Static page xff0c; content can only be read by users xff0c; it is similar to reading newspapers or books online.
Dynamic Internet & #xff0c; achieves interaction between users & #xff0c; e.g. twitter,facebook, titok etc.
The free or very low commercial cost of the web 2.0 plant attracts users & #xff0c; profites by gaining access to user information to push advertising.
打个比方就是 厂商在一片地上种了很多草,吸引羊来吃,趁着羊吃草的功夫把羊身上的毛薅下来拿去卖钱,而羊自己并不在意这些毛,可以说是一种双向互利的方式。
For example, the manufacturer grows a lot of grass #xff0c on a piece of land; attracts sheep to eat xff0c; xff0c , , , ,
Web3.0 is a vague concept & #xff0c; as block chain technology develops & #xff0c; web3.0 based on block chain was born.
Then, in the example above, xff0c; growing xff0c as web 2.0 develops; scarce xff0c; scarce xff0c; scarce xff0c; but wool xff0c; i.e. data on users. Then wool is more important xff0c; so the concept of xff0c is proposed xff0c; xff0c; others are unable to modify xff0c; xff08; data xff09; stored in a very safe place xff0c; compared to web2.0xff0c; not only have dynamic interactions #xff0c; and “possession” of data is also achieved.
The concept of web3 is very vague xff0c; it can be said to be a big direction xff0c; it is my personal understanding that it creates a virtual world on the Internet xff0c; it has the same monetary trading system as the real world xff0c and other systems xff0c; it is an autonomously functioning “virtual ecosystem” xff0c; and the ecosystem's survival method is “decentralization”.
what's decentralizing #xff1f;
For example, applications on the market are now run by a single manufacturer xff0c; manufacturers are free to delete control user data xff0c; there is a manufacturer-centred service system xff0c; decentralization is the absence of a central manufacturer as a core xff0c; and all users form a self-reliant system.
As web 2.0 develops xff0c; digital currency is increasingly used xff0c; supported by block chain technology xff0c; digital currency has also emerged in a completely new form of existence xff0c; decentralized cryptographic currency xff0c; the world’s first cryptographic currency is Bitcoin. xff0c, like banknotes with anti-pseudoprints xff0c; code currency has been calculated and bound to smart contracts xff0c, which is commonly referred to as altcoins.
The tamper-proofing mechanism of the
contains three items xff1a; data xff0c; the hash value of the previous block xff0c; its own hash value xff08; the co-decision xff09; xff0c; if the content of a block is changed xff0c; then the link between the blocks xff08; a block xff09; the hash value xff0c; the next block xff08; b block #ff09; the stored hash value of a block cannot correspond to the current Hash value of a block xff0c; the link between the two blocks is broken.
If we want to tamper with the data of a block xff0c; if we want to recalculate the xff0c for this block and for all subsequent blocks xff0c; if we have five blocks xff0c in a block chain; when we have tampered with the data of block b xff0c; if we want to recalculate the new hash value of block c xff0c; then we have to recalculate the new hash value of block d xff0c with the new hash value of block c and the data of block d xff0c; and if we have recalculated the hash value of block e with the new hash value of block d and the data of block e, then the process of recalculating the hash value of a block is tantamount to the creation of a new block xff0c; therefore, the time taken to alter a block and the subsequent block depends on the time needed to create a block.
这个看起来对算力要求似乎非常庞大,但是现代计算机其实是可以做到这一点的,如果我们有一台超大算力的计算机,那么是不是轻松就可以改变区块链的内容了?为了防止这种情况的出现,区块链加入了工作量证明机制(proof of work)简称 pow
This seems to require a very large amount of arithmetic xff0c; but modern computers actually do this xff0c; if we have a superb computer xff0c; if it's easy to change the content of the block chain xff1f; to prevent this from happening xff0c; to add a workload certification mechanism xff08; proof of workxff09; pow
Let's use the game as an example of the pow & #xff0c; we just talked about using super arithmetic computers to tamper with block chains & #xff0c; it's as if you had a full-fledged god in a new-hand village killing #xff0c; the block chain is not allowed to occur #xff0c; so it changes monster properties xff0c; that is, it increases the difficulty of creating a block #xff0c; keeps every new block created for about ten minutes xff08; of course this time can be changed xff09; #xff0c; so even a super-calc computer will still take the time to tamper with a block.
So what we are talking about is mining xff1f; what is mentioned above is trying to tamper with the data in the blocks xff0c; then I am not mean xff0c; I am simply creating blocks to use xff0c for myself or for others; the process of creating the blocks is at the expense of my computer computing and some other resources xff0c; so as compensation xff0c; those who create the blocks will be rewarded with code currency xff0c; that is what we call mining.
