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  发布时间:2020-09-08 09:45:40


Basic case


  &nsp; &nsp; &nsp; A virtual currency was contacted in 2017 through a community of friends who had promised to buy it for 100 days and 1% per day. As a result of the rise in the virtual currency of “UNIF” assets, APP, which had been installed on a mobile phone with similar shares, had joined the corresponding microbanks and purchased part of its virtual digital currency. In February 2018, some of the victims were introduced to HUNH’s virtual digital currency, and promised that the digital currency would not rise. Some of the “Universal Assets” that had been promised to HUNH and others had been paid back 100 days, and one of them had to sit back 1% a day.


Case Dissenting


& ensp; & ensp; & ensp; & ensp; & ensp; what should be the characterization of a previously recommended purchase and sale of virtual digital currency?


    &nsp;   &nsp; the first view is that a person who had invested his own assets in the Federation, but who knew that a virtual digital currency of the Federation held his own, could not be cashed on a trading platform, continued to rely on the virtual digital currency of the United Nations assets as a prelude to rising or not falling, and induced investors to invest in virtual digital money in order to extort money from others, whose conduct should be criminalized as fraud.


    &   and &ensp. Second, the view is that the so-called trading platform for the “UNIF assets” virtual digital currency is artificially manipulated, with prices being manipulated so as to increase the value of the currency, but that the currency cannot be released once from the wallet, with 0.5 to 1 per cent per day being released in the previous period, and the software APP not being opened at a later stage. An investment in the “UNWF assets” virtual digital currency in an all-nightly rich dream and under the guise of a rising and unflinching investment is considered a crime of organizing and leading distribution activities.

    第三种观点认为,曾某明知 “世联资产”虚拟数字货币不能在中国销售,仍大量购买了“世联资产”虚拟数字货币并向他人推荐购买和销售,严重扰乱市场经济秩序,其行为应认定为非法经营罪。

A third view is that a person who, knowing that the virtual digital currency of “UNIF assets” cannot be sold in China, purchased and recommended for sale the virtual digital currency of “UNIF assets” in large quantities, seriously disrupts the market economic order, should be found guilty of illegal operations.


Case assessment


& ensp; & ensp; & ensp; & ensp; & ensp; I agree with the third view for the following main reasons:


    & & & ensp; & ensp; for an accurate characterization of a previous act in this case, the conduct of the operators of the virtual digital currency and the trading platform for the issuance of “UNIF assets” first needs to be analysed, and secondly, the behaviour of the persons in the microgroup who recommended and informed a previous method of purchasing and selling “UNIF assets” virtual digital currency, and again the nature and extent of knowledge of a former “UNIF assets” virtual digital currency, and finally the subjective purpose of recommending the purchase and sale of a virtual digital currency to another person.


Five ministries, including the People's Bank of China, issued the Notice on Protection against Risk of Bitcoin in 2013, which states that: “bitcoin is not a currency issued by the Monetary Bureau, has no legal and mandatory monetary attributes, is not a currency in the true sense. Bitcoin is by its nature a specific virtual commodity, does not have a legal status equivalent to that of money, cannot and should not circulate as a currency on the market.” Seven ministries, such as the People's Bank of China, in 2017, issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of coins in exchange: “Demonium or ‘virtual currency’ is not issued by a money authority, has no legal and legal status, such as currency, cannot and should not be used as a currency for circulation, cannot and should not be used as an intermediary in the market, cannot and should not be used as a currency in exchange for the illegal sale, circulation of currency or currency, the illegal sale of currency, or the so-called ‘virtual money’ is an illegal currency, or the sale or purchase of currency, and the illegal sale of currency, or currency, as an illegal currency, and the illegal sale of foreign currency, or foreign currency, is not authorized as a foreign currency.


    &     after it became clear that the virtual digital currency was of a Chinese nature, the relationship between the person who issued the virtual digital currency “the assets of the World Federation” and the operator of the virtual digital money exchange platform “the assets of the World Federation” was not included in the microletter, the person who issued the virtual digital currency “the assets of the World Federation” and the operator of the virtual digital money trading platform “the assets of the World Federation” were not present in the case, and the persons who used the virtual digital money exchange platform “the assets of the World Federation” were not present in the case of the virtual digital money exchange platform operators of the “the assets of the World Federation” were not present in the case of the virtual digital money exchange platform operators of the United States”, the persons who “the assets of the Federation” were not in the case of the “digitized assets of the United States” were not in the case of the “digitized assets of the United States”, the persons who were suspected of selling the assets of the United States, and those who were likely to exploit the virtual digitally sold the assets of the virtual digital currency of the United States, and the virtual money trading platform of the United States, if those that could be used as a virtual money for the purpose of the business business business of the net of the business of the United States, but were not in the business of the virtual money business of the United States.

