什么是Web3.0 有什么特点?Web3.0时代我们的生活将产生何种影响?

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作者 | Wayne

Author Wayne


White-line block chain (ID:ellobtc)

什么是 Web 3.0 呢?用一句话来说,Web 3.0 是更加以用户为中心、专注于使事情更加人性化的、透明的、安全的互联网。

What's Web 3.0? In one sentence, Web 3.0 is a more user-centred, transparent and secure Internet that focuses on making things more human.

在介绍 Web 3.0 之前,我们不妨先回顾一下 Web 1.0 和 2.0。

Before introducing Web 3.0, we would like to recall Web 1.0 and 2.0.


Web 1.0:一切的开始

Web 1.0: The beginning of everything

听说过拨号连接以及下载 5MB 的文件要花 200 年时间的事情吗?人们当时主要使用互联网来维持基本的沟通。通常,您只能在大公司办公室才能看到互联网的使用。与现在相比,网站数量非常少。是的,当时事情并不那么美好,但这是一个开始,是一个文明新时代的开始。我们称之为互联网 Web 1.0。

Have you ever heard of dial-up connections and downloads of 5MB files that take 200 years? People used the Internet mainly to maintain basic communication. Usually, you can only see the use of the Internet in large company offices. Compared to today, the number of sites is very low. Yes, things were not so good then, but this was the beginning of a new era of civilization. We call the Internet Web 1.0.

Web 1.0 是单向的。大公司创造了供人们阅读的内容,几乎没有交互,用户只能读取数据,只有内容创造者才能编辑和创作内容。所以,就像在图书馆看书一样,用户没有太多权利,他们只是消费者。

Web 1.0 is one-way. companies create content for people to read, hardly interact with, users can only read data, only content creators can edit and create content. So, like libraries, users don't have much power, they're just consumers.


Later, the raid appeared. People started copying other content, then posting it on their website, and the original content was very rare, so even universities did not believe in the Internet, and searching for a simple message required a trip to the library. Of course, there was no social media at the time.


Web 2.0:社会革命

Web 2.0: Social Revolution

当 Web 2.0 出现后,终端用户获益匪浅。用户可以编写并读取数据,人们也意识到了只能处理一百万用户的框架存在严重的限制。Web 2.0 可以处理数十亿用户, 它有基于 Ajax 和 JavaScript 的框架,博客取代了枯燥的静态网页内容。

benefits end-users when Web 2.0 comes along. users can produce and read data, and people realize that there are serious limitations on the framework that can handle only one million users. Web 2.0 can handle billions of users, with a framework based on Ajax and JavaScript, and blogs replace boring static web content.

Web 2.0 还引入了视频流和在线游戏,所有东西都上线了。网站可以互动,更具活力,网上商店开始统治世界经济。

Web 2.0 also introduced video streams and online games, all of which are online. web sites can interact and become more dynamic, and online shops are beginning to dominate the world economy.

你可以说,它是一场真正的革命,Web 应用程序的引入开辟了新的视野。

You can say it's a real revolution, and the introduction of Web applications opens up new horizons.


Web 3.0:未来互联网

Web 3.0: Future Internet


1, everything's connected


Looking around, we now have smart refrigerators, smart TVs, smart scales, family assistants like Little Love. All these things can be connected to the Internet, and they form a network of devices called Iot.

物联网是 Web 3.0 的最大特征之一,目的是将所有东西都连接到互联网。目前,并非所有设备都可以连接,我们现在没有这种基础设施,但随着 5G 的发展,这一目标将在不远的未来得以实现。

Physical networking is one of the biggest features of Web 3.0 to connect everything to the Internet. At present, not all devices are connected, and we now do not have this infrastructure, but this goal will be achieved in the near future with the development of 5G.


2, centred on users

Web 3.0区块链 DApp更注重以用户为中心,它将排除中间人,我们不必依赖私人公司控制的巨大数据服务器,我们的个人数据将更加安全和私密。由于没有中心化服务器,所有数据都将在设备之间传播,人们可以自由访问它们。它将创造一个更加人性化的互联网世界。

The web 3.0 block chain, Dapp, is more user-centred, it will exclude intermediaries, we will not have to rely on large data servers controlled by private companies, and our personal data will be more secure and private. Without a centralized server, all data will be disseminated between devices, and people will have free access to them. It will create a more humane Internet world.


3, artificial intelligence

人工智能将主要致力于为人们提供更好的分析和结果。事实上,科技巨头已经在开展他们的 AI 项目,比如人工智能会尝试给你推荐符合你品味的音乐。

Artificial intelligence will focus on providing people with better analysis and results. In fact, technology giants are already working on their AI projects, such as artificial intelligence, which will try to recommend music that suits your taste.

此外,你会发现,当你在 Google 上搜索特定产品后,你 Facebook 网页上的广告也会发生变化,一切都是相互关联的。因此,未来的营销策略将不再采用大规模营销技术,而是以人为本。

Besides, you'll find that when you search Google for specific products, your Facebook page advertisements will change, and everything will be interconnected. So the future marketing strategy will not be about mass marketing, but about people.


4, semantic network

区块链技术堆栈提出了称为语义网的主题。语义网意味着理解 Web 内容的方法,就像人类行为,它与机器学习和人工智能相关联,试图教会计算机理解数据及其行为方式。在语义搜索中,搜索结果将更加准确和相关。Web 2.0 依赖于关键字,页面权限和域权限来对内容进行排名,但 Web 3 浏览器试图像人一样理解 Web 内容。

Block chain technical stacks suggest a theme called semantic networks. Semantic networks mean ways to understand web content, like human behavior, which is associated with machine learning and artificial intelligence, and try to teach computers how to understand data and how to behave. In semantic searches, search results are more accurate and relevant. Web 2.0 relies on keywords, page rights and domain privileges to rank content, but Web 3 browsers try to understand Web content as people do.

5、3D 图形和内容的未来

5 and 3D The future of graphics and content

毫无疑问,如今网页内容更具图像性,人们喜欢看到和分享视频和图像,而不是简单的文字。近期,增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)将会普及化,不同的应用和游戏将拥有更多逼真的图形和感觉。此外,3D 打印不仅限于实验室用途,人们将更多地使用 3D 打印,它将变得更加可用,更加便宜。

There is no doubt that the content of the web pages is more graphic today, and people like to see and share videos and images, rather than simple text. In the near future, enhancing reality and virtual reality (VR) will become more popular, and different applications and games will have more realistic graphics and feelings. Moreover, 3D printing is not limited to laboratory uses, and people will use 3D printing more, and it will become more usable and cheaper.

Web 3.0 将重造我们的互联网世界,更多可能,还在想象之外。

Web 3.0 will recreate our Internet world, more likely, beyond imagination.


What do you expect most about the future of the Internet? welcomes sharing your views in the message area.



Statement: This series is intended to be an introductory part of the block chain and does not constitute any investment advice or advice. Please leave a message if you have any errors.


"Strong" relatives, 99.9% of people with taste are said to be "seeing"




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