Point-to-point network structure of the
在传统的web服务中,传统的链接对象基本都是客户端和服务端,众多客户端访问一个服务端来进行交互,而在区块链的点对点网络结构(peer to peer)中,不再有客户端与服务端的概念,每一个节点间相互平等,并且包含完整的区块链数据存储,也就是说每一个节点中都储存了整个区块链网络中的所有信息,这样即使一个节点出现故障,其他所有节点也在帮他记录信息,这些记录了所有节点区块链的节点叫做全节点,当然也有只储存了自己信息的轻节点,比如区块链用来储存转账记录,那么每一节点都储存了所有节点之间的转账记录,每一节点储存的内容也是相同的,如果某一节点与其他节点出现差异,那么该节点或许就有被篡改过的可能了,但是被篡改几乎是不可能发生的,原因看下面。
In the traditional web service xff0c; traditional link objects are basically client and service end xff0c; many clients visit a service end for interactive xff0c; while the point-to-point network structure of the block chain xff08;peer to peer) xff0c; there is no longer a client-to-service concept xff0c; each node is equal between nodes xff0c; and there is probably only one small point xff0c in each node to store their own information xff0c; even if one node fails xff0c; all other nodes are helping him to record information xff0c; these nodes of all nodes of the node are called full node xff point; there may be no other nodes x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
The point has the ability to judge whether a block has been tampered with at all nodes under the network structure xff0c; xff0c when a new block wants to join the chain of blocks at a particular node xff0c; xff0c when all nodes are judged at all; xff0c if more than 50% of the nodes believe that the block has not been tampered with xff0c; xff0c if the node is successfully joined to the node xff0c; xff0c if the node wants to alter the data of a node xff0c; xff0c if you want to recalculate all xff0c after this node; and xff0c if this is a minority of the network system that is subject to most principles.
Dapp 是什么?
APP (Application) 指的是手机里的应用程序,像是微信、微博、抖音…等都是日常生活中常会使用到的 App。
APP (Application) refers to applications in mobile phones & #xff0c; e.g., micro-mail, microblogging, shivering... are often used as App in everyday life.
而 Dapp 的全名为去中心化应用程序(Decentralized Application),是建立在区块链系统网络上,所提供的服务都具有公开透明、不可篡改的特性。
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On the other hand, the full name of Dapp is decentralised application xff08; Decentralized Application) xff0c; it is based on a network of block chain systems xff0c; the services provided are transparent and non-alterable.
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以下是 Dapp 所具有的要素:
The following are the elements of Dapp & #xff1a;
- 代码开源:程序代码皆公开透明,任何人都可以查阅及审核,避免项目方说到没做到。
- 分布式帐本:降低数据遗失的风险,且没有任何其他第三方有权能够窜改数据。
- 数据所有权:除本人(私钥持有者)外,任何人皆无法动用该帐号的数据。
为什么 Dapp 会崛起?
事实上,App 都是中心化的应用服务,用户所使用的数据都会存储在单一服务器系统里,代表公司能掌控用户的所有数据,但相关问题也随之浮出水面。
In fact, xff0c; App is a centralized application service xff0c; the data used by users are stored in a single server system xff0c; representing the company has control over all of the user's data xff0c; but the related issues also surfaced.
用户在 App 上的个人资料、搜索浏览纪录等信息都会存储在中心化系统的服务器里,这也意味着软件公司能够借由这些数据来营利。
The user's personal data on App, search browsing records, etc. are stored on a centralised system server xff0c; this also means that software companies can profit from these data.
It also results in companies such as microblogging, tremors, etc. & #xff0c; they can put ads & #xff0c through collected user data; and they can profit from it. It is equal to the fact that companies can use your information to make money & #xff0c; but you do not have any benefit #xff0c; you may even be affected xff08; for example, they are distraught by adverts, or personal information is leaked to the platform #xff09;
Also xff0c; traditional hand-walking games and account numbers are all company-owned xff0c; once declared closed xff0c; these assets also disappear as official servers close.
但在 Dapp 中,你的游戏道具、帐号都会以 NFT 形式储存在链上,因此只要区块链不倒,你就能持续拥有这些资产。换句话说,Dapp 能够让数据的所有权回归到用户身上。额外提醒,虽然你仍拥有这些资产,但可能会因为游戏已经关闭,导致这些资产的现值趋近于零,你能保有的仍以回忆居多。
But in Dapp & #xff0c; your game props, accounts, are stored on the chain & #xff0c; so you can keep these assets as long as the block chain does not fall & #xff0c. In other words & #xff0c; Dapp can return ownership of the data to the user. Additional reminder & #xff0c; although you still have these assets xff0c; it may be that the game has closed xff0c; it brings the present value of these assets closer to zeroxff0c; you can still hold more memories.
