How much is it worth in Ether?
今天的以太坊价格为 1,849.12 美元,24 小时交易量为 6,702,259,778 美元。以太坊在过去 24 小时内上涨了 1.08% 。当前 CoinMarketCap 排名第二,实时市值为 222,496,366,329 美元。它的循环供应量为 120,325,421 ETH 硬币,最大。供应不可用。
Today's price is $1,849.12 and 24 hours worth of transactions is $6,702,259,778. In the last 24 hours, it has risen by 1.08%. CoinMarketCap is currently ranked second, with a real-time market value of $222,496,366,329. It has a revolving supply of 120,325,421 ETH coins, the largest.
Etherm price analysis: Etherm prices have fallen from the upswing, testing key support positions
以太坊的价格走势目前正在测试关键支撑位,表明如果它保持在 1,827 美元上方,则可能出现看涨逆转。
The key support position is currently being tested at the Taiwan price, indicating that if it remains above US$ 1,827, there may be a perceived reversal of the upturn.
技术指标,如 RSI 和 50 天 EMA 斜率,为买家带来额外支持。
Technical indicators, such as RSI and 50-day EMA slopes, provide additional support to buyers.
A fall in the supporting trend line may increase the selling pressure and lead to longer price revisions.
2023 年 5 月 9 日的以太坊价格分析显示,以太坊价格已从上升楔形形态下跌,这是一种可能导致价格进一步下跌的看跌技术形态。楔形底部位于 1,367 美元,比当前的 1,847.71 美元低 25%。这份以太坊价格分析指出,比特币的价格走势和即将发布的消费者价格指数 (CPI) 报告可能会影响价格下跌。
The Etherbe price analysis of 9 May 2023 shows that the price of the taupuleg has fallen from an upward spiral, a form of technology that could lead to a further fall in prices. The chalk bottom is US$ 1,367, 25% lower than the current US$ 1,847.71. The Etheraya price analysis suggests that the price movement of the bitcoin and the forthcoming CPI report could affect the price decline.
另一方面,如果以太坊价格保持在 1,820 美元的支撑位上方,则可能预示着潜在的价格逆转。在这种情况下,突破 2,000 美元的阻力位可能导致以太坊价格飙升,有可能重新测试 2,130 美元的高位。
On the other hand, keeping the price above the US$1,820 support position at the Taiwan price could portend a potential price reversal. In this case, breaking the US$2,000 resistance could lead to a sharp rise in the US$ 2,130 high at the Taiyeon price, with the possibility of retesting the US$ 2,130 high.
尽管有可能出现看涨逆转,但以太坊价格在加密市场经历了巨大的抛售压力,在短短四天内从 2,000 美元的高位跌至 1,827 美元的低位,跌幅达 9%。以太坊价格此后反弹至 1,855 美元并正在测试关键支撑位。
Despite the possibility of upward and reversals, the price of Etheria has experienced huge selling pressures in the encryption market, falling from a high of $2,000 to a low of $1,827 in just four days, a 9% decline. The price of Etheraya has since rebounded to $1,855 and is testing key support positions.
Key technological and market factors affecting the evolution of the prices of the Tails
多个技术水平在 1,827 美元水平附近累积,形成高度集中的支撑区域。该支撑区有一条上升趋势线、23.6% 的斐波那契回撤位和一个水平支撑位,表明买家正在积极逢低吸纳。此外,昨天的日线图显示在 1,827 美元的支撑位有一根长尾拒绝蜡烛,表明买家继续捍卫这一水平。
Several levels of technology have accumulated near the US$1,827 level, forming a highly concentrated support area. There is an upward trend line in the support area, 23.6% of Fibonacci's retreat and a horizontal support position, indicating that buyers are actively engaging in low absorption.
1,827 美元水平的看涨逆转迹象预示着可能上涨至 2,000 美元。以太坊的盘中交易量为 78 亿美元,涨幅为 10%,表明买家对当前的以太坊价格水平表现出兴趣。
Visible signs of a reversal at the US$ 1,827 level suggest a possible rise to US$ 2,000. Using the amount of US$ 7.8 billion, or 10 per cent, in the Taiwan inventory, this represents an interest on the part of buyers in the current level of ETA prices.
此外,每日相对强弱指数 (RSI) 斜率和 50 日指数移动平均线 (EMA) 斜率等技术指标为买家带来额外支撑。随着以太坊价格重新测试 1,827 美元的支撑位,每日 RSI 斜率略有倾斜表明购买压力正在上升,可能出现逆转。
In addition, technical indicators such as the relative strength of the index (RSI) and the 50-day moving average of the index (EMA) are providing additional support to buyers. With a retesting of US$1,827 at Taiwan’s price, the daily SRI is slightly tilted to indicate that the pressure on purchases is on the rise and is likely to reverse.
