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金色财经合约行情分析 | 市场出现回调,多头情绪仍稳定:据火币BTC永续合约行情显示,截至今日18:00(GMT+8),BTC价格暂报9182美元(-2.19%),20:00(GMT+8)结算资金费率为0.010000%。
The market has been rewinded and the mood has remained stable: as of today, the price of the BTC is provisionally estimated at $9182 (-2.19 per cent) and the settlement rate at 2000 (GMT+8) is 0.010,000 per cent, according to the China Dollar BTC permanent contract.
The market fell last night, and today BTC fell from $9,400 to $9118, putting a certain strain on the market’s business mood. According to data from the contract for the exchange of a gun, BTC’s deal for the current season had risen, its holdings had declined in the course of the fall, its elites had decreased slightly, and the season’s narrow premium had been more stable.
USDT offered $6.97 for the Fire Currency Global Station, with a premium of -0.54 per cent. [2020/7/10]
金色财经合约行情分析 | BTC放量突破 5月初高点:据火币BTC永续合约行情显示,截至今日16:00(GMT+8),BTC价格暂报10121美元(5.82%),20:00(GMT+8)结算资金费率为0.146616%。
BTC released at a high point in early May: as of today 1600 (GMT+8) BTC prices are provisionally stated at $10121 (5.82 per cent) and 20:00 (GMT+8) at a settlement rate of 0.14616 per cent, according to the T.E.C. contract.
Yesterday night, BTC jumped up at 4 a.m. after $9,500, and did not encounter significant resistance at $9,800, which continued to run up to $10438 and went straight up early in May. According to the gun-slicing contract data, BTC's quarterly contract volume was significantly released, its holdings continued to rise, the elite's head was slightly reduced, and the quarterly contract was on the increase.
USDT offered $7.03 at a premium of 1.15 per cent for the Fire Currency Global Station OTC. USDT increased its negative premium. [2020/6/2]
TradingView has entered into a partnership with the Poloniex platform: According to Financemagnates, TradeView has officially announced its first secure currency partner, and the company has increased its support for the Poloniex exchange. Poloniex platform users will be able to analyse market developments and trade orders through charts provided by TradingView.[2018/3/27]
In previous periods, it was recalled that the DEFI currency continues to be hot, shortlines or returns.
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Label: BTC
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