App 是由中心化服务器来进行管理,因此企业有时可以专断独行,但用户却没有任何反制的手段:例如可以随意植入广告,或是删除用户的内容、帐号。
App is managed by a centralised server & #xff0c; thus enterprises can sometimes monopolize & #xff0c; but users do not have any countermeasure & #xff1a; for example, they can insert ads & #xff0c; or delete user content, account numbers.
而 Dapp 的数据都存在区块链上,因此项目方没办法任意删除用户资料,目前也没有任何广告植入的问题(但不确定未来是否会有项目开始植入广告)。
The Dapp data, on the block chain & #xff0c; therefore, the project party is unable to delete user data at will & #xff0c; there is currently no problem with advertising & #xff08; however, it is not certain that a project will start implanting & #xff09 in the future.
由于上述几点原因,也让许多人开始对传统的 App 感到不满,于是就有人打算通过区块链“去中心化”的特性来研发能解决上述问题的 App,于是 Dapp 就此诞生。
For a number of reasons, xff0c; it also caused many people to become displeasure with the traditional App xff0c; it was then the intention to develop Appxff0c that would solve the problem through the “decentralization” character of the block chain; and it was the birth of Dapp.
不过同时也要注意,不是每个 Dapp 都一定符合公开、去中心化的规范,例如 Opensea 就能下架用户的 NFT 和限制用户登陆。
However, attention should also be paid to #xff0c; not every Dapp must meet the public, decentralised norms & #xff0c; for example, Opensea can access NFTs from the next user and limit user access.
Dapp 与 App 的差异
App 的应用服务是使用中心化服务器,代表软件公司必须要承担存储用户的数据量的营运成本,否则将无法持续地运行。
The App application service is the use of a centralised server xff0c; on behalf of the software company, it has to bear the operating costs of storing user data volumes xff0c; otherwise, it will not be sustainable.
For example, a vibrating server costs more than a million xff0c; there is a need to find ways to create revenue lines to support expenditures xff0c; for example, to extend advertising to potential users through big data xff0c; thereby attracting more advertisers.
而 Dapp 是建立在区块链上,用户在链上进行交易、换币等行为时,是需要自行负担手续费(Gas 费)的,也就代表开发商的运营成本会比传统 App 来得更低(不过有些开发商为了吸引用户,会帮用户负担使用时的手续费)。
Dapp, on the other hand, is based on the block chain xff0c; xff0c when users conduct transactions, currency swaps, etc. on the chain; xff08; xff09; ff0c, which requires self-financing; xff08; xff08, which also represents developers with lower operating costs xff08 than traditional Apps; however, there are developers who are interested in attracting users xff0c; and xff09, which will help users to cover their user fees.
Dapp | App | |
服务器 | 去中心化 | 中心化 |
隐私性 | 有(区块链匿名性) | 无(还可能被外泄) |
营运成本 | 用户共同负担(或开发商负担) | 开发商负担 |
平台获利来源 | 智能合约(链上手续费) | 广告商或用户消费 |
数据所有权 | 用户 | 开发商 |
平台控制权 | 开发商或是 DAO 治理 | 开发商 |
系统 | 区块链 | Android、iOS |
代码是否开源 | 代码皆公开,可供人参考 | 代码为公司机密,擅用者可能会吃上官司 |
A smart contract & #xff0c; a code written on a block chain & #xff0c; the code is automatically executed once an event triggers a contract & #xff0c. That is, xff0c; the condition is met to execute xff0c; no artificial manipulation is required xff0c; a backend code similar to the traditional web.
We use Javascript to hand-write a proposed block chain out of #xff0c; in fact, a chain table is similar to #xff1a;
Next, we'll use the code to get a simple Pow:
Implementation of anti-fouling mechanisms #xff1a;
Integration of the complete Pow into the block chain and realization of the mining function xff0c; eventual completion of the complete block chain xff1a;
First, we're going to create a new Transaction class to record transfers & #xff1a;
Change the meaning of data & #xff0c in blocks; at this point it is recorded as transfer information transposition & #xff0c; and since transfer is an object & #xff0c; therefore it is changed to a string & #xff08 when participating in the calculation of Hashi; here the time is changed to date.now #xff0c; thus the time of the transfer record is recorded at the time the block was created xff09; #xff1a;
xff0c; so we're doing logic on the chain xff1a;
Previously, we were sending an external block xff0c; once the entire monetary system is realized, the block should be xff0c within the block chain at the time of mining; change code xff1a;
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