ETH/USD 1 日价格走势图:TradingView
ETH/USD 1 day price trends: TradingView
While there is a risk of upward and reversal, a fall in the supporting trend line may exacerbate the selling pressure and lead to longer price revisions.
除了技术因素外,以太坊价格下跌还受到Binance网络拥堵的影响。Binance解除比特币取款禁令的问题导致大规模拥堵,并使包括以太坊在内的主要加密货币陷入困境。尽管部分损失有所收窄,但以太坊价格仍在努力突破关键的 55 天简单移动平均线 (SMA) 水平,该水平在 4 月和 5 月起到了支撑作用。
In addition to technological factors, the decline in the price of the Taiyo is also affected by the Binance network congestion. The issue of the Binance lifting of the Bitcoin withdrawal ban has led to massive congestion and has put major encrypted currencies, including the Taiyeon, in a difficult position.
4 小时图上的以太坊价格分析:ETH 在 1,850.43 美元上方盘整,看跌 MACD
Etheria price analysis on the 4-hour map: ETH at $1,850.43 top plate, look down MACD
以太坊价格目前在四小时图上盘整,交易价格在 1850.43 美元至 1858.88 美元之间。以太坊价格保持在 1606 美元至 2030 美元上涨行情的 23.60% 斐波那契回撤位上方,表明短期内可能出现逆转。
The price is now rounded up on the four-hour map, with a transaction price ranging from $1850.43 to $185.88. The price is kept at $1606 to $2030. 23.60% of the price rises, and Fibonacci retreats, suggesting a possible reversal in the short term.
ETH/USD 4 小时图:TradingView
ETH/USD 4 Hours Chart: TradingView
MACD 自 4 月 29 日以来一直看跌,负背离暗示进一步下行。价格分别低于 50 天简单移动平均线 (SMA) 和 200 天 SMA,这表明如果以太坊未能突破这些水平,它可能很快会延续跌势。
MACD has been looking down since April 29 and negative deviations suggest further downs. Prices are below the 50-day simple moving average (SMA) and 200-day SMA, respectively, suggesting that if Etheria fails to break these levels, it may soon continue to fall.
What can you expect from Ether's price analysis?
以太坊价格已从上升楔形形态下跌,其走势目前正在测试关键支撑位。如果以太坊价格保持在 1,827 美元的支撑位上方,则存在看涨逆转的可能性,这可能导致价格飙升,有可能重新测试 2,130 美元的高位。然而,跌破支撑趋势线可能会加剧抛售压力,导致更长时间的价格调整。
The trend is now testing key support positions, as Taiwan’s prices have fallen from rising scaffolding patterns. If they are kept above the US$1,827, there is a risk of a reversal, which could lead to price spikes and a re-testing of the US$2,130 high.
以太坊价格预测 2023-2032
2023-2032 at Taiyo prices
Cryptopolitan 的价格预测
Cryptopolitan price forecast
年 | 最低价格 | 平均价格 | 最高价格 |
2023年 | 2,289.30 美元 | 2,369.52 美元 | 2,768.90 美元 |
2024年 | 3,257.67 美元 | 3,376.15 美元 | 4,009.99 美元 |
2025年 | 4,772.53 美元 | 4,857.57 美元 | 5,650.94 美元 |
2026年 | 6,727.53 美元 | 6,921.83 美元 | 8,246.71 美元 |
2027年 | 9,234.53 美元 | 9,580.62 美元 | 11,281.49 美元 |
2028年 | 14,275.59 美元 | 14,754.63 美元 | 16,253.66 美元 |
2029 | 21,766.63 美元 | 22,504.36 美元 | 24,515 美元 |
2030年 | 31,891.86 美元 | 33,017.08 美元 | 37,749.60 美元 |
2031年 | 46,794.45 美元 | 48,445.30 美元 | 55,442.07 美元 |
2032 | 65,289.06 美元 | 67,711.32 美元 | 79,393.50 美元 |
以太坊价格预测 2023
It's 2023 at Taicha's price.
在我们对 2023 年以太坊价格的预测中,我们预计该代币的最低交易价格为 2,293.20 美元,平均价格为 2,369.52 美元。随着几次预定的生态系统升级,我们预计以太坊的价值将飙升并达到 2,768.90 美元的最高价格
In our 2023 projection of Taiwan prices, we expect that the minimum transaction price for the coin will be $2,293.20, with an average price of $2,369.52. With several planned ecosystem upgrades, we expect that the value of Taiwan will soar and reach its highest price of $2,768.90.
