It is known that there are now more than a dozen large international institutions, including the Dbank Group, the Taiwan Gifu Group of China, the Russian National VEB Bank, and the Asia-Pacific International Holdings Group, which have become early partners in the Flame Cloud, providing four major solutions: OTC, currency exchange, operation, and ecology.
Microsoft Inspire’s Global Partnership Conference was inaugurated in Las Vegas, United States, on 16 July 2018. Tens of thousands of partners and industry experts from around the world came together to discuss industry trends with the world’s best people and solution providers.
Digital Currency
海南“跨亚欧公司”特大虚拟货币传销案开审,涉案金额 38 亿元
From 17 July to 19 July 2018, the People's Procuratorate of the city of Hainanguchi charged that the “Trans-Asian-Eurasian” meganet sales case had been opened in open court in the Intermediate People's Court of Haiguchi. According to the Public Prosecutor's Office, as of 12 May 2017, the Trans-Asian-Eurasian Company had established a cross-Asian-Euras company to attract its members to purchase “Aeco” by means of “in-house” and “outer” channels.
V 神表示 ETH 诈骗网页形似度高,可能在互相剽窃
据悉,V神(Vitalik Buterin)在推特中表示,“每个“赠ETH”的骗局(ETH giveaway scam)网页上都有一个标记着‘LeftEthereum’滑块,这些骗局都是由一个组织运营的吗?或者说他们在互相剽窃对方的诈骗软件?”
According to information received, Vitalik Buterin tweets, “Every ETH giveaway scam web page has a `LeftEtherum' slider marked, and these scams are run by an organization? Or are they stealing each other's fraudulent software?”
Planet News, at today’s White Paper on the Suning Zone Chain, the Technical Director of the Sunning Cloud Block Chain Research and Development Centre stated that the Sunning Block Chain Platform, which will support the Alliance and Private Chain operations, currently supports Sunning’s blacklists, letters of credit, commodity traceability, stock applications, etc., is now expanding its applications, such as smart retail eco scenes, including user drawings, car networking, smart logistics, IP protection, member ecology, smart home, etc.. Yaoping revealed that the Soning Block Chain Platform will be launched on 8.18.
宾夕法尼亚大学报告:2017 大部分高价值 ICO 没有达到基本要求
On Tuesday, the University of Pennsylvania published a report analysing whether the intellectual contract and distributed accounting technology function met the basic requirements of the ICO by using four criteria: supply performance, attribution, destruction and modification. The report showed that most high-value ICOs did not meet their targets in 2017.
数字资产管理集团 KOOBANK 旗下克班克中国公司获 3700 万元投资
星球日报获悉,近日,数字资产管理集团KOOBANK旗下的克班克中国公司获得云山资本、逸信控股集团、中国香港乐仕资本、玖牛资本、浙商财团等机构 3700万人民币投资。此轮融资将运用于中国团队建设与数字资产底层安全技术的搭建。
The Daily Planet has learned that in recent days, Kbank China, under the banner of KOOBANK, a digital asset management group, has received 37 million yuan in investment from agencies such as Yunshan Capital, the Fugitive Holdings Group, the Hong Kong Loose Capital, the yak Capital, and the Business Group. This round of financing will be used to build Chinese teams and build low-level security technologies for digital assets.
2018 EOS社区大会上,EOS Argentina、 EOS Canada等代表围绕主网基础设施和安全问题展开讨论,部分观点如下: 1.Bug问题在所难免,但当我们发现Bug的时候,有责任主动和Block.one联系,尽快修复; 2. EOS不仅是区块链技术,也是软件操作系统,社区测试网络对于整个网络非常重要,通过社区测试网在背后进行海量的测试,这一点非常重要; 3.21个节点排名每天都在改变,不能说哪个节点就一定要负责任,他们并没有多少权力,发展系统是首要的; 4. 我们做了开源代码,希望能把技术分享给更多的开发者; 5.一切都在优化,并将朝着更好的方向发展。
At the EOS Community Congress, representatives of EOS Argentina, EOS Canada and others discussed the infrastructure and security issues of the main network, with some of the following points: 1. Bug problems are inevitable, but when we discover Bug, we have the responsibility to contact Block.one on our own initiative and repair them as soon as possible; 2. EOS is not only a block chain technology, but also a software operating system, and community testing networks are important for the network as a whole, and it is important to test the volume behind it through a community testing network; 3.21 node rankings are changing daily, and no one can be said to be responsible, they have little power and the development system is paramount; 4. We have made open source codes, hoping that technology will be shared with more developers; 5. Everything is being optimized and will evolve in a better direction.
