In recent years, along with the convergence of the top resource elements of the VR industry, technology, talent and capital, Jiangxi is accelerating progress towards the VR industry.
From 19 to 20 October, the World VR Congress will be held in Nanchang City, the sixth year of the conference. Jiangxi now owns more than 400 VR businesses, and the VR and related industries have increased from $4.2 billion in 2018 to $81.2 billion in 2022.
走進江西江鈴專用車輛廠有限公司5G智慧工廠,自動化生產車間運行有條不紊。“通過VR巡檢等創新應用,實現工廠設備故障自動預警,巡檢時間縮短約30%。”負責智能工廠改造的聯通靈境視訊(江西)科技有限公司總經理晏宗明介紹。 “According to innovative applications such as a VR inspection, the factory’s design failed automatically, and the inspection time was reduced by about 30%.” The Director-General of the Union of Intelligent Information (Gangxi) Technology Ltd., which is responsible for the renovation of the factory, has introduced him. 晏宗明說,2020年中國聯通VR/AR基地在江西落地,吸引了10余家上下游配套企業落戶,涵蓋軟硬件、大數據分析、數字孿生等領域。得益於生態圈強大的凝聚力,公司營收從成立之初的100萬元左右,增長到2022年的2154萬元。 In 2020, China’s VR/AR connectivity base landed in Jiangxi, attracting more than 10 top-down and downstream companies, covering areas such as soft hardware, big data analysis, digital life, etc.. For the benefit of strong corporate cohesion, the company’s revenues grew from around $1 million at its inception to 2,154,000 yuan in 2022. “江西VR產業從無到有,關鍵在於招大引強、以大帶小,壯大產業集群,形成集聚效應。”江西省工信廳相關負責人介紹,全省VR產業相關企業達400多家,形成了覆蓋硬件制造、軟件開發等領域的全產業鏈。 “The Jiangxi VR industry has never existed, but the key is to create a conglomerate response by attracting large, small and large clusters of industries.” In Jiangxi province, where there are more than 400 firms associated with the VR industry, there is a full-scale chain covering hardware manufacturing, software development, etc. 引進來,扶起來。“中小企業健康成長,是構建VR產業生態圈的關鍵。”南昌市紅谷灘區金融辦主任彭曉輝介紹,2020年6月,南昌市紅谷灘城市投資集團有限公司等企業聯合成立規模約3億元的VR產業發展基金,現已精准返投中小VR企業近1億元。今年6月,江西省國有資本運營控股集團有限公司、南昌市紅谷灘城市投資集團有限公司等企業又聯合組建南昌紅谷VR產業母基金,總規模30億元。 “The health of small and medium-sized enterprises is the key to the construction of the VR industry’s life cycle.” In June 2020, companies such as South Chang City’s Red Valley City Investment Corporation Ltd., a consortium of companies such as Peng Xiaohui, Director of the Red Valley Finance Agency, Nanchang City, established an estimated $300 million VR Enterprise Development Fund, which has now been finalized for the return of the small and medium-sized VR Enterprise to close to $100 million. In June of this year, companies such as Jiangxi Province’s Capital Operations and Control Corporation Ltd., the South Chang City Red Valley City Urban Investment Corporation Ltd., co-organized the Nanchang Valley VR Enterprise Mothers Fund, a total of $3 billion. 作為全省重點發展的產業鏈,江西不僅推動VR產業資金鏈、創新鏈、產業鏈融合發展,還力促VR產業與省內電子信息、物聯網、大數據等相關優勢產業鏈互補發展。 As the province’s priority development chain, Jiangxi has promoted not only the VR financial chain, the creation chain, the integration of the business chain, but also the cross-fertilization of the VR industry with the provincial electronics information, the Internet, the big data, and so on. 在南昌小派虛擬現實有限公司生產車間,3條VR頭戴式顯示設備生產線同步運行。“南昌歐菲光電技術有限公司為我們提供光學模組配件。同樣位於南昌的泰豪創意科技集團為我們提供VR內容。”公司副總裁李杰介紹,相關產業的集聚和良好協作促進效益倍增,2022年公司總營收達1131萬元,今年預計近2000萬元。 Three VR headwear displays the synchronized running of the design production line in the production car of Nanchang Xiaogang's virtual reality company. “Southchang Ophelia Light Technology Ltd. provides us with optical module accessories. The same Tae Ho Creative Technology Group in Nanchang provides us with VR content.” The company's Vice-President, Lee Jae-soo, promoted the benefits of the clustering and good collaboration of related industries, with the company's combined revenues of $11.31 million in 2022 and an estimated $20 million this year. 多元創新,賦能千行百業 "Strong" is a multi-faceted, innovative, 100-percent-a-life-a-lifetime-a-lifetime-a-lifetime-a-lifetime-a-lifetime. 學員操作VR手柄,就能進行汽車維修的“實操演練”﹔借助VR設備,研發團隊開展工業仿真設計,大幅提高參數精准性和工作效率……在江西,VR及相關技術應用場景進入越來越多元的應用圈層,賦能千行百業發展。 