    明确了发行“世联资产”虚拟数字货币的人员和“世联资产”虚拟数字货币交易平台运营人员可能构成的犯罪,再对微信群中向曾某推荐购买和销售“世联资产”虚拟数字货币并告知曾某交易方式方法的人员的行为进行分析认定明确其行为构成何种犯罪,进而最终分析曾某构成何种犯罪。如果微信群中向曾某推荐购买和销售“世联资产”虚拟数字货币并告知曾某交易方式方法的人员如果是发行“世联资产”虚拟数字货币的人员或“世联资产”虚拟数字货币交易平台运营人员的一员,微信群中向曾某推荐购买和销售“世联资产”虚拟数字货币并告知曾某交易方式方法的人员与发行“世联资产”虚拟数字货币的人员或“世联资产”虚拟数字货币交易平台运营人员属共同犯罪,构成诈骗罪或者组织、领导传销罪,此时曾某如果明确知晓“世联资产”虚拟数字货币的买卖行为构成何种犯罪而仍向他人推荐购买和销售“世联资产”虚拟数字货币则曾某与微信群向其推荐购买和销售“世联资产”虚拟数字货币人员具有共同的犯意属共同犯罪,构成诈骗罪或者组织、领导传销罪;曾某如果不明确知晓发行“世联资产”虚拟数字货币的人员或“世联资产”虚拟数字货币交易平台运营人员利用“世联资产”虚拟数字货币来实施犯罪,曾某只是明知 “世联资产”虚拟数字货币不能在中国销售仍大量购买了“世联资产”虚拟数字货币并向他人推荐购买和销售,曾某的行为构成非法经营罪。如果微信群中向曾某推荐购买和销售“世联资产”虚拟数字货币人员同曾某一样也是因为做着一夜暴富的发财梦被骗去投资去向他人推荐购买和销售“世联资产”虚拟数字货币,此时向曾某推荐购买和销售“世联资产”虚拟数字货币人员和曾某构成一样罪名,均构成非法经营罪。本案中,因只有曾某一个人到案, “世联资产”虚拟数字货币的发行人、“世联资产”虚拟数字货币交易平台运营人员以及微信中向曾某贩卖“世联资产”虚拟数字货币的人员均未到案,只能采信有利于曾某的证据,认定曾某不是“世联资产”虚拟数字货币的发行人或者“世联资产”虚拟数字货币交易平台运营人员一员,对“世联资产”虚拟数字货币的发行人或者“世联资产”虚拟数字货币交易平台运营人员的犯罪行为并不知情,曾某只是明知 “世联资产”虚拟数字货币不能在中国销售,仍大量购买了“世联资产”虚拟数字货币并向他人推荐购买和销售,其行为构成非法经营罪。

    &     Clarifying crimes that may be committed by persons who issue virtual digital currency for “the assets of the World Federation” and those who operate virtual digital money trading platforms for “the assets of the World Federation”, and analysing the behaviour of persons in micro-groups who recommend methods for purchasing and selling virtual digital currency for a transaction, and informing those who have recommended methods for the purchase and sale of “the assets of the World Federation” and, if those in micro-groups who recommend the purchase and sale of virtual digital currency for the assets of the World Federation or the virtual digital money trading platform for the purchase of assets for the sale of the assets of the United States of America and the virtual money trading platform for the sale of the assets of the United States of the United States of America and the virtual money trading platform for the sale of the assets of the United States of America.


    &   and   Finally, in the present case, it was found that an act constituted an offence of illegal operation only because the case was committed by only one individual and there was not enough evidence that a crime constituted fraud or organized or led other offences. As for the issuer of a virtual digital currency that was a “UNIF asset” or a member of the operator of the “UNIF asset” virtual digital money trading platform, or the issuer of a virtual digital currency or the operator of a “UNIF asset” virtual digital trading platform, the purchase and sale of a “UNIF asset” virtual digital currency was recommended to others for purchase and sale.






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