以太坊价格预测 2024
It's projected at 2024 at Tairya's price.
根据我们对 2024 年以太坊价格的预测,我们预计最低价格为 3,257.67 美元,平均价格为 3,376.15 美元。然而,如果以太坊的增长轨迹持续下去,我们预测其价值在峰值时可能高达 4,009.99 美元。
According to our 2024 projection of Taiwan prices, we expect the lowest price to be $3,257.67 and the average price to be $3,376.15. However, if we continue with the Taiwan growth trajectory, we predict that its value may be as high as $4,009.99 at the peak.
以太坊价格预测 2025
It's forecasted at the Tairyan price of 2025.
根据我们对 2025 年以太坊价格的预测,ETH 的最低价格为 4,722.53 美元,而平均价格预计在 4,857.57 美元左右。在此期间,以太坊的价值有可能显着增长,到 2025 年底,该代币的最高价格可能达到 5,650.94 美元。
According to our projection of ETH prices in 2025, the lowest price is $4,722.53, while the average price is expected to be around $4,857.57. During this period, the value of ETH is likely to increase significantly, and by the end of 2025, the maximum price of that currency could be $5,655.94.
以太坊价格预测 2026
It's projected at 2026.
根据 2026 年的价格预测,我们预计该代币的最低价格为 6,727.53 美元,平均预测值为 6,921.82 美元。此外,我们预计 ETH 的价格到 2026 年底将飙升至 8,246.71 美元的最高水平。
On the basis of 2026 price projections, we expect the minimum price to be $6,727.53, with an average forecast of $6,921.82. Moreover, we expect the price of ETH to rise sharply to the highest level of $8,246.71 by the end of 2026.
以太坊价格预测 2027
It's projected at 2027 at Tairya's price.
我们对 2027 年的以太坊价格预测最低值为 9,234.53 美元,平均交易价格为 9,580.62 美元。根据以太坊对 2027 年的价格预测,年内价格最高可达 11,281.49 美元。
In 2027, we projected a minimum value of $9,234.53 and an average transaction price of $9,580.62. According to a 2027 price forecast, prices can reach a maximum of $11,281.49 in the year.
以太坊价格预测 2028
2028 at Tairya's price.
根据我们对 2028 年的以太坊价格预测,预计 ETH 代币将出现看涨趋势,预计底价为 14,275.59 美元,平均交易价值为 14,754.63 美元。2028 年的最高潜在价格估计将达到 16,253.66 美元,反映出代币估值的显着增加。
On the basis of our 2028 projection of ETA prices, it is expected that ETH will show a perceived upward trend, with a base price of $14,275.59 and an average transaction value of $14,754.63. The highest potential price is estimated at $16,253.66 in 2028, reflecting a significant increase in the valuation of the currency.
以太坊价格预测 2029
It's projected at 2029 at Tairya's price.
我们对 2029 年的以太坊价格预测表明,最低价格水平可能为 21,766.63 美元。ETH 代币预计将经历显着增长,最高潜在价格为 24,515 美元,平均预计价值为 22,504.36 美元。
Our 2029 projections for ETA prices suggest that the lowest price level is likely to be $21,766.63. The ETH is expected to experience significant growth, with a maximum potential price of $24,515, with an average projected value of $22,504.36.
以太坊价格预测 2030
It's forecasted at the Tairyan price of 2030.
根据我们对 2030 年以太坊价格的预测,我们预计加密货币的价值到年底可能会跌至 31,891.86 美元的低点。然而,我们预计平均交易价格为 33,017.08 美元,最高预估价格高达 37,749.60 美元。
On the basis of our projections of the price of Taiwan in 2030, we expect the value of encrypted money to fall to a low of $31,891.86 by the end of the year. However, we expect the average transaction price to be $33,017.08, with a maximum pre-value of $37,749.60.
以太坊价格预测 2031
2031 at Taiyo's price.
根据我们对 2031 年以太坊价格的预测,ETH 的最低价格约为 46,794.45 美元,而平均价格预计约为 48,445.30 美元。预计 2031 年 ETH 的最高估值将达到 55,442.07 美元。
According to our projections for 2031 at Taiyo prices, the lowest price for ETH is approximately $46,794.45, while the average price is expected to be approximately $48,445.30. The highest value for ETH is expected to be $55,442.07 in 2031.
以太坊价格预测 2032
It's projected at 2032 at Tairya's price.
