1. History of the evolution of the block chain: new and upgraded forks
The study will evolve along the time chain from the birth to the development of complex ecological processes at the present time. It will divide the history from January 2009 to the present: the first phase began with the birth of Bitcoin, the second with the birth of Taiku, and the third with the birth of other new chains. The beginnings of three episodes of history are clear, but they end with other interweaves. This tree structure helps us understand an ecological history of growth.
金色晚报 | 8月5日晚间重要动态一览:12:00-21:30关键词:央行、最高法、DeFi、北大团队、 Ripple
An overview of important developments in the evening of 5 August: 12 noon-21:30 keywords: Central Bank, Supreme Law, DeFi, North Team, Ripple
1. 央行上海总部:持续做好ICO与虚拟货币交易等风险监测和处置。
1. Central Bank headquarters in Shanghai: ongoing risk monitoring and disposal such as ICO and virtual currency transactions.
2. 央行深圳中心支行:积极支持人民银行数字货币各个场景应用在深试点等。
2. Central Bank Shenzhen Central Branch: actively supporting the People's Bank in the application of digital currency scenarios to deep-testing, etc.
3. 最高法:支持通过区块链提交证据,有效解决知识产权权利人举证难问题。
3. Supreme law: supporting the submission of evidence through the block chain to effectively address the difficult issue of proof for intellectual property rights holders.
4. 徐坤:DeFi开启了可编程金融,多抵押品推动DeFi快速增长。
Xu Gon: DeFi has started programming finance and multiple mortgages drive DeFi's rapid growth.
5. 日本金融厅长官:日本要密切关注如何克服发行CBDC的挑战。
5. Director, Japan Finance Agency: Japan needs to pay close attention to how to overcome the challenge of issuing CBDC.
6. 伦交所上市公司Argo Blockchain 7月共挖出165枚比特币。
In July, Argo Blockchain, the company listed at the Lun transit post, exhumed 165 bitcoins.
7. 北大团队取得突破性成果,将推动区块链技术发展落地。
7. The ground-breaking results of the Big North team will facilitate the technological development of the block chain.
8. Ripple宣布将通过Xpring对XRPL Labs进行追加投资。
8. Ripple announced additional investments in XRPL Labs through Xprint.
9. 杨海坡“分叉”BCH起因:“不是分叉,而是赶走ABC”。[2020/8/5]
The reason for the “separation” of the BCH on the Yang slope was: “not the split, but the removal of ABC”. [2020/8/5]
2. Where is the Golden Observatorium after the receipt of the currency SBT?
金色晚报 | 3月24日晚间重要动态一览:12:00-21:00关键词:QE、MtGox、比特币、Tether、监管沙箱
Highlights of important developments in the evening of 24 March: 12-12/11 keywords: QE, MtGox, Bitcoin, Tether, Sandbox Control
1. 美联储“无限QE”政策下,比特币和黄金表现远超标普500指数。
Under the Fed's Infinite QE policy, the performance of Bitcoin and gold is well above the standard 500 index.
2. 俄罗斯将创建“监管沙箱”使区块链和加密货币合法化。
Russia will create a “surveillance sandbox” to legalize block chains and encrypted currency.
3. MtGox交易所:债权人可通过新网站查看第四次债权人会议民事复议资料。
MtGox Exchange: Creditors have access to the Fourth Conference of Creditors civil review information through the new website.
4. Tether向以太坊网络新增发6000万枚USDT(已授权未发行)。
Tether sent an additional 60 million USDTs to the Etherpaya network (authorized not to be issued).
5. 联合国:数字技术大有可为 推荐蚂蚁金服区块链等金融科技应用。
5. United Nations: Digital technology has much to offer for financial science and technology applications, such as the ants gold-coat chain.
6. 浙江:实施数字生活新消费行动,扩大区块链等技术应用。
6. Zhejiang: Implementation of a new consumption initiative for digital life and expansion of technology applications such as block chains.
7. 香港第一家虚拟银行正式提供服务。
7. The first virtual bank in Hong Kong officially provides services.
8. Bithumb等韩国加密货币交易所正在协助调查“N号房”一案。
The case of “House N” is being investigated with the assistance of the Korean Encrypted Currency Exchange, such as Bithumb.
9. 比特币日内震荡,最高涨至6831.96美元,最低跌至6226.28美元,现报6646美元。[2020/3/24]
9. Bitcoin tremors during the day rose to a maximum of $6831.96, down to $6226.28, and are now reported at $6646.[2020/3/24]
The first soul-bound token is likely to be the BAB of the currency. The currency was officially introduced on September 8, based on the BNB-based soul-bound token-currency account, which is available to all users who have completed KYC certification. After BAB was issued, several Web3 projects in the BNB chain announced incentives for BAB holders. But after the user responded to the BAB in the currency App, it was not known where his own BAB was?
行情 | 晚间数字货币行情播报:根据Huobi交易平台数据显示,BTC最新成交价格 9552.67 美元,最高价达 9730 美元,最低价格 9177 美元,成交量 2.77 万,涨幅 0.35 %;ETH最新成交价格 210.48 美元,最高价达 215.44 美元,最低价格 199 美元,成交量 38.21 万,涨幅 0.84 %;EOS最新成交价格 4.2299 美元,最高价达 4.3997 美元,最低价格 3.8885 美元,成交量 1,432.31 万,跌幅 1.44 %。[2019/7/29]
Information on late-night digital currency developments: According to data from the Huobi trading platform, the latest BTC transaction price was $9552.67, with a maximum price of $9730, with a minimum price of $9177, a minimum value of 2.7 million, an increase of 0.35 per cent; the latest transaction price for ETH was $210.48, with a maximum price of $215.44, a minimum price of $199, a minimum value of 38.21 million, an increase of 0.84 per cent; the latest transaction price for EOS was $4.2299, with a maximum price of $4.3997, a minimum price of $3.8885, a transaction value of 1,432.31 million, a decrease of 1.44 per cent [2019/7/29].
Gold observation Bankless: How to secure ETHPoW forks
In the process of consolidation, when other ETHP communities moved to Pos, a group of miners planned to abandon and maintain the Pow alternative. The fork chain, known as ethPoW, has not yet had a real future, but it should grant the ETH holder a new ETHPOW token on the basis of 1:1. Interaction with ETHPOW may be very dangerous, so we provide a list that can be used to secure the ETHPOW for splits.
The two PoS concepts you need to be familiar with when the Golden Watch Ether Chamber merges in the countdown.
In this week's article, we will move further to the post-combination era and elaborate on two concepts that will emerge in the industry dialogue.
5. Web3 Soul 3 asks: Why, What, How?
We've been reading a lot of articles about the Web3 brand, but it's more at the technical level. The biggest confusion with the Web2 friends is actually at the road level. Why do we do this? What does the Web3 brand mean, and what's different from the Web2 brand?
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