In Jiangxi, VR and related technology applications have entered an increasingly diverse application landscape, with the ability to develop 100% of the industry. “學好一門技術得靠大量練習,仿真實訓正好幫我們彌補了實操經驗的不足。”周濤是江西現代職業技術學院城市軌道交通運營管理專業的學生,他在位於南昌市的國家職業教育虛擬仿真示范實訓基地內參加了為期半個月的培訓,“通過VR技術,在教室就能熟悉車輛設備的零部件構造。” "A great deal of practice is required to learn a technique, and practical training helps us to make up for our lack of practical experience." Zhou, a student in urban track transport management at Jiangxi School of Technology, took part in a half-month training course at the National Virtual Model of Professional Education in Nanchang City, where "VR technology makes it possible to familiarize the classroom with the parts and components of a vehicle." 目前,實訓基地為職業教育提供裝備制造、交通運輸、醫藥衛生等9大類26門專業課程的培訓。“全部投入運營后,每年10萬人次的實訓將帶來至少2億元的龐大市場。”實訓基地運營商成員江西科駿實業有限公司總經理劉小蘭說。 At present, the Training Base provides training in nine major specialized courses, such as equipment manufacturing, transportation, medical hygiene, etc., for professional education. “When all is put into operation, 100,000 people per year will be brought to the Pang Grand Market at least $200 million.” The Training Base operates as a member of the executive director of Jiang Sico, a company owned by Jiang Xiquian Industries Ltd. VR賦能教育,讓課堂“活”起來、產業“壯”起來,是江西努力拓展VR應用場景的生動縮影。 VR is a vivid illustration of Jiangxi’s efforts to expand the VR application landscape by educating the classroom to “live” and the industry to “breath”. “VR要實現技術價值向經濟價值轉化,還需同其他產業結合起來,不斷創新拓展應用場景。”江西財經大學虛擬現實現代產業學院院長廖國瓊說。近年來,江西多措並舉推動VR技術應用推廣,出台相關行動計劃,加快推動VR技術在工業制造、教育醫療、文化旅游等領域的應用,連續4年共遴選發布76個應用示范項目。 In recent years, Jiangxito has promoted the use of VR technology, and has launched a plan of action to speed up the use of VR technology in industrial manufacturing, education, medical care, cultural tourism and other fields, with a total of 76 pilot projects distributed over four years. 搶佔先機,發力元宇宙賽道 takes the lead, kicks the cosmos track 在紅谷灘區的元宇宙·VR數字農業示范基地番茄園裡,採摘機器人來回穿梭,專挑個頭大、色澤亮的摘下。難不成機器人有一套專門判斷番茄成熟度的智能識別系統? In a meta-cosmos VR digital farm demonstration base in the Red Valley, the picker travels back and forth, picks up a big, colorful, and picks off. Does the robots have a smart knowledge system that specializes in determining the maturity of tomatoes? 基地總經理孟凡明說,其實是基地開發的元宇宙商城實現了與採摘園的實時交互,顧客隻要打開手機應用程序,隨虛擬數字人“進入”採摘園,選擇看中的水果和蔬菜,採摘機器人就會逐一採摘、裝袋,郵寄到顧客手中。“目前基地300多畝農業項目的科研、生產、管理大多用上了元宇宙技術。”孟凡明介紹。 The general manager of the base, Monfan, has stated that, in fact, it is the foundation's launching city of Woncosmos that actually interacts with the harvest garden, and customers simply have to open the cell phone application, so that the virtual digital person “enters” the garden, chooses the fruits and vegetables he sees, and picks the robots, picks each one of them, bags them, postes them to the customers. “More than 300 acres of agricultural research, production, and management of the base are used in metacosm techniques.” 江西對元宇宙進行前瞻性布局,在紅谷灘區九龍湖區域建設元宇宙試驗區,聚焦交互感知設備研發、數字內容制作等元宇宙相關領域,夯實發展基礎,引育元宇宙企業。 Jiangxi developed a forward-looking layout of the Won universe, building a meta-cosm experiment in the Kowloon Lake area of the Red Valley, focusing on areas related to the meta-cosm, such as the development of interactive perception equipment and digital content production, and building the foundations for the development of the meta-cosm enterprise. “VR被認為是元宇宙重要的入口技術,經過多年發展,江西已初步建立起完整的VR產業鏈,產業生態基礎扎實。”廖國瓊說,北京航空航天大學江西研究院、華為南昌研究所、中國移動虛擬現實創新中心等多個VR產業關鍵技術研發平台已落戶江西,這將激發更多新優勢新動能。 “VR is considered to be an important entry technology for the Woncosmos and, after years of development, Jiangxi has set up an initial complete VR chain, with a strong industrial base.” According to June Liao, several VR critical technology development platforms, such as the Jiangxi Institute of Beijing Aerospace University, the China Nanchang Institute, and the China Center for Moving to Virtual Virtual Realities, are now in existence, which will stimulate new and innovative technologies. 分享讓更多人看到
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