“中国钱包”计划下半年推出加密货币支付,股价一度大涨近 20%
中国钱包(00802.HK)昨日公布公告,公司计划今年下半年推出加密货币支付平台“首都支付”,该平台采用DAG区块链技术。中国钱包股价今日一度大涨近20%,最高见 0.325 港元。
Yesterday, China’s wallet (00802.HK) announced that the company plans to launch an encrypted currency payment platform, the Capital, in the second half of this year, using DAG block chain technology. China’s wallet stock price rose by nearly 20% today, up to HK$ 0.325.
After announcing his participation in the Olympic Super-Representative campaign, Sun Woo won enough votes to be a Super-Representative only one day. According to the Bounty Super-Representatives vote, one vote is cast for each candidate who holds a TRX that can be supported. According to onions, 30% of Sun Woo's ticket is now obtained from a wallet address, which gives Sun Woo's vote to all of his votes; 90% of the votes are obtained from the first six wallet addresses.
Today, at the Forum on the Application of Technology to the Regional Chains of 2018 and Ali’s New Retail Summit, the founder of the Hun Fung list, a wealth rating expert, said that it would take 20 years for the Internet to create trillion-class businesses to create giants like Ali. But it would be four to five times faster than the Internet, because investors were smarter and invested more, and were expected to have trillion-class businesses in the sector by 2023 as soon as possible.
Today, at the Global Forum on Financial Management in China 2018, Lu Xiaoping, Chief Accountant Lu, said that the block chain would contribute significantly to the quality, reliability, and timeliness of accounting information. But it is clear that the block chain poses a major challenge to financial management.
According to the Managing Director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, Bitcoin and other encrypted currencies do not pose a threat to current legal and traditional financial institutions because of their volatility, high risk, sensitivity to energy supply and the limited technological outreach behind them.
Professor of Finance, Yangtze Business School: The non-passed block chain is a dead water that does not create value
Recently, Mr. Cao Pfizer, Professor of Finance, Director of Finance MBA, and member of the American Financial Society, said that the non-passport block chain was also a non-flowing block chain, because, without incentives, it could not be a globally influential technology without energy input. He therefore believed that non-transit block chains could not create value.
The British Law Commission, an independent body of the United Kingdom Congress, is initiating a study aimed at exploring some of the positive effects that the use of block-based smart contracts could have on the British legal system, such as providing transparency. The Commission has conducted a preliminary study early this year, and the formal project will begin this summer.
一篇由康奈尔大学学者Philip Daian、 Tyler Kell、Ian Miers、AriJuels等人共同发布的论文表示,黑客集团将触角伸向区块链领域,通过智能合约,收买用户投票,黑客集团可以篡取整个投票系统的管制权,释放虚假信号,进而操纵市场。
A joint paper by Philip Daian, Tyler Kell, Ian Miers, Arijuels and others from Cornell University stated that the hacker group extended its tentacles to the area of block chains, buying user votes through smart contracts, and that the hacker group could manipulate the market by usurping control of the entire voting system and releasing false signals.
今日,莱特币创始人李启威在推特中表示,他从暗网丝绸之路了解到比特币,其创始人 Ross Ulbricht 不该被判为无期徒刑,自己已加入要求释放Ross Ulbricht 的请愿行列。
Today, Li Qiwei, founder of Lettco, stated on Twitter that he had learned of Bitcoin from the Dark Silk Road and that his founder, Ross Ulbricht, should not have been sentenced to life imprisonment, had joined the petition for the release of Ross Ulbricht.
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