to build a software download site.
The models attached to the system are, of course, referred to as system models, and users can define models themselves, such as books, music albums, etc.
1. 板块(封面)模板:
2. 列表模板:
指网站某个栏目的所有文章列表的模板,一般用 “list_识别ID.htm” 命名。
3. 档案模板:
表示文档查看页的模板,如文章模板,一般用 “article_识别ID.htm” 命名。
4. 其它模板:
2. List template:
refers to the template used for the home page of the website or for the more important section cover channel, generally named after "index_ID.htm". In addition, user-defined individual pages or custom-defined tags may be selected to support plate template tags, and if supported, the system will be able to enumerate content or generate specific files after using the plate-marking engine.
2. List template:
refers to a template for all articles in a column of the website, generally named after "list_ID.htm".
3. Archive template:
indicates a template for document viewing, such as an article template, usually named after "artique_ID.htm".
4. Other templates:
general system routine contains templates such as the home page template, search template, RSS, JS compilation template, etc.
列表 内容 等标签 只能在其本范围内使用,列表标签只能在列表中使用,内容标签只能在内容标签中使用。
list contents, etc. tabs can only be used in this context, list labels can only be used in the list, content labels can only be used in content labels.
global labels can be used on all pages
(e.g. dedesql.clas.php); familiar with system function library (common.func.php); familiar with custom function library (extend.func.php); familiar with front desk entrance documents (common.inc.php)
returns to the top
communicate with php: Xml
Weixin.php how to receive public number data:
$postStr=$GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"];//接收数据 XML数据
$poststr=$GLOBALS ["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"];// Receive data XML data
2, message type
currently provides seven basic types of information:
text message (text);
photo message (image);
(3) voice (voice)
video (video)
(5) geographic location (location);
link message (link);
link message (link)
event forwarding (event)
simplexml_load_string( )
将字符串转换为数组的函数是___ explode_________,将数组转化为字符串的函数是____implode________.
编码 URL 字符串的字符串是____urlencode________.
to interpret Xml data into objects is
to convert string into arrays is explode, and the function to convert arrays into strings is implode...br>coded URL string is urlencode.
is searchable for the manual.
(1)网络原因 ,数据接口原因
可以输出数据 看一下。用php操作文件
(1) web reason, the reason for the data interface
(2) code error, how to guess where the
fwrite($myfile, $txt);
$myfile=fopen("newfile.txt", "w");
fwrite($myfile, $txt);
fwrite($myfile, $txt);
myfile=open("newfile.txt", "w");
fwrite($myfile, $txt);
7; events from defined menus sent to
; events from
to override
security mechanism validation for security validation between the micro-mail server and the PHP server
requests api interfaces (e.g. menu operations) require appid and secrect values to be used to get the permissions for the application
description of the technology in their possession; databases such as MySQL, MSSQL, etc.; familiar with the development of
2 by PHP+MYSQL under Linux; front-end technology: proficiency in the layout of the DIV+CS web page, Javascript, JQuery framework, AJAX technology, photo processing of photoshop
3, one-year project development experience using Marty, `XXXXX', ThinkPH has developed `employment services XXX', and the use of a micro-blogging public platform to develop the `employment services network', etc.
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