根据我们对 2032 年的以太坊价格预测,ETH 硬币有望稳步上涨。然而,该代币的最低价格预计为 65,289.06 美元,表明价格有望保持在该水平以下。平均交易价格估计为 67,711.32 美元,表明稳定增长。同时,2032 年的最高预估价格为 79,393.50 美元,表明价格可能会飙升。
On the basis of our 2032 predictions for the Taiwan price, the ETH coin is expected to rise steadily. However, the minimum price of the token is expected to be $65,289.06, indicating that prices are expected to remain below that level. The average transaction price is estimated at $67,711.32, indicating steady growth. At the same time, the highest pre-estimate for 2032 was $79,393.50, suggesting that prices could surge.
The Wallet Investor's Etherm Price Forecast
钱包投资者预测以太坊是一项糟糕的长期投资。据他们称,以太坊价值 447.316 美元。五年后,他们预测硬币将贬值 99.162%。
Wallet investors predict a bad long-term investment, according to them, with a value of $447.316. Five years later, they predict that the coin will depreciate by 99.162%.
CryptoPredictions 的以太坊价格预测
CryptoPredictions projected in tatapon prices
根据 CryptoPredictions,以太坊的最高交易价格为 2,115 美元。然而,该代币的最低交易价格预计为 1,437 美元,而其平均交易价格预计为 1,691 美元。
According to CryptoPredictions, the highest trading price in Taiku is US$ 2,115. However, the lowest trading price in the currency is expected to be US$ 1,437, while the average transaction price is expected to be US$ 1,691.
到 2025 年,预计 ETH 硬币的最高价格为 2,209 美元。该代币的最低价格预计为 1,502 美元;该代币的平均价格预计为 1,767 美元。
By 2025, the maximum price of the ETH coin is expected to be US$ 2,209. The minimum price of the coin is projected to be US$ 1,502; the average price of the coin is projected to be US$ 1,767.
CryptoPredictions 还预测,到 2027 年,以太坊的最高价格将达到 3,427 美元。该代币的平均交易价格预计为 2,741 美元,最低价格为 2,330 美元。
CryptoPredictions also predicts that, by 2027, the highest price in the Taiku will be US$3,427. The average transaction price in this currency is expected to be US$ 2,741 and the lowest price is US$ 2,330.
It's forecasted in tavern prices through digital coins.
数字硬币价格看涨以太坊。他们的预测预测,到 2023 年底,该代币的最高价值将达到 4,057 美元。届时该代币的平均交易价格预计为 3,949 美元,而其最低价格预计为 1,654 美元。
They predict that by the end of 2023, the maximum value of the coin will be $4,057. At that time, the average transaction price of the coin is expected to be $3,949, while its lowest price is expected to be $1,654.
到 2026 年,ETH 的最高价格预计为 8,369 美元,最低价格为 7,112 美元。该代币的平均交易价格预计为 8,198 美元。
By 2026, the highest price of ETH is projected at US$ 8,369 and the lowest price at US$ 7,112. The average transaction price for this currency is expected to be US$ 8,198.
此外,Digital Coin Price 还预测,到 2029 年,以太币的最高价格将达到 13,839 美元,最低价格将达到 12,475 美元。届时该币的平均交易价格预计为 13,748 美元。
In addition, Digital Coin Price predicts that by 2029 the maximum price in the Tai currency will be US$ 13,839 and the minimum price US$ 12,475. At that time, the average transaction price for the currency is expected to be US$ 13,748.
根据 Digital Coin Price 的数据,到 2032 年,以太坊的最高价格预计将达到 35,877 美元。到那时,他们预测该代币的最低价格为 34,685 美元,平均交易价格为 35,000 美元。
According to Digital Coin Price, by 2032, the highest price in the Taiku is expected to be $35,877. By that time, they forecast the lowest price for the token to be $34,685, and the average transaction price to be $35,000.
Coincodex 的以太坊价格预测
Coincodex's Etheria Price Forecast
Coincodex 预测以太坊是一项不错的长期投资。他们预测该硬币的最高价格将在一年内达到 9,879 美元。
Coincodex projects a good long-term investment. They predict that the maximum price of the coin will reach $9,879 in a year.
Coincodex 还根据技术增长对以太坊进行了长期预测。根据他们的预测,到 2026 年,如果 ETH 币跟随互联网增长,其价值将达到 4,639 美元。Coincodex 还表示,如果跟随谷歌的增长,到 2026 年,以太坊的最高价格将达到 9,912 美元。
Coincodex also makes a long-term projection of the Etheria based on technological growth. According to their projections, by 2026, if the ETH currency follows the Internet, its value will be $4,639. Coincodex also states that by 2026, if it follows Google’s growth, it will be $9,912 at its highest price.
根据 Coincodex 的数据,如果跟随 Faacebook 的增长,以太坊预计价值 40,444 美元。
According to Coincodex, if the growth of Faacebook is followed, the value is expected to be US$ 40,444.
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