一小时图上以太坊的 OI 和现货 CVD 在过去几天一直处于自由落体状态。OI 和价格下跌表明多头疲惫不堪,表明市场情绪看跌。过去一周清算的多头头寸也显示多头遭到屠杀。
OI and the spot CVD on the one-hour map have been in a state of freefall for the past few days. OI and the price drops indicate a number of fatigues and market moods are falling. The multiple positions that have been liquidated over the past week also show that many have been massacred.
在看跌结构、动能和卖压上升的情况下,卖空者可以很快获得良机。BTC 跌破 21.2k 美元可能会看到 ETH 也暴跌至 1300 美元大关。
If you look at falling structures, kinetic energy, and selling pressure rises, you can get a good opportunity quickly. BTC falls, 21.2k may see ETH crashing to $1,300.
The ELEX Exchange provides high-quality spot transactions and services for global users such as Bitcoin, Leitco, e.g. digital assets
可实时查看OKEx币币行情、合约行情及OKEx指数行情。 You can see the OKEx currency, the contract and the OKEx index in real time. 提供分时、k线、实时成交数据查看。 Provides time, k-line, real-time traffic data for viewing. 提供桌面Widget部件,不需要启动app
Provision of desktop Widget parts without the need to start app
It is completely free of charge and there are no in-house purchase charges.
这个交易所的安全性非常高,就犹如交易所中的“铜墙铁壁”一般,不仅具有最基本的短信验证,高级加密等等最基本的安保措施之外,更能通过防止数据伪造High SSL和全年365天无休的24x7服务器检测来防止意外发生。可以说无论在什么情况下,都能在第一时间保护顾客的财产和信息安全,为玩家的比特币交易保驾护航。
This exchange is very secure, as in the case of the “bronze walls” of the exchange, which, in addition to the most basic security measures, such as text message validation, advanced encryption, etc., are more likely to prevent accidents by preventing data counterfeiting of High SSL and continuous 24x7 server testing for 365 days a year. In any case, it can be said that the customer’s property and information security can be protected as a first-time shield for the player’s Bitcoin deal.
在上面交易透明度很高。随时都会产生比特币抛售和购买需求。因其交易量非常大(7月的最高日交易额、8月9号交易量超过了60亿人民币),所以是很值得信赖的一个平台。这一点对于准备进行虚拟货币交易的初级者来说可是很重要的一部分。另外,还有一个TIP要告诉大家~ 如果在进行虚拟货币比特币交易的话,可以获得意外的“溢价”哦.
There is a high degree of transparency in the transactions. There is always a demand for Bitcoins to sell and buy. It is a trusted platform because of its very large volume (the highest volume in July, the 9th in August was more than 6 billion yuan). This can be an important part of the initials who are preparing to conduct virtual currency transactions.
The third advantage is that it provides users with an environment in which transactions can be made at the best price, allowing them to enjoy 0.01% ~0.075% of the fees after becoming members. This is certainly a relief for users.
3.Z net
It is the international hub for innovative digital assets for professional users worldwide, providing trading and investment services between multiple digital assets. It is a global platform for digital asset financial services, with independent trading operations and operations centres in mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, the United States, and elsewhere.
4. Chain-free
Established in March 2013 as an encrypted money exchange platform, it is one of the first exchanges in the world to provide a reliable, accessible and secure gateway to the new encrypted financial system. The platform supports real-time counter-point transactions for leading encrypted currencies (e.g., Bitcoin and Ether), as well as payment processing services, hosting services and off-site transaction liquidity service desks.
是在香港开设的全球数字资产交易平台,主要面向全球用户提供以太币、HSR等数字资产的交易服务,隶属于CITICCASH Hong Kong Investment Limited。
The Global Digital Asset Trading Platform, which operates in Hong Kong, provides trading services for digital assets such as NT, HSR and others to global users and is affiliated with the CITICCASH Hong Kong Investment Limited.
6.Tux Exchange
是欧洲的老牌国际站,曾经排名世界第三。创始人是纳杰克科德里奇(Nejc Kodric),2011年8月,他与戴米安联合创立。2013年10月,获1000万美元投资,投资者为Pantera Capital Management。2015年1月,不幸遭遇黑客攻击,价值510万美元的比特币惨遭洗劫,平台一度关闭。不久,劫后重生,目前已恢复正常运营。
The founder, Nejc Kodric, was founded in August 2011 in conjunction with Damien. In October 2013, $10 million was invested in an investor for Pantera Capital Management. In January 2015, after an unfortunate hacker attack, $5.1 million worth of bitcoin was looted and the platform was shut down.
7.BG Exchange > /strang >
SSL links with super-defence bitcoin wallet , i.e. , i.e., 8.ZEUS 交易所支持比特币(Bitcoin)、以太坊(Ethereum)、莱特币(Litecoin)、EOS、AE等全球优质资产的7*24交易,投资机构:软银集团(UK) Exchange supports 7*24 transactions for high-quality global assets such as Bitcoin, Etheeum, Litecoin, EOS, AE, investment agency: Soft and Silver Group (UK) 9.Biking 交易所获得了欧洲的区块
10.B2BX 以先进的匹配引擎、多币种支持和友好的客户服务而闻名。该交易所成立于2013年,是英国的一所比特币国际站,算是一个老牌的交易平台。常年的积累,用户还是挺多的,活跃度也不错。 The Exchange, established in 2013 as a British international station in Bitcoin, is a well-established trading platform. There are still a lot of users and people who are active. 创新和技术特性是创建了一个稳定可靠的API,满足了算法交易者高频交易的需求。除了数字货币之间的交易对外,提供法币与数字货币的交易对,即美元和欧元市场。平台实力不错,目前有314个项目在该交易平台上交易,24小时的成绩额:4.63亿,在全球综合实力排名只有35名,相对我们熟知的交易所三剑客,这个平台是实力远远不够。 Innovation and technology have created a stable API that meets the demand for high-frequency transactions by algorithms. Except for transactions between digital currencies, the exchange between French and digital currencies is offered to match the dollar and euro markets. 综合来看该交易所到目前为止,未发生被盗事件,安全可靠,但因为是英国的交易平台,主要用户还是英国的,相对我们国人来说,还是会更多的选择熟知的交易所,当然后期的推广力度加大,发展越来越国际化。 Taken together, the Exchange has so far been safe and secure, but since it is a British trading platform and its main user is the United Kingdom, it will be more likely than ours to choose a well-known exchange, with increased promotion and internationalization at a later stage. 免责声明:本文为转载,非本网原创内容,不代表本网观点。其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。 如有疑问请发送邮件至:bangqikeconnect@gmail.com If you have questions, send an e-mail to: bangqikecontract@gmail.com
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