
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:54 评论:0



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What are the contractual transactions in the digital currency? What are the digital money? Is the contract transactions profitable? Is there a black spot in the contract deal? Is the contract deal a bitcoin in the contract? What is the contract deal? Is the contract transaction profitable? Is the newcomer in the contract deal suitable? Is the contract agent a contract deal? Is the contract agent related to the contract deal?


Today, let me tell you what a contractual transaction is in the most straightforward way. The following are the main elements of this paper:


Multi-contracts, empty contracts, permanent contracts, why can contracts leverage and make more and more empty differences?


The value of life, distance from contracts, is also very well known in the currency circles, and it is often heard that people are told not to play with contracts, because, while contracts make a lot of money, the opposite is, of course, that they pay people to lose their property, and some friends disappear for thousands of dollars in a second, because he has oversized contracts, presses them, and the money disappears, and I advise the newcomers not to play with them.

首先股票也是能够简单分成两种交易模式,一种叫做现货,另一种就是我们今天要讲的合约。在股票呢,应该合约应该叫做期货,现货这个还需要解释吗?就是你有多少钱就买多少币,像现在以太币一颗是1200多美金,那你手上有600美金,你拿去买以太币就是买到半颗,应该很好理解吧,这个就是现货。币圈合约一般指的是永续合约,我直接用最白话的方式告诉你们它的玩法是什么。今天假设你的本金有3000U (U是USDT的简写,1U相当于1美金),然后以太币现在的价格也是3000U,如果你拿3000U去买以太币,你就会刚好买到一颗,对吧?这应该很好懂,那假设你开的是合约,合约有很多倍数给你选,有两倍,三倍,五倍,十倍,15倍,甚至有些交易所到125倍都有,那我刚有说假设你本金是3000U,那如果你开15倍。你的本金就是就等于是3000U乘以15,也就是45000U去买以太币,那你会买到15颗以太币对吧?那虚拟货币价格都是这个起起伏伏的嘛,假设以太币从一颗3000U到2900U,那就代表你亏了3000U减去2900U再乘以15等于1500U,那如果以太币价格跌到2800U,那等于你是亏了3000U,你的本金只有3000U,所以如果以太币价位跌到2800U,那你的本金就没了,玩完了,消失了,直接归零,你就什么都没了,这就是我们大家常听到的爆仓,爆仓就是你的合约爆掉了,也就是你那个合约本金3000U没了。如果以太币从一颗3000U涨到3300U,你等于赚了3300U减去3000U乘以15等于4500U,本金加上利润一共7500U。

First of all, the shares can be split into two types of transactions, one called cash, and the other one that we're going to talk about today. In stock, the contract should be called futures, and the other one should be explained. How much money do you have? Now it's over US$ 1,200, and now it's over US$ 600. If you get 3000, you get half, that's right. That's right. If you take the contract, there's more than three times the contract, I tell you what it's going to play.


It's a day, a ten-year period. It's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a year, it's a day, it's a year, it's a day, it's a year, it's a year, it's a night, it's a night, it's a night, it's a night, it's a night, it's a night, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a time, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a month, it's a day, it's a day, it's a month, it's a month, it's a day, it's a day, it's a month, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's time, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's, it's a day, it's a month, it's a day, it's a day, it's, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day, it's a day,


And it's always important to remember that if the price comes to your expectations, remember to level it, and sell your contract, and if you don't sell it, the money will never come to us, except for the profit on the books, and we call it flat. There's another thing that needs to be mentioned: a flat price, the full name is a flat price, which is to tell you what the price is, that when you get to the price, you're going to be forced to level it, which is to tell you what the price is, and you're going to blow it, which is to zero. The contract we just introduced is called a permanent lease, which means that if you don't blow it, you can always take it, so your profits can be scaled up, but the risk of loss is multiplied, and the rate of explosion is higher, which is the reason we don't normally want the new hand to go to the contract, because if you multiply it, it's very easy to blow it.


If you did more, you had 100 times your principal, and you borrowed 900 U from the exchange, and if you were empty, you borrowed one in too much, but you borrowed nine more in ten times your leverage. If you did more, the name of the contract was a bond. After all, the exchange had to borrow money for you, and it wasn't a charity, was it? The permanent contract was divided into two models, one full warehouse, one warehouse, and one warehouse. The difference was that each warehouse was separate, and there was no relationship between it. Assuming that you made three more contracts, but they were open at different prices, one of them wouldn't have any impact if the warehouse blew up, the other two of them wouldn't have any impact. The whole warehouse was counting all the bonds, it was not easy to blow up, but if all the money in the contract was gone, so they were calculated separately for each warehouse, and you wouldn't have to lose all of the warehouse's contract.


What is this financial rate? I don't really want to explain it, because I guess you don't understand it. In white, there are people who can do more in this market, there are people who can do more, and there are many people who can do more, and when there are more, the contract price will deviate from the current real currency, and that is probably the idea that the more numerous parties will pay an incentive to the other side.


As the number of contractual transactions grows, so does the number of participants in them. According to industry reviews, the evaluation of contract transactions is divided into two extremes, one after contract transactions and the other after contract transactions, where there are serious losses, and two extremes are emerging in the market.


But it is easy to find that the losers are the first to touch the currency circle. But, according to the editor-in-chief, most of the new losers are going to make a contract deal because they say they're making money, so they're going to make a contract, but they're not going to lose.


A simple idea, coupled with a contract without careful understanding, would not be surprising. But a contract deal requires market experience, some know-how, and some know-how. Today, let's look at some of the techniques in the contract deal.


Not to mention, directly, transactional techniques, as follows:


1. The time for participation is important. If you want to succeed overnight, it is better to choose between a fall and a boom.


2. Much of the price falls and the price rises rises so much that it becomes empty.


3. Short-term contracts may expire prior to the emergence of the market, so the selection of contracts of longer duration is made as much as possible.


4. The funds must be sufficient.


5. Be able to analyse the market on its own.


Watch out for risks.


This is what the editor-in-chief thinks must be mentioned. In making a contract transaction, it is important to know how much your own losses will be if the prediction fails. No, but there is an approximate concept and estimate; and when you see the high return on the contract deal, you must also know how high the risk is.


Most of the failure is due to blind investment, or to seeing other people make money, and they want to try themselves, but not to think that each other has a great deal of experience to succeed, only to try one of their own, and completely forget that they are not familiar with the market. There are other traders who have some experience with the market, but do not know it well, and think that they are &ldquao; senior traders & rdquao; and they come directly large, with serious losses.


It's a big game, and it's hard to be excited or nervous. In general, contracts involve high leverage, but high leverage is not only associated with high returns, but also high risks. So, the editor-in-chief warns you to be careful when entering into a contract deal. This is the end of the period. See you next.


That's what the digital money is about. The details of the knowledge about the contract transactions, more information about the contract transactions, and other relevant articles from the Script House!

Tag:合约   交易  



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